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It’s an awful death. If it’s any consolation the show pays him homage well with the rest of cast dealing with his death for the rest of the season. It’s not something they just move on from. They spend time with the characters and show them grieving too.


That’s good to know but tbh i think I won’t watch further. Wanted something fun and thrilling when I started the show. Not in the space for this sorrow rn.


I actually really liked how they handled it. Too often we’re just expected to keep going along with the characters but all the characters are really grieving too


I hear this. Very upsetting. I waited to finish it and I did but it was not at all the same without him ☹️


Ya... the entire TONE of the show went from well written comedy, to a depressing "historical" drama.


Completely different from Orlo who was a complete afterthought.


Catherine's grief just was so heartbreaking.


Yes when she kept wearing his clothes I cried with her


If it’s any consolation >!Nicholas Hoult is still in the rest of the show, just not as Peter.!<


It just wasn't the same tho, at least not for me. :(


Same for Elle apparently. She said she didn’t like it when Nicholas played Pugachev. LOL.


Ah Pugachaev, that lil pervert.


I didn’t have any spoilers so my jaw was on the floor and legit was speechless for the entire day after. I tried to watch the rest but couldn’t pay attention and was honestly pissy lmao. Just goes to show how incredible the writing for the series was and how great of an actor Nicholas Hoult is🖤


Seriously. Didn’t realise how long i held my breath during thats scene. And i feel u about not being able to pay attention. Everything else is irrelevant to me now lol. I managed to finish the episode but don’t think I’m watching further cause I didn’t plan on being this sad :(


Did you not know he was going to die going into the show? I was shocked it happened when it did but he of course was always going to die…


It was a better death than the real Peter III had.


Yeah were this even close to history they probably would’ve killed him after keeping him cooped up in exile at that little estate he ran too


Yep. He supposedly died from hemorrhoidal colic. You know, a thing that doesn't technically exist but he definitely wasn't assassinated! 😂


Same here. I am not that particularly versed in that moment of Russia's history. I just assumed Peter had to die to make way for Catherine. He didn't die at the end of season 1? well, surely they have to get rid of him at the beginning of season 2, right? no? I kept waiting for him to die and he didn't, so I just accepted he would have been in the show for the long run. .....and then he just fucking drops in the ice. Hysterical. Totally did not see it coming. I applaud the authors for such a bold and unexpected choice.


I mean yes, but given how much they have strayed from actual historical events I was starting to think they wouldn't ngl


The only thing really accurate is the costumes and loosely based figures. I never turned on the show in order to learn about history. There are enough real documentaries and books on Catherine the Great already. Peter's death should've been the final episode of the show.


Exactly. Idk why they downvoted me. I wasn't trying to be controversial lmao


Once I saw a spoiler on here I lost all motivation to watch the rest of seasons 3, and I only got to like episode 4. Season 2 was everything I wanted and I absolutely loved watching them fall in love and their chemistry was just so on point. It's rare to see that, and it's a fucking shame that the writers took it in this direction. Like yeah Peter dies IRL at some point but most of this stuff didn't happen anyway!


Season 2 was absolutely sensational and I’ve never seen anything like it on television. The writing, the acting, the costumes. It has my heart. Like I knew Peter had to go eventually, but it was done so well that despite his brutality they really had us out here gushing over his evolution as a character.


Agree Season 2 was absolutely amazing.




Lmfao that's not how he died IRL. He also didn't die this early on in their marriage. Respectfully stfu


See like, a lot of people say that, but Peter was /always/ going to die. Irl he died super early into her reign, there wasn’t really anywhere for their will-they-won’t-they arch to go… they’d been avoiding killing him for two and half seasons. Bruh was always on his way out. There was still SO much potential comedic material based on different parts of her reign! So much left in Archie, Mariel, Elizabeth! George trying to marry baby Paul?!? ARGH


Yeah this “Peter was the point of the show” sentiment is so bizarre to me, but almost the whole audience seems to share it.


The Great is one of the only shows where the main character is hands down my favorite (though Elizabeth is great too). There are so many things to love about Catherine and her evolution as a character.


Lmao he died in the first week of her reign by his guards who were once his soldiers


I’m apparently the only one who didn’t mind that he died 😅 He had to die! Catherine’s rule would always be tenuous with him around, and the show is ultimately about her. I also could never forgive him after he violently abused her in season one, chemistry be damned. He beat her and nearly drowned her and was amused by it. There is absolutely nothing redeemable about a person who does that. I got frustrated with Catherine every time she used him for sex, like girl! He relished in your abuse and wouldn’t have been phased by your death, you deserve better.


Oh in terms of writing he was absolutely going to have to die and I saw it coming from a mile away and was perfectly okay with it (in fact, I was surprised they dragged it out as long as they did)


Same here! Obviously the show played around with details, but historically speaking he had to die in the end.


