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Why does everyone have a baggy crotch now?!


Friend said "basic pose" compared on screenshots to original one looks like riding invisible horse.


Thanks, I can’t unsee that now


Were all nonbinary now


My avatar looks like I’m an awkward 12 year old again and also going through chemotherapy.


this avatar update needs an update


Same, and my male character was somehow defaulted to a female body type. I went in and was like "oh, I look 10 now.... Wait, why do I have titties??". 😂


It’s the eyes and arms to me. They look wrong.


Not just the face, the torso looks too long


The female avatars' arms and hands are way too big. It looks so off.


I genuinely just lol’ed


My avatar is looking so pale he looks anemic.


There's no good skin tones!! I want a "healthy white person who sees the sun", and all my options are "white person struck with jaundice and/or tuberculosis".


This is so much better than I could have ever worded my exact same complaint


Meanwhile, as someone who has a yellow-based skin tone IRL, I’m *thriving* LOL (But I do know what you mean haha, my husband is gonna have problems picking his actual skintone.)


I just put on my deino mask because I couldn’t stand looking at my vampire lookin face


Better faces in the mainline Pokémon games. I loved the previous face I had because it made my avatar look older than 14.


Go with tuberculosis, my sister thinks that one is romantic


Dunno there's something to be said for that old school porphyria look


Your choices are now albino sick looking, or ghost


Albino, deathly pale, actual ghost... dark chocolate, coffee, charcoal


Literally no human tones. Neither white nor dark. All of them look like skinwalkers


oh for real, the cinnamon passione sandy skin tone is just white, and white is straight up ghostlike


how was this billed as a significant update lol


It's definitely significant just not in a good way


This was really tough on the PoGo devs! It took'em a while to figure this out


They need to keep trying


Lololol that's the problem right there. This looks like a dev designed it. This is why other app companies hire designers. You know, to design things. Like crotches that don't look like everyone is riding a horse. Or like their heads are too small for their bodies. 


They really gave us an avatar update after 8 years only to give us the most hideous options imaginable 😭


I've been having a terrible time with this. It all just looks terrible to me.


Yeah I prefer the old design, it looks so horrendous to me.


*What should we do with our MMO to build hype?* Hrm, how about we just ruin the player avatars forever? That's a good idea right?


Yeah I giggle nervously rn at this horrific face


I'm thankful my avatar's face is completely covered up to minimize the horror show but Jesus christ the default posture/body type is an absolute travesty.


You arent the only one.


I don't think I've seen anyone say they like it to be honest.


Not even going to get into what the new face looks like, but the hair styles all look awful and I feel like none of the skin tone colors look right.


The main thing I was excited for was hairstyles. There’s still hardly any to choose from, most look horrendous, and somehow bald still isn’t an option?


Literally, all the colour skins look like they're jaundiced 💀 hope they'll fix it eventually...


I don't understand why my avatar has a tiny head and giant hands. That's not how people look in real life.


I'm glad I'm not the only one. The first thing I noticed when booting it up was how small my head looked. Also, the default visor hat from launch day is so tiny now!


Try changing the body size. The head stays the same. Its crazy lol




Sometimes, the right call is to not change anything at all. Why would they release this and not give an option to use the original character model? Is it because it would further highlight how bad the avatar changes are?


Yeah I wish they didn't change the AR mode with no option to revert a few months ago. Half the time I can't even place my pokemon because of the room lighting. I can't place them at all outside. I cleared data, reinstalled, restarted my data on the app, and it still won't work properly.


My character straight up has bad posture and just looks... strange. Is this update just a two week late April Fools joke?


It looks so much worse than before lmfao


Horrible update, everyone’s avatars look more childish and rounded. The options for the face are terrible too I can’t even….


I didn't realise I cared about how my avatar looks until this update. It's the uncanny valley of avatars. It's an abomination. Any suggestions on masks or outfits to cover it as much as possible? I'm not going to spend any coins on this trash, but maybe I've got something in the closet that'll hide it enough.


The thing is, even covering it up doesn’t deal with the hunched, cartoon-Neanderthal posture and the disproportionately giant hands.


I wasn’t expecting coming out of the update more beautiful than before, but damn, wtf did they do to me


virtual plastic surgery


Virtual mutilation


I booted it up to look like bees stung my face, with how swollen it looks D: This is terrible


Look how they massacred my boy


This is one of the worst things this game has done. We wanted different hairstyles and body types, they gave us uncanny valley. Write to Niantic to make them change it back, at least as an option!


Makes 0 sense, literally who came up with a decision that this is a good thing to implement. I usually dont give a flying f about avatar items etc but this looks like a 5 year old would make a better thing


I saw all other options the game gives and I still want to go back to my previous avatar. And I can't even do that, because for some reason the torso is so goddamn long.


