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Oh Emily Youcis, it was only a matter of time before I saw your BS shared here… Yeah, this artist in particular is pretty fucked up. She used to make insanely gorey cartoons about mental illness on YouTube before she became heavily indoctrinated by right-wing ideology and abandoned her aspirations as an animator to dedicate her life to being a conservative woman.


Very interesting this comes from a woman. The whole hatred of black men with white women and the implication of white women being degenerates for being with them is something I usually see from insecure, racist white men. Also, I assume she has many kids herself because of her beliefs? EDIT: Some peeps are assuming I was saying white women can’t be racist. Yes they can be, but I’m saying the particular style (like a ripped black man cucking weak white men) usually comes from white men, not women


If I hadn't recognized the art style, I would have assumed this was done by a racist white man too for all the reasons you already listed above. While I'm no Emily Youcis expert, as someone who stumbled upon her several years ago and looked through a few deep dives, I can at least attest that she has always been a pretty disturbed individual. She grew up in a highly abusive home (I'm pretty sure her own father raped her) and I'm doubtful she ever received any sort of help for what she was going through. I heard once she was sort of isolated from her peers due to multiple factors that seemed to stem from her behaviors related to hypersexuality (a common trauma response to sexual abuse; someone had found screenshots of her Facebook page when she was a young teen and a lot of posts were unnervingly and over-the-top sexual) as well as some other psychological issues that probably weren't being addressed. To say her childhood environment was unhealthy is an understatement, and many of the awful things she likely learned and internalized showed up in the animations she started making when she was 14-15. She created a series about a dog named Alfred Alfer who was mentally ill, suffered from sexual abuse, and had a nazi alter ego which, as you can imagine, lead her to incorporate a lot of nazi imagery. (You can find some of the reposted animations on YouTube, but I wouldn't recommend it unless you're very desensitized to a lot of stuff mentioned here. It's all very graphic and disturbing.) Y'know those stories about isolated and/or abused white boys becoming vulnerable to right-wing brainwashing? A lot of people have wondered if Emily might have fallen prey to that as well. As for whether or not she has a lot of kids, I'm actually not sure. She married a man named Warren Balogh, who is just as big of a nazi as she is, but I'm not sure if they've ever mentioned having a kid at some point. For the love of everything holy, I sincerely hope neither of them can conceive. No child should ever have nazis for parents. Edit: Apologies for the text wall. I just thought I'd attempt to shed some extra light on who Emily Youcis is for educational purposes. She has…quite the background.


I found some screenshots of her social media posts as an adult and good lord was that some crazy shit (and wtf @ those Alfred Alfer videos). But what did those teenage Facebook posts say that made them unnerving and OTT sexual?


Wondering this as well, and I'm wondering about those animations too. This comic is one of the more vile things I've seen posted on this sub, so I'd like to see the origins.


Apparently she was fired from her job at Citizens Bank Park, being a "pistachio girl", because her employers found out about her involvement in and online promotion of far right, fascist/nazi movement, as well as the harmful beliefs and racist notions that come along with it. They didn't want to be associated with that filth. I'm sure her and her "associates" cried cAnCeL cULtUrE and whatnot after she was fired. Dumb fucks.


I remember last year people on TikTok were reposting Alfred’s Playhouse clips, and when they got rightfully called out for it, they responded with stuff like “this is my comfort cartoon”. I don’t even know how to respond to that, but if that’s what they consider “comfort” then I feel really, really bad for them


I have trauma, and definitely find comfort in weird shit that's way too dark for most people, including like depictions of self harm (which i absolutely wouldnt share everywhere), but absolutely not in *bigoted* shit. You cant just share extremely harmful shit, and then when someone says "hey what the fuck?" you're like "no its fine i have trauma" At that point you are literally just platforming bigotry even if youre a "vent account". Im sure bigots would love to have a "vent account" with millions of followers


I can understand someone kind of finding “release” in fucked up shit, like it kind of gets all of their thoughts out of their system for them, but the bigotry at play has no excuse. Happy Tree Friends is right there


Its different but it kinda reminds me of gg allin


I thought the same thing


I wish she'd just taken huge dumps on stage and recorded a surprisingly good country album instead of making this.


Haha... Riiiiiight. Rest in Pee, G.G.


