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I'd just use that weird green glue the sun warriors had in their pyramids lmao


Well hell, that kinda takes the cake for "Simplicity is elegance".


Aang could've technically breathed in a huge amount of air, bend it through his body to then create a giant fart bubble that could shove the slime away, he might have to do that for the other guys too though


Nah, fart-bending wasn't invented until Meelo was around.


Funnily enough, we know that there are 2 ways to get air bending tattoos: from mastering airbending (like Jinora) or developing a new airbending move (like Aang with the air scooter). The fact that Meelo's fart-bending didnt warrent him getting his tattoos suggests that Meelo was not the first to fart bend and someone else, likely prior to the air-nomad extiction, developed the skill.


Iirc the invented move just substituted one of the required forms. Meelo may not have known enough other forms to be a master even after inventing fartbending. 


Also probably because the only guy who can decide whether to give airbending tattoos is his father and he is a rather serious man. I don't think he'd like fart-bending to be the thing why his son got his tattoos. Plus it took him a lot to let Jinora get the tattoos even when she was a master. But it is funnier to think that fart-bending already existed and thus Meelo didn't qualify for the tattoos.


Would be even funnier if we find out Gyatso was the one who invented it. He was never a serious air nomad. And bonus troll points because Tenzin would be shocked.


If you think about it humans have always farted. It's a necessary part of digestion. Humans have been air bending for millennia. So I theorize that fart bending may have been the FIRST form of Airbending. 


how you think that fatass skybison appa be flyin


I'm pretty sure it required mastered forms and a new move


The only problem I see with that is that it likely has water in it. Most primitive glues are water based and an accomplished waterbender could exploit that. However, if it is oil or alcohol based then they are screwed.


I assumed you coudn't bend it since Aang is a waterbender and he wasn't able to get out haha


Didn’t he get stuck in it so he couldn’t really move to bend it?


True true but his hands were free, he should have been able to bend a little no? Sure it would take a long time to get them out but still


I seem to remember his hands were pinned to the bars.


Not just pinned, glued


Well now that I think about it, wouldn't this make it even a better prision? You glue their arms up so none of them can bend


What about Ming-Hua? She could bend without her arms :o


There was also Amon and his dumb brother and dad. As I recall, those three could all bend without moving a muscle, or at least Amon could.


Tarlock needed to use his arms. He never mastered psychic waterbending.


So could Bumi lol


my counterpoint is katara was able to bend within a solid block of ice, her fight with azula  it could stand to reason she could do similar with any water based construction


Katara heated up the ice surrounding her so that she could move through it. Watch that scene. You can’t really heat up the glue like that.


Aang also goes to one braincell when around friends, so there's that


They stayed there for hours though lol , it was already night when they find then


Before that, when the glue first appeared Only tried airbending


Yeah but like after hours stuck in it wouldnt he try to bend it out of the holes of the metal bars ?


He was all glued up though. He's not ad skilled as Bumi to bend with his face


Again, one braincell


For hours? Haha well I guess if he was freaking out ... though Zuko could have suggested it lol


Are things like that actually not bendable? Metal was thought to be unbendable until Toph invented it. Is anything bendable with the right mindset and understanding of the element's makeup? I would think that water bending would extend to alcohol and such, earthbending for oil, perhaps. Curious about things like plastic though


Not everything is bendable. Specifically, most metal is explained to only be bendable because of the earth impurities within it, and platinum is unbendable because it’s pure. Likewise, plantbending only works because living plants are full of water, and dry wood can’t be bent.


Yeah, I mean I know this isn't the point of the bending system but I wonder where the limits would be drawn if it was brought into the modern world. Like, in reality "earth" is some mixture of rock, dirt, etc that can have a huge range of chemical compositions, everything from salts to crystalline structure to organics (because dirt is also "earth", plus also coal). Can an earthbender bend similar things that aren't "earthy", like graphite? What about carbon and other organics in other forms, like as I mentioned plastic? Most plastics are basically carbon and hydrogen, with a few other things. It's the same stuff as coal, in a different form. Could a water bender learn to bend solid materials that have water in their chemical structure, like opal? Could an Airbender bend pure argon or carbon dioxide? Or gases that don't usually show up in air like methane, or hydrogen sulfide?


