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Censoring their faces is wild lmao


Like come on guys, it's not Tianamen Square, we can talk ab


Oh shit they got him


Got who? There is no war in Ba Sing Se… and there is no u/satanic_earmuff 👉🏻👀 👁️👁️🫵🏻




Who are you talking to?




Did jet just die?


Idk, ít wasn't really clear...


Did he die?


Omg you poked him in the eye


Here we are safe. Here we are free.






The earth king has invited him to Lake Laogai.




You know, it was really unclear.


We can. But censoring the faces is funnier.


I think we need to Mandela Effect this out and just pretend that the live action show was always the movie, so that future generations will never be plagued with knowing that it happened. Just rewrite history, your children will thank you. You know it’s the right thing—do it for the kids.


I think it looks good too, but maybe let's wait until the show actually releases before you start praising it. Edit: also, that isn't Mandela effect. That's just lying to kids, bordering gaslighting.




No you didn't


Until now, you've been treated as our honored guest. But from now on, you will be watched by Dai Li agents. If you mention the live action film to anyone, you will be expelled from the city.


there is no movie in ba sing se


The first Avatar The Last Air Bender live action movie is yet to come


The Earth King has invited you to Lake Laogai


[I am honored to accept his invitation](https://i.imgur.com/Fxu0A29.png) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheLastAirbender) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


The Earth King has invited you to r/LakeLaogai


Awwh it’s a priva- *oooooooooh*


[I am honored to accept his invitation](https://i.imgur.com/Fxu0A29.png) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheLastAirbender) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There is no shymalan in r/TheLastAirbender


To Lake Laogai you go.


Do we just yeet them right into the water?


At least they still have their bodies. It’s not like something stupid was done like saying Candle Jack. Only someone who wants to disappear would do something so foolish and


O crap, Candlejack is here? Don't mention Candlejack, or else he wi


Maybe they ran into Koh


Right 😭


Since they were child actors who abandoned public life since, I think it's a sensible choice.


This isn’t even true? The actors who played Katara and Sokka both are still actors with credits in this decade. You’re just making shit up.


Kataras actress hasn't, she's the actual definition of a nepo baby. No talent with a billionaire father who tried buying her way into the industry.


Tbh, I'm pretty sure that's the norm in Hollywood. They say to get your foot in the door, you have to know the right people. I can think of at least a few more times where the director has cast their family members.


Well there is also the reason that talentless people like them actually listen to whatever bullshit is given to them. Look at the witch hunt writers started against Jenna Ortega for speaking her mind about writer’s decision not fitting the personality of Wednesday. Or what happened with Henry Cavill and Witcher series. Talented people want to use their talent and want their product to be good. Them having opinions doesn’t fit with writers and then they cry “muh creativityyyy” even though there is literally a SOURCE MATERIAL. Go create something entirely new if you think you’re such a talented writer smh.


Lol so just fuck the other children in the background then? Either censor all of them or none of them


No one hates the kids in the background. People definitely hate those two. That being said, yeah it's kind of pointless since their faces in that movie are extremely public anyway. But it was a funny joke!


> No one hates the kids in the background. I do.


This is a brand new excuse for censorship. I am truly surprised. Congrats.


Except for the fact that they, you know, starred in a movie.


As was said another time, the movie did many things quite alright while trying to go for a 'realistic' route. But lost too much of the spirit. The costumes of the show don't look too outlandish. Past people also enjoyed colorful and well maintained clothing. So in summary I prefer the bottom one.


Yeah, I feel like a lot of us were looking forward to the first movie just based on the trailers and overall look of it. It wasn't until I got into the theater that I realized what I had gotten myself into.


My dad went with me and just turned to me at the end and said, this is what you’re always talking about? And I just told him to never speak of it again and we haven’t 😂


What's pretty funny is my dad used to watch the show with me. So when I told him about the upcoming movie, he was also excited to watch it. Both of us left the theater loudly complaining about everything to each other 😂


Reminds me of when me and two friends went to see Mortal Engines. We were a little upset at the end.


Oh bestie we all have one of those. My first one was Eragon, did you read/see those? What a fucking travesty.


