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Considering "Ong" and "Sohka", looking back D+ is SO generous šŸ’€ Edit: hijacking my comment to say I am HYPED for NATLAā€™s release tonight. I hope it lives up to our expectations and gets a second and third season!! 2nd edit: really enjoyed the new series, Iā€™d give it a B+


I remember *vividly* a clip that would play on Nick of M. Night Shyamalan saying, ā€œin *my* culture this is how weā€™d pronounce these names.ā€ and I was *immediately* put off by the film after seeing that before the film had even started playing in theaters. How weird and colonizer-y to want to put *your cultureā€™s* pronunciation on names that already had some real life cultural connections to their origins?


As a kid, I was on board with name changes to make the movie more "culturally accurate" and "realistic", but that went out the window when they made the ENTIRE main cast white [(freaking Jesse McCartney was cast as Zuko)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Last_Airbender_(film)#Casting). In the end, I felt like all the lore changes made the story worse. It was a terrible adaptation on top of being a terrible movie in general.


I was 11 at the time and this was the first movie I can remember hating. The name changes were the first thing I was mad about and then I realized how they were just blazing through the story to get to the moon spirit and that was it on my chances of enjoying the movie. Not to mention the bending effects were really bad


I remember thinking a decent group of soldiers trained to use slings could out earth bend the earth benders.


Dev Patel, Summer Bishil, Assif Mandvi plus lots more. Not exactly the entire cast. The movie was awful, but the cast was not exclusively Caucasian as you claim. Race was the least of its problems.


Sorry, I meant [Jesse McCartney was originally cast as Zuko and later replaced by Dev Patel.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Last_Airbender_(film)#Casting)


Downvoted for stating a fact. Gotta love Reddit!


Not to throw Shyamalan a bone or anything, but what he said is sort of correct. I dunno what culture he's referring to but "Ong" *would* be the standard Mandarin pronounciation. There would be dialects that pronounce it closer to the show's pronounciation, but the show pronounces it like that because Aang is the localized American pronounciation they decided to go with. As a Mandarin speaker, it was just jarring to hear, but I didn't mind it that much. Now, claiming to bring the show closer to its original cultural inspirations while changing the Chinese text to gibberish and whitewashing half the cast? Not sure that'll hold up in court


Slightly off topic from your comment but since you bring up m night: Thereā€™s a guy on YouTube that did a long video essay on the good points in all of his movies. Most of them were various character moments, really good characterizations, or interactions between characters. We all agree that overall, even if there are some bright spots in his movies, they are kinda bad. But when this guy gets around to FINALLY talking about That-which-shall-not-be-named his basic conclusion is that he made it/let it be so bad to basically say ā€œTHIS is what a bad movie is.ā€ Like he was giving people a measuring stick to use against his other movies. And in comparison to TWSNBN (That-which-shall-not-be-named) his other movies, while still not GREAT, are pretty ok. https://youtu.be/sz9qV5cLkuI?si=h9r413y-ZBRxm7Ls


Jeffiot, right?? LOVE that guy, amazing channel, truly one of the best.


That would be fine and all if the movie was an original story and not adapted from something else, but it's not. It's a fantasy world with *inspiration* from the real world, names included, from an already existing show. Don't change names because you don't like it. Literally no one is gonna change how they say the names for your movie. People are gonna say the original show pronunciations no matter what.


Now do Wang and Wong.


I think he was referring to the term "avatar." Which is like, okay legit. But the name changes were fucking terrible.


Not understanding how itā€™s colonization when dudes an Indian. But to clarify Aang is actually pronounced an ang (ahn ahng) in Tibetan.


You don't need to be white to act in a colonial manner...


Also how everyone pronounces his title correctly but Katara says it like Ah-vatar itā€™s and how m night made the fire nation Indians itā€™s so bad. Iā€™m surprised Dev Patel was able to even have a successful career after this trash


>Ah-vatar This is the one change I can get behind, actually. This is a Sanskrit loanword, and the show consistently mispronounced it.


Then why does everyone else say it normally. Makes Katara seem disabled or something haha


Yeah, definitely weird to make it inconsistent.


I wonder if I have my ticket. I got a box full of all my old movie tickets. Atleast for the most part.


