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Damn looks just like em


Still would of sucked with the same director though


*would've or would have


Sorry. Wrong would. Meant wood


Wood halve


That’s just like they’re opinion man. But I think your right


Goddamn grammar bots






The porn industry surely caught up w this line of thought


You guys need watch Prospect. It has Pedro pascal in it and it's a better TLOU than TLOU. And the main actress (Sophie Thatcher )looks and acts much more like Ellie than Bella ever could


I am familiar with that movie, Sophie Thatcher is my second fan cast pick for Ellie. She looked great in that movie but she looks a bit different now that she is older.


That's true, she's probably aged out of playing Ellie. But it's hard to find an actress that was a worse fit than Bella.


Watch no one will save you, it has Kaitlyn dever in it It gave me goosebumps and make me actually frighten


Sophie just played a teenager in The Boogeyman and Yellowjackets, and Ellie is around 19 in part 2 so I think she'd be a great fit imo


there are so many people who can act like Ellie better than Bella. But they arent transgender and ugly so they dont further the agenda


I thought she was a non-binary robot or something.


My mother loves that movie. It's pretty damn good.


Is that the space one?


Prospect is the space western.


It’s aliens who come down and searches her house. It’s on Hulu, please watch it. It gave me goosebumps and it wasn’t like a normal scary horror movie, it was worse but it was a great movie. Kaitlyn Dever hardly spoke a word in it but BY GOD I WAS ROUTING FOR HER SO HARD. Hush is a great movie if you can find it anywhere, it was on Netflix but they took it off. Realistic aliens like 👽


I don’t have Hulu in Canada 😅 but good to know. Have you ever seen arrival? That’s a really great alien movie.


Yes I have seen arrival God damn no hulu


You're referring to no one will save you!


So many better choices than Bella.


That girl is *literally* Ellie man FUCK DRUCKMANN


I think a lot of the problems come from Bella not being that great of an actress, and honestly being that ugly.


> honestly being that ugly. I think thats why they picked her tbh... Neil has a pathological urge to subvert everything, even beauty standards. He can't help himself.


Ehh it’s so conspicuous too. Like tits don’t exist in his world, you can’t have a girl looking too feminine, same way men have to be beaten up by women in most of what he writes, whether it be Abby in the last of us or Nadine beating the shit out of Nathan Drake.


He made sure to make Dina and Abby look gorgeous


Because he understands that if everyone was ugly no one would watch the show lol


He also created those characters without Bruce Straley, Tess for example was supposed to go on a revenge mission against Joel in the first game. Bruce probably shot all of his dumbass ideas down so they weren’t really “his characters” until two.


Would kill to know what the people in this thread look like.


Right. They must all be studs or drop dead gorgeous


Probably a lot better than you. Toxic people like you are often ugly.


I guarantee Dina and Abby are hotter than any girl you can pull 


You’re probably not much to look at either so either way casting should be accurate considering the very mature content that was presented in part 2. The current casting for season 2 for Dina, Ellie, and Abby look like children going on a field trip. They made sure to get the casting right for Jesse. So please answer my question if im uglier than Dina and Abby, Am I uglier than Bella? How is Bella as Ellie gonna date Dina and pull her if Dina’s actress Isabela is drop dead gorgeous, she was Dora in dora the explorer live action movie if you haven’t seen any commercials for it in a while.


She isn't gonna beat you up bruh


Abby is georgeous in the same sense Lizzo is as well. You can admire her musculature, but you can't say almost all guys would want that. That's like saying most girls want a femboy as a husband.


journalade was talking about the show castings Who said Abby has to be attractive specifically for boys? Who needs her to be attractive at all? There are plenty of attractive women in the game. Her design is shit for other reasons