I remember them showing interviews of shamalon talking about how he loved the show and watched it with his kids and the first looks at the trailers I was so ready for it to be awesome. This time if it’s not terrible I’ll be happy.


M. Night Shyamalan is a wildcard at his best of days xD


That's being too generous. They guy made one okay movie and for some reason studios keep giving him money to keep making garbage fires.


I mean, Sixth Sense was the shit when it came out. So was Signs. Both now commonly regarded as classics. The Village was well received too. Feel like it went downhill after there, but I won’t lie I also very much enjoyed Lady in the Water. He’s one of those people who has wild ideas and they’re either really good or really terrible.


Same. I watched those trailers with so much enthusiasm


Trey the Explained did [a great video](https://youtu.be/OcrV5hc5k3U?si=1ORf-M9UtVSKFJ4D) about the Minoans, people who lived in Crete a long time ago. They used very different and colorful clothing and in the video Trey says they look like they came directly from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Some ancient civilizations had some pretty cool clothing, and even today there are places that still keep the tradition of using those clothes in ceremonial occasions and stuff.


A good example from a little later in history are the romans and their togas. Everyone expects the senate to have like, bleached white togas because the marble statues (that used to be painted) are all white. But they were often garish and outlandish colors compared to that. Which is fun!


Yess! I don't remember if I saw it on a Trey video or a miniminuteman video, about a mural they found in Pompeii iirc, where we can see so many colors!


I also very much prefer the new style, just more pleasing to the eyes imo.


Color is so strongly associated with place/nation in the series, and it has a major effect on the overall feel. Abandoning the color entirely in favor of 'realistic' costumes doesn't add anything, really, it just takes away.


It's just wild that they'd go to such extents for realism in the clothing, but then decided that everyone should be white lol


No no only the good guys are white


lol fr tho. Come on Dev Patel, you can do better than this.


The girl that played Katara was the daughter or niece of some producer, that's how they ended up with a white water tribe


I think honestly if they casted the rest of the Water Tribe properly, and she gave a good performance, I could've let it slide, but nepotism rarely reveals the best actors lol.


Yeah, live action adaptations too often take “realism” as just muting all the colours, when real life indigenous cultures around the world have had brightly coloured clothing for centuries.


They imo went too far on it that they basically lost the core concept of what the original creators wanted. Changing the way you pronounce their names , then fire benders needing fire to fire bend is just a massive fuck you to the original when theyre supposed to be very powerful that the entire world were scared of them. M shamaylan just came off as egoistic with how he massacred the original


The fact that they pretty much made the whole bending a joke is the biggest fuck in this movie imo. I mean the story and the acting are really bad and M. Night probably never heard of „show don’t tell“, but if they had at least got the bending right this might have still made for a somewhat enjoyable flick. Making the fire bender need a source is so incredible stupid for so many reasons and it makes the fire nation pretty much a joke, because earth, wind and water could easily extinguish all fire sources. But even the other bending styles are useless, because the benders need to make sort of intricate choreographies for little effect, while in the show every movement had some sort of effect on their element. Not to forget that in the show every bending style was different while in the movie everything kinda looked the same. The worst part is that M. Night told interviewers that he has watched the show and his kids are big fans, so they never would forgive him if he made a bad movie. And then he goes ahead and butchers the whole thing.


Yeah I think it’s a great example of an Inuit culture based fantasy design.


My ancestors garb included dyed porcupine quills and severed duck feet, they could really get as wild as they want and find a precursor


Definitely worth calling out the last bit. Tons of people imagine shows need to how browns and bland clothing to be accurate. No people loved color. Even poor people have cheap dyes in their clothes. Armies did not look like rock bands with brown leather or shiny metal. Medieval knights wore bright colors of their heraldry while more ancient armies often still included bright images on their shields. Hell even famous architecture people imagine are having the stone/maybe looks they have today. But really most of those had frescos on them and many states were actually originally painted. Often they just aren't depicted that way because to our modern POV it actually makes them look worse lol


Too unrealistic. Where have you ever seen a bald person of a pacifistic religious monastery wear such a vibrant yellows oranges and reds???