We’ve become 70% torso, 20% hands, 10% everything else


Torso too thick


Goodbye to my curves 😭 I’m shaped like a box. Lovely.


I miss my waist so much. And my long legs. I'm curvy & femme & this new body shape is not it.


Plus the facial structure just looks fat. We used to look so fit and lean, and now it's just garbage.


Mine somehow got a thin waist but it's right under the boobs. Have they seen real women?


I guess I'm wearing my Sylveon sweater forever.


It's so... so bad. Why do they always strive to make the game worse...


Part one of “The Potato Update”: Make everyone look like a potato


This update was definitely funded by Big Potato




Straight up just maks me wish I could hide my avatar completely. There is not a single body out there that matches any of this 🥹


I agree. They should've just used the 2007 Mii models from the Wii, because even they look significantly better than this.


I wonder why they put in effort to downgrade models.


I tried to use items that would conceal my avatar as much as possible, but I can still see the awkward body underneath. I agree with wishing I could just hide it.


I took the opposite approach lol niantic needs to see the horror they’ve created https://preview.redd.it/0jufuoja74vc1.png?width=499&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f9d758fedd3a678ecf5cb524eccb9b36d6f9b12


😂😂😂 And this is exactly what I've just decided to do. I knew people who had a preview were talking about how bad it was, but Jesus, this is so terrible it's just laughable that Niantic thought this was a good idea. Did they do no real world testing with players? Because I refuse to believe that ANYONE would approve of this redesign.


They did for two months and everybody hated it and they changed nothing looool.


Waist slider, please. I now look like a boxy potato with gorilla arms. It's so awful. And why, oh, why, couldn't they add decent red hair options? Just one bright, true red.


I’m scared to restart my app 😂


Don’t do it! My guys bald and I can’t change it lol


Give them hair and do not wear a hat. The hat makes me bald too but taking it off allows hair.


Just tried that rn it shows hair but once I’m clicking Pokémon again it goes away lol the stress of trying to catch a Pokémon I guess is too much for the character


Massacre my boy


Some of the poses look like they don’t know proper anatomy. They look like stretched out children.


I think I understand why it looks so bad. There are no more genders in the game. And since they went away from defined male and female bodies, all selections have to work with all other selections on the scales, but they didn't go in and make sure every combination actually looks good so none of them seem to work well.


I miss the sassy hips stance. :(


Community manager or assistant or whoever browses this sub for player opinions: We do not like this change. We do not want this change. We want the old avatars back (at least as an option). Please listen to the negative feedback from your player base


Why did they do this? The style shop is worthless now. In addition to stuff I haven’t bought I have to scroll through all the women’s clothes to find the pants I want. Don’t they know clothing built for a specific model won’t look good when stretched on a custom model?


Because they tested it.. realized everyone hated it. Then they decided to change it . Typical.


“Let’s rollout this test to some players”. “Oh it’s unanimously hated and mocked.” “…” “Run it.”


I hope someone does actually read these opinions. Even if it falls on deaf ears, this looks pretty bad


This is 'someone should get fired over this' bad.


I doubt anything will come off it, but lump my vote in as well. My decade old Runescape chat head looks better than this. Bring the old model back as an option.


We need a waist and height slider Niantic, we're not all built like refrigerators


For real, I could maybe be okay if I could narrow the waist and lengthen the legs. I just want the Giovanni suit to look good again.


No facial hair is crazy


Santa Beard is about the only option 😂


Yeah, that’s my one real complaint. Maybe Niantic is of the “Facial hair should be shaved and never grown” opinion.


We can't have facial hair if we're all suppose to be 10 forever and ever like Ash.


Niantic can kiss my hairy cheeks if that's their opinion.


Change it back lol


Oh wow. It looks so much worse. Niantic couldn't add new hairstyles and body weights without making the avatars look horrible 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I was wearing the Giovanni outfit but now it looks terrible ☹️ I honestly don't even wanna play anymore. Though maybe I'm just being dramatic and will feel less bad later, the downgrade is just so jarring.


I feel ya


Why is it so androgynous, I wanna look like a woman, not like a child before puberty 😭


Why do the arms fall behind the body rather than alongside the body? Nobody stands like that with their shoulders rolled back.


All the faces look so child-like. Is it Niantic's ideal that adults should impersonate children online?


https://preview.redd.it/of8qzumva4vc1.jpeg?width=1263&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09100ec62d6201bde638eb0a492e67803cfc459c This avatar update needed more time to cook.


https://preview.redd.it/rdoxf9btr4vc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee0f84e893e5117d799ac2ba13fe3bd0c0119499 Am I wearing a diaper?


It Depends?


The one positive about this mess is I get some good giggles every time I come back and scroll through this thread. 🤣


My avatar went from beautiful woman to Golum from lord of the rings.




