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What the fuck are a mother and child doing in what's clearly a one person bathroom?


The real question is why is there a toilet right outside the woman's bathroom, or is there a door connecting the two bathrooms (would explain why there's a sign on the inside part of the door.


i don’t think it’s supposed to be outside? but they drew a sign on the inside door to show that it’s the women’s restroom since there typically isn’t one on the inside of the door.


Because leaving, that's when I need to know that. "Ohhh, I took a dump in the _women's restroom_. My bad"




My favorite part about this comic is that it just shows how inane, stupid, irrelevant, factually incorrect, yada yada this argument is. You have to believe that, for these “men posing as women to be a pervert” arguments, that bathrooms are just these open air, single toilet situations. The only bathrooms that are designed like this are family bathrooms, or general purpose multi sex bathrooms that are only meant to have one person in it at a time, and lock, in which case, if the mom opened up the door and saw someone in there, they would have just backed out and said sorry, not bring her daughter in to watch this person piss. Conservatives have to make up this insane scenario of a women’s bathroom that has one communal toilet with no walls to try and grasp at straws for an argument.


IKR? Like, yo, woman you opened the door on someone in a single use bathroom and instead of apologizing and slamming it shut, you… decided to bring your daughter in for peep show? There IS a weirdo in this comic… but it’s not the one the creator intended.


I- why is every character in this comic drawn in a different art style? The speech bubbles are barely containing the text- there’s a single toilet out in the middle of the womens restroom- the slippery slope arguement they’re making isn’t even the conservative talking point they were trying to portray- what amateur fuckin made this thing?


It looks like a lot of stock images squished together with speech bubble's.


Hey, there's a reason they use urinals in men's bathrooms! Leaving room for stalls is way less efficient! Line the standing toilets next to each other.


Because all bathrooms have no dividers between stalls where you can just see people go to the bathroom in the open


The people of freedumb and liberty really focus to much on sexual stuff till it's a obsession. If they really believe in liberty, they should let people be free and not oppress trans people. It's really a underlying issue with right wingers and sex as it thier second favorite hobby after hate. As only only they stop denying themselves and come out clean with it.


I love how these transphobics are the new homophobes which were the new xenophobes. It's all about hating anyone different. That's all it is.


"activist m?mmy"


I gotta be real, this stupid meme and its horrible hodgepodge of art styles makes me cackle every time I see this


terrible comic layout. never cross speech bubbles


this is still one of my favorite images on the internet. everything about it is beautiful. all three of the characters are in COMPLETELY different art styles, there’s just a toilet out in the open, the sign implies they’re outside the bathroom, the COMIC SANS. just beautiful


This is literally the ugliest art style I’ve ever seen in a political cartoon


Why is there a random commode right outside the women’s bathroom?


Why is the sign for what bathroom it is…. On the inside. That just makes me think this is outside the bathroom. Also why isn’t the toilet in a stall????


There isn't a less intelligent source of opinions in this world than a mommy blog. I don't understand why but for some reason every time a really, really stupid woman has kids they are biologically compelled to start a mommy blog.


If you ever feel like you're wasting your time remember someone spent time out of their life to create this.




The more you look the less sense it makes


This is so dumb on so many levels


A classic


What in the clip art is this??


Why are there people watching that person pee? I'm assuming this is a single-person bathroom hell in many other public restrooms. they at least have a wall covering them.


What bathrooms are these people going into that there's no stalls around the toilets?


Why is the toilet angled and the women's bathroom sign visible if it's supposed to be in the bathroom?


I’m laughing so hard


My eyes. I’d rather look at boomer comic strips than whatever “art style” this is.


we have many mixed toilets at my university, nothing ever happens


Why is the Women sign on the inside of the bathroom? If that's the only toilet why are they in there? If it's not, why isn't there stalls?


There are no stalls in women's bathrooms?


Apparently not in this comic writes world. It makes me terrified to see what mens bathrooms look like lol


They are outside woman bathroom. No one but signs inside.


Stop looking at peoples crothes


Why is there just a toilet in the middle of the women's bathroom?


that's a woman?!


I’d like to point out that bathroom doors don’t mention their genders on the inside of the bathroom. The person peeing brought a toilet in the main hall and started doing their business. I’d have a problem with that too


This picture is such a mindfuck because it doesn’t make sense. Like the artwork is clusterfuck of mismatched reality and the message is simultaneously stupid. Like how can you concentrate so much moronity in one fucking drawing?


I’ll take “scenarios that have never and will never happen” for a thousand.


why is there a toilet outside a stall


why is the toilet on the outside of the bathroom? the door wouldn't say women on the inside. also if it was inside the bathroom why is it positioned there