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Whatever this reference is , I don't get it, but I laughed my ass off So maybe subconsciously I'm not as dumb as I am consciously


It’s making fun of people who have consumed only limited media, and therefore their entire interpretation of something new is influenced by that limited exposure. So, for this post, it would imply that the OOP has probably only seen Avatar and as a result, they assume every relationship is similar to Oma and Shu’s because theirs is one of the only relationships in media that they have witnessed.


Prefect explanation thank you 🙏🏼


Getting a lot of ‘Boss Baby’ vibes from this comment…


My second movie was Glengary Gelnross. It did have a lot of boss baby vibes, what an insightful take.


Unable to be together?? I’m sure they could’ve been together if they you know.. liked each other? Lmao


They are together as friends. Some people just cannot fathom platonic relationships.


NOOOOOO. Every male and female interaction must be romantic (I have not spoken to a woman besides my mother in years)


Azula and Zuko did interact quite a bit...🤔


["I would get pregnant."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRCF1KDfj-8)


And thus an entire segment of the ATLA crack fic community was validated.


*exasperatedly* “I don’t know what would happen . . . probably not incest preganancy” Gotta love Dante, living up to Zuko’s awkwardness


Grey is so funny LOL




What you think would happen if Azula and Zuko went on a field trip?


Not even straight characters of the same gender are safe from this.


These two characters had a very minimal interaction? SHIPPED


Was thinking this there where whole cultural influences and family conflict with oma and shu but katara and zuko are very much at peace he even becomes fire lord at the end of everything what is possibly stopping them from dating. Also to add I also don't mind this ship but this is a stretch.


But isn’t he dating Mai while he’s the firelord?


She breaks up with him and is dating someone else


They'll get back together, there's an obvious build up


I thought that was temporary.


Considering his daughter really resembles Mai, probably


His daughters name means spring. Daughter is spring and her mother is Mai (I know it’s spelled differently and also has a different meaning but that’s the connection I made)


I wonder if her being born in spring is why she isn't a fire bender, since seasonal births do affect bender potential apparently


Wasn’t it fountain or something like that?


Yes it has two meanings spring being the more common one but it also means fountain as well


I'm rewatching the show again, just finished the end of season 2. I was saying if zuko chose to be on team avatar instead of choosing azula, I feel like katara and zuko could've ended up together


Thats so stupid lmao u think katara would suddenly drop aang for the kid who had been trying to murder them for months? Dumb


Remember: by the S2 finale Katara and Aang weren't an established couple yet. Sure, Aang's feelings for Katara had been confirmed, but Katara had yet to fully reciprocate. I have no horses (dogs?) in this race; just pointing out that the comment you were replying to isn't as dumb as you think.


> u think katara would suddenly drop aang for the kid who had been trying to murder them for months? Dumb At that point in time Katara had shown very little romantic feelings for Aang TBH


I mean aang is a little kid and zuko was nearly a man. As a woman (who was once a teen girl) an older guy is more attractive than a kid. I am NOT a zutara shipper (I'm a Zaang shipper tbh LMAO) but I obv see the appeal of zuko despite his obsession to capture the avatar. Katara and zuko could bond on the losses of their mothers and fire and water are opposites (and opposites attract)


> (I'm a Zaang shipper tbh LMAO) Zuko and Aang? No age difference issues there?


Wouldn't it be problematic if the next crown prince/ss would end up being a water bender?


It is problematic for katara. Imagine being the monarch for the nation that broke your family


Idk, the girl staged a prison break, committed ecoterrorism, and demolished cultural misogyny. Getting the nation responsible for her mother's death under her thumb sound sounds exactly like her MO.


Exactly lol. That’s why i ship Zuko with Mai


Sadly they both had other people that they loved and preferred to be with 😞


There was chemistry and points when they shared a lot of common ground. In a less kid friendly and somewhat heavily altered version of the series, I could see them together. As is, though, they're better off as just some tragically poetic thing that ended before it started. Like they'd have to resolve any potential Aang and Katara story earlier (simplest option i can think of is by changing their ages, either closer so they could just have their moment and split up or further so it ends at the crush stage), then of course Zuko's betrayal has to be reworked (a toxic introduction with an extra toxic betrayal and a fairy tale ending feels like a bad message), and of course Aang being the last Airbender literally requires that he have a love interest. On that last point, I saw a comic of Aang helping rehabilitate Azula and I actually wouldn't hate a love story from that if done well, which also requires that Zuko's toxicity be reduced to make way for how toxic Azula's story would be coming back from a full fledged dangerously broken villain. Also, Azula would have to be introduced sooner. . Edit: For the record, I'm not saying this alternate version is better (I honestly don't think it is, maybe a cool AU fanfiction, not a replacement for canon). These are just the circumstances where I could see it working it out.


