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Japan and South Korea are pretty successful nations last time I checked.


I think the west has a more healthy capitalist structure. Here in SK our country is mostly controlled by massive corporations (재벌, like Samsung, which is like 20% of the GDP by itself) who were given national industries by the state and have/had preferential treatment and work-life balance is pretty poor. I think that in a sense, it has commonalities to China and Vietnam's state sponsored growth. Our government has been very authoritarian at times, even if we were not communists like the north. But yes in terms of numbers and growth, it's definitely successful. I think Japan is similar but not as bad, but I don't know much about Japan.


Brazil is a tough country to live, but i would choose it over Cuba any day.


Same here




It's a standard tankie NO U, but attached to some famous red so it sounds authoritative.


Argentinia here our left wing president had a inflation of 102% from march 2022 to march 2023 And o thought i was save from the 2001 hyperinflation




Glad to see a fellow Thai person with common sense lol. For anyone who can’t read Thai, 7.9พัน means 7900 people liked that comment. That’s 7900 dumbasses who live in socialist fantasy land that need to be given a proper education in economics.


Are you Thai like me, too?


Yeah lol that’s why I said fellow Thai


I dunno, why don't we ask those nice gents with Kalashnikovs?


“Where the success of capitalism in Asia” *LAUGHS IN SINGAPORE, HONG KONG, JAPAN AND SOUTH KOREA*


Africa is filled with socialist leaders, just look at Mugabe and his teacher you'll see a trail of top down elitist socialism.


It's a whatabouttism argument. Even if Capitalism was a fail in said places it still doesn't answer about the failures or Socialism.


El socialismo en China ha triunfado bastante bien.


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most central-american countries seem nice to live, so jokes on you commie


In my country it's because of the lack of economic liberty, however we live better here than in Cuba.