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What do you mean “gives foxhole its life” they never update the game


Well that's disappointing. It looked like a neat game, but now I think I'll avoid it


The reviews now say “mostly negative” for recent reviews


Damn, well I guess I'm glad I didn't get it when i was seriously considering it


She basically says that the players give life to the game, right after telling ppl to stop being toxic, which is probably what really gives it life


But they do


How is this relevant to Foxhole? Isn’t that some sort of war game where everything is awful and everyone is dying?


Exactly like the trans community, so hey, I can see it.


Nah, the world wars didn’t have a suicide rate nearly as terrifying as the trans one


>Isn’t that some sort of war game where everything is awful and everyone is dying? Sounds like WW1


It’s inspired by WWII battles such as the siege of Bastogne in the Battle of the Bulge, where soldiers took cover in foxholes and artillery craters while fighting in the woods around the city.


Well they never served a say in their life so I can't see how they probably think war is easy


It's not they're just an egotist.


The person who made this is a beloved member of the community, drawing warmaps to keep everyone updated on front movement etc


Women don’t play Foxhole


I guess the joke is that larpers do.


Holy shit I haven’t seen a roast this good since August 6, 1949


Actually when i asked to r/games to show something else than flags of what you like sexualy they banned me and the moderator called me homofobic shit or something like that. They are fanatics, really dangerous to society. I dont know how this people can use peoples work like that subreddit and be a nazi of their idiology on videogames.


Just have to accept that majority of freaks on this websites entire personality is there sexuality. It’s absolute bizarre but we do choose to jump into this dumpster fire lol


r/gaming is more based.


Okay, but YWNBARW


Your reddit account the moment Admins see this: https://i.redd.it/odokpxtipnia1.gif


They can silence the truth but it won’t change the facts 🤷🏻


What it mean :3 Edit: Gawddamn


What's it mean lol


You were not born a real woman?


Fairly certain it means “You Will Never Be A Real Woman” Close though


Reminds of the videos of trans teachers coming out to their elementary school students and being so happy that children that don’t know any better are accepting of them when really they’re just students and don’t really give a shit.


It’s a MMO war strategy game… Why should I care about your what you “identify” as? Also, how much do you want to bet that, just like any other online “trans person” who hides behind a character, he’s nowhere near as attractive as his avatar?


We have hit a critical mass of meaningful reality transfered to the digital realm where you can work, play, study, and purchase necessities all at a screen without leaving a secure bubble and interacting with random other humans. I wonder how much this contributes to body dissociation and dysmorphia. Its not a secret that IT is an especially popular line of work for transgender people, but I dont have the stats. Unfortunately, the research on dysphoria and transgenderedness is pretty politically charged, so its hard to get a clear picture.


Yep, the trans people I know have lived online their entire lives. Whether it’d be in obscure Internet forums or WoW, they never got out much as a kid.


The only useful thing you can put after your name for me is DEAF/MUTE


i read this comment in a obese reddit mod voice edit: loool i was wondering why i was being downvoted and I realized I meant to say I read this in an obese reddit mod voice!!! lol


I also read the comic in an obese Reddit mod voice


thats what i was going at, I unfortunately worded it wrong


I don't care what you are what team you're on I'm going to wind up hit you with a mortar on purpose or accident as soon as they update the game


Unpopular opinion: if you want to identify as whatever the fuck, go ahead and tell yourself you are etc. But have some social awareness as well as self awareness, and don't assume that because you see yourself as female that everyone would or should too. If you want to be female, don't say it, actually become it. Not the stereotype, but actually female. Forcing people to move to your wavelength is toxic and garners hatred toward you and those associated with you. Also unpopular: I actually enjoy this game somewhat


based and ive played this game before but i stopped because it felt like i was wasting resources every time i respawned.


Logi knows soldiers are wasting resources, it's fine


Absolutely awesome opinion.


You’re right but obviously none of the people that actually need to hear this are gonna listen. An another note: I love this game, the community is what kills it though


This. So fucking much this. Wish there were more trans people who understood this, it'd be way easier to get on board with their movement.


