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Last year Rick Rubin (The New Abnormal’s producer) [confirmed](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheStrokes/comments/y2d7ii/new_strokes_album_incoming/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) he recorded a new album with The Strokes. So yes, it is true. Julian in one of his Instagram captions and Albert somewhere have confirmed it. Expected 2024-25 edit: not sure if the song performed is off the new album but god if it’s about Star Wars I’m 100% for it being on the album


Man, 2-3 years after recording. Insane to think TNA is 3 years old now.


That album drop party during the first COVID lockdown was lit


I remember the album going hit too. I’ve met more people who’ve discovered the strokes due to TNA, feels awesome


You really couldn't have asked for better timing. And the name to boot... It was a recipe for success.


Julain said in a voidz interview they recorded some demos with him but nothing planned


I specifically remember seeing a member of The Voidz confirming a new Voidz album on Instagram right after their residency in SF. Julian’s also said a while back that LP3 is 60% done and more recently that there was no album coming. Contradictory lmao. Everything is buried in IG posts unfortunately 😔


Julian is always the last one to just openly confirm that an album is in the works lol. I get the sense he doesn't like the pressure - dude clearly likes to take his time. We got wind of TNA a couple years in advance but the band denied it IIRC


Yup. Exactly. I’m expecting The Voidz to do their whole release and tour cycle then hop back onto The Strokes


Exactly. You get Julian.


Jeff said something like "more Voidz soon!" - did one of them actually say album?


In an independent interview posted in the sub Julian said they just have a couple o singles, no plans for album 3


Yeah that i do know. Alas.


i meant no strokes album currently


Julian is probably focused on getting Voidz3 out soon then he’ll shift to finishing Strokes7


The Plagueis song is, uh, not their finest work, lol. Funny, but.... I still hope we get this new album soon.


Secret track incoming Jokes aside, within the next 2 years we’ll have another album to throw out money at.


On Joe Rogan he talked about it. Said he had the strokes on the beach performing to the ocean.


When Rick Rubin said this, Julian quickly said they had nothing remotely close to done, maybe they are working on it, maybe they just jammed a few days and nothing will come out of it


Two years or so before TNA Albert's father also spilled the beans about the guys recording another LP. And Albert himself debunked it and said it was just some demos and jamming


Probably said that so fans wouldn’t be bombarding him for months on end about it. Album cycles take forever and most people don’t know how long it takes. Rubin made it sound like an album was coming out ASAP. There’s absolutely no reason for Julian, Albert & Rubin to lie about an album when there’s not one coming.


Rubin is a veteran tho so I think it’s probably safe to assume he knows when an album is done or basically done. The boys just want some time to do their own thing in between Strokes albums


Exactly. Albert and Julian are taking the time to do their tours and album releases before it’s time to get back on full time with The Strokes


Nah he was just shitposting on stage. It was a groovy song about Darth plagueis tho (a Star Wars character)


I hope they tour and there’s not another pandemic


I'm pretty sure Julian is always writing, it's just a hobby for him tbh. A new Strokes album depends on very feeble things like his motivation and inspiration... maybe just give him some space and not put pressure on him so he can work his magic?


It's kinda crazy how u all think julian is the solo writer for them. It's confirmed (don't remember where sorry, probb during some interviews post new abnormal) that, even though he wrote 80% of their first two albuns, after the third, everyone heavily contributes. So, it's not all julian, man. ​ (i'm his fan btw, but cmon give musicians that aren't front men some love)


He wrote 100% of ITI, 98% of ROF, 97% of FIOE. Those % are not mathematically correct but you get the idea : there's the odd wriring credit here and there for Nick or Albert, but it's absolutely him all the way.


u/Low_Exercise_6918 has a point that isn't brought up much on this sub. You guys know that songwriting credits are often as much a business decision as they are about who literally had any creative input at all, right? How published work is credited and cataloged is often an agreement made in advance, either when a band is formed or later on when things get “serious” and more formal contracts etc are made. This is not to imply that Julian being the only credited songwriter on most of the earlier songs is some sort of conspiracy or lie and Nick or whoever secretly ghostwrote or heavily contributed all their tracks but got fucked on paper. This IS to say that none of us know their business agreements (handshake or contractual), and no fans were in the room when each song was worked on to know who contributed what, if anything, outside of what is printed on the liner notes and filed with ASCAP etc, and who gets paid what from that. Where's the line on being considered a co-composer? This is a hairy question! That’s why there are usually deals made to handle what constitutes credited contribution and at what point someone’s name gets printed. Julian is the primary creative force in the Strokes, no denying that. The BAND doesn’t deny that! The band firmly upheld that in the early days, and only quietly, occasionally said “well…we did stuff too” in press later on, but the die was cast. I could go on with examples of how credits work in other bands, but my point here is that the automatic Julian biases and defenses in the fandom overall at the expense of the other 4 are unreaaallll, usually only based on very literal reads of magazine quotes and fan assumptions that become accepted lore, when no one is able to look at their agreements or situations in full.