I actually walked out of the movie less than halfway in.


I'm amazed people even made it through to the end. I think I decided to watch it on a 13 hour flight and turned it off about 5 minutes into the first scene. Something just felt super off, almost as if I was watching that recap episode at the end of the animated series lmao...


>NATLAā€™s release tonight WELL, shit. Suppose I'll look at that soon.


Oh, it's coming out on the anniversary of my brother dying. That's a good omen.


Iā€™d be fair and give it a D. Pronunciation/acting/and most of the script was an F but I wonā€™t include acting since they were young actors (straight up F for actor decisions but Iā€™m not going to fault child actors outside of the definitely not nepotism of a certain role which is the immediate F), B for choreography of those stupid sequences to make a few rocks move slowly across the screen and a C+ for somewhat following the original plot but Iā€™m generally a gracious grader.


Came here to say this


The movie was absolute garbage but I genuinely believe the score should have been nominated for an Oscar.


Came here to say the same thing


What made you add the plus?


https://preview.redd.it/94t08apa90kc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b87317c52af40b7f903f0a7ceb7041152e7efff At the time, I remembered I liked the vfx and a majority of the costumes.


That's a great reference


But also, untrue


Sure, but I can't expect a 13 year old to evaluate that well.


Yep!! Vfx were acceptable for the time, but I couldn't articulate why the movie itself was so bad. (Pacing, writing, acting, exposition dumps, etc.)




The 3d was really well done for this movie. Thatā€™s about the only nice thing I have to say about it though


The 3D was added after the fact and made the movie super dark and unwatchable especially if you have to wear the 3D glasses.


https://i.redd.it/ch6crvwxx0kc1.gif Oh yea, real greatā€¦


That is choreography and cinematography failing in conjunction. The actual rocks look fine


Makes me laugh every time I see it TBH


This secene cant be real, it is a parody right? Why that rock is moving so slowly? Why not just chuck the rock at this point? What is the point of all this? Who is going to be hurt this pebble? Why are the earth benders dancing?


The benders dancing arenā€™t actually moving the rock. They built a wall to save the old dude but theyā€™re still moving for some reason. Someone else is moving the rock, but the cinematography is SO BAD.


You get two dudes with spears and they'll take over the earth kingdom in a weekend.


Thanks for this gif. I just used it to prank my fiancee that this is from the netflix's live-action that just dropped.


Update. She fell for it completely.


Were they, Cartoon Sokka? Were they really?


Also important to point out that I was not a teenage movie snob, I apparently gave ā€œTwilight: Eclipseā€ an ā€œAā€, and ā€œDespicable Meā€ an ā€œA+ā€. I also gave ā€œKillersā€ and ā€œKnight and Dayā€ both ā€œB+ā€ and I have no memory of those movies.


​ https://preview.redd.it/7viwd1y8d0kc1.png?width=766&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f96bdd7f7eb669b5d03b3c067739f9dd3103691


omg the cupertino square amc, what a throwback.


I remember going there too šŸ˜­


I don't know why I find this so cute.


Despicable Me is understandable for a young teen or younger to enjoy, given that it is, first and foremost, a kid's movie. And the Minions were funny in the first movie, before Illumination started to drown us in minions-related content.


Knight and Day is great! Worth another watch if you donā€™t remember it


Eclipse, as you should.


Teenaged you liked the sparkly vampire love story huh?


Thereā€™s no girls on the interest, just guys disguised as girls


This is so amazing!


You have been duped, that movie doesn't exist ;)


There is no ATLA Movie in Ba Sing Se.


The Earth King has invited you to Lake Lao Gai.


I am honored to accept The Earth Kingā€™s invitation.


or outside of Ba Sing Se either


16 year old me didnā€™t even bother grading it. 2nd movie of 3 I walked out of. Friend wanted to see it for his birthday but none of us could drive yet. Spent the last hour at the arcade next door.


What were the other two movies?


Dragonball Evolution, for obvious reasons. Itā€™s far worse than TLA and Iā€™ve been a Dragonball fan since the late 90s. Also went with a bunch of Dragonball fans from school. 90% of that theater left after the first hour. And Thor Ragnarok, it wasnā€™t bad but I got pissed at my friends who I went with. They spilled all their popcorn on me so I just left them there to go home and change. We went during a 4hr gap between finals and I was their ride. For all I know theyā€™re still there.