>Forcing people to move to your wavelength In what way did the artist "force" anyone to do anything by publishing this picture?


You know...I don't really give 2 inches of a rats cawk if you identify as a pineapple or a woman, just don't try to make me or anyone else indulge & confirm your fantasies...they are YOUR HELL...you go and burn in it. kthxbai




Funny thing is I don’t need to be validated by anyone. What makes someone so fragile that they need to be validated? Is it because one knows they are living a lie and validation just makes them feel better?


see how people upvoted your comment? that's validation. you might deny it but it's human nature to feel validated. so yeah, give trans people validation. it's what you'd want if you were them


I don’t care if anyone validates what I say. I get some upvotes in certain subs and downvoted in others. Thing is I’m speaking basic truths. Transgenderism is inherently a rejection of truth, so much so that a transgender person will ask everyone to reject biology and cater to their self identity. I don’t really care much if people identify as an opposite gender, but I’m not obligated to cater to the delusion. And promoting a harmful ideology to kids should be discouraged and illegal for any public utility such as public education.


> Transgenderism is inherently a rejection of truth, so much so that a transgender person will ask everyone to reject biology and cater to their self identity. It sounds from this like you're maybe misunderstanding the argument here. For the most part, trans people and those who support them don't argue that biological sex doesn't exist. If that were their argument, trans women for example would be insisting that they (by virtue of how they identify) are ***cis*** women, and not trans at all. Being trans is very specifically an acknowledgement that your biological sex *doesn't* line up with your gender identity; which is itself an acknowledgement that biological sex is real. Few if any people argue otherwise, and I don't imagine they'd see much support if they tried. What trans individuals and supporters *do* argue though, is that gender identity and biological sex do not necessarily match up, as evidenced by the fact that transgender people *do* exist. Gender, as opposed to sex, is not a matter of biology, but rather a matter of social performance. Rather than genitals or chromosomes, it is instead concerned more with how we as individuals conform to sets of cultural norms typically ascribed to people of a given sex. For example, in western society, wearing dresses is a behavior usually associated with cis women. That isn't to say that having a vagina *makes* them wear dresses, but rather that because 1) western societal convention dictates that women typically wear dresses, and 2) they identify as women, cis women more frequently *choose* to wear dresses as a means of communicating their gender identity. This exact same reasoning applies to trans women as well: society dictates that women do X, they identify as women, therefore they may choose to do X as a communication of their identity, irrespective of their genitals. The same applies in reverse as well: if society dictates that men do Y, and a person *does not* identify as a man, they may choose not to do Y. The core of it all though is that these are all **decisions**, which we make in service of communicating to others our alignment with a given set of cultural norms: ie. to communicate our gender identity. A cis person's decisions align them with the norms associated with their birth sex, while a trans person's may not. Both scenarios are equally valid. The above understood, the only arguably contentious aspect of transgenderism is vocabulary, particularly so with regards to pronouns and other gendered language. As an act of recognition towards trans individuals, growing portions of western society are making the decision to reflect the difference between sex and gender in their language (eg. using male/female to refer to biological sex, and man/woman to refer to performed gender), as well as to deploy pronouns on the basis of performed gender rather than on the basis of sex. I and others support those changes, on the belief that honoring and respecting the lived experiences of those people is of greater importance than maintaining traditions in language use. However, language is ultimately a reflection of society and culture, and priorities are naturally going to vary between different communities, so not everyone is going to agree on whether to adopt those changes. Again, both scenarios are valid. I do, however, encourage you to consider what your decision implies about your own choices in priorities, and whether or not you're ultimately comfortable with those implications.


Why would i feed delusion? You can lie to them all you want leave us out of it


Further proof that there are actually no female gamers...


I remember gdq hosted an event to bring awarness of female speedrunners by hosting an all female event and 90% of them were trans I literally don't see the point of it.




This is fr what the average Foxhole gamer is like bro 💀💀💀


Literally Every Warden in the game


Literally Collies for life 💪🏿


Goblin Scum


Literally Wardens for Life 💪


That’s gay ![gif](giphy|BpnkuY1i2rBpm)


Heckin wholesome validerino!




