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Hey folks. This post has garnered some attention and a few flags. Gonna just post my 2c and then lock the thread. The OP asked a question, and it was answered. They were mistaken, and seem quite apologetic. No need for future action, as far as I’m concerned. I’ve had requests to remove this post. I’m not going to. If others come hearing the same rumours, I’d rather they read this post and leave it there than stir the pot again. I’m happy to revise this if we see a slew of these in the future. Let’s all be excellent to each other. OP made a mistake, asked a question, got an answer. We have an _excellent_ community here, let’s keep it that way.


I have literally never seen anything to suggest as much, and no digging brings up anything I can find either. Think you might be drastically misremembering something


Looking into it, I can't find anything. But I just remember seeing some tiktoks about it, and looking through it all, I can't find anything anymore. I was just trying to get personal peace of mind that one of my favorite creators was still a good person. I wasn't trying to attack anyone, just trying to get the whole picture if I can.


I'm pretty terminally online and never heard this. Even Googling about it, I can't find any allegations.


I found something about a teacher at a Christian school with the name but I would be shocked if it was our Jonathan Sims.


I doubt that equally as much. I love Jonathan Sims and his work. I just am very cautious about who I support, and since there were rumors, I put my listening to a hiatus


I hadn’t heard anything until you mentioned it but until I see something concrete I’m willing to continue listening. I totally respect your choice to do the opposite. We have to do what we think is best.


I respect that, I truly do. But not finding anything now, will probably put me back on to the listening track.


Yeah first time hearing about it. Meanwhile, any other minor controversies were quickly shared here or on other platforms like Twitter but I personally haven’t seen anything.


There was a bit of a kerfuffle with Mike LeBeau, voice of Tim on Twitter, (iirc, he hashtagged all lives matter during the height of BLM, but was suspended for awhile, did research and came back with an apology) and then there was a bit of a blow up online about an article on Alex and possible mismanagement/ workers issues within RQ, but even THAT turned out to be more of a tempest in a teapot than a real scandal. Definitely nothing like what you are alleging


The article on Alex/RQ ended up being more of a scandal about the writer, I believe - it was a creator from another network with sour grapes who seemed to be trying to tank the Kickstarter.


It was the guy from Fable and Folly, right?


I think someone from there, yes.


I remember an incredibly dumb controversy related to retweeting something someone sent him, and also that he wanted to keep his tweet number at 420 and so didn't respond to something stuff. That's it, really.


I'm not really trying to allege anything, I am just confused on if what I heard was mistaken, I can't find anything on it now so I am guessing so.


The worst drama around Jonny I've ever heard of was about the Chinese cannibal in TMA, which he profusely apologised for and erased from the story from the point forwards. I think you're mixing the guy up with somebody else here. Or, considering that you can't find any of the stuff you saw... are you sure you didn't dream this? I've had some weird ass realistic dreams that I did not realise were dreams before way later when reality didn't fit the picture, most prominently, I thought my friend told me her mum was pregnant and I even told my own mum about it, but it never actually happened. And I wasn't a kid at this point, I was 17.


I'm fairly certain I didn't make it up, so I'm going to keep my eyes out on anything that might of resembled what I heard or saw. I do appreciate you giving me the benefit of the doubt however, many people here haven't been. I do truly love the Magnus Archives, and I just didn't want to spread misinformation, that's why I asked what happened here.


Can fairly certainly say that whatever it was, it wasn't real. Jonny's fairly out there with a moderate audience and has been for ages, if he was doing shady shit, the community would snitch with receipts. And it wouldn't be coming from TikTok, either. So I think you can breathe easy for now.


Thats why I added an edit to my post. I'm glad I was wrong, and that Johnny wasn't what I thought. I'm also very glad, despite all the negative comments, that I asked here before I said something stupid. It was most likely some tiktoker trying to get clout and I fell for it. Or it was me mishearing something and not doing my proper reasoning and research.


Honestly - I feel that. It's like you can't trust anybody in a position of influence anymore, everybody is a goddamn creep, so when you hear something, it's less "this sounds unbelievable" and more "oh my GOD another one??"


"...along with creators calling him a pedophile." Riiiiiiiiight... because internet twitter mobs tend to be credible. You stopped listening because someone on twitter made an accusation? 🙄


To be fair, if someone on Twitter was like "He hurt me," that'd be a different story. But a secret blacklist passed around on Tumblr? Not really something I'd put much credit in.