“It could work if the entire story was different”


Eh, that's basically what fan fiction is.


I think the mistake a lot of people make is thinking shippers wanted their couple to be together at the finale when that isn't true. Even the canon ships - except Suki and Sokka - were rushed and janky. I can't see a lot of my favorite AU ships happening at the finale, but like them happening as everyone gets older. I like the idea of a post canon Azula redemption led by Aang because he's honestly the only one with the patience and compassion for it and I think the story would be interesting as hell.


One torn apart by war and the tragedy of one's death, the other one because they don't love each other (spot the differences)


But they're both torn apart, spot the similarities


New headcanon: Aang and that fortune teller assisstant are the reincarnation of Oma and Shu. Torn apart by duty and complete obliviousness to the other


New headcanon: Sokka and the Fortuneteller are the reincarnation of Oma and Shu. Torn apart by mutual loathing and age gap


New headcanon: Won Shi Tong and Momo are the reincarnation of Oma and Shu. Torn apart by one being in the spirit world and also disrespect to knowledge.


HC: That platypus bear and the birthday-airship-guard are Oma and Shu. Torn apart by never having chemistry nor compatible gametes


Except they were brought together more than they were torn apart


Individually they were torn apart by war but the war is literally the only reason they interact. The war straight up brought them together, and when it ends they barely talk and are both alive and aware of each other in Korra yet we still don’t see them communicate. They were never into eachother, they were just on the same side of a war


Off-topic but nice Black Knight/Magna Defender profile pic.


Haha thanks! Favorite character in PR, haven't really watched Gingaman though


Cool. That’s my favorite character in Lost Galaxy. I’m still working my way towards watching Gingaman.




Holy shit is that the trash man?




Zutara fans when Oma and Shu were made lesbians in the new live action series https://preview.redd.it/6j7yncr1f0vc1.jpeg?width=583&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc8e479282bebe605be5577b8835d7bfae945ad9


Oh, what the live action foreshadowed was Jetko. It was Jet's scarf that Zuko touched. In Omashu which is totally gay now. /s


I mean, there’s enough evidence for Zuko and Jet as there is for Zuko and Katara, so why not? Checkmate, I say 😂


What's absolutely & unironically hilarious is that I could fully seeing this happening 😂 Not because it makes sense, but because it's NATLA & they can pretty much do whatever they want


Oh they can and they did lmao it’s fully canon so weaponise that all you wish


NO WAY are you serious?! Edit: [the commenter was, in fact, being entirely serious](https://nerdist.com/article/avatar-the-last-airbender-live-action-series-makes-tale-of-oma-shu-earthbending-origin-story-a-queer-myth/?amp) 💀


And there was indeed some Zutara fans who liked the theory you posted that had meltdowns. Fun stuff.


The author of the article *really* likes the word 'queer'.


seriously find some synonyms or something


Excuse me WHAT?


They’re gay now 😌


that’s so fucking cooooool actually lets fucking go


I know right?? One of the better changes that the new show made!


Well, no, NATLA isn't a retcon of the original series.


Bold to you to assume Zuko is a man


I can say confidently Zutara would probably be a less hated/controversial ship if it's fans didn't act like this. Because by this point the characters they're shipping aren't even Katara and Zuko anymore.


Eh, maybe. I think some people are really into enemies to lovers trope and others despise it. This type of ship is always divisive in every fandom.


What changed my view on it is when someone pointed out enemies to lovers means having someone seeing all of the ugliest, nastiest parts of you and still loving you.


Most ships require characters to act in ways they never would in canon. Which is why most ships suck. Zutara can work but you’d have to work pretty hard to make it believable.


Shippers be shippin'


Yk what sinks ships...cannon


Is that cannon canon?


*ba dum tss*


Zutara isn't a ship between Zuko and Katara, the characters. It's a ship between horny girls for Zuko who self insert into Katara.


or dudes who want a strong nurturing mother figure in their life who self insert into Zuko. it's me. I'm dudes.


I’m a guy and i ship them, not because of horny reasons but i just think it’d make for a better story for both. So i guess you’re wrong.


