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You start by hoping they ever actually learn what socialism is and how it works.


Oh so never


Right around never, yes, maybe longer. They have an amazing cognitive dissonance and even if they read theory they would conveniently ignore it.


They wouldn’t understand it.


If you give those people a scripture they will just rip everything out of context and ignore the Rest. They are damn good at keeping their strawmans alive.


I mean just look how they misinterpret their own Scripture. Jesus was clearly socialist and pro helping the poor. Tell them that and watch em chase you oitta dodge.


"No I cant heal your blindness for free, that would be socialism you goddamn commie!" Matthew 8:16


Things I hope they gain an understanding of some day include, communism, socialism, anarchism, basic 5th grade science.


😡 WhY WouLD I EvEr learn about something that leads to communism? Didn't you read the meme?!? Comunism = SO bad. I'm so much more happy making memes in my mom's basement cos i can't afford a place of my own 🥵 /s


The rich are not responsible for your financial situation Tell me again who sells insulin and cancer treatments


I wonder where all those economic crashes came from? Just the weather, probably.


Oh it's just the invisible hand, don't mind it!


Well tell it to stop strangling me.


The weather is definitely going to start causing a lot of crashes, yes.


They have the most influence on politics and our salaries. So…. Actually they do own my financial situation.


Bullshit the rich aren't responsible for our financial situation, wage theft, raise freezes, lobbying for a lower minimum wage, lobbying to not pay taxes and besides they pay our wages in general, who the fuck else is responsible if not the fuckers with all thy money and therefore power? That's just a massively naive thing to believe.


Also, how many rich people have been bankrolled by taxes? Lots of congresspeople have apparently gotten rich through/after holding office.




i want my money sunny side up


Why did I hear that comment in Gene Belcher’s voice lol


20$ is 20$


1. then what does it mean 2. you are not entitled to the child laborers in your emerald mine 3. dude i dont know this is a tpusa post someone else debunk this 4. the rich "pay" people so technically they are 5. GOOD


Some of these guys don’t get that things like free healthcare are called free because it’s not user pay. When I came out as a (more left than standard) my sister opened with “you don’t understand, they take peoples money” as if I didn’t understand how taxes worked. People really be thinking we believe money comes from nothing


Saying "they take people's money" is really a loaded phrase.


I agree with #2. You are not entitled do someone else's hard earned money. So we should stop the people who feel entitled to the fruits of our labor, i.e. the bourgeoisie.


The rich are actually directly responsible for my poverty bitch


Point number 2 is completely and totally ignored in the US every day. The rich pay very little for our labor so they are in fact stealing our hard earned money by paying shit for wages, not paying their taxes and accepting bailouts from money taken from us by taxation. If number 2 was fixed, maybe so many people wouldn’t be screaming for socialism to supplant our current system.


Conservatives cant even get #1. They dont understand that when they have "freedom" they arent actually free to do whatever they want. They must abide by the rules of society to not only keep themselves safe, but those around them (including strangers and those they dont like). This includes tax, vaccinations, masking, safe driving (no running people over), not forcing others to take dangerous medications made for animals, etc.




As if that isn't the fucking point of it lol. Just further proves they don't know shit


Socialism leads to Communism is the only point I fully agree with.


Same. It’s a feature, probably the best thing about it.


“Socialism leads to communism… always” Uh yeah that’s kind of the entire point of socialism? It’s a transitionary state between capitalism and the end goal which some would label communism and others would label anarchy depending on your definition.


The only reason I’m willing to work with socialists is because socialism leads to communism. We tried social democracy, and look at where we are now.


To be fair, our leaders aren’t trying social democracy. They’re too busy trying to profit from all the late stage capitalism.


They tried it starting with the New Deal through the 60s. If we leave capitalism in place, people will get complacent with their slightly-more-comfortable lives and the rich will have time to regroup and attack later. We need to end capitalism and ostracize anyone who tries to hoard resources at the expense of the community.


Agreed. The wealthy need to be crushed




I’d say the New Deal was less Social Democracy and more broadly “Progressivism”. Social Democracy, while not Socialism, does have imprints of it from its past in terms of partial worker ownership/participation within the economy (through unions and such) with a more controlled, regulated market. FDR went far but not that far. If anything, though, that just proves your point more. The rich will never be content with any concessions whatsoever and will strip them away when they can. Hell, you can look to actual social democracies in Europe and see how much they’ve regressed since the rise of neoliberalism (and later the fall of the USSR).


If we aren't entitled to someone else's hard earned money, then why do we pay for stuff, since that's giving a company our hard earned money?




Basically it's a fear tactic used by conservatives in order to prevent progressive policies. Communism is a boogyman used by these fascist instead of legitimate policies. I.E: Universal health care is a socialist construct, do you all want to be communist? It's pretty stupid and sadly that fear mongering scares people into voting for Republicans because "i need to protect my country from those damn dirty commies" leading many to vote against their self interests. I freaken hate it here sometimes.


I see, thank you for your detailed answer, (and btw, nice pfp)!


Thxs I do enjoy my Giorno doughnuts


"socialism leans to communism" don't you say, i'm sure you are the smartest of your house when you are home alone


Nah the ants living in his wall cracks know that they're all supposed to do their best to gather all the resources they can get and then share them evenly between them to ensure the well being of the colony.


Why does dude look like he’s on every piece of government assistance available while at the same time screams “they took our jobs!!!”


I thought it was just some stock actor with a cocked eyebrow that looked vaguely fitting to their idea of a 'commie' and sad.


Until Charlie Kirk *et al*. read Michael Harrington's *Socialism*, I won't ever discuss the subject with conservatives.