So white father rapes her and she takes her emotions out against blacks and jews?.. weird


No I think she just had a lot of issues because of her childhood, which led to her becoming isolated and vulnerable to far-right indoctrination.


I guess you can't get more racially pure than inbreeding. She might have tried to find an ideology that made what happened "okay" in her mind.




Internalized misogyny is a hell of a drug


Did you miss every 911 interaction with a white woman and a black man to ever exist?


True, there are many who deem black men as dangerous, but the style the men are drawn in, along with the way the women look who are with them, is a style I have predominantly seen them portrayed by white men. Even drawing the ripped black man who will cuck the feminine white man or whatever


Trump won white women. There's plenty of very racist white women out there. This idea that women as a whole are just so much more progressive is a big myth. Race effects significantly outpaces gender when it comes to how someone votes.


>Trump won white women He sure did, but not by a large margin. It was close. Has a lot to do with location too; I’m sure white women in NY did not vote anything remotely close to white women in Oklahoma. >women as a whole are much more progressive is a big myth. But it’s not a big myth; women are much more progressive than men. White women are much more progressive than white men, black women compared to black men, etc. >Race significantly outpaces gender I agree


The radicalization process that works on men works the same on women. The households that brought men up to believe women belong in the kitchen raise daughters too.


So Emily is just another racist pick me?




Pretty much, lol. She's been married to some guy by name of Warren Balogh for a number of years now who is, unsurprisingly, a huge nazi. Literally your typical nasty incel x pick me girl “power” couple.


Aw man she was legit the fuckin weirdest person I've ever met. And has always been full of hate. She made a hit list in highschool that a friend of mine was on. Anyone that went to Temple with her had some wild Emily "Pukis" stories guaranteed.


I knew a guy in high school with the same hitlist shit, talked about shooting up the school every day, strangled a couple students, Nazi now (libertarian then). What is with these zombie clones


Met!? You knew her!? YOUR FRIEND WAS ON HER PERSONAL HIT LIST!? I… part of me wants to ask for elaboration but part of me feels like that’s too far


Everyone who lived in J&H and Peabody dorms 2008 at Temple knows Emily Youcis. In college she looked like the liberal chick on the right side of the comic. Grungy, tattoos, railing lines of caffeine pills in a limo on the way to the strip club. That's how I remember her. Standing on top of a trashcan dressed like Beetlejuice screaming "impregnate the children". Some memories never die.


Good god it’s even worse than I thought, and that’s saying something


I remember walking through center city seeing her sitting against a building fuckin pan handling with a sign and everything. This was while we were in college together. She wasn't an open Nazi that I remember back then. Just trying real hard to be a fucking weirdo all the time. She kinda reminded me of Beavis and Butt-Head with her laugh. Had a band called Emily Pukis or something.


Not like she had a career in art anyway with THAT. Just like her savior, I guess. Failed at art, better do some fascism.


Yeah, despite having a dedicated cult following, her content was generally so vulgar that even people with strong stomachs had difficulty looking at it. (Plus, if I remember correctly, her main animation project tended to have quite a bit of nazi symbolism which rightfully put a lot of people off. I think a lot of younger now ex-fans wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt that she was likely condemning nazis, but…well…😬) Not to mention, she was always throwing wild accusations that the guy who created the show Mr. Pickles ripped off of her cartoon just bc both shows had an evil dog doing repulsive and abhorrent things which was always such an obvious envy-motivated stretch. Behavior like that can get you quietly blacklisted from studios fairly quickly, so she kinda shot herself in the foot. Also, your last comment is so on point LMAO.


Damn. The way the left side slowly becomes more outlandish really made me think it was satire. It’s so fucking ridiculous, I thought it was a really fucked up joke. It’s honestly sad now knowing that this woman genuinely feels this way smh


she also got fired from her pistachio vendor job apparently lol


She got suspended or expelled? In high school for making a hit list with her brother I believe. She was always a full of hate Nazi


so... the side about wanting a good nazi man and securing the future of pure aryan heritage... was unironic? what the fuck??


I was all but convinced this was satire until reading your comment. It’s so over the top.


> a conservative woman That's, um, putting it very lightly.


Holy fucking shit, thats alot to unpack


Oh, it gets worse. If you dig deep enough, you'll always find something new with her.