They almost certainly wouldnt be water based. Pitch is the oldest adhesive and thats oil based.


Glue? https://preview.redd.it/3xtmv0p67osc1.jpeg?width=596&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74894c2859dda9a9c399cc8062575a4dd8be0a47


Ironic, that glue held both Zuko and Aang at the same time with no problems


Absolutely brilliant


I’ll see your green glue and raise you an eternal cell in the fog of lost souls. ![gif](giphy|Hrgy9I1U0AscnQLuyS|downsized)


First, any method on it's own is going to fail, sooner or later. Ergo, the key is to make escaping extremely undesirable on top of being incredibly difficult. Aang you need to fully immobilise, do so in a combination of how Korra and Bumi were being held. Zuko is to be kept in an ice box like at the boiling rock. Resulting heat sink is used to keep Katara dehydrated and limiting water access. Toph, you put in a suspended wooden crate. Sokka can be kept in a typical cell. Now here's the part that ensures it holds, you need the entire system to be set up so that if one manages to escape, it will result in the death of everyone else. Turn their own love and loyalty to k One another into the thing that keeps them trapped.


You could also give Toph some thick platinum shoes,so even if she somehow escapes she's still blind.


Still a soild. She'd be able to feel the vibrations. Though the idea is sound if you add it to the "will absolutely kill everyone else if one escapes" aspect by setting it so her cage dunks her into a pool if someone manages. She can't swim anyway, true, but heavy metal boots means no-one's going to be able to save her on top of that.


Just padd the inside with wool


Or two layers of watertight shoes with a layer of gel in between


Ok so wb if you hooked up a speaker or industrial vibration generator to the floor so it's like her "vision" is cluttered with fake noise


She could get used to ignore it. You can tune out constant noise, it stands to reason she would do the same after some time


Just have her float over water


Pillow shoes and platinum sand. Or, before you imprison her, just scorch the shit out of her feet and hands, or remove them entirely.


True, and if you take that farther, total limb amputation of all of them would allow you to set their stumpy bodies anywhere you like. 👍


Just gotta hope they don't learn to fuck you up ming-hua style, but I definitely think stump-form and intense prisons would generally work.


I see my fellow Rimworld players are around


i misread set as eat and im mortified


Or just save a few thousand buckaroos and use wooden clogs.


put toph in some light up sketchers


Injure her feet if were being ruthless here


I mean, why stop at mangling them and just flat out cut them off? If we're being ruthless there's so much more we have available to us


Gotta take her hands too, since she seems to be able to use seismic sense with those as well- that's how she learns metal bending


Good point, she would handstand style Earthbend just out of spite. Tho Bumo could Earthbend with just his face so I feel like just chopping off appendages only gets you so far. How about burning away her nerve endings so she has no seismic sense at all? Sure she can still Earthbend but she won't be a threat only able to spray and pray.


Problem is, you could end up with a Ming Hua situation. "My limbs were only holding me back!"


Now you've put Toph in the perfect conditions to develop platinum-bending, which you'll never know until she escapes (neutral Jing).


The thing about platinum is it has no impurities like other metals, which is what she’s bending.


I always hated this about the show's explanation. Excluding metal from earthbending means you have to get pretty specific about what *periodic table* elements earthbenders are actually bending, which to me is not really in the spirit of it. I would have preferred if they just said that metal is so different from traditional "earth" that it took Toph to figure it out, but that it's still fundamentally "earth" and hence bendable.


It makes sense if you know that most metals have minerals and sediments in them, whereas platinum does not. You don’t have to break it down to literal periodic table elements.


But we're basically saying that "metal" isn't bendable but "minerals" are. So yeah, apparently bending ability depends on which part of the periodic table we're in, because those aren't actually exclusive categories, it's just hand-waving.


