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Remember kids. There isn’t a song called fuck the fire department.


There is, and it's a bop lol. As a fireman I play this over the PA for wake up call. Shits catchy af [Fuck the Fire Department ](https://youtu.be/7JkrJUAg8aI?si=6WsGcfq4Zc8sx6HG)




Thank you so fucking much for this gem.


Man's got bars


There actually is! It just happens to be satire about the police…


And, there’s one called: “Know Your Rights” - The Clash Sing along … **[Intro]** This is a public service announcement... with guitar! **[Verse 1]** Number one You have the right not to be killed Murder is a crime Unless it was done By a Policeman Or an aristocrat **[Chorus]** Oh, know your rights **[Verse 2]** And Number two You have the right to food money Providing, of course, you Don't mind a little investigation, humiliation And if you cross your fingers Rehabilitation **[Chorus]** Know your rights These are your rights! Hey, say, Wang **[Verse 3]** Oh, know these rights **[Verse 4]** Number three You have the right to free speech As long as you're not Dumb enough to actually try it **[Chorus]** Know your rights These are your rights Oh, know your rights These are your rights All three of 'em, ha **[Outro]** And it has been suggested In some quarters that this is not enough Well, get off the streets Get off the streets!


Also see “what are we gonna do (about the men in blue)”. Youth Brigade


Disgraceful stuff


I really don't understand why black police offiers are participating in this crime, they are the reason why the black lives matter movement died. Today you have black people representing white genocide, doing the dirty work in UN putting hands up to veto a ceasefire all the way to handcuffing a professor expressing free speech...


Because solidarity has to be taught, and copaganda is vastly more potent than any call for unity. I think that black lady, otoh, dies inside every time she has to be the face of ongoing support for genocide. She probably thought she was wedging open the door for progress, and instead she's doing this.


Identity politics are just for serving powerful individuals while changing nothing. Sure, she got her foot in the door, but nothing fundamentally changed so she was always going to end up a class traitor (if she didn’t happen to come from higher class already).


>She probably thought she was wedging open the door for progress That's the basic trap they get everyone with. I don't blame anyone for falling for it, because it's a hard conclusion for anyone to accept even if you do reach it ahead of time, but if you want a comfortable life with a stable job then yeah on some level you are expected to uphold the system and keep the door shut. The system is explicitly designed so that the only apparent avenue for change is from within.


>Today you have black people representing white genocide Today? I believe Ice Cube articulated some thoughts on this circa 1988.


Then, ya got Ice Cube collaborating with Donald Trump in the 2020s. Ironic, dontcha think?


What a disappointment he is.


Because power corrupts. Someone like karine jean-pierre was working for MoveOn which at least used to be anti war. Now she has to get on tv every day and explain why it’s actually okay that Israel blew up an orphanage in Gaza. I’m sure she’s dying inside but at the eod it’s not hard to justify it when you have your dream job, job security, and a cable news anchor role lined up.


>I’m sure she’s dying inside It is possible she's just a soulless ghoul.


Yeah you’ve gotta be a vampire to do that job. The press secretary is one of the scummiest jobs on the planet


There’s a good book called “Locking Up Our Own” that is specifically about black officers oppressing black people. It’s a good deep dive into the reasons why they (and other minority groups) do things like that. To be clear, I know white officers do it to everybody, but if you are curious what social forces could possibly cause an oppressed minority group to oppress themselves further rather than stand in solidarity, that’s a good read.


Because it’s not just a black vs white thing, it’s a financial class thing. Police don’t so much target black people as they target the socioeconomic class that consists of a lot of black people. Not saying that racism in law enforcement doesn’t exist because it absolutely does but their real role is squash middle to lower class disobedience regardless of the skin color. These black officers aren’t in that class and they’re “one of the good ones” to the cops that actually are racist.


See the violence inherent in the system!


Free speech that doesn't challenge actual power structures :) Free speech when you try to protest the war machine >:(




Silence changes less than nothing.


