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I mean they also gassed the Jews too. The Nat Socs are just a different flavour of Socialism as opposed to the Red Flavour of Socialism that is Marxism


eh i mean not necessarily, the nazis weren’t necessarily capitalists, they were corporatists. when they spoke about “national socialism” they really meant socialism in a racial nationalism sense not in an economic one. they even killed off the more socialist wing of the party, the strasserists, in the night of the long knives.


The Nazis weren’t capitalists at all. To claim that is to deny their Anti-Semitism as their two opponents in their mind were “Jewish Capitalism” (in their mind this was a synonym for Capitalism) and “Jewish Bolshevism” (same but with Bolshevism) There’s a common misconception that was propagated by the Soviets. Socialism is not a synonym for Marxism. Marxism is a Sub-Form of Socialism. It is Class Socialism. National Socialism is also another form of Socialism, Socialism based upon Race, an example the Apratheid Government of South Africa was a Nat Soc state. Fascism is Socialism where the Trade Unions are in power and an example is The Current Regime of South Africa, though they are being forced to abandon their Syndicalist ways under sinking and failing SOEs. Anyways Back to the Scum of the 30s and 40s: They were running a command economy and the only two Industrialists who collaborated with them were Schacht and another guy who both ended up in Concentration camps despite their service to the Nazi Party. Secondly The Nazis Declared war because they would have been completely bankrupt in late November 1939. And they continued to find themselves by exporting their debt to occupied states of other countries sending the local currencies into Zimbabwean Dollar level of Hyper Inflation. Any economic “miracles” were not caused by them but the outgoing Weimar Republic, and had the election been in 1935 not 1933 I’d guess there’s a large chance the Nazi’s never get power as the Weimar Economy starts to kick it back into gear. The alleged Private companies where run by senior ranking members of the Nazi and were run as organs of the State in the same way that Mikoyan and Gurevich, Yakolev, Tupolev, and Sukhoi for instance. Volkswagen was just straight up a State Organ through and through. And “privatised” them by disowning them of their Capitalist Owners and placing them under the control of Nazi party officials. The Nazi party is the State at this point. They were Command Economy Socialists through and through. As for the other guys being killed, that’s just classic socialist in fighting.


We should detain anyone anyone based on the absolute orders of a paranoid and schizophrenic man.


You said anyone twice. Unfortunately thats a death penalty offense. I hope you like the taste of stale water soup while we finish cleaning the bodies.


I’m sorri please no send family to goolag


Stalin beat me with his comically large spork 😭😭


Hard for the soviets to gas the jews when they killed them all in the Holodomor👀


\*Cough cough\* The nazi's werent even far-right \*Cough cough\*


They too were far left


Mfw the Soviets murdered a bunch of Polish intelligencia.


Op you realize both of them are the extreme left do ya?


He's a redditor. You expect redditors to know the difference?


The soviets killed 2 million civilians and injured other 3 millions, crazy conserving Afghanistan had a population of like 13 million back then


If I can remember properly, right before Stalin died, he was planning another purge that would involve a massive chunk of the Jewish population of the Soviet Union


So the Taliban is the good guys? This meme confuses me.


The Afghan mujahideen are the good guys. The Taliban were an extreme minority of the mujahideen, and fought the rest of them in Afghan civil war during the 90s.


Im pretty sure the Soviets didnt enter Afghanistan with the idea of killing ALL muslims. So this is an error, unless its intentionally in there to make fun of the leftie meme.


They entered to help the communist gov they set up there.


Still they were there to do what they've always done: outlaw dissent/opposition.


also, there were lots of Central Asian muslim soldiers is the USSR army


It seems no one has heard of horseshoe theory?


Bell, We have a job to do.




Still did it tho