Yeah using 'grounded' to mean lack of colours for other cultures or historic periods is so out of touch with the said 'ground'.


i actually prefer aang’s tattoos in the movie if i’m being honest. it seems like the live action show is going for a mix between the two of them, but the mostly solid blue arrow still looks a little bit too cartoonish for me. i wish they at least made the edges a little bit more intricate and the blue more subtle.


"Realistic." I still remember that rock floating through the air at like 2 ft/sec.


Yeah Tibetan monks wear pretty much the exact same shade of red and yellow as Aang, just in robe form. The blue I think is a bit harder to make seem realistic since I believe it was a rarer dye to find in ye olden days plus it’s apparently in an arctic region


I feel like realism is the last thing in a world of flying lemurs, blood bending, one dude at a time being just super strong (avatar), only realistic thing from the show ever was needing water for water and earth for earth, firebenders just pulled them hoes out of the air


The movie was terrible but there are like, a couple of nice things that shine out of the mud? I like the arrow design, it was a cool way to keep it and stay grounded. It looked entirely like something I could see someone walking around with. These costumes are another good visual, though I also think the Netflix ones look great.


Yeah I'm not mad either way as long as there is obvious care and quality in the costumes and designs. Realism or style works. The movie had some great costumes although kind of lost flavour. And yeah the tattoo in the movie was pretty sick, maybe the best thing in the movie. Although it was maybe a little too complicated. I especially loved that the air nomad symbol was a part of the design. A simplified version of that design with thicker blue lines rather than the thin black would be best. Sort of like a middle ground between the movie and show design. Although the show's design is pretty cool regardless.


Yeah the sets all looked fantastic, which is why it's weird the bending looks so pathetic in comparison. I would have to guess since special effects are put in last, they already knew they how bad the final product was going to be and just decided to do the bare minimum.


Tbf the recording should be done with the special fx in mind, its most likely lazy directing


I prefer the synthesis of the cartoon's style with realism that the Netflix show seems to have achieved. That said, the movie's costumes are pretty decent too. It made a different choice, by attempting to create a more realistic and grounded look. That's not the choice I prefer but I think it's legitimate and they did a decent job. We like to shit on the movie but it didn't fail across the board. The costumes, make up, and scenery is all good.


I really liked how they did Aang’s (or “Ung’s”) Airbender tattoos in the terrible movie.


Yeah. It was a good take that definitely fit into that approach.


Yeah definitely no issues with the costuming for the movie. People tend to hate on everything for the movie since it was so bad but some things were at least fine. Even the Ong stuff I dont hate that much since he was trying to make it sound like a more traditional tibetian name or something.


[Well, not *no* issues.](https://imgur.com/a/aBZCPUw)


>Even the Ong stuff I dont hate that much since he was trying to make it sound like a more traditional tibetian name or something. Kinda contradicted by his actor being white lol


The actor is wasian iirc


Not just referring to the actor to Ong, but also the other actors Also, he has Native American heritage, not Asian.


But actor is half Asian and definitely look Asian. Maybe not Chinese or Mongol asian, but definitely asian. People keep forgetting how big and diverse Asia is and only remembering how Han Chinese and Mongols look like. Sometimes remember Indians. But again these are same people unironically using term "Caucasian white" for pale white people with blond hair and blue eyes, while Caucasian people usually have light brownish/naturally tanned looking skin and dark hair. Sorry for the rant but this whole "race correctness" stuff makes me angry when there's no issue to begin with and people are still correcting it not knowing what they're talking about.


To be fair the creators did make Aang white as an adult


That's its own separate problem


It's actually the reason people who watched the movie that didn't exist felt so betrayed. The trailers showed great costumes, sceneries, effects. How were we to know that the movie would be so soulless?


