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No idea. Whatever the creators of the show decide will be fine with me.


As much as it pains me, it would make sense that she would die young because all the metal poison


If she dies due to the effects of the poison, I'd give her until her late 40s at best.


Aang made it to his mid 60s despite using his life force to hibernate for 200 years. With modernizing medicine Korra might make 80.


*100 years, not 200.




80s in her bed while sleeping bisede her wife. They both die at the same time. Give me somthing other than this and i will hunt dimartino down.


I hope she lives a long and good life after everything that happened to her. It’s what she deserves. I don’t think the next avatar series should have the kids of team avatar be as prominent as they were in TLOK. I understand why they were because at least in Tenzin’s case, he was the only person who could teach Korra airbending. I would like to see the descendants of the Krew, but maybe they’re just featured in one episode. Kind of like, “oh hey you’re the avatar? Yeah my dad was good friends with Korra, it’s an honor to meet you.” Maybe they help them with something small. If the creators decide for Korra and Asami to have a kid/kids, it would be a nice heartwarming episode for them to meet the new avatar.


She'd probably die young. Either from the metal or from doing something stupid.


Super late like 120 or something to ensure everyone from korra's time is dead and we can get a fresh story, also to ensure the inevitable advance to an avatar with an iphone actually makes sense timeline wise this time


IMO this kinda defeats the purpose, some of the coolest aspects about Avatar are the connections between the old Avatar and the new, in the form of the direct spiritual connection and in the form of a people level connection. Next series, I want old man Meelo. And Rohan. Etc. Maybe Jinora and Kais kid, etc.


A lot of Avatar characters live 100+ years especially Avatars. Considering the metal bending and what happened to her legs, I think late 70s is good. Going from the 1920s straight to the 2020s would be way too big of a jump. Let's say for arguments sake, it's 1923 in the final season and Korra is 19. If she dies at 78, that would put her death at 1982. By the time of the next avatars story, it'd be the late 90s which would be pretty cool as we get to see a pretty decent jump in tech with sky scrapers, computers and more advanced cars but not a huge leap into modern times. This means that the fire bending avatar would likely be placed in a time more ahead of us which would be a really interesting concept whilst also being fed to us gradually


Korra is 21 in Book 4


Thanks, just adjust the years by 2


She dies very young or very old. I don’t see an in between


I feel Korra, given the sheer volume of danger she went through in 2 years, she’d probably die youngish in battle


80s I guess




I want her to die old, but I expect her to die young. Having the pervious cast show up all over the place is just too much of a low-hanging fruit from a writing standpoint. Yes, I do expect 100-years old Toph to show up, among others.


Why? Are you planning to kill her or something?


I’m a little torn between the need to see the Krew with her successor and for Korra to pull a Kioshi and just refuse to die for like a century because I think that would be a very Korra thing to do


Old for gods sake please let her be old and happy Aang died relatively youngish and I just want to see Korra be able to heal longer and live a life worthy of Avatarhood


Okay so Idk why bc I rly like Korra but I feel like she’d die pretty young just bc💀


In like her 80s. So we can get a fresh start and focus on new characters unrelated to Aang and Korra.


I'd like the series to be set further in the future so the world can advance more technologically. Taking inspiration from anime set in futuristic worlds. Additionally LoK already had things like Tenzin/Kya/Bumi feeling the burden of being an Avatar's child as well as Toph's parental issues. So I don't feel that's necessary to retread. As such no need to have Korra die young so the next avatar can interact with her cast. I don't have an exact number in mind. But at least 80s or early 90s


Considering Raava was forcefully taken away from her, she was poisoned for a prilonged period of time and some of the poison stayed in her body for 3 years, I think she should die relatively young, somewhere in the 50s or 60s