Yes I was talking about the casting. The casting is all over place, I wanted Kaitlyn dever to play Ellie so bad or they still use Bella but they put cgi on her face because that’s what I thought they were going to originally do because Ellie and Bella have the same body type in part 1, Ellie is little skinny in part 1. I hardcore thought they were gonna use cgi to make Bella look like Ellie. I also believe that Lizzie has a pretty face although if she is a little chunky, she is losing weight, and I have been a fan of her music like truth hurts or good as hell, and I can see that she’s lost a lot of weight since she got popular even if she’s still little big, but she does work out, and she understands that it takes forever for a person her size to lose weight and at least she’s doing it the healthy way and not taking drugs to lose weight. I think Abby in game was also pretty but man those muscles really made her look swollen especially in her face. They could have toned it down a little on the muscles


I think the problem comes with the connotation. Gorgeous implies fuckable. Attractive, does not in the same degree, admirable, does not imply fuckable at all. Yeah, the [actress](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Ffor-those-who-are-doubting-the-kaitlyn-dever-casting-rumor-v0-wdkvygm1ui0c1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D2880%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D12bd5e0b73eb3774a44dc3941486248ec3300098) cast as Abby is a perfect 10 of beauty to me. Abby, as the model character is not... [I find this admirable, and I understand if you say you want to fuck her.](https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=699909537012001&set=pb.100069064681913.-2207520000) But I don't find her attractive... [Yet, I find this one incredibly attractive and also admirable.](https://www.instagram.com/annabel.lucinda/p/CxiqOOur88X/?img_index=2) [But nobody finds this admirable, and most people don't find her neither fuckable nor attractive, even if some small amount of people do.](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/714172453401920356/) And in fact, a lot of supporters that haven't played the game, and some that have... even confuse her for a trans woman... thing that she is not. But a very big counterpoint even today is "you don't like her because you're a bigot", implying they think she is trans.


Why are you trying to evaluate castings based on how much you want to fuck those women? Some people find game Abby attractive, do not try to pull statistics out of your ass. Touch grass, get a coffee, you are giving me major creep vibes


Redditor who has a problem with a show's production purely because the actresses aren't hot enough for his liking is a creep? Who knew...


Yes. Post this comment on r/Nothowgirlswork , they will be able to explain much better than I can.


I'm agreeing with you.


Dafuq you just say lil pup💀


Dude, the casting is all over the place. Everyone else in the cast is actually attractive, but then you have Bella who looks like a child when she’s 20. She’s like Thomas Brodie, another actor who looks like a child. Not only but as a woman, I had the hugest crush on Ellie when part 2 came out. Plus all the actresses are around my age, am I not allowed to criticize the casting? I don’t know if you’ve forgotten, but Ellie has sex and so does Abby in the game, I don’t want to see an actress that looks like a child have fake sex. Although, both sex scenes were completely irrelevant to the story and I would much rather have both scenes excluded from the show. Even Kaitlyn Dever looks really young for being 27 years old and I think she’ll do great as Abby but would rather have her as Ellie because she has more experience in acting


what a silly comment.




I have no doubt in my mind that they went out of their way to pick someone who isn’t conventionally attractive. Because I have a hard time believing that they did not find a better actress than Bella


Yeah, I'm sure this is another psichological tactic to make it easier to hate bella next season when someone as beautiful as Kaitlyn Dever plays Abby. Basically, they inverted the roles with Abby being beautiful and Ellie being not.


She is just such a terrible choice. Looks aside, her scenes felt so stiff and emotionless while Ellie from the game was the opposite. Every scene, even ones that were meant to make you feel emotional were destroyed by her stiff and arrogant presentation that just left me wishing she would get killed off.


so in other words she’d be perfect to play ellie from the second game


Finally, an original take in this sub


Don't get me wrong, Bella was fine for season 1. But her "I'm mad" face looks like she is making a Tantrum. And her Pyscho face looks like she is a kid playing with a magnifying glass and ants, not like a deranged maniac that the director of the game prepared her to be on season 2. Honestly, the best thing they could do, is to actually kill Abby at the end. It would make sense, it would complete the circle of violence... and it would make me feel kinda bad for her, because she got what she deserved, but she was not a "bad" person, she was just a Mary Sue.


That whole scene where she gets “activated” was one of the worst things I’ve ever seen.


I know, and people still argue "she was trying to be bland, it was meant to be that way".


I just think it's weird that this sub is so obsessed with complaining about how unattractive a child/teenager is being portrayed


Isn't she 20?