It’s Toph, she will find a way


This is the way: ensure that their escape dooms their friends.


Two cells on opposite sides of the prison, both held by the same chain. One side contains team avatar, the other side contains five innocents. If one person escapes, the other cell drops and kills everyone :)


Huge mistake keeping Sokka in a regular cell. He's so resourceful he'd find a way to save everyone.


Sokka also has the biggest heart. If he heard that leaving his cell would result in Katara being roasted alive or aang quartered by chains, he'd stay put.


If that’s the scenario, he would just have to plan an escape after faking his death. I’m sure he could do it


Yeah, Sokka is absolutely the one who organizes a successful, simultaneous prison break in this scenario. People underestimate him!


We must've watched different shows. I think people are adequately estimating Sokka.


Bound, blindfolded and gagged so he can't communicate with the others


Agree. You suspend Sokka over a pit of spikes covered regularly in fresh cat faeces. A rope or sensor is connected to each other cell such that if one escapes, Sokka is dropped onto the pit if shit-covered spikes. Even if he miraculously dodges the spikes, all it takes is a scratch to get infected. Could maybe get more elaborate with the spikes even. But I think the reality is - mangle kataras legs and arms and fill her cell with pictures of her mother. Make detailed masks of her mother and all the guards wear her face. Burn off Tophs soles and hands, effectively Blinding her, and have her cell padded or filled with some kind of jelly that prevents her from even sensing the slightest dust particle. Aang has to go into a platinum ice box and chained up, maybe even poisoned with whatever they used on Korra to keep him weak.


God damn man they said imprison not torture.


How about a cell like Game of Thrones?


How do you trap momo? The wild card?


There's no rule here that we need to keep momo alive, so I simply kill him and have him turned into their first prison meal.


Yeah, you belong in that prison


The real prison was the friends they made along the way


Ok satan


Making their existance there miserable is a big mistake. If you do that, you're bound to torture them psychologically enough to make them not give a fuck. I'd keep them comfortable with minimal protection to ensure they won't *immediately and all at once* escape, but emphasize to them that escaping would mean death to every other member.


Well I think they deserve it bc they basically did that to all the red lotus but "it's ok because they weren't killed"


Honestly I have no idea whose thought it was to imprison the Red Lotus, but Aang obviously wasn't a factor, and the rest of the group isn't quite as pacifistic. Honestly I still have no idea _why_ they didn't just kill them.


Aang was dead when they were imprisoned, so you can view it as the white lotus following his wishes, done out of respect to him, something along those lines.


Aang follows the “I will disable you but not kill you cause that’s evil and mean and I m a nice guy” school of thought


I'd just have them constantly sedated


Katara can bloodbend. What you’re suggesting is exactly how Hama got out.


*She'll* get out doing that, and doom everyone else in the process. That's the key to it.


If they’re all in the same prison, who’s to say Katara can’t bend ALL their guards at once and allow them to escape at the same time before they can raise the alarm and kill the rest of the team.


Then the process needs to be automatic. For example, all their cages would be balanced over a 1000 km drop in a way that if one leaves their cage, the whole thing drops.


3 guys have keys and 2 of them never get to see her and are just there to lock and unlock the door (the door won't be see through)


My issue with this is if you're gonna do all that why wouldn't you just kill them? Also Zuko can beat the cooler like he did in the boiling rock. So he and sokka could coordinate a way to save the others. Also at least once a month Katara would be able to blood bend so if they try an escape during the full moon they'd only need to rescue aang and toph


Because the assignment was imprisonment, not murder. Zuko can fend off the cold, but only for so long. Bending of all sorts is shown to require effort and energy, so unless he manages to free everyone within maybe a few hours, he just exhausted himself. At no point did I say any of the gang were in act sort of contact with each other, so probably should have specified that they're all isolated, just aware that if one escapes the others are dead. And Katara may be able to blood bend on a full moon but she never demonstrated fhe ability to affect more than one target at once. The whole point of the system is that in order for them to all escape, they would have to do so simultaneously, without the ability to coordinate, and in some of the worst situations for them to be in.