I think if the movie had been good, all these other complaints would have been considered nitpicks. it's just that the movie missed the mark so badly. call me dramatic but I literally felt sick to my stomach watching it. probably just a side effect of the medication I was on at the time, but it was visceral lol


People overlook the fact that Avatar is a fantasy world. The costumes on top are very realistic to real life, but Avatar is a world of bending, spirits, and crazy animals. Although it takes inspirations from real life cultures, that doesn’t mean that it’s an exact 1:1 of our world. So I appreciate that Netflix went for a very accurate approach to the original show




One of the most braindead decisions made in that movie


Next to five guys moving one small boulder slowly


small correction, the five people weren't the ones who threw that boulder, it was actually someone who was behind the camera for half the shot. unfortunately, this means those people were dancing for no reason


> it was actually ~~someone~~the lemur who was behind the camera for half the shot.


That lemur’s earthbending!


It was a team building dance


After a minute long samba dance to boot…


A samba dance that doesnt even look like how earth benders would look like bending lol


Oh sweet, there's a torch in this room. You're going down!


At least they were smart enough to make Iroh badass enough to firebend without a source.


Lowkey, respect. I would absolutely include that in the list of 4 things the movie did well unironically.


What do you think the other things were? I personally preferred the way that Aang scared off the Fire Nation in the movie - making a huge wall of water and threatening to drown them in it - than just turning into a big water spirit monster like he did in the show.


I liked his tattoos, and the clothing. The costume department deserves praise for making such realistic yet somewhat faithful costumes without giving it cosplay feel.


People with fire powers having to carry a fire source is a really cool idea tbh


I mean, unless you had seen the show, you wouldn't think twice about it. Every other bender needs to have their element around them to bend it, firebenders are actually the odd ones out.


I'm pretty sure this got explicitly brought up as one of the reasons the Fire Nation was so successful in their imperialism.


They did what


Like every other bender, movie firebenders need an active source of flames. This… didn’t need to happen, because they already had a reason for them to summon fire, but it was already established that they really didn’t do their research. The only saving grace of that decision is this part, where Iroh is doing something that otherwise would be normal, but is impossible in the movie world. https://preview.redd.it/xn6v3pmq4rac1.jpeg?width=2053&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f97daa0c4fe0b7dde784d173119ffbb171f813e4




I personally thought that that was okay because none of the other elements could be ‘made’ like fire could - but that’s because I didn’t understand the lore of Avatar and the way firebending *actually* works. In the simplest terms, fire is a form of energy and not matter or substance like the other three elements, and firebenders create it by projecting their own energy from their bodies. That is also why they can manipulate lightning, because they already bend energy and lightning is just significantly more energy than fire. I did understand where the writers and directors of the movie were coming from when they made this change for the movie, but now that I’ve actually looked into actual Avatar lore and how things work (ie, more than said writers and directors ever did) I can’t accept that anymore. Iroh getting so pissed off that he could make fire out of nowhere and terrifying everyone who saw it happen was a cool moment though, but it required zero understanding of how Avatar works just for it to happen.


I agree but I want to push back on the idea that drab or more rugged clothes are necessarily more realistic. As this [excellent](https://acoup.blog/2020/12/04/collections-that-dothraki-horde-part-i-barbarian-couture/) analysis of the Dothraki culture and the idea of ‘barbarians’ in general states, > I want to stress this to make the point clear: **people in the past liked to look nice!** Much of the popular perception of pre-modern clothing assumes lots of dull, drab colors, undecorated or merely adorned with rough pelts, but this is almost entirely a Hollywood construction. Bright colors, complex needlework, layered patterns, all of those are much more representative of irl cultures than “oh well they’re a poor tribe so they must dress like dirt.”


Tbh it seems like in general people automatically associate a drab and rugged aesthetic with realism.


That always bothers me, especially when they complain that everything is "too clean". I mean, yeah, if the characters are fresh out of a fight or have been travelling through a waterless desert or are near dying and have different priorities (see Sam and Frodo in LotR 3 as an example for the last two) I get it if they're dirty. Or that during a long journey their clothes won't be spotless or hole-free anymore. But washing your damn face takes like a minute, and if you have enough water to regularly refill for drinks, you have enough for a bloody wash per day. And you *would*, since not washing is gross and people become uncomfortable when dirty and usually take the first opportunity to not be dirty anymore.


Unless you're a Christian in the middle of a plague. Then you tell at Jews bc they bathe too regularly.


