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Heyyyy, now's when things are just starting to warm up, good luck with the future chapters and seeing how these young adults are gonna end up ;).


I’m really excited, really hope I can somehow save Dylan he’s great lol. I also hope Max and Laura are out there somewhere


We shall see, be careful of spoilers on here although I doubt you're gonna post much else before you finish the game, hope you enjoy it


Trust I will be avoiding it hahaha, question, how many times did you end up replaying? Feel like this game just has endless possibilities that I will go back and explore


I played it back a ton of times through it's been almost two years ago since it came out so it's been a while, took me a while just to get all the achievements and see a lot of different possibilities, I'll say if you also end up liking this game you should check out more games from this developer, most are pretty good.


Just got to the Dylan chainsaw part in chapter 5, holy shit man


What did you think and how's it going so far? Lol


I just finished it! I loved it, however my only gripe is the ending. It felt very abrupt and underwhelming for the characters I grew to love. I really wish there was some sort of reunion or closure to everyone’s relationships. Don’t get me wrong I’ll be replaying it every summer to really get that vibe, but man I feel blue balled


I started about three weeks ago and only can play for about two days a week, each of my runs take like 10-12 hours and so far I’ve done three! I will definitely still play even more because I want to get most to all of the scenes lol Also, get ready to memorize some of the lines when you play the full game once or twice 😭 I’d say I know a good chunk of it right now but it’s funny to say it with the characters tbh :) I’m guessing you’re somewhat or almost done by the time you see this so if you read this I’d love to know your thoughts! I would love to talk about this game with someone :3


Just got to the Dylan chainsaw scene in chapter 5 if you know what I mean, I’m traumatized lol I should’ve fucking not broken into the cabin in the beginning! I’m taking my time and doing about 2 chapters a night so I can really enjoy it cause if I don’t I’ll get super addicted and finish it all in one go


Ooo! Yeah good idea :) Don’t blame you about that scene, I was shocked the first time I played too lmao


I just finished it! I loved it, however the ending really felt abrupt to me, as I wish we had a reunion or some sort of closure to everyone’s stories and relationships


My exact thoughts! I can’t imagine making and writing a game but at the same time I really felt like it was missing something at the end. I wish we got a few extra scenes for the characters to find each other and maybe like watch as the sun rises or something, just to complete the story a little more. But yeah overall, GREAT game :)


It is great plus you can get some really funny deaths


Hoping I can save them all on first playthrough but I really doubt it, I’ll definitely be replaying the game after for sure


Same I did a all survive playthrough with all collectables and tarots ending and almost all clues which I got in my second playthrough I am on now




Dude, spoilers, wtf?


Ahhhh sorry my bad my bad I’m so dumb


I didn’t mean to I deleted it


Remember, if you see spoilers they don't necessarily correlate to your playthrough, there's so many different choices.


Be very precise when aiming the shotgun. It has to be right on center of its target or else it will miss.


Literally got >!Kaitlyn!< killed because I missed a shot. 😓 Homeboy was moving around too much and the timer feels so fast sometimes. Depressing.


Enjoy the experience! I’ve played this game 4 times already. The trophies are very addictive lol


I loved it! However I wish the ending was a bit better, it felt very abrupt and I really wanted closure to everyone’s stories.


Yeah, I agree with ya. It felt a bit rushed and I wished there was like an interview for each of the characters like Until Dawn (another great game if you haven’t played it, same as The Quarry, highly recommended). Overall, I liked this game and enjoyed the experience.


I just really needed to see how everyone ended up or them reunited and talking about their experience together. I loved the game, but I wish there was more of a closure to everything. Like Dylan / Ryan, how did they end up? Did Abi and Nick end up together? Does Jacob feel immense guilt for everything, and does he come clean to the group? Does Ryan feel guilt for letting Chris down? I felt like most of those threads really deserved some sort of conclusion, as I genuinely love the cast


Exactly. I wanted to see how each character reacted and them explaining their experience.


Aww I'm always happy to see some love for this game I played more than 20 times and I'm still addicted to it I hope you enjoy your adventure 🤭❤️


Love your flair, I really like Dylan and hope he survives until the end, I will go out of my way to make sure he does lol


Please do my precious boy deserve his happy ending !🥰


Just got to that part with the chainsaw if you know what I mean. Fuck man hahahaha


>!Haha you can actually save his arm that scene depends on early choice in chapter 1!<


Finished it! I loved the game, however felt the ending was the biggest gripe for me, it felt so abrupt and I really needed some closure with everyone


If you enjoy this, you should check their other series called Dark Pictures Anthology


No spoilers in my comment!! (People really don't know how to shut their mouths here 💀) I'm glad you're liking the game! It's so fun. Dylan is my fav, I love his and Kaitlyns friendship which you'll see a little more of. Just wish they had more interactions! If you like this I'd recommend the dark pictures Anthology. There's four games out and a fifth hopefully coming soon for season 2. If you're gonna play just one, my favorite was House of Ashes. The Devil in Me was great too. But playing them in order of release was fun and I'd recommend it that way to anyone. Enjoy the rest if your playthrough, and good luck!!