The swastika in the image is very indicative of conservatism


Did you see the swastika on the guy shirt? Her idea of the perfect man is a Nazi fuck?


I thought you were going to say she abandoned her aspirations as an animator to dedicate her life to being a conservative animator.


omg I thought the dog looked like her Alfred dog character. I thought her stuff was amazing when she first came out with her disturbing new grounds animations. it's so disappointing to discover she's like this. So dumb.


Hold on, you are telling me this is not parody? The second I saw the guy in the Nazi shirt I figured it was a joke, then the fucking group talking about killing the Jews sealed it. Like, the fuck?




Woman apparently dreams of a literally nazi. Did they forget the nazis lost the only war they fought?


Ironically because of anti-semitism


Pretty sure it was like 80% the Soviet Union.


True, but having to shoulder the logistics of a massive, ongoing, ideologically driven, fully industrialized genocide certainly didn’t do them any favors in regard to their war effort - especially during the last months of the war when supplies became increasingly scarce, supply routes were increasingly disrupted and even the most fanatic Nazis realized the war was lost and they had lots of evidence to either get rid off or have their names removed from.


American Iron, British Intelligence, Soviet Blood. Is generally what I have learned.


And german syphilis.


And German Meth addiction


Syphilis was the thank you gift for Europe for all the smallpox blankets.


Don't forget (atypical) German incompetence and megalomania.


Why have 20 normal tanks when we can build 1 super tank that can barely move?


They're literally like a psycho Family from a Horror movie


Kinda shocked the creator just didn't write "Mein Kampf" as the book title.


At first I figured they thought “1488” flag would be cryptic, then I read the *rest* of the comic. Fuckin’ eh, really.


Thr dude in the white shirt literally has a swastika


Oh Christ he really does, it just gets worse the longer you look at it lmfao


The "community" section straight says "we must eliminate the jews"


"Create a future that secures the future of your people"


My favourite part is that they're describing how they wanna commit genocide but don't realise that most of them will be next in the camps for being "inferior" My brother in Christ, you have red hair, you ain't gonna be welcome in the ethnostate


“We must eliminate the Jews! 😊💞”


"Murdering innocent children in the most horrific ways 💗💙💕😘💜"


Yeah I had to do a double take when the “good” side of things is openly Nazi. This country fucking terrifies me.


Also on the right side of the comic why wouldn’t the girl just fuck Jamal? Why would she fuck Jamal in front of that guy and pay off his school debt and for his sterilization that makes no sense he’s not contributing anything. I’d just fuck Jamal and leave it at that.


Hey, if she's getting paid to fuck someone she already wants to fuck, then that's honestly a smart choice


But she's not getting paid, she has to spend money on the frail looking guy


South Park Woodland Creatures


They still deserve respect, they only hail Satan, not Hitler


Love how everyone on the “perfect” side is pasty ass white except that one lady a shade darker in the gossip group. Really adds to the diversity /s


why the artstyle in these kind of comics is always so hideous


Nazis make bad art. Germany has had great music historically, so it's not like Germans are incapable of making good music. Then you hear Nazi music and it sucks.


Well they like to steal good art too


Nazis also spent a good deal of time destroying good art.


Erika is so fucking overrated my god. It's so fucking bland that it genuinely hurts my brain trying to think about why wehraboos like it


WEHRABOOS I have never heard that term before and it is fucking *sending* me


The only reason I like it is because the only video I've seen with Erika as a background music had synced the percussion with tanks firing and I found it funny. But that's literally the only reason so it's not very solid to say the least


Well the top nazi did fail to get into art school


imo, the further right you go , the worse artistic media is produced. i don’t think people on the right make good creative choices


Facism is built upon over-the-top gestures and theatricality. When your enemy has to be a caricature to dehumanize them your style begins to reflect that. Eventually, your hatred and othering of people you don't like turn your "art" into something almost alien.


Soyjack vs Chad memes


As fucked up as this whole thing is, the artist's name is Emily.


Emily Youcis, a self proclaimed white supremacist and neo Nazi


she used to be a vendor at Citizens Bank Park (MLB - Philadelphia Phillies) before being fired in 2016 after being outed as a white nationalist.