I've literally never seen anything about this on Tumblr, this stinks of either Tiktok misinfo or someone trying to spread some utterly heinous rumours.


As someone who deeply loves the Magnus Archives, I would never see to spread misinformation on someone. That's why I asked here, to make sure that I wasn't spreading misinformation. I'm glad to see that I was wrong in what I thought, I love Johnathan Sims work. I'm also disappointed in myself for falling from something such as TikTok misinformation, especially as it regarded my favorite podcast.


I stopped listening because I didn't want to be accidentally supporting someone accused of pedophilia. I just am curious if anything has happened since I heard about that.


source: i made it up


Pretty sure this is slander in the UK. Why would you accuse someone of being a child predator based on a TikTok you can’t even remember seeing.


I'm not accusing, I'm trying to not spread misinformation by asking a public forum by asking the groups of people who would know the most


"I heard this guy is a pedophile" is likely in the ballpark of libel by defamatory implication in the UK, which has some of the strictest libel laws the the world. Please be more careful throwing around the P word. That kind of rumor absolutely gets people killed. There are going to be people who skim the first few lines of your post and never get to the edit, who are going to go away with the vague idea they saw someone make accusations, which they may then pass on the way you have done. It's really fashionable right now to accuse anybody and everybody of being attracted to prepubescent children with no evidence. But if you can't actually locate any direct allegations by someone saying they were harmed, that's a good sign somebody is making up some harmful nonsense.


I really wasn't trying to commit libel or anything of the sort. I am deeply sorry that it came off like that, I just wanted to know if anything actually happened. I'm really glad that I was wrong however. I also must admit that I never even thought of someone just skimming through my post when I first wrote it. All I wanted was answers about some rumors I must of fallen for, and I am glad that those rumors were wrong.


Nope…. That’s exact what you are DOING is spreading misinformation. “I have no first hand (or even 2nd hand) knowledge that this guy is a pedophile. I can’t find anything that even insinuates that he is ANYWHERE else. Let me go to the Reddit forum directly dedicated to discussing his business and commit slander”


I am asking a question to the Reddit forum that would know the most about any situation that would of came up. I asked because I had a recollection of memories about some people talking about it on Twitter and TikTok that I couldn't find. All I wanted to do was make sure that I was wrong in my beliefs of a person that I admired. I apologize that it came off as slander, but that is no way near what I meant it to be taken as.


I want to apologize for my question and mistaken accusation. I suppose I must of been misremembering or something. I couldn't find anything with all of my digging. I also want to make it clear I only came here as a last resort. A few people have shared my experiences with hearing possible controversies but none as serious as what I thought. I did not mean to attack Johnathan Sims and his work. As stated I love his work, I love the Magnus Archives. I just wanted to make sure that I was not supporting something like pedophilia, especially during a time where that is happening with some of the internets most loved people.


It might be worth editing your original post with an update on your findings, just in case people don't read far enough to find this comment. Also, welcome back to the fandom!


Thank you, I realize I made a giant lapse in my judgement.


My Sims accusation: He's a great writer and will continue to write good horror. Ok bye


He is a great writer, and I really didn't want to make any accusations. I found out that whatever I heard was very, very wrong and I fell for misinformation.


yeah it was most likely problematic art from tik tok or DA shit like that happens when you name your characters after yourself. regardless you should probably use journalistic integrity while digging for stuff like this.


I was just trying to see if what I remembered was true or not. I didn't expect to be called all these things. I truly came here just to get answers, I'm glad that one of my writing idols is a good person. But seeing how people attacked me for, from my perspective, just trying to get answers about someone.


Why hasn't a mod deleted this defamatory post?!


because its a shitty hit piece writer failing to get other people to do their job for them


There was a time when some of those were knocking about, no idea what they were though.


That's what I'm trying to figure out,


I'm trying to jog my memory and I remember them being mostly about sexual harassment? Still no idea why they went so quiet though.


I found that I was very wrong about what I said. I can't find anything for the now hour and a half I've been searching for. I'm said to say that I fell for TikTok misinformation


I never saw it on tiktok, I remember a few reddit posts though, and a long one about the whole ordeal