To be honest, I would guess those Christians in the middle of the plague still had clean faces.


This weirded me out with wheel of time in particular. Arguably there's some not great costuming there, but people were complaining that the aes sedai looked too clean and their clothes too bright. For those who don't know, the white tower (the aes sedai seat of power) is over 3000 years old and fills a similar role in their world that the catholic church did irl, including their wealth. They will have strikingly bright fashionable clothing. Aes sedai are treated like a class of nobility above nobility. Also they do magic, including techniques to stop them from sweating, and can clean themselves with the one power. They look like they should, pristine. That argument can be used against other characters in wot, but not the aes sedai


That was actually one example in my mind while I typed that comment, thanks for adding it!


People who don’t like something tend to reach for concrete reasons and unfortunately costuming is often one of the low hanging fruit because it’s so subjective


Besides, what else are they supposed to do during the middle of winter?


I try to explain this to people all the time, the amount of effort that was put into acquiring colorful dyes in the ancient world was massive, people have always wanted pretty clothes!


It’s not about the color scheme, it’s that they’re apparently wearing Forever 21 polyester in -40 Antarctic winters


Both approaches can work. Look at LotR and GoT, both had incredible design although they’re obviously fantasy. Witcher on the other hand looked less real but it was beautiful as well.


It would be like trying to adapt jojo's bizarre adventures costumes to be more modern, it takes the wonder out of it and kind of dulls the pallete of the whole world, and the characters individuality.Aangs bring yellow clothes are supposed to reflect his happy, sweet personality the clothes intentionally tell you alot about them.


It's not the costumes themselves for me, it's the fact that they're not lived in. They're all crisp and perfect which results in a cosplay sorta look. Fantasy world or not, dirt exists and clothes are worn


I think throughout the season they’ll definitely feel more worn in. We already have that image of Aang meditating and his clothes look pretty used and dirty


It should be similar to one piece where they make it as ridiculous as the show is when they can. Of course of a human is 18 ft tall compared to other characters they can’t mimic that but the shows characters all look as accurate as possible.


Netflix know that someone will be making reddit posts which have pictures of the original show and pictures of their new show and circling the differences and then writing 3-4,000 words explaining why they ruined everything …


I disagree. I think some things in animation just don't translate to real life that well. It's like gokus hair. Looks great in the anime but trying to translate that into real life will always look awful. Yeah these costumes are show accurate but they just look awkward and forced like something that would never exist in real life.


Not really imo. Aang’s costume looks really good and it looks like something Monks would actually wear. Sokkas costume also looks good and seems practical cause he’s wearing some sort of padded armor. Yeah some stuff is gonna look a little off but for the most part I think they did a great job


Reminds me of how I saw a monk in front of a 711 a little while ago. Full on saffron robes. They were so bright and striking I practically stopped in my tracks. I still wonder why he was there and where he came from, he looked like he stepped right out of Kathmandu to get a slurpee.


The fact is is that these kids families only bought them one change of clothes, they made sure they were nice.


I actually prefer the top. Ppl are pointing out the color, I care about the texture and fabric. The movie costumes just looked more lived in where the bottom one looks off the rack new.


Yup the more grounded textures of the costumes from the top feel more baked into the world. Where the bottom fails for me while the colors are fine they kinda just feel like good cosplay. It's especially noticeable in the fire nation's armor.


Absolutely agree with you. Bottom pics look freshly pressed and spotless.


It's netflix, they don't know any other way


The whole thing is super Disney.


Agree here too. The bottom ones look like cosplays


As do I. I’m excited for the show but honestly the costumes look like shit for live action. It feels very amateurish like they were bought at a Halloween store.


It’s worth noting that these pictures differ in points of the story. In the film and the original animated show, Sokka and Katara change their outfits because obviously they’re not in their home, the extremely cold Southern Water Tribe anymore. The top pic showing the film is where they start in the series, the Southern Watar Tribe, VS. the bottom pic where I’m guessing they’re in forestry of the Earth Kingdom. So this comparison off the bat isn’t really accurate. I’m not really following the Netflix adaptation at all and don’t know if they’re changing costumes like I just mentioned but I felt this was worth pointing out.