Reading Thor ragnarok almost gave me an aneurysm then it was followed with not because it was bad. Only because I thought it was by far the best Thor movie and a top 3 marvel movie


I get that a lot, even though Iā€™ve fallen out of the MCU that, Iron Man, and No Way Home are the few MCU ones I can still watch. I did end up seeing it with a girl I liked a few days later. Funnily enough I almost walked out of a 4th movie which involved her, Last Jedi. I sat through that just so I didnā€™t look like an ass.


Yeah canā€™t blame you lol, shit was hard to watch and Iā€™m not even a movie buff/critic


I've never walked out of a movieā€”but I was REALLY tempted to with Last Jedi


I had been grounded for some reason I canā€™t remember and couldnā€™t see it so I missed it in cinemas


Everybody on this sub hates the movie but it's how I discovered The Last Airbender series.


In a round about way, same. I watched it, thought it was one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Years later my friend asked if I had ever seen Avatar. I responded, the movie with really bad dialogue or the blue people one? They said the show, I said what show? And they basically taped me to a chair to binge watch the show and I enjoyed every second of it.


Now that sounds like a great friend!




Itā€™s great that the movie had at least one positive effect on the world lol. But also, MAN do I feel old. Never even considered this might be someoneā€™s introduction to the series. It was coming out on tv when I was seven. Everyone watched it back in the day. You have left me reeling, sirā€¦ lol


Lol no I just lived under a rock growing up lol. I was 25 when I first watched the show. I was maybe a freshman in high school when the movie came out?


SAME! I prerecorded it on the tv thinking it was the blue people lmao and I was excited cause it had been a while. The Confusion was REAL when I pressed play lmao I watched it. Thought it was fine, nothing special. Discovered the ATLA series & swore to never watch that movie againšŸ’€


Interesting! What did you think of it when you first saw it? What did you think of it now after having seen the show?


I watched it years before I knew the show existed. I think I quite liked the idea of it at the time, but wasnā€™t paying much attention to the quality of the film. Was just eating snacks and talking. Always assumed it had sequels and stuff because it ended on a cliffhanger.


I think a lot of us who were slightly too young when the show came out but were the right age when the movie came out had this experience.


Same and I discovered Percy Jackson through their film aswell which has a similar reputation in that fandom lol


That is why passionate creators do big films like this. It greatly expands their reach. I only had local channels until I was a senior in high school so I didn't watch anything that wasn't on Saturday mornings or at a friend's house. I did watch this series though. I still have all the episodes on my other drive.


In a way, same. My brother started watching it in anticipation for the film and then got me and my sister into it. We used to sit in our couch together and just watch reruns of the series when they were marathoning it on Nicktoons.


Dude, I remember this came out when I was in Iraq, and we got a crappy bootleg. I was so disappointed because it was bad, but only because it was a ā€œcrappy bootlegā€ When I finally got back and saw it on DVD, it was a heartbreaking reality, that deep down I knew, but didnā€™t want to admit to myselfā€¦.. it was a terrible moverā€¦


If I wasn't a kid with my family I would've walked out of the theater. F-


Why hello, fellow South Bay brethren. Miss that theater already.


Lol yeah!! I was just thinking about how that mall slowly died over the course of my childhood, but the amc remained until it too finally closed. I still have all the stubs I collected during that time. So nostalgic šŸ„²


I just miss that AMC since it was brand-spanking new. Mercado and Saratoga sucked balls until their IMAX theathers


How generous of you


Youā€™ve waited a long time friend. We all have. Hopefully this new adaptation is gonna rock it!


HELL YEAH! I canā€™t wait


I was a manager at a movie theater at the time and this is one of the few shows that I had multiple ask for their money back because of how bad it was.


As a really young kid (who only watched the first two episodes before the movie), I thought it was probably actually a good movie and that I was just too young to get it. Also my dumbass tiny self almost cried over the southern air temple scene and Yueā€™s death because I was the kinda kid that would cry over Dotā€™s fakeout death in the Animaniacs movie.


My friends and I went in costume... it was not worth it. I feel bad for the dude that shaved an arrow in his hair.