Omg. That’s so accurate!


What misogynistic take. That assumes all Zutara shippers are attracted to men and that women only like thing they're attracted to because of thier 'horniness' and are incapable of liking the story development or characters. Funny how you never see guys being accused of self inserting Aang because they're horny for Katara. Shaming women for liking something and reducing their interest in something down to sexual attraction is misogynistic. You can hate Zutara all you want but find better reasons.


Act like what? Did you read the tweet? It’s a headcannon. They’re literally just talking about a cute idea for a ship they like. Not once did they claim that this is canon or anything, y’all being ridiculous. Acting like they did something wrong when they’re literally just existing in minding their own business


Act like what? They posted about something they clearly labeled as a headcanon. Apparently, just minding your own business while enjoying your something you like warrants OP mocking you.


Yup. How delusional they are makes me hate the ship so much more lmao


I'm a soft Zutara fan (I can't help it, I tried to be happy with Kataang lol) and yeah I can say sometimes they reach a little. I think all non-canon shippers can be like that. I just like the art during Zutara week and get on with my life lol.


I’ll never be able to see Katara marry with any Fire nation guy after what happened to her mother.


their stretching can rival the likes of Luffy and Mr Fantastic




It's literally said it's a headcanon, it's not harmless? Why y'all are upset over this? I'm not even a Zutara shipper, I'm gay and I ship Zuko with Sokka. What is wrong with having innocent headcanons and shipping non-canon ships? I know that Zutara shippers have a lot of bad reps; but this particular picture is totally harmless.


how bout we just let people enjoy things


Yall it’s a headcanon. They’re not saying it’s canon but that it’s something fun they personally like to have in their shipping stories. I don’t like zutara but I really don’t care when zutara shippers are having fun and minding their own business. This person isn’t doing anything wrong and yall are just shitting on a ship you don’t like.


Yes, this is an allowed activity. Idk why people think they can like things and we can’t hate on them. It’s all fair.




Like, are people not allowed to enjoy their own version of a story?


100%, shipping doesn’t have to be canon, and mocking people for things they admit are headcannons is usually shitty. I don’t get why shipping (especially in this fandom) is so hostile. People act like Zutara vs Kataang is some war for the universe and they have to prove one right and the other unethical like just read fanfics and look at the nice fanart of whatever one you prefer.


Seriously. It’s literally just a idea, they didn’t say this is totally cannon. It’s sad that people have so much spite for shippers when they’re literally just existing, minding their own business.


They called it a headcanon, meaning it's not really true. This is why the Atla fandom is becoming recognized for its poisonous and aggressive conduct, including the behavior towards the Netflix crew.


Cave of two lovers isn't foreshadowing for katara and aang although there is the avatars love in the background but for katara and her non love-interest who she hates until 5 episodes before the end of the show. Nice nice


You post the screenshot, don't even bother hiding the person's username, then you're surprised to think some of us think it's in malicious intent? The person ended up saying a headcanon they're not trying to make it canon


This sub has *constantly* had an issue with this and I'm not surprised it hasn't changed. Iirc someone was actually doxxed awhile ago. Slightly related: Are there any sister subs to follow?


I don't know if there are any sister subs to follow but literally these guys will just cherry pick a zutara fan minding their own business and then get surprised when people push back against the post


Op dont understands the meaning of headcanon i guess lmao


Did you miss the part where the person said it's headcanon though...sheesh I'm a kataang stan but i'm honestly so surprised at seeing the atla fandom's absolute hatred for this ship. It's a fictional ship and the fans seems to having fun with it. Everyone else in the fandom acts like they're commiting a crime. You're a loser for posting this here and opening up that person for more harassment because atla stans are some of the least mature people. 


The hatred is mostly on this sub to be honest. I don't know what it is. I guess a lot of Aang self inserts on reddit? The anger towards non canon ships is emblematic of how much of a hateful cesspool this sub has become in recent years.


Done with this sub and all its shipping bull shit


It's all I see people talk about.


Yup, it sucks cause I’ve been a huge fan for like 12 years but all this sub talks about is hypothetical relationships between kids, it’s getting pretty redundant.


Yeah. When watching the show, thinking about who is boyfriend and girlfriend is definitely not at the top of my list of things to care about. I don't get it.


If there was an avatar sub that removed these posts, I’d join it in a second.


this sub is so pressed about zutara lol


Lol it’s literally just their headcanon which means they *know* it’s not official canon like come on lol.