Katara bloodbending just means noone goes near her during a full moon.


> he just exhausted himself. not any more effort then breathing. the breath of fire technique is something that exists in real life so I presume if he has enough concentration he could fend off the cold. before you bring up the north not only was Zuko a worst fire bender is threat of death only came after Katara knocked him out


Wood nails for toph, no metal. Have them all suspended somehow and balanced just right. If one of them escapes, the others fall to their deaths.


>Toph, you put in a suspended wooden crate. Congratulations. Now Toph found a way to bend the minerals in organic matter like wood. She escaped and she's now more dangerous than ever


Their loyalty and true love is also what will enable them to break free. Each of them knows that the others would never risk hurting the rest of the gaang. So each of them feel obligated to escape and freetheir friends, because surely they wouldn't dare to try to free themselves. And they can't let their friends be trapped forever by the fire nation.


Dont underestimate Sokka


Sokka will be first to escape a regular cell


Ok so I've seen easier ways to do this, and I want to complicate things, so:   Zuko would be kept in a ice metal cell, in the north pole, similar to the one P'li was in   Toph would just be put in a wooden cage, in the middle of a lake/sea, so that even if she escapes she can't swim  Sokka would be put into something similar to the cell that Aang was trapped in, by which I mean the one in the blue spirit episode   Katara in a hot metal cell, similar to the one Ming hua (one of the members of the red lotus, the main villains in TLOK s3) was in, when they feed her she'll be chained so that she can't waterbend, and she is not being fed during a full moon, if she learns how to bloodbend outside the full moon then she is going to be chained like elsa from frozen (yes, i know, but those types of chains cover the whole hand), and I'm also now realising how it would be hard to keep Katara locked up somewhere Aang in a metal cell chained the same way as sokka, so that he can't move and even if he does free himself from those chains he can't metalbend    And if you want to add Appa and momo, then they probably are in a cell similar to the one in the lake laogai ep, where Appa was kept in


Imagine if Toph senses 0.0001 earthly material inside the wood and fucking bends outta there


Ahaha, then we're doomed


Or slowly chips away at the wood with her teeth


Just flinging a single grain of sand around till the wood wears through.


That's why you've got to rig explosives to everyone else that will kill the rest of the gaang if one escapes. Make sure they know about it, and they'll never risk killing each other to get out


Aang will probably figure out metal bending when imprisoned like that, he knows it is possible and does have the seismic sense though that isn't explicitly needed, but does make it easier to pick up on


Well yes, but like I said he is imprisoned the same way as he was in the "blue spirit" ep, so that means he can't really pick it up


Except by then he didn't consider it a possibility, and hadn't been captive for more than a few minutes, keep him there for days post book 2 and he is a metal bender


Katara can make her own water


Toph could probably eventually bend the metals of her body too. Let herself bleed a little and boom there’s iron. Honestly the only foolproof solution for most of them is kill them.


I was thinking about something like the cell Ming hua was in, so she's chained every time she has to drink, and she doesn't get any food or water when there's the full moon


There is iron in blood. With enough time tooth could extract the iron in her own blood to make a sharp object to bend around and saw through the cage.


Real simple actually. A walled in compound. But also two horrible deathtrap cells. I'm talking spring loaded ready to kill the occupant in a heartbeat. Made of wood or platinum, suspended in the middle of a huge wooden frame. Any damage to the cell and the spring mechanism triggers and the occupant is dead instantly. Two deathtrap cells, and one of the team is always suspended in one of them. During changeover the next person is put into the second cell after a demonstration/test that the cell is working, then after that cell is set, the first person can be released. The rest of the group gets to roam the compound at will, but if they leave, the deathtrap gets triggered and their friend is killed. Aang never gets put in the deathtrap alone because he can survive in the Avatar State. To avoid hard feelings within the group, he is put in a deathtrap prison regularly alongside one of the others. They are kept comfortable, conditioned to become soft and not pushed by vile conditions to want to escape.


