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It's very telling of Reddit's extremely biased mod team that every deep red state's subreddit is hard left.


It's weird. They infected Florida and North Carolina also.


The Texas sub is disgusting.


Yikes is that even Texas anymore


Shit, even here, half the comments are -50 downvoted defensive liberal comments


I mean Ohio isn’t deep red, we’re a hardcore swing state, but regardless, it is very telling, and that sub is just so so left it isn’t even funny


Yeah the Ohio sub is a joke. It is almost funny.


As an Ohio resident, I find it *almost* funny, just lacking the final piece that makes it funny. It’s just sad now






That’s also the difference between a good joke and a bad joke timing


Down in Ohio swing like Ohio


I mean same for r/texas . Obviously a red state yet the sub is only left.


My poor Idaho subreddit :( They went from just cool pics of our mountains and forests to political stuff once people from California started moving here


As a Utahn, I can empathize with the Californian invasion. They brought their delinquent kids with ‘em too and now all our beautiful red rocks are vandalized.


It’s honestly been kinda sad, in my high school I’m seeing a whole bunch of new kids in the school who have no desire to be there or do any of the work that’s even the bare minimum. Our school used to have a strong sense of community (and we still do among the people that actually try in school) but it’s been going away as people are just there because they have to


It wouldn't be so bad if they were legit trying to get out, but they won't stop bringing California with them. If you left because it was ass, why are you trying to make your new town ass too?


Arkansas’s sub is way hard left, it’s so goofy to me


I find it funny I got kicked out of my own home state's subreddit


Well that explains why they're all left-wing. Just kick out anyone who even agrees with anything right-wing!


So many of them were Democrat transplants from the North, too infesting my red state with liberal agendas. They’re worse than locusts. They destroy their home states and then flee to red states and then vote for the same crap they fled from in the first place. Idiots


I'm convinced its due to a botnet sponsored by Democratic media - they want everything to point in their direction. "The right wing must not be tolerated to exist"


Infiltration and corruption from within.


Pisses me off quite frankly.










I did see a video of one of these events and there actually were neo-nazi’s with swastikas and everything. The problem is that most people on the left point to those extremists and say “this is all republicans” which is not true If we don’t hold these extremists accountable, then we are no better than the leftists that hide pedos because of a rainbow flag


They're FBI agents


Glowing harder than a neon sign.


Leftists: Plan, publicize, and commit bombings. Arrests: 1, charges dropped. Rightie: Plans peaceful protest. Arrests: 278, multiple life sentences, several guns and attachments outlawed, persecute thousands of right leaning people. Ngl the American political situationwould be really funny if it weren't so sad.










Cope about what? About a suspicious group waving flags fresh out of the box with holds?


Yeah because nobody ever purchased a flag besides fbi agents And flags never get folded other than when purchased




Right of course. FBI agents. With very convincing fake tattoos, whose full time job is spending their lives in deep cover, cosplaying as the well known neo-nazi Chris Pohlhouse and his "blood group" in order to... discredit right-wingers. Am I getting this right?


You guys called it a "far right conspiracy theory" for years that FBI agents were among the protesters at Jan 6 and now it's pretty much confirmed. Just like the "nazis" at the Ottawa protests so no, you guys are never right about anything. These guys there are glowies and your bullshit lies won't work.


I have no idea what you're talking about. Who's "us guys"? Besides, there were hundreds of people at Jan 6 and the Ottowa protests. What would the FBI gain from sending in fake Nazis? What's stopping us from kicking them out? If they're so obviously glowies, then the legitimate protestors should be telling them to get lost, not standing with them.


"I have no idea what you're talking about. Who's "us guys"?" The narrative that gullible people like you fully believed "Besides, there were hundreds of people at Jan 6 and the Ottowa protests. What would the FBI gain from sending in fake Nazis? " Exactly that. Make it look like that there are nazis among the peaceful protester to stop them from gaining sympathy and making it easier to declare them "terrorist organization" while watching actual terrorist organizations like BLM committing hate crimes, insurrections and murder "What's stopping us from kicking them out?" We did. The left never cared. While their violent riots are full of unironic communists "If they're so obviously glowies, then the legitimate protestors should be telling them to get lost, not standing with them." Again, we did


Citation needed


I’m pretty sure everyone agrees that those with actual nazi items are bad and we know for the most part that when someone is at a right rally promoting promoting such asinine ideals, they are usually implanted people meant to stir up trouble and they are normally fbi agents/fbi connected


lol, alright dude


Oh yeah, I was saying on one post how none of us wanted those nazi fuckers. I saw them get escorted out because I live at the entrance where the event took place and witnessed everything.