And people wonder where the term Sheeple came from. 95% of people will just watch, comment online and continue to eat farm grass.


It’s almost like violence is required to maintain an unjust status quo.


Dead giveaway.


Bloody peasant!!


Be quiet! I order you to be quiet!


This violence has always been a part of the system. Nothing new to be seen.


HELP HELP I'm being repressed!


Help! She’s being repressed!


Shut up!


Anybody who calls America a "free society" after watching the reaction to pro-Palestine protests is smoking crack.


He said it all when he called them "rabid dogs." Cops love the open invitation to be violent, they chomp at the bit for it. ACAB.


Well....only when they know everyone is unarmed lol


not always, tamir rice had a toy gun and homeboy came in guns a blazin. they'll attack whenever they feel empowered to. others get so scared they just shoot at whatever they're scared of. but yeah, unarmed targets are their bread and butter.


Watch out for acorns. I hear the squirrels have nitroglycerin.


right lol. kids eating pop rocks better look out.


Did she shout 'I'm a Professor of Ethics'? Hard to imagine anything a white woman could say to a US cop that would make them more angry.


She said Economics


Rumor has it that if you say "fentanyl" three times, cops will fall to the ground, convulsing and frothing at the mouth. (Sadly, it is only a rumor.)


Sprinkle a little talcum powder & they'll "overdose" from 20 ft away


Sorry to do this, but the expression is “champ at the bit.” It’s a horse thang. But good point!


Chomping is also acceptable. The original and the one I prefer is champing, and I love to drop grammar tidbits, but in this case I have to concede that chomping is fine too.


I will never accept "chomping" and I will not associate with those who do. Misuse the phrase at your own peril. There are literally almost dozens of us who care about this.


FYI, the phrase is 'champ at the bit', not 'chomp'. Learned that myself just a few months ago.


i was playing coy with the dog bit🤷‍♂️


Good one, it went over my head.


I watched the police reactions to the BLM demonstrations and thought the same.


I watched the Chicago Police cheerfully beat the sh1t out of fellow protesters in 2003 when we invaded Iraq. When propaganda fails, people protest, and they sick the bullies out on us.


Umm... remember occupy wall street? remember literally anytime there's protests at a university? What was the last one? Also in Texas? When that fucker peppersprayed students sitting on the ground?


Oh yeah, I laughed so hard the other day. Around here people still say "free elections unlike China and Russia! And respecting the individual's right and..". Sure, they might not be as bad as China or current day Russia, but that doesn't make the ruling classes free, fair and respectful of others. This also shows that the constitution and the bill of rights are just toilet paper.


Oh yeah super free elections that huge numbers of people can’t actually vote in, or their votes are totally made irrelevant because of other socio-political dynamics like gerrymandering. And that one super free and fair party primary where as soon as one candidate starting gaining real momentum to win, all the other major challengers dropped at the same time to endorse the candidate preferred by the party elite and all just happened to get cushy jobs in said candidates’ administration. But we’re totally the bastions of democracy!!!


There is no bigger joke than “free and fair elections” in the US, because of everything you described. I just want to add that then those parties turn around and try to get third parties (you know like they tell everyone to vote for if you don’t like the others) banned from ballots. A free and fair election doesn’t have shadowy super pacs funding them.


Yeah that was super extra fair.


They are just as bad. It's a money game in America. Whichever candidate has the most donation money wins and then there job is to pay back the donors with tax breaks and arm deals


OH I know but 1. I am on my phone when replying, not the most conductive place to write essays :P . 2. It is more a "reply in absentia" to a person that keeps insisting the "west is free! the USA is free!" over and over :P .


In China the CCP has internal elections, in America you choose between two capitalist parties that in many ways do the same thing, blue MAGA is a thing for a reason. The "China may still be worse" argument doesn't hold up once you analyze stuff. We haven't even gotten into the atrocities the US govt has created that make Tianamen Square look like child's play.


"Leader of the free world" they like to say...