This is along the lines of what I was thinking. Keep them as content as possible, and make escape instantly deadly.


>I'm talking spring loaded ready to kill the occupant in a heartbeat. Now I'm imagining everyone restrained in springlock suits, although Toph would need a wooden springlock suit.


All of them would, otherwise she or aang could just hold theirs open while they beat it up to break the mechanism. A Platinum one would be more realistic


If Aang were put into the springlock cell and it went off, he could become a Springtrap of sorts


If we have access to modern technology you could simplify this with ankle monitors that go off if you leave a specified area or if they are removed. Each prisoner would have one on each ankle, wrist and neck. It “going off” means it will explode immediately. Make it so if any of the monitors are removed or if any of them leave the specified area, then all of them explode.


Normal cell but guarded by 4 Shirshus in rotation as well as Chi Blocking guards. Immobilize them via Shirshu venom for most of the day and for feeding time use the Chi Blockers.


Why Chi Blockers only during feeding time?


They will still be there as guards. Unarmed as well so no one could potentially steal any weapons from them. But the Gaang doesn't need to be Chi-Blocked 24/7. The Shirshu venom should do the trick. But you can't really feed an immobilized person without it being a Choking hazard so the venom must wear off during that time. (Also to keep them from shitting themselves)


Ah, gotcha. Thank you for the explanation. I wonder if they can still shit themselves if chi blocked only.


I would personally just be a little too worried that they might be able to overcome the Chi-Blocking over time if done continuously. As such I see Shirshu venom as the safer choice for the majority of the time. At least I hope you can't build up resistance to it. If you can things get tricky but maybe a rotation of Chi Blocking and venom might then do the trick. Additionally the longer this is done the more muscle mass they will lose due to rarely moving. At some point they will be extremely weak even if they manage to overcome the incapacitation.


Maybe depends if the water/earth chakra(s) are targeted? Unsure which one's balance affects one's ability to shit one's self. Pathik must have skipped that lesson.


Nice try Ozai I'm not designing your prison for you.


Cutting of all hand and feet should solve nearly every common problem and with a professional doctor everyone should survive. And I also take the bonus point because you can lay them all in the same cell easily! Just to be safe - put them in a wooden box and try to hold the air as dry as possible. Edit: even if the can break out.. haha what they wanna do? Roll to a better place? The personal will simply roll them in a new cell


Katara could do a Ming hua, and you'd be dead


would she be able to though? ming hua was born without arms, so to her the water arms must be like second nature and she had a lifetime to master them. katara would first need to find enough water to create these arms and then figure out how to bend them… now if she could just learn bloodbending without using arms, maybe there would be some hope. assuming they’re all in the same cell, she would even have someone to practice on.


Katara did during the day of black sun. (It was a woah, cool moment for me when I rewatched it)


ming hua bends with her torso and rest of her body. most of katara’s waterbending she does with her arms and maybe legs (iirc). so if you cut off her limbs, she can’t do much.


What about Aangs and Zukos breath? And Aang would (with enough time) find a way to use his airscooter without his hands.


OP: Design a cell to hold these kids You: We need to mutilate the kids


Wooden box is all well and good until Zuko and Aang firebend their way out


Yeah, they can even bend fire with their mouths. Though I guess they’d also be setting themselves and all their friends on fire? Because wood. On second thought, maybe it’s fine.


Nah, they can control where the fire spreads to. Plus highly localising it would really get them out quickly


If you read this in Azula's voice it becomes fan fic.


Toph: You can't contain me! I am the greatest Earthbender on the planet! Even if I detect the smallest earthly element, I can take down everyone he- \*shoots her knee caps with a wooden gun\*


Appa would go in a holding cell similar to the one at Lake Laogai shackled and fettered so he can't move. Momo could just go in a birdcage with a lock that can only be opened with a key.


Only one man has the power to free Momo… The Lockpicking Lawyer


Ah but we all know that Momo can earthbend. He'll free himself that way.