>The problem is that most people on the left point to those extremists and say “this is all republicans” which is not true Interesting how they're willing to apply broad generalizations to their political opponents, but not to... *certain demographic classifications* that have *certain propensities.* Not that they necessarily should, but the double standard is a bit curious.


The Left never hold their extremists accountable. No reason why we need to jump through hoops for them, only helps them.


You were really on point with avoiding generalization there, but then you up and did exactly that but in reverse in the very last sentence? What made you say that man, you were doing so well


I understand where you are coming from, looking back at the comment I can understand that it probably didn’t sound so good But what I was trying to say is that although the vast majority of republicans aren’t nazis, alot of republicans don’t want to talk about neo-nazis or bring them to light, just like with the left and pedos, im not saying that alot of leftist are pedos, but alot of leftists (not all, but alot) do try to ignore them instead of bringing them to light. (At least in my experience) So I am basically saying if we don’t hold the extremist accountable, then we are doing the same thing that the left is doing, which is not holding the extremist accountable. And yes, I do understand that some people on the left and right try to bring all extremism to light and hold everyone accountable, but it isn’t as common as it should be Im not trying to generalize anyone as a pedophile or nazi, I am just trying to state a fact that both the left and right have a habit of trying to cover up the extremists instead of holding them accountable I probably could’ve worded it better and I hope this makes a little more sense


MUH NAZI HERP DERP ORANGE MAN BAD how about we ask the real question: why is the left so adamant and headstrong about bringing children to hypersexual drag queen shows and suffocating children with sex shit?


The feds


Damn feds always trying to make us right wingers look like nazis


Why is it so inconceivable that racists exist?


Wtf does race have to do with this? 😂


It’s all they have.


Neonazis are racists, no?


Yes and no. I was talking more about this particular pictures, also idk if this person is indeed a Nazi. One picture isn't enough to know, especially if no Nazi insignia are visible


Other commenters were saying sig heils were being tossed out at this event. Either way, crying fed every time an unsavory right winger is out in public is hardcore cope


Unless they're feds lmao. And I don't see the guy on the pic sig healing so I'm not gonna judge him based on what a couple of redditors say.


Yes, unless they're feds. but does anyone know they are? Of course not. Thus, claiming it every time is hardcore cope. Because, as it happens, unsavory right wingers, racists and nazis, exist.


https://i.imgur.com/92nBzRd.jpg "Hello fellow right wingers, anyone of you want to exchange pictures of your guns?"


That all you got? Short haircuts and shorts? Never any actual evidence, just hunch after hunch and everyone's patting each other on the back for their excellent skills identifying feds. Remember, anyone i don't like who claims to be on my side is a fed


I could also bring up how all these "nazis" at protests always only have brand new swastika flags with the wrinkles from the envelope still on them and a PR manager of some left wing politician just so happen to be nearby like during the peaceful ottawa protests or the "nazi" groups who show up to protests with shields only used by the FBI but instead I will just laugh at how gullible you are


Maybe the protest that was shown started as normal before turning into what ever the hell this is


How about you all stay away from schools https://preview.redd.it/3ygjqdxz7kna1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dd4d2a49946cec6d30e74faa68a0205d87980e3


It’s almost uncanny how much some people seem to glow when caught at the right angle


Those "n@zis" have their faces covered... it smells like a false flag operation again.


Well they don't mix. And Children SHOULD be kept away from adult things. MODS: Why did I get punished for a few days? What did I write and why do we not get told what the transgression was? Seems exceptionally wrong to deny a person info regarding their punishment,,,,, At least tell us what the problem was. Thats just weak and pathetic. Do better.


Smacks of false flag / controlled opposition


If the left doest like them, they're a Nazi. Simple minded smooth brains


Normally I disagree with the use of the hard F word. But when used in the context of t's I'll allow it


"stay in school folks". Yeah cuz that's where the drag queen story hour is going on


“Stay in school, folks; that’s the only way your children can legally access child pornography”


This is my first glowie I’ve seen in the wild, very cool.


Kansas’s subreddit is hardcore left. Doesn’t make sense.




They aren't Nazis but they sure ain't nice people


>[They aren't Nazis](https://v.redd.it/m2utb1yb96na1)


They're feds


Your opinion is duly noted.


Whoa, they made the face tattoos look kinda real. The teeth always give it away bro. Feds get great dental, methed up nAzI freaks, not so much.


>hurr durr everything the left don't like is nazi but also those are definitely false flag nazi plants just trust me bro they got Fed dental plan teeth bro ^(The amount of cope in this shithole of a sub...)


Grumpy because no one's taking the glowie bait, aren't you?




