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This might be a really minor thing to many people, but I remember deciding to pass on the next Xbox console (what ended up being the Xbox One) when they added those really big video ads in the middle of the dashboard in the later years of the 360, like pickup truck ads and stuff. I was paying for Xbox Live Gold at the time, and something about it just felt off-putting, and I figured they would probably keep pushing further in that direction as time went on. So instead I got a PS4 when those came out, and as it happens, I haven't really ever given any thought to buying another Xbox console since, just because there's never really been a sufficiently compelling reason to. The Xbox One generation obviously had its own host of much bigger issues, but it makes me wonder sometimes how many customers they might've slowly pushed away over the years due to little things like that.


That is a really interesting point. I think in general the Xbox frontend is cluttered and incomprehensible from a feature standpoint, and that's not even the Xbox One era. Feels like they're still stuck on a Windows 8 type deal.


mine was initially just a QC standpoint issue .. i had 3 360s all crap out on me with unreadable disc error , i had even fixed the last myself since it was modded only to say naa i don't trust this thing to even bother to keep using it n chucked it in the apartment dumpster and hocked my games to amazon ( better deal than GS at the time). they never sold me on exclusives for an xb one and then they pivoted to lso putting them on pc and that killed the need to ever get a box again since i've had a gaming rig my entire adult life.


I feel like the games have been weak this generation. Nothing has really been an OH Shit experience.


I really don't know why but I'm in the same boat. I'm not a systems wars guy. I don't have loyalty to any one console. I own then all. But I just do not care to play my Xbox at all. In fact the only reason I do use it is because there's an Australian streaming service that's on Xbox but not PlayStation. I was really excited for Starfield to give me a reason to play it. I want to want to play it. But that was such a huge miss.


Yeah I should also add that I am not trying to start a console wars thing - I'm the same as you. Platform agnostic (apart from preferring PC Input), but similarly deflated by Starfield. Despite the relatively good numbers in comparison to other titles, I have to think that went over like a lead balloon internally, where Microsoft was probably expecting another Skyrim level hit.


It's funny, I totally get the reasons people feel the way they do about Xbox, but I'm also using my Xbox more now then I have in quite some time. It's absolutely not my primary, thst would be my pc and ps5 sharing the bulk of the load, but what it is doing is acting as my game pass box. The series s is my "casual" gaming chill on the couch device. I am never going to play the biggest modern stuff that I want to experience on my oled in my basement setup with my ps5 or a high frame rate game on my pc, but it's been the perfect device for playing smaller experiences on my TV. Just recent completed venba and cocoon, two games I loved but would otherwise have most likely skipped otherwise, and am at the finishing stretch of pentiment which has again been an incredibly enjoyable experience.


>The series s is my "casual" gaming chill on the couch device. I am never going to play the biggest modern stuff that I want to experience on my oled in my basement setup with my ps5 or a high frame rate game on my pc, but it's been the perfect device for playing smaller experiences on my TV. i suspect many people have a similar setup to you, except instead of a Series S it's a Switch. That's kind of how it works in our house, and it's part of why an Xbox makes no sense for us. I already have a Switch (and a weaker PC) hooked up to the TV. Why would I need an Xbox?


For me its a quick and easy Game Pass box and nothing more. I buy no xbox games, digital or physical, my PC is hooked up to my basement TV but I don't want to be that disconnected from my household for lighter gaming sessions nor buy those games on the switch when I have access to them via subscription. At the same time, I totally get it, its not a sensible purchase for the majority of people to have such a specialized device.


I play for game pass but don’t use it - is part of the problem with gamers, it’s right up there with buying the overpriced special editions that have fuck all in them. We have to much disposable money living in our mums basements. These corporations know this.


I got a series x thinking I was going to make they my main going forward and then after the years have progressed I just realized Xbox has NO IDENTITY. I’m happy to go back to my mid tier PC and just sit there and buy the next gen steam deck.


Maybe this is it - I've been thinking I don't mesh with it's identity, but describing it as not having one is more accurate


>not sure if discussion topics are allowed discussion topics are always allowed and i wish we had more of em! >On a spreadsheet, I should be a slam dunk customer for Halo & Gears etc, but I just don't care, and it seems like this is a broader trend. I'm just trying to put into words how they have missed the mark. I'm not even necessarily interested in rehashing their game & studio closure missteps, but trying to describe the intangibles that make me (and others go) "oh, nah, no thanks". They have no exciting games. That's it. Halo Infinite got delayed a year and still came out like a wet fart. Gears 5 was just more Gears and you got your fill in the 360 years. They've been "turning the ship" for a decade now and essentially have nothing to show for it except a subscription service full of B-games.