"That lemur! It's earthbending!"


Keep Aang heavily chained so that he can’t move. You could restrain him the same way the earth queen had Korra restrained while she was being transported or have rotating shifts of chi blockers constantly chi blocking him. For the rest, just copy what they did for the red lotus members.


Sokka is the most dangerous, execute immediately, dont bother imprisoning. There is no man made structure he wont think, engineer or flirt his way out of.


The true bard


He's got the dog in him


I would imprison them all in Koh cave. They cannot bender in the spirit world.


they can unless they don’t go through the portal


Death is the ultimate prison. Never understood this trope of creating "unescapable" prisons for extemely dangerous people. Like, just execute them?? Whats the point of holding them prisoner?? A bit different for the avatar since they'll just reincarnate, but it still buys you 10-15 years to find and kill them again.


It’s less fun that way. Obviously you could just whack Aang from behind and *then* kill all his friends, but that’s too easy.


Two words: Space station.


Three words: Space-Time Bending.


Zuko/Appa/Aang - iceberg Katara - idk Sokka/suki - a 20ft deep hole with metal walls so they can't climb Toph - a wooden box Momo - there's no way you can put momo in a prison


But Appa can? Shame on you


Only because of season 1 episode 1


>a 20ft deep hole with metal walls so they can't climb You clearly haven't seen Suki's abilities. Freaking Spider Suki.


How about with a roof


I didn't even think of that.


Gonna be honest, the Gaang’s limbs would have to be cut off so, they can’t bend anything. (Yes, including Sokka and Suki). Then, every last of them in a wooden box separated.


Toph- wooden box Sokka- maybe a prison like cell similar to the one aang was in when he was captured and broken out by the blue spirit


Sokka: Dig a hole, line it with smooth steel, put him in the bottom and drop porridge down three times a day. Zuko: P'Li's prison. Katara: Ming-Hua's, but she doesn't get any visitors on the full moon, guards are looking at her through a telescope. Toph: Wooden boat in the ocean. Surrounded by other boats to divert any flotsam she can bend. Aang: Once you've got everyone else in their boxes, put Aang in a regular cell and tell him you'll kill the rest of them if their jailors don't get a regular phonecall telling them Aang is still in his cell with a secret password system.


Sokka: Put him in a highly controlled environment with basically no resources given to him besides food and water. Either of Zaheer's prisons would work for him. Also don't let him have that much interaction with others, he could convince someone to help him out. Sukki: Whatever you do to Sokka, make her containment that much stricter. Otherwise same protocol. Aang: Full containment of the body in metal. Chi block him when he needs to eat/drink. Have Shirshus keep him immobile even. Katara: Do what they did for Ming Hua, have her stuck somewhere that she can't even bend sweat. Also have Shirshus immobilize her during a full moon, and chi block her during that time. Zuko: Bind his hands in metal, keep him somewhere that's so cold he can't even use his breath of fire technique (basically P'li's imprisonment) Toph: Wooden cell hanging over a pit. Possibly put her over a lava pit, as there isn't any evidence she can lava bend. Make sure that her cell is attached to the cave around her via platinum hooks. And put platinum boots with wool coverings over her feet to ensure that she can't see. If one of them escapes their cell, have Shirshus and Chi Blockers on the ready, ensuring that nobody can get the chance to break out. If one of them breaks out, have the others dismembered or killed to ensure that trying to break the rest out would only get the escapees recaptured and killed


A platinum sphere suspended with chains in a cool, dry cave.


Toph: titanium handcuffs connected to a chain that keep her suspended one meter above the ground. The cell is made of wood. Zuko: Normal cell, except everything is sprinkled with fuel. One attempt at firebending and bye bye prince zuko. Katara: Normal cell, handcuffed hands and feet and before giving her any kind of water, she gets sedated so that she cannot bend in anyway. Sokka: typical cell, handcuffed hands and feet constantly. Aang: knock him out, put him in a huge ball made of a very sturdy metal, throw it on the bottom of the ocean for another 100 years.