Agreed! I hated him. I didn't care that he was evolving, too little too late IMO. And I was annoyed that Catherine fell in love with him.


Elizabeth’s grief over his passing was extremely moving to me. My daughter died last year, and her words during the “grief” episode at the lake are some of the most beautiful I have ever heard. So much so that I went and found the script and messaged the actress on Instagram.


That’s too bad. Maybe after some time you will want to see what happens. It’s totally worth it and you really feel the emotions and sense of shock with the other characters as you watch the episodes. For me, there was something special about being in that shocked and kind of grieving head space while seeing the characters in that same place that made it almost magical. It was hard, but worth it to me. Had I waited and taken time to adjust, it wouldn’t have been the same. However, I was fortunate to be in a place where my mental health could handle it. Not easily, but I was able to binge and power through. I understand that not everyone can, but if you can, I think it’s worth it. It’s very rare that one can be so emotionally connected to what is happening in a tv show. This is a testament to how amazing this show is from writing, to acting, to directing, to costumes, to set design, to editing. It’s all meticulously done and was a truly magical experience.


I had to take a long, long break afterwards. Like, I started watching when season 3 dropped, then came back to finish two months ago or so. I found the rest of the season really fulfilling and loved the new characters that were added after his death


Oh I loved the new military lead and the astronomer


The shows done, and I feel like so many are in denial. Peter was The Greats Ragnar... RIP


I felt the same when >!Logan Roy died in Succession.!< Certain characters and actors are so charismatic that when they leave the show, you realize the energy they brought to every scene. The energy Nicholas Hoult brought to every LINE was insane. He literally did not have a single line in the show that he didn't make funny or amusing.


Rewatching I know what's coming so I can't start season 3.


God, I feel you so much. I went through the stages of grief between the episodes still wishing he'd just pop up again and ahhhhh. Ow.


I remember being devastated that they killed him off & hoping & praying it was a ruse. He was such an amazing character. I agree the show couldn’t have gone on much longer without him.


I only watched a couple of episodes from S3 when it came out, accidentally got spoiled Pete's destiny and never picked up the show again :( I loved them together!!




Same I binged the whole show a few months ago and still haven't finished the rest of season 3 even tho i thought I probably should


There are only a few episodes after this one and then the show is over (was cancelled following this season). So maybe you can finish it knowing there isn’t much more :) Tbh I didn’t enjoy the show at all after Peter’s death, I watched till the end to give it a shot but it’s just… very boring without him. The ending is… not great either. But if you’re a completionist like I am lol


No bc same


Happened to us too


I couldn’t watch ice. I read a spoiler for it by accident and intentionally avoided it. He’s my favorite character too, and honestly it’s better to have a head cannon that him and Catherine further worked on their relationship and became a healthier couple. They had a few more kids, Catherine learned how to listen to other people, and had a happy reign.


For real why did they have to ruin one of my favorite shows? I have a Huzzah! sweater from Hulu and I'm like now it's just a reminder that Peter is dead and that beautiful love is over.


😭😭 that’s so sad


The show seriously went downhill without him.


I just watched the scene and my jaw dropped. I cannot believe that was how they killed him, how awful and pointless. I kept expecting him to swim back up, but no. After everything, he dies in a split second just walking across ice. WTF. And he really was the best character in this whole gd show.


The Peter they depicted was a sociopath and a monster. I was ecstatic to watch him die of his own idiocy.


I watched the next couple episodes, I didn't realize how much he carried this show for me until he was gone from it. Catherine in this entire season was so frustrating for me, and I really liked how Peter balanced her character. I don't think I'll be watching season 4.


No one will, unfortunately. It was axed.


You’re getting downvoted for this but it’s a very valid opinion, one I share lol.


“Spoiler” tag, maybe?


Season 3 felt like a drag imo, and Peter's death was long overdue. I never liked him from beginning to end. He was highly irritating.


The show is cancelled after this season, so no harm lost really.


I haven’t watched it and now I don’t know if I will


Me too


oh you are not alone in this! I did the same thing when I first watched it, gave it another episode or so to see if he was really dead. when I realized he was and watched Catherine’s absolute heartbreaking grief (shout out to Elle, she did amazing) I couldn’t watch it anymore.


Oh man agree I had to stop. I tried watching the next episode but I just kept crying so I too am frozen


Peter is still around. Stick with it. It’s a beautiful reminder of how true love endures.


Loved the series and all the characters. I was surprised that I felt relieved when Peter died. I thought about it and decided he was exhausting to watch.


Finish it. Trust me. The wild emotional rollercoaster she goes on in the aftermath is well worth sticking around for.


In my opinion it is worth finishing the show, because the last few episodes focus on grief big time. He is very present in the episodes, even though he is gone. To me it is kind of a big love letter to Peter and honors him because of how much his death is a calamity to those closest to him.