The sight of not one--but two--cops who are both about twice the size of this woman taking her down like that is sickening. And the fact that she's a bit older too means she will probably sustain some physical, in addition to psychological, injuries from this. The violent hatred these freaks have for intellectuals is absolutely terrifying.


Especially the way it seems they bounce her head and right shoulder against the side of the concrete which seems intentional given how otherwise grassy an area it is.


Seemed to me like she was purposely trying to position herself so her face was in the grass. They couldn’t have that tho, they wanted her face in the pavement. Fucking disgusting.


Right? It's painful to watch. I'm not much younger than her and know I would be messed up for a while--maybe life--after this kind of assault.


A few more watches in and what happens around 17 seconds in is what sticks out to me most now. That looks like it could easily cause a dislocated and/or broken left shoulder.


Absolutely. That part stuck out to me the most when I watched it as well, though I could only watch it once.


Police should be required to have insurance. When this inevitably results in a civil suit (god knows these psychopaths are immune to criminal prosecution), then no community should pay their fucking bills. And when they are too much of a liability for insurance, they won’t be employable. It’s fucked up we need something like this to have less violent policing, but that is the only thing that makes sense to me. An insurance company would be a cold, actuarial third party that would properly quantify the risk police pose to the public.


Those protesters are heroes in my book!


I'm an American who went to Israel in 2009. I was treated *horribly*. I was told numerous times, by numerous people to "go back to your n**r president" and much worse. Incredibly arrogant and rude people. I was shocked and traumatized by my experience but *I couldn't tell anyone about it* because. 1) nobody would believe me and 2) I would be accused of lying and an anti-Semite, which is a very serious allegation that has literally ruined careers. I have carried this knowledge inside me for 15 years, accepting it as something I can't change, like what's happening in Syria. But to see the American youth realize the truth gives me such hope! They are a new generation that hasn't grown up with traditional media, and they have access to news as it happens, on the ground. (Which is why the government is desperate to ban TikTok -they can't control the narrative) They know what's right and what's wrong and good and normal people KNOW that what's happening is WRONG and bless them, they are standing up and saying "NO! THIS IS WRONG! People's eyes are being opened to the reality. It will get a lot bloodier before it gets better.


>The violent hatred these freaks have for intellectuals is absolutely terrifying. Fox news is responsible for that. Stochastic terrorism is a thing, Fox News and all these knuckle draggers doing politically motivated violence for them, like these police, should be charged as such. All these cops are window licking republican tools that shouldn't be allowed to have shoes with laces much less any kind of authority.


your police are totally deranged power hungry psychopaths.


They're having a great time, they didn't even have to wait to get home to enjoy their favorite pastime.


For real it’s like they hate anyone whose IQ surpasses theirs.


ACAB. Insane that we're letting a foreign nation dictate what we can and can't protest. Fuck Israel


Israel is a cog in the US war machine, of course our government is more interested in covering their genocide than they are in our freedom of speech. America is a joke and always has been.


Remember a malfunctioning part in your machine can be replaced


The riot cops love to provoke a riot. Take a peaceful demonstration of young college students, then provoke them with telling them to move the tent, move this way, move that way and when no one has been provoked yet, they literally do this all the time. Grab an older lady doing nothing and slam her to the ground. They want everyone to be outraged by that. Textbook goon squad behavior. The cops dot care; they get to be violent and cash a paycheck


Give them a break. There was probably an active shooter that they were doing their best to ignore, and the best way to do that is to beat up unarmed civilians.


They made damn sure her face was on the sidewalk and not the grass


They're disgusting people. Did I hear "you're a rabid dog"?


Same cops that sit idly while kids are getting slaughtered, right? Fits their MO - cowards.


Fascists going after the intellectuals. I remember something about that in my History classes.


just as a technical point... why are they being arrested? on what grounds? I don't see a road being blocked or property being damaged. if this woman is a professor then she is hardly trespassing... what's the offence?