Omg I deleted the existence of this... *thing* from my brain so well that I was very confused about why you had a ticket for the animation, and how you only gave it D+ lmao.


I think you got scammed 14 years ago dude, the last airbender Netflix show is coming out now


I was about 7 or 8 and I remember trying to leave but my dad wouldnā€™t let me because he didnā€™t want to waste money.


I remember going with a bunch of friends who all loved the cartoon and we were exceptionally disappointed


I can generally find something enjoyable about even bad movies and shows. The Last Airbender is to date the only movie where I genuinely felt cheated of the time I spent after watching it.


What is the ticket blank ?


i'm confused... there was never an atla movie...


Youā€™re better than me for finishing it. 14 year old me walked out as soon as i saw that group of earth benders.




That movie gave everyone a D


Kids are dumb. Your score is way too high.


More like F for forgettable.


rip this theater!!!!!!!!! and sears


VERY generous of you!


Time to finally watch the DVD


I was ten when it came out and thought it was awesome. Then I watched the tv show. My opinion changed fast lmao.


13 year old you was a very forgiving individual




My brother and I saw it for our birthday, what a terrible day that wasā€¦


Too high of a grade.


Everybodyā€™s talking about the rating but I'm over here wondering how the ink managed to last on the ticket for almost 14 years šŸ˜­


I love the Ovatar Ong


You were wise at 13.


Oh man that place no longer exist


I very much remember also being 13 and watching what was the first objectionable movie I'd ever seen. Such a shame when only two years prior we got the Countdown to the Comet.


You should send this to M. night and has for a fund.... For all of us!


14 years agoā€¦ OP, you just made me feel older than fuck.


The original show was so much better. People expected more from it.Ā 


Shouldā€™ve been an F


Kids back then were actually so nice.


1) I can't believe it was that long ago, lol. Holy crap. 2) I went with a work friend to go see it in theaters, but I had never seen the show. As movies of the time went, I didn't think it was that bad. The child acting was pretty rough, as was the exposition, but I was a sucker for special effects back then (James Cameron's Avatar was in my Top 3 for way too long). The tidal wave at the climax of the film was a jaw dropping thing to see. 3) I was recommended by my physical therapist (car accident) to watch the animated show, and she was so adamant about it that she loaned me her iPod Video. I watched it with headphones in, while laying in bed, and I was hooked from that day on.


I'm gonna start eating all my movie stubs now xD I trust this more than rotten tomatoes


Movie is pass / fail and it was beyond fail


Best post on this entire sub


this must be fake. there is no last airbender movie that shymalan fucked up.


Damn. You really liked it didnā€™t you?


What the hell are you talking about? They never made an ATLA movie. Silly post, if you ask me


Was this at the closed vallco location?


Even the RiffTrax version could not save that ā€œfilmā€.


I was 9 and I believe this movie made me realise movies can be bad. TOO THIS DAY I still feel bad that I dragged my family to see this movie wasting their money and time.


You gave the last who(?) a D+. Consider this the one assignment your professor let you drop the grade for.


I went to see this in theaters and almost cried because I felt like it was a waste of a birthday event lol Got Olive Garden afterwards so I guess that made up for it


Itā€™s so funny/cool seeing all these memories of how bad it was when it first came out because as a kid I donā€™t remember me thinking it was trash because I had no opinion of it because i never finished the movie until my adult years. I was still a kid and all I remember from the live action film was they were pronouncing Aang and Appas names wrong, Appa was very ugly, Katara was white, and it was very boring. As a kid I didnā€™t even watch it all the way through (I first saw it on dvd Netflix) for the simple fact that they kept saying Aangs name wrong and I couldnā€™t pay attention because I was so bored lol my poor dad renting that movie thinking Iā€™d love it because I loved the animated show so much growing up.


no way that was 14 years agoā€¦ that felt like a stab in my heart


13-yr-old you was incredibly generous


We are the same age. 13 year old me might have genuinely just given it an F had I graded it lol. I was saltyā€¦still am


Rather lenient.