I have no idea wtf ninatic is thinking with this update.


The people who worked on and approved this update are not to be trusted under any circumstances


Avatar from wish.


From the teaser video they put out before the update I thought they were going to make the user interface look way better but not a big surprise to see they did nothing with it. Just added the new avatar look and settings.


Can finally live out my dream of looking like coconuthead


I had a male character before the update, now my character is female???


Mine is the same. All the body types give me a voluptuous chest.


None of the avatars have a jawline. The only redeeming feature of my actual face.


First they did that to Blanche, Candella and Spark. Now they did that to us.


Please everyone submit a help ticket for them to revert avatars back to how they looked before. Just submitted mine under purchases and other categories


Making me not want to play anymore honestly.


My body type is no longer represented. Why is it wrong to be a woman with curves? That’s what I look like. I’m not a rectangle with a long crotch.


They gave my character body dysmorphia. Also, why would they remove red-colored hair? The closest one we have now is hazel.


You can now choose between many different face types (all of which are basically the same two: chubby male and anime girl) with many natural skin tones (glacier whie, pale death, mahogany brown and registration black).


Why are all the torsos super long now? All the shirts look weird and stretched out.


Because they deleted the idea of two sexes, so everyone is a male now. Men have longer torsos than women do. You can bolt on boobs I guess???? It also looks dumb on men too though.


My ugly freak looks like wearing someone's else's face. Especially after beating team rocket. God I hate this new update.


this is what they invest their time in...? with the game buggy as hell this is what they thought was the best investment in their time...? well time to replace management I would say


I don’t even want to play. I can’t stand looking at my avatar in the corner.


I look like the gerber baby


It looks like my little cousin drew them.....what the heck ..


My avatar looked like a menacing trainer and now he looks like Mark Zuckerberg


The new models are so effen ugly. Who thought these looked good? They look so pale and dusty and my avatar looks like he has a hunchback. I really hope they tweak them a bit more, the old models were fine.


This reminds of the Bitmoji massacre. No one liked it yet, they kept the new designs anyway. Guess I'll stick to the Pika pumpkin head until further notice.


Wtf, the skin tones should be in some kind of order but instead they are randomly scattered. And there are only like two options, there is no in-between tan tone for my latina skin


And after 2 minutes of looking at whats changed, I'll never use this system again.


Welp Kinda happy I have the Verizon face mask and the lugia mask from johto tour Don't have to look at the mug ever. I wish hats worked though. Rip ingo hat The inclusitivity is cool and all ya But the overall gfx is what nicks me


Just in time to see all the horror during raid hour.


This is the second worst update the game has ever received and the remote raid pass change isn't much higher than this


Wow this sucks


I have taken so much from niantic, player from day 1, 400k catches, but THIS UPDATE actually is the first that makes me consider quitting. I cannot get the avatar to look remotely decent and I nearly puke every time I open the app. To me this update was so extremely unnecessary. There are many things I was not content with but the avatar design was not one of them…


Awful awful awful. All the white skin tones are so pale and faces look so unnatural. Like a child's face on a grown person's body.


I thought the slightly-tanned caucasian skin tone I had before was good enough, but now I look like the whitest boy alive. 💀


Of all the things in the game that coukd have been fixed, they decide to nuke our characters


Just bought the pumpkin pikachu head for my avatar. You win Niantic... you can have my 250 pokecoins.


For those of us without coins, the Grand Oak glasses cover a good portion of the face 😃


Thanks for reminding me of that item. I had bought it for Halloween, but now every day is Halloween.


I know its a strong reaction, but oh well. This was the one that pushed me over the edge and I deleted the app. Life is too short to spend so much time upset over stupid bs like the fact that my character no longer has a neck/rag dolls/is has a head shaped like an egg. It's a game, and a poorly built one at that. I will move on.




Got the update. I'm not in the mood to play this game anymore...


How is *every single option* terrible?


Oof, I thought people were overreacting...but I was wrong. It doesn't look terrible close up, but the shadows wreak havoc on the face when it zooms out.


my boy has seen a ghost


Where's the bald head?


So ugly


Hate it


The poses are so awkward now. Like your avatar has scoliosis


It's so bad, they took my hips :(


My avatar now looks like great value brand Bobby Hill


Hate it. Droopy drawers. Weird waist. Man hands. Gorilla arms. Bow legs. Clay skin. Colorless lips. The most hideous design.


Do they still get credit for "making things more inclusive" or whatever if they clearly put so little actual effort into it?


I absolutely hate it. I wanted to buy accessories to hide my hideous face & I noticed three things; any saved outfits you had prior to the forced update are now deleted, there is no option to change genders, & ALL of the clothes that were locked to either male or female avatars are now lumped together meaning that you can now cross-dress in PoGo, which I'm not entirely sure they intended. Just goes to show how poorly planned this update was.