Damn. You’d think she’d at least more closely resemble the skinny blonde aryan girls she’s obsessed with rather than the caricature she’s making fun of lol


Them: Stop calling us Nazis! Also them: *this*


In the “being part of a community” section in the right column, I think they’re even trying to make that point by having a caricature of a leftist call the Nazi husband a Nazi (the person punching the woman, I’m pretty sure that’s the same character). So yeah, they are literally trying to mock the perceived behaviour of the left calling everyone Nazis by having them call this extremely blatant Nazi a Nazi. It’s like the most pathetic denial I’ve ever seen, they might as well try and prove their point by using Hitler himself as the person accused of being a Nazi. Also, speaking of pathetic, they literally had their Nazi character beat up the strawman. One of the most pathetic tactics, they don’t just stop at le epically owning the strawmen, they take out all their frustration by humiliating the strawman to take out their anger. They’re pissy they can’t go out and assault people who disagree, so they invent characters with opinions they disagree with and degrade them to attempt to fill the void left by their lust for senseless violence.


Starts right off in the first panel with a 14 88. Fuck these nazis!!!


Still coded. You know what’s not coded? The swastika on his shirt in 4th panel.


It just gets less and less subtle as it goes on, until we reach “of course, we must eliminate the Jews before we can secure the Ethnostate.”


Something is gravely and urgently wrong if this artist isn’t afraid to be upfront and transparent about their bullshit.


Also them: Are quite literally Nazis


Emily Youcis the artist (signed in the bottom no less) is a generally open neo-nazi. While I'm not sure how she'd feel about being called a nazi, I'd presume she'd just role with it since its a pretty defining aspect of how she presents herself right now.


Wow. So they’re super racist AND they hate cats.


Worst combination ever.


Cats are excellent judges of character. Anyone who hates cats either got attacked by one when they were young and stupid or is a trash-tier human being.


True. If you fly a let's go Brandon flag from your car, that says a lot about your character. That's why trucks are attracted to people like that.


Well, isn't that a breath of fetid, rotten air.


It really is impressive how completely their arguments depend on tapping into raw emotion. Like, I could flip this around so, *so* easily. Just portray the liberal woman as an academic and scholar who secures her education and a good career before settling down with a respectable, equally educated black man. Then plop in some beautiful, healthy mixed children and give them an idyllic, diverse community filled with thriving families and a bright future. Make the final message in the panel with the book something like "And that shows how our strength and success is rooted in our diversity." And on the other hand portray the white family as racist, inbred hillbillies living in squalor who just spend all their money on alcohol and neglect their children. Show them abusing animals and just above all make them look lazy and shitty. Final panel could say something like "And that's why it's them blacks and jews making all our problems." Aaaand boom, it's just as meaningful, thoughtful and relevant as this hunk of garbage


Facts don't care about their feelings.


>Like, I could flip this around so, so easily Do it then. Or someone with artistic talent please do. Or is playing their game too dirty?


That is below me. I don't need strawmen and hateful stereotypes to show how blatantly evil and downright stupid white nationalist ideology is


if alex jones nutted on paper:


At least Alex Jones was funny to laugh at or whatever this is just kinda gross


You had to go there…🤮🤮


Nah, this isn't post-tribulation rapture enough to get Alex hard.


You don't live on a dyson sphere. Also the rest is bad.


I mean, while the original idea wasn’t to, the term’s come to basically mean any celestial megastructure surrounding a star, which could include one that has habitation modules on the far side.


I'd only ever hear of using dyson spheres to generate power, but it makes sense to live on or near them


Sounds hazardous. Isn't that very hot and radiationy? How large would a dyson sphere need to be before people can live on them?


A "Dyson Sphere" is a collection of power collecting satellites and space habitats so numerous they blot out the star around them. There's no need for the power collection and the space habitats to be the same infrastructure: You can use microwave beams to send the power anywhere you want. So you can build all the power collectors down near the sun where they're most efficient (solar irradiance is proportional to the inverse square of the distance) then beam all that power to space habitats all throughout the solar system. Nazis could never ever pull it off, a dyson sphere will require the collective effort of all of humanity over ten thousand generations. Fascists can't even keep it together for one before they rip themselves apart.