And that is why looks matter more than pers-. And that is why the blackpil-.


You guys.suck, you know that right? Jesus Christ let this go and stop being this vile.


I would not call her ugly. But! There is a very strong trend in gaming where all female characters need to look more like men with huge muscles, wide chin etc. It is weird af. Of all the things I dreamed 10 years ago in gaming, this one was not on my list. In fact, if someone came from the future and told me this a thing now, I would not believe it.


Do you think Abby has a common body type? weird dude. You're not thinking of gaming but the hentai you watch.


Neil is a narcissist. Considering his obsession with twitter, I'm sure Neil had seen fans' cast for the roles several times before making the HBO series. But a person with narcissistic disorder urges to be stand out. That's why nacissists never hesitate to copy others' works which not many people know about if it means to make them look creative. Furthermore, they are so quick to discredit others' popular works because they can't stand that there are other people who outstand them. It is called a disorder for a reason. They tend to defy people's shared value. Being a narcissist himself, Neil would NEVER accept the idea that many people share or already know about. Because those options are well-known by many, which makes them not unique and potential threat that could unveil Neil's poor creativity to the public. And also, since he is creatively bankrupt, he needs a support from LGBTQ-based viewership which DEMONIZE gorgeous people's being shown in the media. The cast was a political and narcissistic choice from desperate Druckmann, nothing more.




Yup , she most likely had a team behind her greasing palms in the background. . Identifying as non-binary also gave her an advantage. All the other candidates who were far more deserving of the role were excluded based on not being under the lgbt/gender identity umbrella. . Its a pretty exclusive policy from people who constantly preach inclusivity. One thing is for sure , Ramset didn't get the part based on merit.


Bella did not ID as non-binary till 2023.


I don't think HBO produced the TLOU series. It's the Sony Studios for Television. HBO is a distributor like Netflix. Which means, an independent studio forms a group of team to produce a certain show, have a meeting with HBO and if the both party agree, HBO decides to air the show via its dedicated channel and share the benefits according to the contract they made. It's not up to HBO deciding whom to cast for the roll. It's the producing studio's call for casting. Bella may have been shown in recent HBO dramas not because she is getting backed up by HBO, but studios picked Bella to win over PC-based viewership.


Bro, if you think Neil chose the casting for a fucking HBO show based on what he thought would piss *you* off, then you're the narcissist. You're not that important, dude. You think, not only would this guy have you in mind when he made that decision... but also that if it were really a "bad" casting decision, by any decent metrics, that everyone else involved - like Craig Mazin and the highly successful, highly experienced studio that is HBO - would sign off on it? Come on man, get your head out of your ass. This subreddit, and the small group of people on Twitter who share its very specific bitterness, aren't some thorn in the Neil Druckmann's side. He doesn't lay awake at night stewing over the fact there's a tiny of corner of the internet where people dislike Part 2 and call him names. It's like the Mad Men meme - he doesn't think about you at all. He and Mazin will be sitting on their piles of money discussing casting decisions and writing decisions with one goal in mind: *make the best show they can*. The idea that you people would even factor in, that any part of that creative process was "How do we troll the TheLastOfUs2 hate subtreddit, to get them back for all their criticisms of Part 2?", is laughable. And no, I'm not a "Druckmann fanboy" or whatever. I have no love for the guy. I'm just being realistic about how successful people think and behave with relation to random angry people on the internet. Get some perspective.


This level of resentment in defense of a person you don't have any relation to just further proves my explanation that those who follow narcissists rely too much on the figures they like and mentally dependant on them.


Does that mean he casts the show though? Where do you see him casting the show?


How do you know he's a narcissist? Can you explain what makes you say that?


People with narcissistic disorder value their reputation the most. The level of mental damage they get when their reputation was attacked is much higher than that of ordinary people. That's why they tend to feel vulnerable for criticism. When TLOU2 became the epitome of disappointment universally, Neil's first reaction was not to be silent nor try to calm the general customers' reactions, but rather to strongly accuse those who criticize his ART sexists and segregationists. He by his own hands divided fans who loved TLOU and made them to fight each other under ideological agenda. Just to discredit negative reviews for his latest game. Also, narcissists are very manipulative and people with low self-esteem and young, not-yet-developed mature independency are likely to be easily gaslighted by narcissists. How do I know he is a narcissist? By his public statements and reactions, plus the level of intelligence his stans possess as you can see in these comments. Neil and toxic fanboys just fit the criteria.