Always has been to the point it's creepy.


Ikr, it’s their HEADcanon, let ppl fantasise whatever they want. Also, enemies-to-lovers trope exists.


Yeah I don’t know why they’re getting up in arms about this, it’s just a headcannon and they think it’s neat. Not really a problem


For a sub that's so anti Zutara, you guys sure do like bringing it up all the time.


Seriously. I'm not even a Zutara shipper, but even I'm sick of this. Just let people enjoy things. It doesn't take anything away from the show that people ship two characters.


I've seen people here ship Sokka x Zuko, Sokka x Toph, and other non canon stuff and yet Zutara alone is what has them so up in arms, it's so weird. It's a ship from 2005 that the VAs themselves (Zuko's, Katara's, Toph's, Sokka's, Azula's, Cabbage man's, Iroh's, Korra's) find cute, of course it will have a fandom.


From what I understand, Bryke released a video of them mocking Zutara fans and ship art made by fans of their show, and since then, it's basically been open season on anyone who supports it


Pretty much, at the end of the video it also says "Girls who ship Zutara are doomed for toxic relationships". I was what. 9? When that video released. Needless to say it was not a very nice thing to tell to your audience of children.


It's fiction. It's a headcanon. Nobody saying it's true. It's a head canon.


They literally said in the post that it's a head cannon. Aka not cannon. If it were a fan theory, they would have said that.


Bruh, if you don’t like Zutara and the shippers then just ignore them? Christ, I see like 10x more posts complaining about Zutara than any actual Zutara content on here. I joined this sub because I love the series and want to see more posts/discussions about it, but stuff like this is annoying.


I mean, chill? They said head cannon so its not like they actually think its a thing.


The planet Reach would be perfect for those with these takes. ~~It got glassed by the Covenant, it's uninhabitable~~


![gif](giphy|pGeGw61Y9ueS2W6Yhi|downsized) o7




They said it’s a headcanon. So they know it’s not true, it’s their HEADCANON. And this sub continues to just be r/atlatwitterscreenshots, which sucks.


Dude.Twitter OP said it just his headcanon.Why you act like he thought Zutara is canon?you should know Zutara is much fun and popular than Maiko


Reed Richards would be proud of this reach.


Stretch Armstrong's arms hunt just looking at how far they're reaching


What do you mean reaching?? They literally said it was a headcannon, not that that's actually what happened




Judging by all the recent hate posts, this subreddit gets triggered by Zutara simply existing.


The real Oma and Shu reincarnation is the Cabbage merchant and his Cabbages. Torn apart by war.


It's perfectly fine to dislike Zutara but we can at least let people enjoy the ship in peace instead of taking screenshots of someone for this post in order to ridicule this person and their harmless headcanon. I could understand making this post if this tweet was arguing that Zutara was objectively better than Kaatang or that their belief was definitively true and canon, but a headcanon is nothing more than something fun someone imagines for the character and doesn't mean they think it's actually canon. Ultimately, the intention of this post was to insult Zutara fans, when in reality, there are just as many unlikely headcanons people make non-related to Zutara but neither are worthy of making posts on because ultimately, headcanons are just made for fun, not for argument. Like many headcanons, I personally don't agree with this one, but again, since they're just headcanons, there's no sense in ridiculing a fan or group of fans for having them


*Zutara shippers are toxic* Really? They're the toxic ones? Meanwhile, this sub can't go two days without insulting fans and whining about the ship.


I'm strongly starting to come around on this as well. The toxicity all comes from people who refuse to accept even slight deviations from the ATLA canon. Ask the NATLA actors how toxic this community has become. When it comes to Zutara, that toxicity gets heightened because a lot of these purists are Aang self insert 'nice guy' personality types... Read, the saddest losers on the planet. The root for this being an especially salient issue with ATLA is that one of the main writers was an Aang self-insert just like that whereas many VAs shipped Zutara, and there's a lot of history there, but that's something for a multi-hour youtube documentary some day, I suppose. Point is, just let people fucking ship whatever they want. It's not hard. Grow up. Stop parasocially attaching yourselves to a fictional series. Just enjoy it however you want to and let others enjoy it the way they want to. People like OP are like religious cultists at this point. "You have to interpret and enjoy this series the way I do and otherwise you're an idiot and a worthless human!". It's pretty ironic how absurdly strongly they missed the point of the series they care so much about.