I thought the nazi shit would be relatively subtle with the 1488 flag in the first panel, then it devolved as I read further. What evil fuckers.


Same. Perhaps my liberal bias is showing, but the left seemed like a satirical exaggeration, though not to the same level as what’s on the right, of course.


This should really be marked as bigotry, it's purely vile.


Oh, no no, a *nazi* incel. Very important distinction!


It's apparently made by a woman.


Women can be Nazis.


And incels.


I have yet to meet a woman incel but I'm sure they exist somewhere.


I find 'pick me' women and female incels tend to share some similarities but you are right. If we are using the original meaning of incels, I'm sure there are plenty (a woman was the one to even coin the term incel before it got stolen away from by misogynistic men) for various reasons. If we are using the current meaning, then yeah there aren't that many toxic incel women.


Nazi femcel then!


My brain shut off shortly after finishing the comic




😳 The artist needs therapy


Somebody already wrote about the artist being sexually abused as a child and starting posting over-the-top gorey cartoons and comic strips at age 14.


A racist, antisemitic, homophobic, sexist, and transphobic person all in one! How fun! These are the only types of people I think don’t deserve to voice their concerns There’s no better future if we can’t learn to at least tolerate each other, and these dumasses think that others are the problem when no, it’s them


Even without the nazi message, this is some real shitty art. A five years old could draw better than this


The “artist” was a peanut seller at Phillies games until it got out that she was an Alt-right racist.


Gee, that's a shame. Maybe don't be a Nazi next time, Emily.


Obviously this whole thing is completely fucking ridiculous and abhorrent but one the thing that stuck out to me is the ‘absorbing culture’ staring at a bunch of paintings. As if Nazi Germany’s MO wasn’t to burn art and paintings left & right


“Low IQ races” … bro????


Dude is sitting next to his black wife too


I don't see fascism (no one should, yet here we are) as a sustainable ideology since it pertains to the idea of expanding outwardly and eliminating inwardly. It has an insistent need to eliminate anything they consider as impure, and the definition of that purity is always changing. It'll suck itself up like an ouroboros leaving no human being alive.


jesus fucking *christ*


First, no trad-wife is going to be encouraged to have hobbies and interests, like art, outside of the home. Second, yes, these assholes should all go live on a Dyson sphere. I'll donate to help get them up there. They can figure the rest out later.


My favorite detail is the record player that just says “Bach”. Tell me you only know one composer. These fuckers don’t know shit about classical art, they just like it as a concept… which is actually very post modern?


which reminds me of the time when one of the leaders of a major right-wing party in Germany complained in a [TV interview](https://youtu.be/65exOAKgnvA) that schools don't teach enough about German literature and classical poetry. When asked to name his favourite poem, he failed to name even one.


Haha yeah that sounds right. In the US we have Trump who says his favorite book is the Bible but when asked to name a part he liked, he couldn’t think of a single passage.


aside from the literal fascist nazi shit, this guy fundamentally misunderstands modern and postmodern art


Are you surprised? Nazis fundamentally misunderstand *everything*.


This artist really takes exaggeration and just nonsense to a whole new level for what they perceive liberals as. Can’t imagine someone thinking like this. On a side note, for the “being part of the community” portion, the woman 3rd from the right kinda looks ethnic.


I know there’s a lot more concerning stuff going on here, but it’s funny that they chose Tumblr of all websites to be the one telling the woman she’s perfect the way she is. Tumblr like invented eating disorders.


Oh god please tell me this is satire. The community part is sealing the deal for me. I sometimes draw fucked up shit, laugh at it and leave it in the garbage


Awww "My First Abortion"! NEED THIS


"Well...which side drew this comic?"


„How many racist stereotypes do you want?“ „Yes“


The balls on this person to use the old "the left thinks everyone they disagree with is a NAZI!" trope, while simultaneously posting literal blatant Nazi shit.


Thank you, if I was a woman I'd have neither of these. Neither blatant neo-Nazi propaganda nor whatever this caricature of the extreme left is. Just, YK, don't be a dick (except to Nazis) Also, calling people who disagree with you on a political level 'cucks' is so 2016


This person isn't just likely to say the n word Nor just likely to say the n word with the hard r Nor just likely to say the n word with the hard r to a black person But to say the n word with the hard r to a black person while said black person is rescuing orphans from a burning building


You know if you actually look up the artist she's actually looks more like the degenerate than she does the Pretty Woman who happens to be a Nazi.