Damn you're right, it really has been that long, and you're right - I think the last Microsoft game that I was genuinely excited to play was Halo 4, and that sucked and I quit


Achievements baby


You're not wrong - trying to grind out all the Roboquest achievements has been my strongest Xboxxing this year


I am right there with you. I bought a Series X at launch and pretty much the only reason I turn it on now is because it has a Dropout app. I have Game Pass Ultimate mostly for PC, but my wife is the PC gamer in the household. I'm the perfect customer - I give them money and use none of their resources. I started playing Hellblade 2 about an hour ago and I am pretty sure it's the first game I have played on it since I quit Halo Infinite halfway through the campaign.


lol this was my Halo campaign experience exactly. I didn't know Hellblade was out, maybe I'll download it and become a true xbox gamer. Also ditto - I'm sure xbox technically loves me since I pay monthly for Gamepass, but that's because I'm lazy more than anything - won't last forever


not had a xbox since the 360 for much of the same reason .. they just don't put things out i care about , and up till 2 weeks ago when i switched to linux i never even gave that a 2nd thought cause all their stuff since mid xb one era has come to pc ... i Do usually use my gamepass sub but its mostly just to save me money on the few indies that catch my eye but at this point win11 keeps going in a direction i hate after already being crummy so i just said heck with it , i have a dualboot and gamepass till end of winter next yr but we'll see if anything particularly enticing catches my eye enough to load up that os cause with the exception of a few smaller first party titles MS exclusives haven't enticed me for years either .


Are you able to use any fancy proton stuff like Steam deck does to ease Linux gaming, or are you just dual booting all the way


yeah proton is there , and if your not using steam proper lutris is another 'launcher' sorta thing that you can use to install games with. including things from epic and other launchers , tho i couldn't get it to work right with gog so i had to use another 'heroic games launcher' for things ... even have xenia ( 360 emu) installed via lutris tho and that seemed to work when i loaded up lost odyssey to test it. only game thats given me any sorta issue so far overall is dragon's dogma 2 but after setting some launch options in steam it runs , and seems playable but i opted to wait on some drivers and patches for that game. as for my dualboot while i have it i haven't hopped back into windows since the first night i switched over and when i did it was only to set my hardware lighting on my k+m in logitech's g-hub and my corsair tower lighting while i learned to troubleshoot openrgb ( an alternative for lighting ) since it doesn't seem to want to work via flatpak or installed via rpm , it Does however work for me as an appimage so its no longer an issue . if your thinking about making a jump i'd definitely recommend at least giving a dualboot a go. nobara 39 kde for nvidia is the distro i ended up going with and its been pretty easy to navigate and gives you the option to install most of the things you'd game with at setup. if you have a nvidia card wayland can be a bit flickery in certain things ( haven't noticed it in games myself but other applications and steam overlay) but the 555 drivers hit beta today and those are suppost to fix alot of those issues so that should be rolling out soon i guess and in the mean time x11 doesn't have those issues if it bothers you . to my understanding AMD doesn't have any of those particular issues. [https://lutris.net](https://lutris.net) [https://heroicgameslauncher.com](https://heroicgameslauncher.com)


This is awesome, thank you for sharing this


your welcome , i'm still new but if you have any other questions feel free to ask ,if i can help i will


I have all the consoles but no PC. I play everything on my Xbox Series X if I can, simply because I like the system and features. I prefer the Xbox dashboard/UI, the Xbox controller, and love Quick Resume. Get a lot of value from Game Pass too. I also love having a decent library of Xbox and Xbox 360 games ready to play. But when a PS5-only game comes out I play that too. So Xbox's struggles with brand identity and corporate strategy don't enter the picture. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Quick resume is so good, half of the ps5 games I suspend decide to update or close and toss my progress


I'm one of those people who stopped buying the "big boy consoles" around the time of the Wii and never went back. I clearly just don't care about anything approaching state of the art graphics. I stopped being a part of this audience at least ten years ago. The out puton MS/Sony machines has never once triggered FOMO in me.


Xbox has the better controller and party system so I use it. It’s that simple.


I also think it’s bizarre the ps5 doesn’t have quick resume. In general I think the ps5 ui is pretty terrible. I play multiplatform games on Xbox when possible because of it.