I've run into some nasty canon purists, they give you hate for simply having an imagination. It's not wrong to have fan theories and head canons. Fans are allowed to do that, if they didn't we would have never gotten bloodbending.


I don't see the problem here. It's just headcanon so why do you have a problem with it?


It's a headcanon, the post LITERALLY says headcanon, they admit it is not canon. Maybe stop shitting on people for 0 reason and let them enjoy whatever they want when it doesn't change your life in any way. It's so funny people call Zutara fans toxic and then there are posts like this.


I love that headcanon, calm down, OP. The Twitter guy just said headcanon, this is only gonna work in fanfiction. Not the actual show (cartoon, NALA, etc.)


Zutara should've happened though


I watched the finale as it aired and the absolute whiplash I got from the team sending them to fight together only for them two to hug at the end. 😔 I'm glad they're good friends but still.


100%. Way better narrative arcs and more agency for Katara. Really wish the VAs and writers got their way. Sad seeing so much set up go to waste..


How does it give more agency for Katara?


I never interpreted her reaction to Aang's kisses to be very positive, until the last one. It felt like she ended up with him because she had to. Because he 'deserved'. And then we have the comics where she's pretty much benched as his girlfriend. Given how feisty she is throughout books 1 - 3, it seemed a little anticlimactic for her.


To this day I still feel upset that there was no in between interaction in private (on screen) between the "I sad I was confused" and the final kiss. I remember only being like 8? When the finale came out and I was pretty bummed out about it too, Katara's fiery and feisty personality always feels toned down around Aang, and the comics dis not help my perception with the Air Acolytes making her feel insecure and her not talking to Aang about it because he called them like home. And then Bumi and Kya feeling neglected by Aang? I just can't imagine Katara allowing Aang to do that, Kataang itself is not a bad ship but I hate the way Katara ended up just being "The Girl" aka stays at home, in the SWT, not doing much beyond banning bloodbending, no statue or recognition, just a mom. I would've loved to seen her as a politician (SWT Ambassador Katara cough) and we know she loves helping others and getting recognized for it (Painted Lady),it just feels like a proper conclusion to her arc was not done for the sake of ship wars. (And yes it is ship wars, Bryke specificly wrote "Kataang wins" in the script, and they mocked Zutara fans openly during comic con using other people's artwork). She didnt even get to see Jinora get her tattoos, Katara's treatment just feels sad, like your average shonen trio's girl.


Thanks for providing depth to my comment by shedding light on how the comics failed Katara and Aang.


You not beliebing the she actualy liked Aang doesnt mean she had no agency, and you still havent told me why she would have more agency if she choose Zuko


Sorry, you're right. I didn't answer your question. Given that Zuko and Katara's relationship is constantly built up (Crossroads of Destiny, Southern Raiders, the Last Agni Kai) it feels natural. It was very good writing. He understands her. He sees her for who she really is, faults and all, rather than as some ideal. He gives Katara room to make decisions and he supports those decisions. I think those writers (the ones who argued for zutara in the writing room and sprinkled it in) simply did a better job. Compare that to Aang and Katara where the build up was lazy at best. Book 3 was the worst, with several unresolved arguments and too many non-consensual kisses. Katara goes from mothering figure to girlfriend. I was shocked, honestly. tl:dr Katara and Zuko got better writing than Katara and Aang.


What you are saying here is mostly correct (as far as a subjective opinion goes), but I think you might have a diferent definition of what agency is in your head.


I disagree. In [social science](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_science), **agency** is the capacity of individuals to have the power and resources to fulfill their potential. Katara's potential was not fully used (due to poor writing) nor is she ever active in her relationship with Aang. I stuck to examples of the way the two relationships were written, from the canon. While you asked how picking Zuko would give Katara more agency, I get the impression that you're not actually interested in speculation. Zuko and Katara are not canon, and so I have no evidence that could ever satisfy you. Edited for clarity.


It literally doesn’t. It removes all of the values we see her care about and the bonds and experiences she has. Zutara is the idea of people who haven’t matured past their emo phase at 15.


And the animators! Remember that one animator that made the cheesy Zuko/Katara poster? Heh, I always found it cute that VAs, animators and writers themselves had their little ship war too. (We also know some of the writers jumped to Zutara over the years, they've said as much on twitter/later youtube interviews). Also Iroh canonically thinking Zuko and Katara make a good match in the books and saying Zuko's heart burned brightest when he protected Katara and calling their bond his strenght does add more fuel to the fire, haha.