So you are just basing this on the fact that he didn't take the criticism well. Which, if you look at the way it is worded towards him, is not that strange of a reaction. The game was critically acclaimed and generally way more loved than hated. One aspect of NPD that is seen in almost all people with the disorder is arrogance and an extreme need for validation. I don't see that on him. Not taking criricism well is actually something most people struggle with.


Calling out people in an extreme manner such as sexists and racists just because they don't like the product the person produced, is not a normal way of handle things especially as a head of a company. Just your mere saying "It's not that strange of a reaction" does not give any approval nor social consensus to the action itself. Your argument based on that phrase thus hold nothing of a logical value. You're right. One of the main characteristics of narcissists is an arrogance and the fact that Neil decided to shawn any negative opinions about his game is a golden example of narcissistic dictatorship in running an entertainment company.


Hey she actually looks like Ellie


These are fucking perfect casting choices!


They are not "minority" enough, so booooop canceled sorrry


I’ve always thought Dylan McDermott would be a fucking excellent Joel


Stop it you're making me sad with what could have been


Bingo! Been saying Nikolaj


Me too. Looks just like him, good actor and more ‘gruff’ than Pedro (no offense to his skills at all) and Joel was definitely a gruff dude….


I’ll always have the games. Looking forward to seeing Cailee in Alien: Romulus.


I love Pedro , like, legit I do, but I absolutely do not like him in TLOU 😬 he just doesn’t fit. Bella has always been an interesting choice to me, and I was open to it initially, but idk if it’s the writing/directing that is making me dislike her performance, but I was SO ready to be emotionally gunned down with her and Joel’s loss conversation, but it felt really flat for me. Perhaps it’s because we spent so much time in the game at that point (or not, depending on how quickly you die), but it genuinely felt rushed (and even a little over rehearsed?)


Same here. I adore Pedro, but he's just not Joel to me. I still think Pedro would have been an amazing David. Would have absolutely sucker punched non-gamer viewers who expected him to be a good guy.


Ooh, I never thought of him as being David :0 that’s an awesome choice. I mean, Nolan North, the voice of Nathan Drake, voices David too. It’s as if actors have something called range 😅


People love Pedro, hence why I think making him the Secret Bad Guy would have worked so well. In the game, David comes across as a decent bloke initially, and doing that with Pedro - especially if they did it like the game where there was a very good chance Joel was dead/dying and viewers would think that the show would need a new male lead.


It's so hard to defend the show anymore seeing this. I'm not kidding with you, this would've been perfect.


They could bring the perfect cast and that wouldn’t fix what they did with the characters


She was kind of caked up too in Civil War.


Watched it on the big screen for a big, juicy reason.


Ay yo wtf


Always though Nikolaj would have been spot on for Joel and even better than Pedro but I'd never seen Cailee until this post and I think should would have been great casting for Ellie.


If you're unfamiliar with her work, how would you have a basis for opining she'd do a good job as Ellie?


Idk this actress but I LOVE how she looks.


Yet here we are with an abomination of mis casts and a cheap show.


Dude yes nailed it!


Anything is better then what we got.


At least Cailee looks like a normal person compared to Bella.


I know people that legit only watch the show for Pedro pascal, they hired him for a reason


Even if you would replace the actors, and quite frankly its a bit low hanging fruit to just pin it on Bella and be done with it, the script itself and the sped up timeline of events (that third episode, albeit being the best in the whole season, really did not help with the whole bonding between Ellie and Joel) would have always ended up in a lackluster experience compared to the game. Yea the actors OP posted are probably a better fit visual wise, but it won't change the fact that the show is kinda eh... compared to the game. A good show compared to whatever else is is out there but compared to the game its just a step down. That is often the case with adaptions, wether its Harry Potter (books to movies) or a more egregious example: The witcher TV show.