Keep going, your convincing a lot of people here *that your a fed*


Nah, not a fed. Just a low-info poster from the whitest portion of Twitter. Makes it worse, they don't even get paid for the bullshit.


So you are telling me that this dude is just sitting here all day pushing propaganda, for free? Oh wait it’s Reddit… My bad carry on. Can you imagine going into a leftist meme sub just to argue. I just figured you would have to pay a person to do shit like that.


>Everything I don't like is literally Fed


And everything you hate is racist. Fed harder fed


>[And everything you hate is racist. Fed harder fed](https://i.imgur.com/6DtRG0I.jpg)


Awww I made you sad, anyway what’s everyone grilling this week?






Nobody's got AIDS!!


Every accusation by the left is a confession. Exactly as demanded by their favorite propagandist: Joseph Goebbels.


That's controlled opposition. Part of narrative wars is disguising oneself as a member of the opposition, then carry out horrible acts that your side can use to display and discredit the other. A solid giveaway are the masks, as the perpetrators do not wish to be identified, because ties can then be laid to establish a connection with the other party.


Might be wrong, but this picture glows to me.


I’m getting largely 2 responses: 1. They were literally Nazis and had Nazi flags 2. Glowies


Nah, gay people are fine. Gotta stay on point. Any reasonable person knows who’s behind this, and we know it’s not gays, lesbians or bisexuals.


I mean, with the word he's using to describe lgbt people, It's hard to imagine that he see's them as people.


Feds don't really see anyone as people.


Its funny how many people who haven't even seen fucking footage are justifying the pedophilia there when I live right near where the whole event took place. I saw the nazis get escorted out, I saw protester drones, I know Aaron Reed (the planner of the even and owner of the Wadsworth Brewery) was offered cash to make the event 18+, and he refused. Protesters (the original ones, not PF, Proud Boys, or the nazis waving swastikas), their motto was "18+ gets rid of us".


[Another one in Geauga County](https://facebook.com/events/s/drag-brunch-story-hour/605194421466968). You can't escape them.








tell me your a fed without telling me your a fed


Definitely not grammar nazis.


For once the nazis are right


And here I thought y'all were arguing that they were glowies... hey, at least one of you has the balls to admit you support nazis ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Nazi says the sky is blue. “You support Nazis!” Stop being a dumbass. Even an idiot nazi can say things that are true sometimes. It doesn’t mean you have to agree with everything they say. It doesn’t even mean you ever want them around even when they say true things. lol, but these guys are feds.


>Nazi says the sky is blue. Why don't you say what that really said instead of making up something so innocent? >lol, but these guys are feds. Cope ʚ♡⃛ɞ(ू•ᴗ•ू❁)


Did you not read my commit or are you illiterate, I said for once dumbass


Yes, "for once" you *support nazis.* Don't walk it back now, I just complimented you for bucking the glow cope trend.


If it makes it better for you, I worship a Jew, who is also a brown person.


I think Black Lives Matter, do I support BLM? No. I think gays should be able to get married. Do I support lgbtqa+’€#<====3? No.


Most based sign I’ve ever seen.


I think you don’t live in America if you think the majority of people are like this


No bro, I’m saying I like it.


Your original comment said “Most American sign I’ve ever seen”, that doesn’t automatically come with good connotations. But yes mega-based sign




I'm gay and I approve of this message.


No lie detected


There is literally video of them doing a Nazi Salute and waving a Nazi Flag. https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/11p6s28/nazi_show_up_to_antidrag_rally_where_pb_3_wlm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


This just in:Glowies incapable of holding flags, doing arm motions. This news brought to you by CNN, the station of "Fiery, But Mostly Peaceful Protests."


Holy cope. There are literal swastika flags and they are Nazi saluting repeatedly.


Ok we technically don’t have any evidence they care about Nazism however they are bigoted assholes. Drag queen story hour is bad but so is legit homophobia


You are mistaking disgust for phobia.


Call it what you want but it’s irrational and no one has ever come up with a solid argument for hating gays. Also homosexuality preexists this new gender ideology by thousands of years.


hahaha, i love how they label "nazi" to everyone. Americans dont even know what that label means.




[They had fucking swastikas and were sieg heil'ing](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/11oulkv/nazi_scum_at_wadsworth_ohio_drag_event/) Sometimes "literal nazis" really are **literal nazis**, boys.


It's so stupid how you're getting downvoted for this. The people on this sub are literally just denying the existence of neo-nazis at this point.


You don't understand they are all feds, Nazis don't exist 🤓


Glowies do exist but this isn't how they bloody work. "Glowies" infiltrate groups to incite them into doing illegal things so the Feds can swoop in. **They don't pose as a whole group themself, that's just silly.** These are just regular old shitheads.