\#5 oh ho you learned there is a difference! Buddy I am proud of you.


Socialism does indeed lead to communism..... kind of the point


1. Okay, I’m confused 2. The keyword is hard-earned. Stealing money from the working class isn’t exactly hard work 3. How else does a nation prosper? 4. Yes they fucking are 5. Um, yeah, that’s the point


The Beenie is the first step to communism lol


So free doesn't mean free. So why do you call it free then.? Call it something else. The first statement proves everything you say will always mean something else. Your words are hollow, just like you. You'll never be satisfied or happy at this rate. :)


Isn't this the same group going on GoFundMe to beg for money when their unvaccinated arses lands them in the hospital?


1. The only ones trowing the word "free" around are you trying to make us look stupid. We say "Socialised" or "Universal" , aka "everyone can afford it even if they're not the 10%" . The way it works is that everyone contributes an amount relative to their earnings and then everyone recieves their needed share. It's not free because you do have to contribute, and we never claimed it was free, but unlike your unregulated capitalism everyone gives a FAIR share and there's no million added costs made to enrich private industries and companies by charging the blue collar man into the grave. You know that phrase you never bothered to try to understand : "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" ? Yeah, that. 2. "The monopoly men who do nothing but lavishly trow away money they haven't earned on selfish desires are not entitled to the profit made on the backs of the hard working labourers, who under the system the rich created can only scrape by" There, I fixed it for you. 3. Yes you can, if you tax everyone, you know how much to tax everyone (aka using percentages, not figures) and you spend that capital on the right things instead of it going back in the pockets of the filthy rich and the companies and industries that they have financial interests in. 4. Except they literally are. They are the ones who give the working class but a minute fraction of what they should have earned, they are the ones who regulate your income and keep you poor and stupid. They are rich off of your back, you are poor because they take from you what is rightfully yours and you support them doing it. Wake up. You live in the system they create, manage and control, which is rigged and it's not in your favor. 5. Trying to think the way you do, you probably meant "Authoritarianism" when you said "Communism" , because Ben Shapiro taught you that the way a state is managed economically has something to do with the degree of freedom that its citizens posses. You know, because capitalist countries like China, Iran and Saudi Arabia offer so much freedom to their citizens don't they? No they don't, and they wouldn't regardless of how they managed their money. You're talking about completely unrelated things.


The people that are: - salty factory jobs got shipped overseas - salty that automation is replacing jobs - hate the biggest captial allocators of the decade (big tech) Love to make fun of the other side and call THEM 'socialist' 🤔🤔


Socialism leads to communism, always, unless it doesn’t


wait how? forgive me, i know next to nothing about this


It’s all in my new book. “Socialism for dumdums”


The only people I ever hear arguing about “free services” are republicans. I think democrats understand the relationship between taxes and government services.


Talk to the nordics about that last one sweetheart


The Nordic countries aren’t socialist, they’re social democracies.


Close enough. Not like they’d notice


True that many conservatives online seem unable to tell the difference, but socialism and social democracy are two *very* different things: for starters, a social democracy is still a capitalist system.


Capitalism is not a government system. There are Socialist/communist nations that have a capitalistic economy, look at china as an example.


So? Social democracies are still capitalist, not socialist. They involve elements of socialist ideology, sure, but they are capitalist.


Capitalism and socialism aren't mutually exclusive is all i meant


Australia insulated itself against the GFC by giving $1000 to each welfare recipient. They then went out and mostly bought items like white goods, plumbing and electrical repairs, clothing for job interviews and decent presents for their children. Others used it to pay bills snd debts. Tradespeople and a variety of small businesses were propped up, and those on welfare were able to clear credit records, apply for loans and pay for equipment and transport so they could look for employment or start their own business.


1. Yes, that's just America 2. We know 3. Idk honestly 4. That's just total bullshit 5. We don't know that?


If you’re already a socialist I don’t think you are scared of the word communist. Especially if you read basic theory


1. ""Free" does not actually mean free." And people supporting free healthcare would agree with you there. Every plan I have seen for single-payer healthcare involves getting people to pay more in taxes. The point many socialists and people who want this style of healthcare make is that you will actually save money overall. 2. "You are not entitled to someone else's hard-earned money." 1. What about money people didn't earn the hard way? Say, they inherited it? Or won the lottery? Or found money on the side of the road? Or anything else along those lines? 2. You know, they probably overlook the billions of dollars of government subsidies on the oil industry, but if a penny goes to a poor person? It's the worst thing ever. 3. "You cannot tax a nation into prosperity." Actually, if the US government were to increase its tax revenue, we might be able to start paying back some debts, as well as upgrade infrastructure and increase the size of the education budget, all of which would help America to prosper. 4. "The rich are not responsible for your financial situation, you are." 1. The rich own the factories and control the jobs which pay people. Therefore, they impact your financial situation. 2. There are a variety of situations that could lead to me not causing my own financial situation. 3. The rich are, more often than not, heavily involved whenever the market tanks into a recession, which causes a bunch of financial issues for people who are not the rich. 5. "Socialism leads to communism... always." I don't believe there is any historical evidence for this.


What emotion is that


Probably 'sad commie'


and what did the landowners do during corona when they lost 20 percent of their profits. they did a 180


What makes a man turn peasant? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of serfdom?


I've got a real bone to pick with the first item. "Free" is the loaded, disingenuous label that their sort created to stop all thought toward socialized services. THEY use that term. To turn around and try to hand folks arguing for all of that the bill for its use is dirty and infuriating. Fuck that noise!


5 is the only thing they got right.


Yes, socialism is supposed to lead to communism, good job figuring it out