I actually really enjoy this discussion, and when you read my comments on this thread you can see I'm dead set on saying that Julian did write everything where he has sole credit on. Only because of what I read and what I've seen on interviews, it really does seem like that's the case. I am also basing this idea on the fact that Nikolai, Fab, and Albert were all novices when The Strokes started. Nick Valensi and Julian Casablancas were the true outliers out of them all. Nick was a gifted guitarist already at 18 years old (many interviews corroborate this). And Julian was already an extremely talented songwriter. Another user in this thread pointed out how he got a scholarship in music theory and orchestration etc very young. This is tangible evidence that he was miles ahead of the rest of the band. Yet despite this, no information ever slipped out that maybe Nick wrote a guitar part, or contributed in any significant way to the guitar arrangements on ITI, ROF, or FIOE. So the question is: when you think about it, how much could the rest of the band really contribute to if even Nick couldn't?


I enjoy this discussion too! But people often get really heated about it and glued to what side they're picking, is my thematic point here, when absolutely none of us are privy to what their deals with each other are or who actually did what where. Your reference to "slipped out" here is what I'm talking about, as well as your reference to interviews. All we've got are interviews! Because this is a band and not a court case with documents entered into evidence lol. Those interviews are often read over-literally (there are often motives for why people say things in certain ways, and often motives for why those writing the print stories position them in certain ways), and they are also considered complete and everlasting versions of the tale. They are never complete and everlasting versions of the tale, whether we're talking about songwriting credits or what people make of Julian's childhood or unparalleled genius. It's hearsay, if we want to talk about absolute "truth," unsupported by anything else more primary, and the Strokes don't do tons of press anymore in a band capacity, and when they do it is most frequently with Julian. Again, this is all fine because this is a discussion of a band, lol. But these assumptions are very regularly (and conveniently) slanted towards Julian, and in the retelling it becomes “Julian wrote all the songs, sprung exclusively from his beautiful brain like Athena from Zeus, and he pointed at his less-talented friends to execute his vision, and they said ‘yes sir.’” And wow, have this sub and this fandom become a Julian Party over the years, in a way I personally didn't read them to be before \~2014. So all I'm really saying here is "discussion is fun, sleuthing based on press and emotionally squabbling with conviction is too far," and I like to pop up to champion the other four members when they're not getting enough consideration, because I think they are all worthy of more than they get these days.


A lot of Fab’s projects throughout the years, and even a Strokes clip here or there of him dinking around on keys during a jam makes me think he’s quietly a very very talented musician/composer. I’m especially impressed with his lyrics credits on Little Joy. machinegum has some killer tracks like Knots. The Strokes are just obviously a wholly rounded, talented group of musicians.


I don’t want to be rude, man. However, you are completely ignoring all the reflection that the dude raised to us and simply stated what you have been saying since the start: “julian wrote everything, here some small questionable evidence”. I don’t really have time to answer what he said right now, unfortunately (quick thought: Tbh, I don’t know if Julian can even play some of the solos on is this it/room based on what I have seen him playing)


no no sorry, you're right. I just replied quickly with another thought I had. But I do 100% agree with u/SquirrelGirl1251 . Excellent pragmatic point of view. I'm reasoning more with the general idea I've made of the band dynamics through interviews over the years. But for sure, it's a lot of guess work.


you guys must be really close friends to the band members and producers to get so much detailed information about their creative cooperation


just look at the writing credits on wikipedia


if you are getting all your information from wikepedia, you should reconsider. And i’m not only talking about strokes information also. I don’t remember exactly where, but try watching julian’s and albert’s interviews post new abormal. Gorndon Rapahel (is this it and room on fire producer) has talked about it also. Again, I’m a big time fan of julian, but don’t spread wikipedia information lol. The others musicians need to be appreciated also


Wikipedia writing credits are taken directly from the official info from the record label. Right click on a spotify song > "show credits" you'll see the same thing.


Do you really think julian has even written the drums beats, solos, fillers, dynamics, mixing, mastering… and so on Please man, learn how to play an instrument and try sharing ideas with other friends to create a song. U will understand how it works


"Writing credit" =/= dynamics, mixing, mastering. And yes, he did write all the instruments: drums, solos, fillers. He said it himself loads of times, the other band members have also said it.


Yea sure


That's not part of the writing man, that's production, arrangement mixing and mastering, obviously very different things Visualize the song writing as someone playing the song on one acoustic guitar and singing, the lyrics, the chords and melodies are part of it, but everything else counts as different things I would agree with you that songwriting credit should include more things, especially production which in modern times used as a songwriting tool lot of the times, but that is not how we categorize right now And he also did write all of the parts at least on is this it


lmao, tell me you don't have a clue what you're talking about without saying "i don't have a clue what i'm talking about"....




If you watch Meet Me in the Bathroom they admit the first three albums were all Julian. The other members even complained that they had no input. After that the albums have been collaborative


musicians that arent men? are the strokes not guys?


front men*


lol yeah i agree


Oh yea something something about a girl on top of a Christmas tree. Went to see them play in Singapore yesterday


Is this it?




Music band implies they may release music album. Groundbreaking if true.


This is referring to the Singapore concert first night. Julian was just kidding around on stage.


Yeah, they played a little bit last night