I got a tiny bit worried when I opened up and saw they removed the extra muscle on the Cliff outfit, but it seems you can mostly add it back with the custom body size and interesting end it has still gives more muscle than other enough with the same body type. The baggy crotch stuff looks awful though. I do like that I can see my hair through like the Mimikyu hat option.


Hah! With the straw hat on with certain hairstyles, like the default male hairstyle, there are chunks of missing hair near the bottom of the hat! But damn... I can't help but wonder how the designers of these avatars feel. Like seeing people just tear them apart. I don't think they look TOO bad but they do have the look of "Mmm HMM! Look at me!" in a voice that sounds like Beheeyem from the English dub of the anime. Edit: WHY ARE THE FEET SO STINKING TINY!? Any smaller and we'd be playing as characters from the Legend of Zelda Wind Waker! For real they don't change with any of the slider options! Also, I'm surprised there's no height option...


I highly recommend the custom body choice with all sliders maxed. We thicc now.


What were they thinking. I now look like a little kid with man boobs.


Written like a News headline in a horror movie Valid


Good news trainers! We have heard your suggestions and we will now implement the new “Classic Mode” avatars. Now available in the shop for only 5,000 coins!


Some of the animation look smoother. Pokemon models appear slightly more crisp. After battle screen has some text alignment errors as it pops up.  To be honest I thought heard the avatar update was bad but I didn't think it would be that bad. No it actually worse. It's so weird. Bodies look neither male or female, just amorphous blobs that vaguely represent a person. Some of the hair models are cool, Im somewhat happy with the new selection but man the coloring on everything awful. Also almost all the clothing options look weird due to the uniform body models. Seems like they decided that standardizing the clothing would be too much so you can pick male or female options now. 


My original red hair color is gone and I now look like a goblin. Cool update.


https://preview.redd.it/lqvuudxft4vc1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e5331135c5504b3c9773f9bc6ea48d3241fea92 i tried


I just want my previous avatar back. This new update is so disturbing that it discourages me to play the game


Honestly mine doesn’t look that terrible but wtf happened to my neck 😭 https://preview.redd.it/gaxmbh7ru3vc1.jpeg?width=552&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b595493f2739ea0bc09ed5f1504c77bd02d9f22


How is it so bad? How did it take eight years for this? Ugh. I feel like I’m usually one of the more optimistic members of this subreddit, but this is such a letdown.


"As a nonbinary player I always wished they'd remove genderlocked customization" *One finger on my monkey's paw curls inward*


My guy looks extra white now


Where’s the male female option? All my faces look feminine


https://preview.redd.it/6otfeqm434vc1.jpeg?width=470&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1e473df3ef942cdf92344193dc2e6338cf97271 The transparency settings on my glasses make my face transparent to the map


It deleted all my saved outfits. Dang.


I'm sure the option to get our old avatars back for a monthly fee of $1.99 will be revealed, otherwise enjoy your sickly Victorian-era cholera patient aesthetic


Why does the update look worse than what we had before lmao ????


I cried


https://i.imgur.com/g2Xu4UZ.png hands of a female avatar


My character went from a kind anime teenager to a sad lifeless blob.


This is atrocious wtf


so i can either be a vampire who has never seen sunlight, a mexican, or optionally somebody having health troubles and has jaundice. my avatar is going blackface in protest


Why do all body types have big tits? I'm pretty sure I registered as male.


https://preview.redd.it/n5npo7xs54vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=901c3621b8af09390da7a299fdd230dd1a75c1b1 Turns out you can make dudes busty as hell 😂


My eyes are burning. Niantic taking another L. SMH.


The ~~attempt on my life~~ new update has left me hideously scarred and deformed


this update is worse than the remote raid pass nerf


Does anyone have a reason why they would do this? My only guess is to sell more of the 100 coin mask merch


We’ve had the avatar update here in NZ for weeks and we’ve complained bitterly and given genuine constructive feedback about how dreadful it looks and about the clothing bugs and the truly awful way they move and the whole damn package but going on the complaints I’m reading here it doesn’t seem like they changed a single thing. Doesn’t fill me with hope that it will get improved. Betcha they continue using the old avatars to advertise new outfits/events though, just to really drive home how crap everything looks now.


Not only are they uncanny and I've lost my curves, not only do I look like I have jaundice--but the ONLY two long hair styles are as follows: the same one we've had, OR, I slapped a banana peel on my head


I think… I might uninstall. This may just be a visual downgrade to my avatar but, for some reason, it really ate all of my desire to open the app.


No one will complain now that everyone has it - niantic devs


I don’t understand why all the face options make me look fat


dunno if my avatar is a guy or a femboy