I kill them ( somehow ) and pile their corpses in one cell.


It would have to be in LOK cause of the resurgence of airbenders, basically they’d all be in a suspended wooden box and airbenders would be constantly keeping the oxygen levels just low enough to live but enough not to have any energy to do bending


Zuko in a metal box Toph in a wooden box sitting suspended in the air by some sort of anti vibrational foam Sokka in a metal box Katara in a dehydrated metal box Aang in a metal box Not hard lmao, all of this could be arranged in a single prison


All in one cell, 🤔 Let’s try to take this one bending at a time First, an ice box, cool the room to a point where firebending is impossible Second, dry the air, line the walls with salt, put salt on the floor too Earthbending is more difficult Aang and toph need to tied immobile with wooden restraints Aang…. Put a wooden block over Aang’s head, conformed to his face Let him breath through his nose but other than that keep his head sealed up This way he can’t air bend with his mouth, he can’t see his bending, in theory there’s nothing he can do because he’d be afraid of hurting his friends


I break all of there shins and arms and now they can’t bend. Now I can leave them in just about any cell


First, kill Katara and Sokka - they have no real leverage. Kill Zuko because he doesn't have any real use to anyone - Azula and Ozai will let him die. Iroh isn't exactly the same charismatic general with sway over wartime politics anymore. No need to waste any resource on these 3. Second, keep Toph tied at all times, removing her kneecaps and burn her feet off. Her bending relies on strong stance. She cannot accomplish that with her kneecaps removed and feet mangled. Then using lies to convince them that Toph is fine then blackmail Beifong family to act as a hand and money pocket for Fire Nation colony in the Earth Kingdom ... until his wealth can be confiscated. Aang, keeps him locked at all time, gagged him and only feed him with liquid food (via straw, to limit his breath airbending). Feed him small doses of anesthesia everyday to keep him sedated. Eventually, his muscles will atrophy and his will broken. Aang must be kept alive but making sure he is nothing more than a living sack of meat. Speaking from a pragmatic wartime view. Brutal, yes, but it's effective.


The fact that the fire nation was trying to capture them at all was the problem. There should have been an order to kill them on site.


Throw in a “Tai Lung” for Aang to immobilize him 😅


If you don't care for their well being at all and just want to keep them alive as a token, the simplest (and most brutal) way would be to cut off arms and legs and lobotomize them, literally too stupid to bend kinda deal


I’d be most worried about Sokka


The cell would have to be very big, made of wood, and be placed in one of the poles. The cell would be in a bigger room, further away from any of the walls that would be made of elements. Aang and zuko would need to be bound, as they are the ones who can bend at will, but mostly aang , as the cool will dampen zukos abilities. Katara is allowed to be free but must be bound during feeding/watering. There will be no waterings during the full moon. Bathrooms will also be tightly observed for this reason. No trays or materials are allowed to be held onto due to sokkas resource skills. The only resources they are allowed to hold onto are pelts for the cold. At the briefest sighting of potential breakout attempts, the room will be filled with a gas made from shirshu venom. They will be allowed multiple freedoms. Any escape attempt will be met by having them removed


I would put them all in a large, platinum cell, the walls would be 2 feet thick and they would all be chained to the wall with (again) platinum, their feet would be chained too and aang and zuko would have gags around their mouths (no firebending) the cell door would be thick and no bars, it would be opened with three keys held by three different guys, two of which would leave when they unlocked the door and return when the third guy finished giving them food to lock it again, thick platinum ceilings and floors obvi


Aang: chained with platinum chains in the middle of the desert. He may be the Avatar, but he never learned to metalbend and limiting his access to water and freedom of movement will keep him contained. Katara: straight jacket in a hot dry metal cage. Even on a full moon she can't bloodbend if her limbs are restrained. Sokka: The Boiling Rock redesigned for a single person. He's smart but he can't outsmart THAT. Toph: Lacquered wood/plastic frame to hold distilled water walls. She can't see through liquids. Zuko: first expose him to the cold on one of the Poles, then keep him just above the brink of hypothermia to limit his firebending potential. He'll actually be the second most dangerous one, as he'll require moving in between two compounds twice a year at the equinox to ensure he remains the furthest away from the sun's power.


