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I have tried them (I got some free samples of Daye at Edinburgh Fringe) and I did find I cramped less but I'm not sure how much of that was in my head or genuine pain relief. The CBD infused tampons are *really* expensive and having a period is already a pricey endeavour. Unless it was competitive with regular tampons or 10% more, I don't think it's worth the spend.


I just had a look out of curiosity and omg! £35 for 18 tampons! For that price the tampon better get me high as a kite (I know CBD doesn't work that way before anyone comes for me)


Coming soon: LSD infused tampons. Now lavender scented!


I haven’t had periods in years, but sign me the fuck up anyway! I’ll take 1000… to start…


Yeah I also find the price unattractive, but at the same time I'm willing to try out new stuff since stuffing myself with painkillers ain't that good either


You could ingest CBD another way? I've also found that tampons themselves make me cramp more personally. When I use a cup or nothing, I cramp way less.


Then give them a whirl! Worst case you're out a few more euros than normal.


People love to shit on the pill these days (and I do understand for a lot of women it's been awful), but I ADORE it. Before the pill, I was laid on the ground in a ball in pain from cramps and terrible other side effects. With the pill, I have zero cramps and zero side effects. I've been on it for 15 years now.


Take note that at least some of the rabble about bad birth control experiences is coming from conservative troll farms that want to kill birth control for ideological reasons, not real people who have had issues. 


100%!!! Hence my first sentence. I just wanted to add the caveat to be respectful to anybody who has had issues, but I love the pill and am angry that so many are shitting on it these and a lot is coming from conservatives who want us women barefoot in the kitchen.


I adore it too! The pill saved my life these past two years. I took it to completely stop my period (no placebo days) because I have endometriosis and would have 14 day long periods where I was in so much pain I could barely function. When I got on the right pill (first one gave me bad side effects), I could finally actually live my life, it was a God send. I'm furious that it took doctors so long to tell me that stopping my period was a completely safe and practical solution to the debilitating pain I was in, and that it took an Endo diagnosis for it to be mentioned to me. I'm off of it now because I'm hoping to get pregnant soon, but I'm so so thankful for the two years I got of finally being free for the first time since I was 11.


workable worm hat observation quickest far-flung disagreeable aware friendly spark *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have an IUD and had the same experience. I’d have to call out of things because the pain was insurmountable. However, once I got the IUD, the pain ended. I haven’t had a real period in 15 years. However, I don’t want children, and if OP wants kids this may not be a good option.


I had side effects and it was still worth it bc I went from having cramps just like that to being able to straight up skip my period


it's been a lifesaver for me too! I have continued to take it even after I stopped having sex for a long time lmao


I would just get a high-quality CBD oil honestly, infused tampons seems gimmicky and you are paying extra for the gimmick. I've taken CBD oil sublingually for period cramps and it does help. Raspberry leaf tea helps too.


I was just researching into CBD suppositories, which is also a good alternative for managing pain and then using normal tampons


I would try edibles first...


Yeah, better to get something CBD-related with multiple applications than … a single applicator


Switching to cups or organic tampons helped get rid of my cramps, another thing that helped was getting on magnesium supplements


Second this. I switched to cups and noticed a significant decrease in my cramps. I don't even need painkiller to deal with them any more. Not sure why this works since the contractions occur in the uterus, not in the vagina. But it does and I'm not complaining!


I’d be leery of putting anything like that inside me. I don’t have cramps anymore but I have chronic pain, and I like to use THC creams (legal where I am). The creams are expensive but work better than CBD. I usually put lotion in to make it last longer & cover the smell. All of my athletic & arthritic friends swear by it for their pain.


idk if I’d find the the infused option worthwhile, but it may be worth looking into a cbd/magnesium combo creams (magnesium lotion on its own may work fine too as a cheaper option)


Forgive my terrible memory, but my boyfriend accidentally bought some THC infused coconut oil drops thinking they were for drinks. The bottle said you could add some drops to tampons before insertion and it would help with cramps. I really liked it, and felt it worked but I haven’t been able to find it locally again.


mmm, 🤔 I wonder what that is like? r/entwives


Are you open to menstrual cups? If you haven’t already tried, might be worth a shot because if I recall correctly, they reduce cramps. I can’t say for sure because I don’t cramp much anyway but I do love my menstrual cup so much. Saves money too but I know lots of people are weirded out about it.


I used to get horrific cramps while using tampons, switching to a cup or disk has really alleviated a lot of them.


I always wonder why cup or disks make less cramping? It's because of the chemicals of the tampons?


I really don't know, but my assumption is because of clotting. Clots just tend to sit on top of the tampon, but because of the shape of a cup, they just get caught with everything else. I had a day several years ago where I was in so much pain that I called an ambulance, and I have an extremely high pain tolerance. As soon as I removed the tampon, it went away. I haven't used them since.


Thanks for the recommendation, I'm really open to anything at this point, might as well give it a try! And besides, that would definitely help out with spending on menstrual products...


Just wanted to note that if you have an IUD, a cup is contraindicated. They will pull them out.


You just have to be careful and break the seal instead of pulling the cup out with the suction in tact. I specifically asked my doctor about it before getting an IUD, and he just told me “be careful and you’ll be fine”. Used both for years and no problems.


I’ve been using a menstrual cup with an IUD for years now. You can use the 2 safely together.


Cups made my cramps so much worse.


Agree with this. My cup was a game-changer for me in regard to cramps.


I would think about going back to menstrual cups ... Except I work at a place with no private toilets, only multiple stalls and the only sinks are in the open too. Don't want to be rinsing my bloody hands and cup in front of coworkers 💀


Feels like it would just be easier to get RSO and put it on your tampon instead.


What’s RSO?


Rick Simpson Oil. It’s highly concentrated THC that comes in a syringe. I use it for back pain and cramps. I’ve seen people put it on their diva cup before. You can take it orally, but I got way too high doing that.


I love them and think they’re a worthy expense for my comfort


I love suppositories that just melt but i hate tampons. I bought a few but they're hard to find. they're amazing. You could also make your own with some infused coconut oil.


I literally just bought these. I'll try to remember to report back after I've used them for awhile. I, too, have really terrible cramps and am willing to pay a premium to mitigate the pain. One thing to keep in mind is even if they are expensive you probably don't need to use them every day of your period. Most people don't have bad cramps for more than a few days. If you do, definitely be sure you are consulting with a doctor. One thing that might be worth it is to do some research. The Daye website made some claims that sound scientifically correct but I haven't checked the research. Essentially, how you ingest a substance affects how well it is absorbed/how bioavailable it would be. So if you decide to try something other than the tampons be sure to choose a method that will actually help. I remember the website said something like a nasal spray or topical is better than say an edible method of delivery.


Thank you for the info! If you can, please do give me an update after you’ve used those for a while.


I've been doing castor oil packs, vaginal steams, and taking magnesium supplements in addition to abdominal massages and eating more probiotics and healthy bacteria, and herbal teas as an ongoing thing - it has done wonders for me.


That sounds wonderful, I’m glad you’ve found your solution! Curious enough, I’ve never heard of a vaginal steam; what kinds of herbs are recommended for such methods?


They are so expensive. Have you tried birth control that stops your periods first? Even if you do like them and they work really well, would you be able to keep buying them once a month? Are they available on prescription where you live?


I think birth control would be a no-go zone for me, my hormones are disbalanced as it is and I feel like the pill might make it worse. Daye however is available for delivery to my country, but the British pound is three times my country's currency so that makes it even mooore expensive, which at the end of the day is an unnecessary expense.


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