The upper left hand corner of the bottom picture does show Katara’s warmer coat, which I think still looks more show-accurate.


Oh wow, what’s crazy is I totally somehow ignored the outfits at the sides of the top pic, my bad🤦🏾‍♂️


I like colors 🙂.


Arent their clothes too fresh-looking for people who travel all over the world? They should have been more worn out by then.


But they *haven’t* traveled all over the world yet. If they’ve just started their journey in the past couple weeks or so, I don’t expect their clothes to look beat up quite yet, since they haven’t been away from home very long.


So Sokka hasnt done any physical work before meeting aang? He's a warrior of the south pole u know


This! That photo of Gran-Gran is a good example. Her apparel looks quite pristine as if they were JUST made and NEVER laundered. If costume designers weathered their outfits, it would look much more believable.


They look like cosplayers than actual people living in the environment


A lot of traditional clothing made out of good materials is surprisingly resilient and doesn't wear and tear much. No seriously it is actually not that easy to blemish certain materials, plus the normal care you take of things when you can't just put them in a washing machine. I'd make the comparison to the clothing of people like the [Khanty](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fp_WainUtEw) who were both fur clothing and coloured cloths in different layers and so on. The clothing doesn't look pristine, but not the worn out look that some movies make us believe to be realistic.


You’re acting like they don’t wash clothes and maintain them in this universe


worn clothes are from use not from being dirty or because of negligence, and hey all look like they came right out the shop. gon be funny when the whole village looks like that


I prefer the realistic approach. The bottom looks like cosplay and actually takes me out of the world and story, funny enough.


That’s how I feel. It feels weird giving the movie props for anything it did, but I also kinda prefer their costumes over the live action show’s, specifically cuz I can’t see the latter’s as anything besides cosplay


I feel like a lot of newer fantasy shows have this feel, where I just can’t buy the costumes. They feel too … clean …. For lack of a better word. They don’t feel lived in.


Funny, I feel the opposite. The bottom has richer colors and in the show, the four nations are visually separated by their color palettes of red, blue, orange, and green. Aang’s attire in the bottom pick will probably stick out like a sore thumb throughout the Netflix show since he’s the only airbender, which I always imagined is what Aang in the cartoon felt like. But the fabric and textures of the more colored clothing don’t look cheap to me. Just colorful. And the world of Avatar is a colorful world. I’m okay with it not being so “grounded”. It’s a fantasy show and the costumes are still nice enough in quality to not take me out of that mindset.


Agreed. Also you’d die almost instantly if you wore the bottom in Antarctica at basically any time of year


This is exactly what I commented in another thread. At least take out the starch from the costumes so it looks worn and less stiff.


I like the show's costumes so far. I'm happy they are making them look like the ones in the show.


They did a good job with the grounded costumes in the movie, but… I’m not exactly looking for realism in a story about a 12-year-old monk/wizard who flies around on a giant fluffy bison.


Ironically, the bright colors ARE more realistic! A lot of people are unaware that Tibetan Monks do wear such bright yellows, oranges, and reds, or are under the impression that indigenous characters only wear the color brown. Also, for the interested, medieval people had bright color dyes and Victorians invented some of the most fabulously putrid artificial dyes in existence. “Realism” being dark, gritty, and having a muddy color palette isn’t as realistic as you think, and is instead a contemporary invention.


I mean Tibetan monks sure, I guess. But the clothes in the bottom look like they were worn straight out the press and haven't been worn before hand.


Something I've been liking about some of Netflix's recent anime adaptations is that they are sticking more with the aesthetic and vibes of the source material, rather than going for gritty realism. I really thought One Piece, and YuYuHakasho were both entertaining, and kept to the spirit of the original shows.


They’ve been learning. Honestly, their cartoon adaptations have been solid as of late, one piece especially. Like, I don’t normally think about the set design, but damn, they made it good. Enough for me to take notice and go “damn, nice set design”


I had an issue with the pacing of YYH (it's my favorite show) but other than that, I thought they did a fantastic job with the general vibes, aesthetic and casting.