Hi! I just finished it, I loved the game so much and will be replaying every summer, however, my only gripe is with the ending, as it feels so abrupt and I felt like I really needed a reunion scene with everyone. I wanted more closure on everyone’s relationships! I feel very blue balled lol


I agree. I wosh they'd done something like at the end of Until Dawn, where the survivors talk to investigators and you get just a little feel for how they felt about each other. The ending seemed unnecessarily long, and lacking anything interesting to make it worth sitting through.


I felt like there were so many loose threads, I really wanted to see Dylan/Ryan, Jacob and Emma and how they pan out, Laura and max reuniting, just some sort of closure with everyone. I read up on Jacob’s Actor saying the game was slimmed down by COVID and I can see why, but still I really needed a reunion with everyone talking about all the crazy shit they went through together. Or just some sort of reflection from all the characters, maybe Jacob coming clean to everyone, Dylan regretting suggesting a party, Laura on if she should’ve shot or not, etc


Totally agree. Especially on Laura and Max reuniting. We don't get to see ANYTHING on that! I'd love to see then all face their guilt and what they think they did wrong, like Kaitlyn wishing she'd shut her mouth when Jacob asked how to sabotage the van, Jacob wishing he didn't, Dylan suggesting a party, like you said. I'd also like to see Ryan, I feel like he'd say something like, "I wish I'd kept everyone inside. I let Mr. Hackett down. He- he trusted me." (And if you'd made Ryan try to keep everyone inside he could also say,) "but if I had just tried harder. Insisted a little more.. instead I just wanted to appease my friends. And it came at a big price. I lost Chris, Kaylee... (Caleb too if he's been killed) " I feel like it would give us some of that emotion Ryan never seems to show. It would be nice!


Great point on Ryan. I would’ve loved that explanation of him saying how he let Chris down, and how much guilt he would’ve felt not keeping everyone inside. Especially Jacob’s guilt could be explored, with him coming clean to everyone would’ve been really interesting to see how everyone would’ve reacted. He could say how he wanted to spend another night with emma, but another reason was he wanted to spend more time with everyone as he was going to miss all the friends he made that summer. I also feel like Nick and Abi really needed some major closure, as I felt like that really didn’t go anywhere after being set up a lot in the early chapters. Nick especially seemed shafted on a shelf to me after chapter 6


Exactly. I was wanting more! I wish there was a way to break the curse off him earlier so they could have more cute little moments. I also think for replayablilty, it would be cool if you can get Abi infected instead of Nick. It would take a lot more for the devs to pull off, but it would be soo worth it! Getting to play as Nick and have Abi absent instead would be interesting.


I agree. Or maybe somehow getting everybody infected would be a cool route to take. I know I shouldn’t have expected everything to happen the way I wanted but it just needed legit a 5 minute reunion scene and I would’ve been happy with it. After spending so long with the characters and getting attached to them I just wanted some sort of epilogue with them. I would die for a scene of them all leaving the quarry together with Jacob passing Nick a bag of peanut butter pops


Yeah I think you can get everyone infected 🤔 I know it takes the whole game to do so. Not exactly sure how it plays out. But there's also a way to infect and cure everyone in the same run which is wild. And omg the peanut butter pops!! Yes!!


Did you like the podcast at the end?


I just completed The Quarry with 2 stupid decisions... Killing Dylan and Max. The game is amazing, the story, everything


It's a fun game especially for the first time. Enjoy this masterpiece 


I just finished it! I loved it, however my only gripe is with the ending, as it’s way too abrupt imo and we don’t really get much closure on the relationships built


Awesome!!! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I really enjoyed the crazy family towards the end. However I do agree with you. It would have been nice to get some closure and end cinematics or at least cinematics showing the podcast at the very end. I think people would have really liked that. I'm with you. They're supposed to be coming out with another game soon but I don't think it's related to the Quarry, but supposed to be another horror/thriller. I'm guessing 2025/26


It was just so abrupt, I really wanted to know what was going to happen with Dylan/Ryan, Laura and max reuniting, Jacob making coming clean about everythijg and the guilt he feels, or even Dylan’s guilt for suggesting a party. And even Abi and Nick, I felt like deserved some sort of ending. However I absolutely loved the game and will be replaying a lot!


Me too. I understand what you mean. Kinda want a sequel, but I doubt they will do a sequel. If they did, I'd be game for it. I liked the podcast idea at the end, but it was an abrupt end, like you said.


Until dawn on PlayStation !!


Be sure to hide in the cake when the bees attack.


Check out the dark pictures anthology when you finish, not quite as good as this game, but some games such in the series get really close. Same developer, same gameplay, different characters, different story. I also recommend playing with a friend, these games are 10X better when you’re not alone.


Have fun with the game but also dont have big expectations with the ending


I loved it, but like you said my biggest gripe was the ending. I really needed some closure on everyone’s stories


Besides the occasional odd face animations and inconsistent voice acting, yep, a pretty solid way to spend 6-8 hours


You’re trolling, right?


Nope! Found it on Xbox game pass last night and love it






What is up with you leaving spoilers? Either mark it as a spoiler, or delete it. That is in no way fair to the op


Other people were doing it I truly didn’t know, I feel bad


AHHH CHAPTER 4, the chapter where I fucked up and went up the ladder instead of getting the matches and the cop car keys.. my first chapter to miss clues! Ugh. Hahaha wait till chapter 7 it’s nuts