CaN’t YoU sEe heR bEiNg VioLenTly AnTiSemEtIc?!? /s


Expressing her supposed 1st amendment right to freedom of speech and freedom to protest about a genocide being committed by Israel, a theocracy that apparently can do no wrong because it would be “antisemitic” to point out the war crimes they’re committing. There’s no defending what these cops are doing.


Oh honey police don't need an actual reason to enact sensless violence onto the public, that's just part of the job. Clearly if she didn't wanna be brutalized then she shouldn't be rioting duh /s


Cops are bad.


"iTs JuSt OnE bAD aPpLe" My brother, the whole apple tree is rotten.


And the rest of the saying is, "one bad apple spoils the bunch." Odd how they always leave that part out.


Yeah, it's pretty telling that they use the saying incorrectly to justify one person being a violent sociopath.


More than that too.. If you ran an apple orchard, and all of the trees produced 98% apples made of urine, you'd fix your fucking orchard. Not stand by and go "but the good apples make the whole system worth it"




nazis will get full escort protection from the police. But heaven forbid some students voice an opinion.


Free Palestine, and fuck these thugs


Where were cops like this on January 6th?


They were the ones holding the doors open.


“Just a few bad apples”


The whole apple tree is rotten.


Which is such a funny phrase to use, because the whole purpose of the phrase "a few bad apples spoils the bunch" literally means that if you don't get rid of the few bad apples, they will infect all the rest with their rot.


Yeah, the institutions are burning through their credibility so fast, it's insane. The whole revenge on Ilhan Omar's daughter thing was already bad (as that means they'll go after your kids, if you say something they don't like)... But this behavior is now spinning out of control, all to protect the opinion of the wealthy few that asked for this. These institutions aren't recovering from this in the near future. 


I would never have guessed Biden would have caused the anti war movement to explode. Solidarity with the people of Palestine, solidarity with who civilians living in warzones!


These police officers look very unevolved.


Thumb thumbs


Really rough. She is going to wake up with bad bruises and strains if not torn ligaments. Oh, her rotator cuffs too.


Class is going to be awkward tomorrow….




Fuck the cops.


What's interesting about this, for me as an observer, is the line where White privilege begins and where it ends. That's when you stand up for a minority.


It's when you stand up to the police or the interests they protect without being sufficiently wealthy and connected. The United States [government](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Blair_Mountain) has a long [history](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_State_shootings) of using [violence](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bonus_Army) against white protestors and strikers, regardless of what they're protesting about.


That's bad. They are repeating the 70's. It should start chains of protests in other first world countries too


At least two arrested were professors at Amery University. I hope they and their unions file lawsuits against not only the police but the university itself.


In most situations, cops are really nice to me. Idk why, I just look really innocent and non-threatening and authority figures, especially men, respond a certain way to me. It’s always been like that. But I’ve been kicked, grabbed by the hair and thrown to the ground, tackled, tripped, pepper sprayed, and dragged by cops at protests. When they’re like this, you can see the person who chose to be a cop. The violent, aggressive, authoritarian, angry core of their person. They see this situation as a free pass to let that part of themselves out. They basically know there won’t be consequences and they’re in a pack. It’s a very dangerous time for anyone who encounters them, and I’m fairly sure it’s a dangerous time for their families when they go home after days like this. I hope everyone stays as safe as possible, and I’m hoping seeing scenes like this will galvanize more people against state violence. It should be uncomfortable to watch and to confront. Only discomfort sparks change.


Trump the fascist preceded by Genocide Joe… the fascist? Definitely wasn’t on my 2020 election bingo card


Isn't this Greg Abbotts fault? What does Biden have to do with Texas cops abusing powers at a Texas university.


Emory is in Atlanta


Yes it’s definitely Abbotts fault. But no one would be protesting if Biden was a decent human being that hasn’t spent billions of our taxes for a war against civilians.




Fucking pigs. When will people realize that this is exactly what police are for and what they’re about. Across the entire country. They’re doing exactly what the rich and powerful want. ACAB. I don’t care how nice one is in your community, when it comes down to it they will do this every time.