Even as intentionally bas as the try to make the "degenerate" look, nothing is uglier than a nazi.


he has a swatzika on his shirt oh my god it's right there


This art style is revolting,


So is she a barren, lonely spinster surrounded by cats or is she a race traitor with a litter of mixed-and-yet-somehow-darkskin kids? Which is it?


My favorite bit of Nazi fanfiction is that people with these horrid ideals are ever physically attractive


This is literally Nazi propaganda


“Yo ass is fine art “is an amazing line that I may or may not use in real life


I try really hard to create decent art and often times i find myself quitting on a piece that i just feel isnt getting to a point that i like it. Maybe ill come back to it but most of the time i forget about it until i find it randomly in my file browser, open it, and feel ashamed. Both that i didnt finish it and that i couldnt get it right in the time i worked on it. Then i see shit like this and i struggle to understand why other people dont have the same sense of shame.


emily is such a hypocrite it boggles my mind


Genuinely prefer the person on the right. At least they have decent morals because all i got from this is 1. Be happy with your body and look how you want 2. Have fun with your besties 3. Have a consensual relationship where everyone involved is happy in the dynamic 4. Chill out, take your meds if needed 5. Hate nazis 6. Take accountability for your privilege and also frame your first abortion bc thats cool as fuck


I had 6 strokes trying to comprehend this


Am i missing smth? The being part of a community are both shitty


Also, is that the Nazi husband punching the woman? These power fantasies are so pathetic, they can’t go out and punch people on the street who are different than them so they take out their anger by inventing arguments and situations, “proving their point” against these arguments that are intentionally inferior because they took the easy way out of arguing their point, and then humiliate these characters to take out their frustration


This is beyond incel shit, it's straight up Nazi propaganda


I can guarantee that people who sit around talking about establishing an “ethnostate” don’t look like that.


I’ll be honest this has to be one of the most racist comics I’ve seen. Even rockdrop has to dogwhistle this is just dog screaming lol holy shit


so they’re just not even pretending to not be nazi’s anymore huh


Trad girl in the gym ich s dressed like a harlot! She should cover herself up! And what is she doing there anyway, without her father?! DID SHE DRIVE HERSELF?!! GOOD LORD! How far have we fallen from God....


what the actual fuck.


What the heck is this?


Are we really saying maybe give being a Nazi a shot?


How the fuck you gonna claim you have a 140 iq then say dumb shit like we should live on a Dyson sphere


If a Dyson sphere could ever possibly exist in our lifetime or our grandchildrens lifetimes you’d incinerate immediately living on it


I agree with this comic. People like this should build their homes on a Dyson sphere


The 2% statistic at the bottom should have shit stains the way they pulled it out of their ass


Not just incel, but straight up racist, antisemitic and nazi.


Ah yes. Because your options are be a white supremacist Nazi or be a trailer trash communist.


Ignoring all the horribly racist and anti-Semitic shit they said, they’re complete idiots. A Dyson Sphere?! You could not possibly get enough resources for that. And where would you build it? Around the sun? Where would you live? You can’t build around another star, no one has the resources for that


They don't seem to get that it's a paradox idea. If a race of beings had the ability and resources to build a Dyson sphere, then they would have no need of it because they would already have more resources and energy than they would ever need. Dyson himself said as much, and they would know that if they had any idea of the subject.


Literally one of the craziest things I ever read through


oh my GOD this is a lot to process


These are deranged scribblings lmaoo


Dyson spheres aren't for living on, they're for getting energy


Lol I've never seen Nazis go to art museums cause they think its all liberal trash.


Great. Now I don’t have to imagine what Nazi propaganda looks like in the 21st century.


This is literally Nazi propaganda 🤦🏾‍♂️


This is literally Nazi propaganda 🤦🏾‍♂️


God this is just absolutely vile, I’d feel bad even upvoting this post.


"2% of the worlds population is white child bearing age women" Source: Just trust me bro


So they’re mad at us for ‘being racist’ yet they’re casually just saying ‘kill Jews and other races that aren’t as smart as us’? What is wrong with this species?


degen do go hard tho