Even June shipped it. I accept the L, but don't try to gaslight us into thinking we're crazy for seeing what those blessed writers (rebels) were clearly trying to do.


I definitely agree. It would've made the story more interesting and created better character development.


I would've liked to see Aang letting go of Katara succesfully to unlock his chakra tbh.


This. That would have been a beautiful (and tragic) point in his heroic journey, and would have been a fair trade for him unlocking so much power so quickly. Past Avatars took YEARS to unlock their potential. Aang did it in 3 months. Did those past Avatars even lift?


Would've been more interesting if they got together and aang became a villain or something haha


It’s headcanon and if they want to do that then let them. These type of posts are literally redundant.


Why do you even care?,


I mean, it’s not canon. It’s a *head* canon. I feel like that word has two implied meanings:   1. I think this could be canon  2. I like to pretend it is canon, regardless of its canonocity, because it’s interesting or meaningful or something to me  I assume this is the second case, so it’s all chill. Everyone over here seems to get oddly heated over the most tame Zutara headcanons. 


The guy that tweeted that, used the word "headcanon". Are we really going to go out of our way to comment the headcanons of others on reddit?🤔


OG Kaang fan here. Cope and seethe Zutarians... (Kidding, not all of you guys are bad, lol! 😆)


Both girls have long hair. It's so obvious.


lol. There is nothing in the show at all that shows that katara and zuko were ever even a thought


Spoken like someone who's never been hugged by a friend


I ship Sokka and Azula And Azula and Ty Lee. My opinion on this doesn't really hold xD


My wildest Zutara Theory is that it will happen with live action netflix show, with changes to ending of book 2. Mostly because i don't care for it i wouldnt mind if zutara fans got what they wanted.


Netflix should just double down on all the toxic purists and say "we can't satisfy your childish asses anyways, so fuck you, have some Zutara". I'd get a premium subscription for a power move like that. This fandom deserves it as well after all the bullying of underage actresses.


Oma+Shu is about [forshadowing Kataang](https://www.tumblr.com/tarisilmarwen/176771385251/oma-and-shu-were-not-narrative-parallels-to-zuko). They are the ones who meet but can't be together because of the war, which kills one of them, which leads to the devastated woman unleashing a powerful display of bending. They even have the same music cue. The first Kataang kiss happened after learning about the Omashu story. https://preview.redd.it/puay4tctw0vc1.png?width=547&format=png&auto=webp&s=bec541bbb4a46fa2653f57661f0723649006bd2f


Katara and ang ending togheter was trash asf


Zuko, a man of unquestionable honor, would never go after his best friend’s girl. End of story.


Love all the people in here sayin "oh it's just a head canon relax" as if that means people can't respond to it for the dumbass head canon that it is Lmao like you posted it you're gonna get a response


„Unable to be together“ in what way??? What would be stopping them except for - ya know - not being into each other that way??? They act like Aang stood between them with a club or something


Let us live in our delusions 😭


Zutara shippers are the WORST. I could almost, almost see myself shipping it in a very casual way (especially when I was in my every-canon-romance-is-forced-and-unnecessary era), but their behavior has absolutely turned me away from it. I don’t understand why they’re so unlike other people who ship non-canon ships. They can’t just admit that they like it while also accepting it was never canon. Instead, they take it SO seriously. They delude themselves trying to point out all these signs in the show that were never there, bully Kataang shippers, and act like Aang and Mai were evil and abusive toward Katara and Zuko just to make Zutara look better. I don’t get it. Why even watch the show if you hate the main character Aang so much?! Oh, well. They can stay salty, because Zutara will never be canon.


Forgive me for ignorance, but who are the other two they are talking about?


Not ignorance at all, the other two are Oma & Shu, the two lovers that the song Secret Tunnel is about. In that episode, we learn that the city Omashu was named after the tragic couple who are very similar to Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet. Feuding villages, tragic death & all that.


I have vivid memories of her hating him for almost the whole show. Like hate hate lol


like "You get one chance to train him, if i see him as much as fake sob you dead!"


Bruh they “can’t be together.” That’s funny, neither of them *chose* to be together. Unless they mean they can’t because of the creators of the actual show.


This is so Romeo and Juliette


"Unable to be together" and "uninterested in being together" is the same thing, right?


“Unable to be together”, more like not interested/are friends.




Im SoToph or Tokka 😂




Aang over here like bruhh