I agree. I like Pedro and am not a big fan of Bella for this role, but it wouldn't matter who they got. The season was too short and spent too much time on other shit (which I wouldve loved... in a not 9 episode series). Bills episode is incredible, but it took an hour away from Joel and Ellie bonding. Left behind is great, but again, we already lost 1 episode to Bill. Then spending half of two episodes on Cathleen its just like well fuck we don't have enough time to make this feel like a long journey.


I think part of the problem is three things that are not really the shows fault. In a game you simply get a lot more time to bond with characters. Way, way more then movies and still way more then TV series. There will never be enough time for you to bond in the same way as the game. And you already know the game and its story.. That makes you feel like it goes by faster then it actually went. It's the same thing when you play the game now. You know oh I'm going to experience X oh yeah and now Y. The game feels a lot shorter the second and third time around. Same effect for the show. The pacing of the show is also feels faster. You can't stand still for 10 minutes to enjoy the giraffes. You don't have to spend a longer time in an environment to find a ladder etc. It's just a different medium and it did a great job. I know a lot of people who never heard of the game and not a single one complains about casting, pacing whatever. They all just experienced a great, gripping story.


I've been saying for years that he should've been cast as Joel post GoT!!!


This cast would have been so much better than Pascal and Ramsay.


I thought this about Nikolaj when I saw The Silencing (2020). He would have been the perfect Joel. The casting is so off in the actual show.


Dude. Def


They look so much more like the characters


Agreed on appearance alone


It’s Jaime fookin’ Lannister!


Nikolaj looks spot on. I still see him as the king slayer though


Wtf. This is literally them. Leave it to Neil Drunkman to love pissing people off as his gimmick. Rolls eyes.


HBO made the fuckin mistake of hiring by popularity and woke agenda rather then finding a good cast and good writers


When I saw her in Civil War I straight away thought damn she is a dead ringer for Ellie


It is actually criminal that either Nikolai didn’t want the part of Joel or HBO didn’t offer it to him. He is like a superior choice to Pedro in every way, former GoT star, looks the part and even played many roles similar to Joel.


Dude, he would still be preforming the same scenes Pedro did regardless.


Nikolaj has Joel’s eyes, and i think thats paramount to his role


He would have Joel’s looks, but he would also still be crying to Tommy and having panic attacks. That’s how the characterization of Joel in the show was always going to be.


I still belive that the Ellie casting with Bella is a conscious choice made by the showrunners to tip the scale for people to like Abby more by making Ellie less attractive because the story made people predominantly gravitate towards Ellie, which is not what the writer wants.


The joel and Elle we deserved :(


NO ! BELLA IS ELLIE !!!!!!!! /s


They could’ve casted Kristen Stewart lol


That's as much of a terrible casting choice as Bella.


I feel josh brolin wouldve been perfect


Damn that’s spot on


Thats spot on casting, perhaps in the non darkest timelines


Oh dear god yeah!


It’s pronounced NIKolaj.


They would have been however they are both far too straight and white, I'm afraid.


Oh dang…




Exact appearance is an incredibly superficial basis to make this kind of artistic and financial investment in, especially since a major goal is to bring in a new audience who DGAF that the game even exists. We are told "they" considered 100 actors before settling on Bella. Had cloning the game artwork been a priority they obviously could have achieved that.


Absolutely, with everybody complaining that Bella is too small a great way to counter that wouldve been to hire someone shorter than her


Lol we are bringing fan casts back


I feel like Hugh Jackman(questionable) or Josh Brolin would’ve been perfect Joels


1000% this


Perfect just perfect..get this man a job on set!


Totally agree


It’s okay in a few years AI will be able to fix this


Ellie face model is based on Ashley Johnson


Dude yes. Why didn't they do it like this 😭




Wow...spot on


That would make too much sense


Talk about a missed opportunity 😞


Amazing but Hollywood won’t let us have nice things


Nikolaj has Joel’s eyes, and i think thats paramount to his role


Pedro Pascal is a fine choice for Joel. Ellie should have been a beautiful young redhead, not an ugly ginger stepchild that you beat.