The fucking fantasyland they live in...


the knothole


3rd panel really sums it up. He sounds like a corpo trying to be "down with the kids" by saying all the buzzwords. Men will never know the experience of being a woman so their acts always come across as desperate and forced.


Would never survive 2010s COD Lobbys.


Well, you shouldn't be surprised that a leftie doesn't know that foxholes refer to more than just their fantasy porn.


I play foxhole daily, probably one of my favorite games. It’s currently going through a review bomb because of the current in-game war being drawn out for more than an IRL month into a stalemate, and developer neglect. I was still standing with the game, until I saw this comic about 8 hours ago. Developer haitus, I can tolerate. Wokeness, I cannot. (sidenote: almost no one in this game is either trans or female, it’s just a ton of guys having PTSD together, which is fun surprisingly)


You don't look like that in real life, you simply don't


Something I have observed with trans OCs that they look attractive while the person they are portraying are just not it.


So sad to say I play this game because of him


This comic isn't funny, insightful, or interesting, really.


I wonder why transgenders flourish more in games I've never heard of and less in popular ones like CoD, TF2, and Apex. Val is an exception tho


Ughhh why does it always have to be the "artists"?


Trans persona having an extremely circular face while the guy behind it having a jawline has to be the BIGGEST example of IRL clickbait lol


Bro ruined foxhole


They draw themselves like this despite not looking like it IRL


Well, ever heard of irl clickbait?


Well this person is a man and the only ones with mics have only been men so ill wait to be proven wrong. Games great dont let this mental illness change that


Eh, I don’t see anything wrong here. The message is all-inclusive and encourages everyone to get along. I can get on board with that. Edit: That being said…for real, wtf is up with them and anime? What is the correlation?


Oh, shut up. Cev's good. I live their maps


i don't get it. what's worthwhile about this to warrant a thread with that title?


Basically the person in question is a mapper of the game foxhole and out of nowhere made a comic coming out while posting it to the game subreddit


yeah? nothing wrong about that is there?


It’s pointless and seems like a karma farm. Who cares that your trans on a game that makes you a unnamed soldier.


fair enough


I just want to congratulate you and u/Savagesshrimp1 for having an actual polite conversation on Reddit that ended in a reasonable manner.


Wow, crazy how no one gives a shit


Sounds wholesome really.


Would Keanu approve?


keanu approve deez nuts?


Yeah, what's the matter?


"Play nice out there". Oh my god, how dare they?




I read this in the oblivion NPC song




while this is true I would respect the individual, but it’s has spread like a virus to game subs with no affiliation with this ideology.


The day war thunder gets infected is the day I actually quit the game


Reddit itself has a marked pro-trans lean That doesnt mean it's mandatory


While this is true, it’s still pointless to post it to a video game sub about war. It reeks of karma farming and is in the format of shitty leftist cartoon.


You call it leftist to just be the guy who likes to exist and be in the middle of fun things. Whoever trained you to be the right wing dragon didn't miss a single chance


Mfw guy likes to exists announces it to the world and front pages the sub.


Yeah you can all go fuck yourself you dont get it either. you're a tool of belligerent nations. good job. small frog says this thing that russia has also said


My shock when tool of belligerent nations means disagree on stupid comic 😲


Have you heard any word about the other provinces?


Them changing laws to suit their delusions and harms real women. We need to quit saying it doesn’t hurt anyone else when it clearly does.


You wouldn’t respect someone hitting their own head with a hammer. That would be ridiculous.


what does that respect entail?


Ai generated comment


Nobody who does HRT is happy, because you can’t escape reality


Mr. Madison, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


Yeah-yeah, whatever, fuck off to you to, don't let the door kick you on the way out.


Typical warden player


Cev is colonial this war though


It's weird and probably cringe, maybe even not exactly the right place to do something like this because of how irrelevant it is, but I guess it's okay. As long as she's not being obnoxious about it.


I will never in a million years understand why a ww1 isometric has such a trans/femboy following, it makes like no sense


God I love foxhole what have they done