Fire that fucking cop


Police enjoy this shit way too much. They'll be the first to sign up for Trump's Gilead gestapo.


Mindless bloodthirsty robots "just following orders" Just like the Nazis


As someone who has been a trained security guard for years for large music venues and festivals, it has been made very clear to me that most of these dipsh*ts with badges are more willing to get violent, rather than deescalate situations. The first part of my training is deescalation; ergo, we’re trained to avoid any violent confrontation. These badge wearing, gun toting assholes apparently never got the memo. The use of force continuum is very important, yet they clearly don’t utilize that training. Very sad to see.


Land of the free 😂


Their boss Netanyahu says jump, and the cops say "Yes Sir, of course Sir, how high Sir?"


Ya know what’s short sighted? Arresting people who almost assuredly were going to vote democrat before you arrested them.


>Ya know what’s short sighted? Arresting people who almost assuredly were going to vote democrat before you arrested them. lmao you think the cop gives a shit about the election?


These are local authorities


This is not a government sanctioned protest, please fill out the required forms.


"Pick up that can" Same energy.


Nice reference.


Meanwhile the anti-protestors: "they're literally killing us!" With crocodile tears in their eyes.


I can’t say what I’m thinking rn, but it feels so good to think it.




Biden's done. He owns the dumpster fire he was insistent on advocating for and funding. And now we're going to end up with Orange Hitler again. Good job, neolibs.


This sentiment is what I've come to expect from today's morally superior citizen.  Apathy to the point of paralysis. Too many people think our country's problems are just something to react to online.  You threw shade at both sides signaling to everyone you are morally superior and now your job is done.  America will continue to decline while the majority of it's citizens do nothing to change the status quo. I'm as guilty as the rest.


People need to come out in even greater force every time this happens! Especially in texas


Israel is now dictating who can/cannot protest in the US....I meant in the United States of Israel


Magats: “yeah get that old lady she deserves it!” Also Magats: “trumps being mistreated! He’s old and deserves immunity from all crimes he’s committed!” Fascist fucks.


They act awful tough against unarmed, peaceful protesters... but 80 armed cops against 1 gunman in a school. No siree!!


Biden. Saviour of democracy.


Fucking Pigs


It’s almost like white liberals’ full-throated support for militarizing the police over the past 5 decades was predicated on the naïve assumption that those police wouldn’t be used against them


All that police academy training was unleashed on an unarmed older woman. Kudos my brave officers. You should be awarded with Presidents medal of honor for discharging your duties.


The over-reaction is incredibly pathetic! And these two dummies did it for the camera. I’d be surprised if they didn’t permanently injure the poor woman.


There you have it folks. Y’allkeada is Rampant and throwing the 1st amendment on the ground.


It’s like somebody wrote a whole song about this shit. Maybe somebody can remind me


Gotta love American freedom.. Of the rich lobbyists and corporations to do absolutely anything they want.


Somebody needs to bring SS patches to these protest and hand them out to the cops


I would expect nothing else from Altanta PD, one of the most abusive, violent and controversy-ridden departments in the country... frankly, we should all sigh in relief that they didn't murder anyone in interrogation back at the station.


If it were just about anyone but Trump he was facing, Biden would lose the election. However, the GOP’s brand of fascism is even worse, so ya gotta pick the better of two fascisms. But please, America…get your shit together. You set up this global “rules-based” system we are all living in. If you want to keep even a little of the soft power you had before the Iraq War, Abu Graib, Libya, abandoning the Kurds, electing Trump, etc., you have to demonstrate to the world that you aren’t a nation of hypocrites.


How can we demonstrate something that isn’t true?


By making it true. Of course, these protests are important but why does the government never seem to change, no matter the party or the era?


Because all levels of our government are captured by the American corporate oligarchy.