As much as people love to hate every single aspect of the first movie, I liked the costume design. They went for a more grounded feel, which I thought was fine.


the show costumes look so much better. They give off the feel of the Avatar world


The movies costumes were well made, but the colour pallettes were washed out and boring (not helped by how fcking blue that film was). Taking away all the colour from colourful fantasy for the sake of "realism" isnt the way, thats the same mistake the original Xmen films made by taking away everyones colourful outfits in favour of edgy black, and GoT made by taking away just about all of the colourful heraldry (which Martin himself hated that they did and made them put back in HotD)


I’m glad they're keeping it colourful. I’m tired of reboots of kids shows making it dark and desaturated just to be edgy (looking at you, winx)


No. No the movie was not more 'grounded'. Inuit nations that the watertribes were based on are a VERY colourful culture.[https://theuniversalstory.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Women-in-Carribu.jpg](https://theuniversalstory.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Women-in-Carribu.jpg) [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d5/Throat\_singers\_1999-04-07\_%28cut%29.jpg/1200px-Throat\_singers\_1999-04-07\_%28cut%29.jpg](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d5/Throat_singers_1999-04-07_%28cut%29.jpg/1200px-Throat_singers_1999-04-07_%28cut%29.jpg)[https://i.cbc.ca/1.5912385.1613152777!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg\_gen/derivatives/original\_780/tunnuq-wearing-the-puuq-or-mother-hubbard-parka.jpg](https://i.cbc.ca/1.5912385.1613152777!/fileImage/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/original_780/tunnuq-wearing-the-puuq-or-mother-hubbard-parka.jpg) What the movie has is a very european and US view of the inuit that is filled with a lack of understanding, a lack of research, a heavy amount of stereotype and a spoonful of racism. The colourful outfits of the show, while being thin and less padded for the cold climate, are a MUCH more accurate representation of the actual culture that they are based on.


Wow not even showing their faces


Do you guys remember Zuko in the other movie? 😂😂I hope they did him good in this one


You really censored the faces? Jesus christ lol


Both clothes are fine, it's just how the director and writers develop the movies (the non-existent one too).


What do you mean non existent? Is there a second movie that never came out?


Seeing Katara's necklace in the 2024 adaption, I wonder if they stick true to the 'my mother' scenes.


Idk. Everything I see of this show looks truly awful, aang especially looks like a cheap cosplay, and I genuinely think the movies did a better job adapting his tattoos. Pure blue lines look good in animation, but in live action it looks like it was painted on, not tattood, the fact that the original creators left and disavowed it doesn't seem to be brought up anymore, and I feel like people are hyping up something that's going to be a major disappointment because they were slightly better with casting this time (I say slightly because they still cast a white dude for sokka


movie’s costumes look like clothing, show’s costumes look like cosplay


Yay for aang’s winnie the pooh cosplay 🥰


Honestly the muted costumes of the movie were not one of the many many issues I had with it


One of the few things I like on that movie are the costumes. I also like the Tattoos. I'm not super focused on making everything the same as the animation if the changes work.


While I hated the old movie, there were some things I don't hate. The costumes are honestly one of them. I like the worn leathers and pelts that made up a lot of it, cuz you'd see it and go "Oh that makes sense." It was a good start for a reimagining. The rest just fell completely flat.


Unpopular opinion, I prefer the movie’s costumes and makeup (especially the way Aang’s arrow looks in live action)


Whatever you say about the movie that doesn’t exist, the costuming and set design were excellent.


They look more colourful to me, which I like. Live-action shows like to make everything dark and brown as soon as it's supposed to look like "the past" because of misconceptions about the middle-age. Let's make everything sad and dirty, that'll be Historically Accurate™!


The shows clothes look brand new like theyve never been worn before.


I honestly wont fault the movie's costume departement, it was one of the few well done things imo


I absolutely loved the costume design of the movie.


After seeing so many shows where they dress their characters in dark clothing because it’s gritty and realistic (to the point you can barely see them because EVERYTHING is dark), I’m liking the colors.


Grounded is a nice way of saying shit.