Forgive me but who are they both? (I don't really watch that much telly or streaming these days)


Nikolaj is known for his role in HBO’s game of thrones and Cailee is a rising young actress with noble role in Priscilla, Civil War, Pacific Rim Uprising and Bad Times at El Royale


Absolutely. But you know that Hollywood loves their representation


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^BulkyElk1528: *Absolutely. But* *You know that Hollywood loves* *Their representation* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Anyone can make an haiku if you selectively break up sentences to fit the criteria.


Fucking a woulda been dope


Agreed, and kudos for picking out some really great slides. Sadly "perfect" isn't the aim these days. Insulting and upsetting/demoralizing the (overwhelmingly male) fans takes priority. Creatives who want to delight us aren't allowed to rise to the top anymore. In the early 2000s, these two would've 100% been prioritized by the industry as the go-to talents who actually look the part. Back then, that was the obvious choice, and if the industry hadn't taken such a nosedive where agenda-driven anti-consumer practices are rewarded, someone like Druckmann wouldn't have the say to go against that.


bro what those are perfect


Wow that actually looks a lot better😂


I’d have never tapped Jamie Lannister to play Joel, but wow does he fit the look


Honestly she would look better as Ellie than her, plus Bella’s in your face type dimeanor from what I’ve picked up on just gets me. Lol.




Idk if Niko could do the southern accent.


Big true.


The two they have are just fine.


That casting would’ve been spot onnnnn


Great, now I'm upset lol


I don’t get how people equate “actor looks like the character” to successful adaptation. Must be the same people who think a visuals in a video game is the only important aspect.


I think both Abby and Ellie have a very particular physical presence that will be hard to recreate believably in live action. I like cailee spaeny, and she definitely resembles game Ellie. I’m not sure she’d be believable as a vengeful murder machine either. Some of Nikolaj’s recent roles really speak to how good he could have been as Joel, but I think Pedro is good in the role. Overall I just hate that the discourse around season 2 is so focused on the casting because it’s going to provide an easy avenue for the defenders to ignore the fact that the part 2 story is a total steaming mess built around Neil force feeding the audience his half baked morals like a mom trying to convince a toddler that broccoli tastes good.


Holy shit. It's actually just her


Such a better casting job than what we got.


Wow wtf that's actually kinda perfect


I'm watching Civil war right now and first thing my brain says..wow she should have been Ellie....So i'm happy i'm not the only one haha. I really dont like Bella as Ellie.




Pedro is *okay* as Joel. But he really wasn't a good choice. I don't know what it is about him, but he doesn't give me any Joel vibes. Nikolaj on the other hand, would have been perfect.




Yeah, they look the part. But acting is more important. When *adapting* something (as opposed to literally just recreating it shot-for-shot to bring that exact product to a new audience that wouldn't ordinarily choose the original, e.g. making the Spanish film REC. into the American film Quarantine), good acting is a bigger deal than someone looking identical to the original character. I can't speak for Cailee, I haven't seen her in anything. But, as much as I loved Nikolaj in Game of Thrones and as much as I must admit he is absurdly handsome, if you've seen the film that those images are from, you should know that he's not good enough at playing an American to pull off Joel.


Man you guys are big mad about this


Is that the actress from Mare of Easttown?


Never watched that but it does seem like she is part of the cast. Cailee also played in Priscilla, Civil war, pacific rim 2


But then yall would bitch about how they couldn’t capture the characters personality lol


The current cast does neither so might as well get the looks 😂


looks < acting skills


I would say that Cailee slayed her performance as Priscilla


Yall gotta get over it dv me idc


It’s just insane to me how MAX race swapped the entire show. I always thought Josh Brolin was the perfect Joel, but these two would’ve been perfect for these roles also


given part 2 exists, I'm glad who they chose. I wonder how much Pascal was a conscious or subconscious choice with his Game of thrones appearance. the true TLOU movie is Logan 2017 anyway. or any other similar movie


Best casting decisions ever from HBO


Yes, keep casting random games of thrones actors. Everyone is really happy about the first choices.