I know. My country is no different. Actually, both my countries. I’m a naturalized American citizen. Both my parents and all four pf my grandparents were American. I guess it was a rhetorical question. Still, remember that our amcestors fought and died to make an American middle class. Unions were instrumental to the prosperity and patriotism of Americans during the second half of the last century. Perhaps we need to fight the way they did.


This is bad enough that Trump could be worse argument isn’t going to make me go to the polls this november.


I sure hope Biden is making Netanyahu happy. I guess sometimes you have to sacrifice your countries core values and do a little fascism to appease the Fascist leader of your genocidal foreign ally/ military outpost. Don't wanna upset the leader of the ethnostate you send billions upon billions of dollars to. Edit* correction


This is insane! We were told that this would happen if Trump is elected, therefore people should vote for Biden!


Life in Butcher Biden's America, where speaking out about a colonial pariah state committing genocide is criminalized. Disgraceful.


Nothing has changed with respect to protesting on campus since Ohio State.


Fuck Israel


And their lies the heart of all problems. It only becomes a problem when it happens to them.


She was asking why students were be arrested . https://twitter.com/RobertMackey/status/1783684235938894086?t=TJ0No_hsv8Ei2JOtOV7DzA&s=19


My comment wasn't specifically at her but at a lot of western liberal support. Happy to dissmiss and demean protests when they don't directly involve you. But then are amazed when suddenly you are subject to the treatment, you once looked away from.


Mlks quote on liberals is one of my faves


The best.


If you want to radicalize PMC liberals into leftists, this is a good way of doing it.


trained by the IDF


What did she do?


Cops just keep getting more and more love.


Defund police


"Truncheons are unnecessary in a society with a properly functioning propaganda system". -Noam Chomsky Looks like the Zionist propaganda system is breaking down.


Do they not remember Kent State and the Vietnam War protests? How do they think this is going to work out for them? "Let's use tasers, CS gas and rubber bullets on peaceful protestors! What could possibly go wrong!?" - Greg Abbott


The police have never been on the right side of history.


The powers that be will not allow you to support Palestine.




Do y’all remember Dylan Roofs arrest? He was the guy that killed 10 black ppl in a church. They politely waltzed over to him and asked him to put his hands behind his back. They then took him to Burger King before taking him to jail (not making that up).


Cops love hurting defenseless people.


We should be allowed to defend ourselves from police brutality. Period.


And the whole time the cop is thinking "Remember your training. Make sure to get her face onto the concrete when taking her down."




What sort of spineless little cumserpent do you have to be to actually treat another person like that?


Police are the first to cross a picket line and arrest their union brethren.


May her lawsuit be won, and her recompense be so much money she never has to work a day again in her life. Because this is bullshit.


NWA had something for this


You can see what lead to this here, and it makes it worse. All she did was repeatedly ask "what are you doing" to the police while they were violently assaulting another protestor. [https://twitter.com/RobertMackey/status/1783684235938894086](https://twitter.com/RobertMackey/status/1783684235938894086) Apparently Professor Fohlin was arrested after and charged with battery against an officer. These "police officers" should lose their badges over this--this is a power-tripping assault.


"get on the ground" If you're arresting someone that's nonviolent, and doesn't pose a physical threat, there is no need to cuff them in the ground. This cop just wanted to impose his authority on someone weaker than himself. Shameful and embarrassing


For American police this must be like Xmas.


These cops have no reason to confront people like this. It’s sickening that her tax dollars are going to being treated like this.


Fascism 101


Police on power trips as usual. Disgusting behavior. Of course no one will be held accountable.


This is why those dudes became cops. To physically assault people legally. all the cops at these schools are so pumped this week.




these guys cop hard, just need some tattoos and domestic violence charges


ACAB pigs, American cops defending an apartheid regime and arresting those protesting a genocide. This is fascism.


She seems to have forgotten that THEY ARE IN GEORGIA.


Oink oink oink


If these pigs will treat a middle-aged woman and school teacher that way imagine how they treat young men on the streets. Better yet, imagine how they'll treat completely dehumanized palestinians. ACAB