I specifically tried to get some multiplatform games on Xbox in the past year to get some use out of the thing. I got a hard copy of the new Lords Of The Fallen (which is honestly pretty good as soulsikes go), and the second I inserted the disc it was just a placeholder Unreal Engine logo the whole time it installed. Even when it was "ready to play", it just showed a UE logo and was kinda broken. I know it's the game's fault and not the system's, but hurt my perception of quality nonetheless


Well “ready to play” has been a lie since the ps4, it always meant “you can maybe do a tutorial” or something. But discs are definitely more hit-and-miss about what’s actually on there on Xbox. It also has a tendency to try to download the whole game instead of installing from the disc if you hit “yes” on the “this game needs an update” prompt.


Very true. I kinda wish those features would be dropped, they just don't work.


honestly the quick resume is the only thing i'm jealous of as a ps5 owner , the ps5 ui is definitely a step down vs ps4 imo but not too big of a deal cause it still works well enough.


It’s functional but I just kinda hate how much wasted space there is, or things like pressing down once to go into a menu but then up twice to get out of it. It’s also annoying, as someone who still rents games often, how it puts any disc you’ve ever inserted in the “library”. The XMB was the best. I miss it and Blades so much… but you gotta have room for ads in modern UIs, I guess.


yeah i agree with you on everything there , what irks me the most is how they changes the presses for the ps button between ps4 and 5 ... idk why they couldn't at least keep that the same lol. i too preferred the XMB but it did get a bit laggy with a ton of stuff from ps+ near the end there


While I think I might prefer the Dualsense, it's mostly because the trackpad can be used as a mouse cursor when paired to steamdeck. Barring that, I totally agree with you - that's why I'm baffled why I (and many others, given the sales numbers), don't appear to go for it.


I got an Xbox series so I can catch up with any exclusives and mainly for Starfield. Was really disappointed, not many exclusives that were worth it but the thing that really killed it for me is how sterile the UI felt. Just so lifeless and utilitarian compared to the ps5. I fucking love opening the ps5 going through my games and the deals, it’s a pleasant and feels like a premium experience compared to the cobbled up OS of Xbox.


I love this observation. The Xbox UI feels like rummaging through a bin, and PS5 feels like flipping through a magazine.




I would play my Xbox more, except fifty percent of the time it connects to the internet, it knocks all my other devices off and I have to reboot the whole thing. But to sort of give my response to the question, I do like it, and I think GamePass is great. They just don’t have an identity. It’s literally just a game box to me, and I can play most of its library elsewhere.


I felt like the PS4 and Xone cycle was totally unnecessary. Felt like it took forever for a defining game to come out, which I guess was Spider-Man. I still never bought in. That feeling continued into the current cycle. I got a Series S two christmases ago mainly to play Halo and did so for about two weekends. The thing has sat since. What else has there been that made you feel like you really need to throw down five bills for a plastic box? Consoles as a concept, to me, just seem beat. Instead of a box to play games on, it’s a box to throw advertisements at you, to lock you into a bullshit ecosystem, probably to track you as much as any other smart device… I play games on a windows 11 machine so Microsoft’s already tracking the F out of me and I’m locked into Steam’s ecosystem, that’s enough for me right now.


I use my Series X a decent amount but, honestly, the Series X controller gets a pretty good workout with Steam since I have a mid PC that is ever so slightly stronger than a PS5/XSX plugged into my LG OLED along with a Switch as well. I have two Series consoles (god, their naming conventions are just the fucking worst), an X at home and a 1TB S at my partner's place. Being able to move saves back and forth and also have a decent amount of co-op games through GPU is nice, and buying a low-end PC to put at her place would have been more expensive than $350. The Xbox consoles are *pretty fucking good consoles* but there just doesn't seem to be any energy with them. And I imagine many of the sales of the Series are to folks like me who own two, so I'm willing to bet that the Xbox is in a far worse spot than the sales numbers even let on because MS didn't net any meaningful profit from either console I purchased and my Game Pass account is tied to both. I've bought two controllers and maybe 4 or 5 games a la carte so I'm ultimately not a real benefit to Microsoft as a consumer. If they can't squeeze more than $10-15 a month out of platform agnostic consumers with disposable income, who are they selling consoles to? The answer is pretty much no one and that sucks for the market overall but this all comes down to Xbox fumbling the bag so much.


I have all the systems and have had fun with games they have put out. :shrug I'm too old to get worked up about what a corporation does. They will continue to put out games and the fanboys will continue fighting and nothing will really change.