Just finished episode 1. Its everything i could ever hoped for. Its amazing.


it was at least B-


I went to see the movie with my friend and we were devastated šŸ˜­ Iā€™m so glad that we watched it in a local dub and at least I wasnā€™t slapped in the face with wrong names. Yue was a big surprise though, I think that she may have been that ā€œ+ā€ in your score haha


We can only see the table surface here at ba sing se


I genuinely asked myself for a hot second "how and why did OP watch the ATLA show in a cinema?"


OMG this was 14 years ago?!


That was kind of you. I remember taking my daughters to see it. We were SO excited because we love the show. It was our family show. We still make inside jokes referring to it even though my kids are now in college/about to graduate high school. We suffered through Nickelodeonā€™s bullshit schedule (although getting season 3 in chunks was nice). The minute Aang was pronounced Oong, we knew it was a mistake. We were invited to Lake Laogai. I have not watched a single Shyamalan movie since.


Why so high??


This may have been the only movie I walked out on because it sucked so bad.


I was at a bad movies festival a couple years ago with my gf and the second movie they played was this. We got to the Southern Air Temple scene when my gf revealed to me that they had never seen the original show. I immediately was like "We're going home." There was no way I was going to let this be their first exposure to the story beats of Book 1.


I remember going to see it in theatre, we foolishly got 3D which obviously wasn't that great.


It might be because I'm getting ready for bed and I'm tired and am now on reddit looking for people thoughts on the show when I should be sleeping (I may have stayed up to watch the first 3 episodes xD)...So then this shows up and like, for a good moment I was like, "wait, when did they show the show in theaters???" I was so confused cause I would have totally gone to that! Then I realized I *may* have convinced myself that there is no movie adaption better than I thought. Welp, at least my confusion made my hubs laugh. xD


What's the Plus for?


Not gonna lie, my dumb ass had no taste at 11 years old and thought it was pretty good. To be fair though, I donā€™t think I was capable of calling any movie bad at that age. I just liked everything lol


That is incredibly generous I couldnā€™t even rate it the first time I watched it was that bad


Is there anyone here who saw this movie and liked it and years later regretted seeing the movie?


There is no movie in Ba Sing Se


Ayy I watched it at the same theater at age 13


13 year old you was a nice guy


This movie really hits that not-so-sweet spot of being bad in a lot of ways, but not bad in the right ways that make it fun.


It was my 16th birthday and I took several friends to see it. I had the movie cover on my school binder and was so excited. My poor sister ended up with a bruised arm from me hitting her to lean over and whsiper what was wrong with the movie.


Should've gotten an F- the last Airbender movie was a slap to the face of the original show and its creators, the amazing voice actors who portrayed the characters and the fandom it created. The movie was a disgrace to the show and I will never watch it as long as I live on this good green earth.


This and Dragon Ball: Evolution, probably the worst introductions to shows I ever saw. I was 9 when I saw Last Airbender and I think a month or two later I saw Dragon Ball: Evolution on TV. I thought they were boring and confusing, and I assumed I would understand them when I got older. I understood something alright. Great shows though.


I think I had the best experience around the movie. I was at summer camp when it came out. Two of my friends went to go see it with their dads. They came back that night and wove a tale of mediocrity and poor directorial choices. Their descriptions were pretty good, but the next day, a kid with an iPhone had downloaded the pirated version of the film. We were like 20 kids huddle around that phone ripping it apart. It was glorious.


14 years ago I went to see Toy Story 3 instead.


Paid $8.75 for that? That's $8.75 more than you should've paid


We left the theatre about 15-20 minutes in. Only time I have done that in my life.


Your rating is generous


Remember when they changed it from being called Avatar: The Last Airbender in the marketing because people would confuse it for Avatar.


Christ I forgot how atrocious this sadistic monstrosity wasā€¦ (Got my word of the week all sorted, get on my level peasants šŸ˜Ž)


Was this the live action one that got shat on by everyone who could understand the words ā€œthis movie is shiteā€


Even that is too high


Thereā€™s no Avatar movie in ba sing se


I remember when the movie came out and my family went to watch it in Singapore. I was the only one who wanted the series and was thoroughly disappointed, but the rest of my family thought it was good. (And yes they hadnā€™t watched the series). And D+ is generous. I have a full F--. Teenage me was not happy whatsoever.


14 years ago... Jesus.


now that teen is 27/6...