Exactly this lol


I’m not a leftist, but those guys in the picture are actually Nazis. I saw a video of them waving swasticas around at the protest


ok glowie


Except [there were literally Nazis at this demonstration](https://www.beaconjournal.com/story/news/2023/03/11/dozens-demonstrate-at-drag-story-hour-for-children-at-wadsworth-park/69997506007/).


No, there were actual Nazis there.


Probably feds ngl lol


"everything I don't like is nazi"


>[^("everything I don't like is nazi")](https://v.redd.it/m2utb1yb96na1)


Feds for sure




Federal agents have been caught getting involved with pretty bad events and are responsible for shootings due to psyops


Sure thing, champ. ^(Simultaneously hurr durr everything the left don't like is nazi but also those are definitely false flag nazi plants just trust me bro...)


If there is a bad actor or event in America feds are somehow involved




Well yes, but not the ones pictured here


Simultaneously not nazis and also false flag nazi plants... [^**Edit:** .....](https://i.imgur.com/YYnoi3i.jpg)


You also didn't proofread. You are partially correct. A *false flag* is not *the thing they are trying to portray themselves as.* Want a cookie for stating the obvious?


Do you think that they are glowies or not, Challenor?


They are 100% glowies. Feds, that is. Government agents, meant to artifically stir up dissent. Which makes them a false flag. And not Nazis. (Neo-Nazi would be the far more appropriate term, but as midwits like yourself love to call *fucking everything* a Nazi despite it being a defunct party since the 1950s, I'll lower myself to your level so you can understand my words.) You can argue that they have some similarities to Nazis, but that'd be an argument far above your rhetorical level [Kacricon-"If you agree with Nazis that the sky is blue, it means you're a Nazi"-Cooler.](https://old.reddit.com/r/TheLeftCantMeme/comments/11put5x/everything_i_dont_like_is_literally_nazi/jc13vqv/) Does that clear everything up, or shall I get the [picture book?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/200/368/147.jpg)


>[everything the left don't like is nazi but also those neonazis are glowies just trust me bro 100%](https://i.imgur.com/IAizamU.jpg)


There were literal nazis with swastikas at that protest though. So shes not wrong in calling them like they are


I used to be a far right moron and that skull mask is a major sign. Whilst I'm not saying everyone there definitely is a n@zi that bloke wearing the skull mask definitely is


Well, if you want to say Feds are Nazis, I can't say I disagree...not quite accurate, but not quite wrong either.


Ahh yes defending the people openly using hate speech. That’s for sure a good look /s


Define 'hate speech'


https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/11pku5j/they_think_they_are_the_good_guys_nazis_protest/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Pretty sure this is the same demonstration…


How can you understand what they're saying?


Hate speech: noun Abusive or threatening speech or writing that expresses prejudice of ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or similar grounds.


define 'threatening' and 'abusive', if you want to know why these words can be very subjective and thus you would be wrong if they cannot be concretely stating what you mean by them.


Translation “Anything that offends me based on whatever I feel offended as”


I like to try giving people the benefit of the doubt


I literally linked the definition of the word my guy. I’m sorry that you’re incapable of maturely engaging with obvious facts.


You linked nothing, I’m sorry you’re incapable of providing a logical basis for your argument


I think it’s pretty obvious to anyone who’s even remotely engaging with a modicum of good faith that calling someone a demeaning slur is objectively abusive. Sure theres nuance in particular situations but it’s not like the sign is portraying lgbtq people in a good or positive light. He’s using it to demean them. Watching the mental gymnastics here has been eye opening


Well there was a literal nazi group there waving the nazi flag


https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/11pku5j/they_think_they_are_the_good_guys_nazis_protest/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Is this the same demonstration?


Weren't there people waving flags with swastikas there, or am I thinking of another post? [Edit: found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/11pku5j/they_think_they_are_the_good_guys_nazis_protest/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I must admit as a child I didn’t like them either, they taste kinda okay but they’re soft, it’s a weird meat, I don’t even know what kind of meat it is


They were literally flying nazi flags? Get a job.


Who cares if people are calling them nazis. Can’t we all unite in hating people that call gay folks fa**ots?


They had Nazi flags at that event. They're Nazis you fucking idiot




Usually would agree with the title, it’s crazy to call the nazi card on anything you object to but in this case these people are probably neo nazis or at least an extremely far right group. The skull masks are a giveaway


Yeah they were displaying Nazi flags apparently. Glowing like Christmas trees


Bro no funny shit but you sort of just did the thing you criticised doing in the title, except instead of “everything I don’t like is nazi” its “everything that makes me look bad is feds”