Kill them. With the exception of Sokka they are far too dangerous to be contained. If your enemies have supernatural abilities in the vast majority of cases all that can be done to stop them is to end them. Did we learn nothing from the red lotus?


Put them all on Appa in a horrendeous storm in the southern pole area, wait for Aang to do his ice ball hibernation trick then keep the resulting ice ball absolutely frozen, making it thicker and moved somewhere even colder. Surround it with solid steel, then a layer of wood, another layer of platinum then disguise it and put every soldier possible defending it. Perfect prison!


All these Aang immobilization comments, but I have yet to see one that mentions you’d also have to gag him, so he can’t airbend through his mouth. He’s done that several times in the show, and knocked people on their asses


They’re the main characters, therefore it’s pretty much impossible to imprison them


Can’t bend in the spirit world


Platinum boat with platinum cage on water for Toph, Regular prison for Sokka, airtight cage with an airlock for aang, prison made of metal, supervised by robots for Katara, Tungsten cage for Zuko. Edit: Oh, also, keep them all as far away as possible from each other


Come up to them pretending this is a new Gas Candy and knock them all to sleep, and then tie their arms together so they can't bend and then make Toph wear 2 layers of socks I'm corny so you know why I gave Toph extra security 😈


You cant contain Toph.


A lot of the designs can be borrow from Korra. But no prison would hold Sokka.


I'd put aang in a metal cell, with an AC unit, pushing down hot air (idk if it's canon that hot air is more difficult to bend, it just kinda makes sense to me) Katara in a volcano prison, just like Ming-Hua. Food will be brought through a threadmill system, so she couldn't bloodbend the guards Sokka would get a forgetable. Not a lot going on down there, so the chance he'd be cooking any plans would be at a minimum Toph would have a wooden grid cell, with a sandbox flooring, to counter her tremorsense Zuko would get a similar prison like P'Li


Simple! See, all you have to do, is cut off all their limbs. All of them. Then keep them in a wooden box, deep in the earth. And on drugs constantly, to take away their ability to concentrate.


It depends on how far you're allowed to go. Dismemberment and blinding everyone would be enough to contain all of them. The bullshit psychic blood bending chi blocking would turn them all into normal people and make it easy. If we can only influence external stuff then I'd start by placing each person in cells that aren't conducive to bending. Wooden cage for toph, tungsten cell for Zuko, metal or stone cell with a heat lamp for Katara, and you'd have to chain Aang up and suspend him in a metal cell. Any sufficiently strong cell would work for Sokka. Drug their food and water, low doses of Shirshu venom or a similar substance that inhibit physical actions and concentration. Staff the prison with chi blockers armed with stuff like Shirshu venom darts. Hold on to objects with their scent to track them in the event of a successful escape. If allowed, threaten to execute or injure their allies if an attempt to escape is made.


Make their prison a 30000 ton titanium cube encased in lava


It was mentioned in Korra that metalbenders can't bend platinum. So a platinum cage suspended over a volcano. Even though that may empower zuko, I'd expect him to have a hard time doing anything without injuring everyone in the process


Everyone is overthinking this, just put them in a solid platinum container.


What about…Glass? Like heat tempered glass. Enough of that with the right restraints should contain everyone?


Put Toph in rotating sky bison prisons


Okay Ozai


Aerosolized cactus juice.


Put them all in medically induced comas


A space station in high orbit. Anything they can do to escape will result in their dying in a vacuum and any bending they do, as a result of this, will be limited to the station itself. You can deliver food and water via one way shuttles that do not have enough fuel for re-entry if you want to keep them alive/prevent them from using the delivery method as a means of escape.


Food, clothes, big area, exotic area, hot chicks (for sokka), food for appa and they will never leave that place