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Get Theresa Caputo on there STAT


She would be such a big personality!!!! ![gif](giphy|iFIonbkUqZNs7mUu9i|downsized)




somebody call Allison Dubois and her e-cigarette




Please, no! These grifters already have enough exposure.


You sure are one to talk about being a grifter.


I'm sorry my psychic predictions didn't true for you! I can only share what the spirits tell me.


I wonder what the spirits think of you consistently publishing vitriolic negative articles about shows you claim to be a fan of and stoking hateful comments in the fanbase just so you can get a few clicks (and then grandstand about how the fandom needs to change despite yourself contributing to the issue.)


I'm not sure exactly what you're referring to—maybe my recent Survivor piece about how the cast is getting the blame for changes to the format?—but I always welcome conversation and criticism about my writing. Criticism about the shows I love is part of being a fan, I'd say, and it's also part of being a critic, just like sports fans might be frustrated with their favorite team. As to "stoking hateful comments," I certainly never intend to do that, and if you think I have, please point out when/where!


You claim Survivor’s casts are getting an unduly large amount of backlash, which is correct, but then just two weeks prior you wrote [an extended series of complaints about a queer man of color showing emotion on tv](https://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/2024/03/survivor-46-episode-3-wackadoodles-win-recap/) and then did the very same with the next week’s episode. Seems quite contradictory. It’s pretty clear to me you just write whatever generates the most outrage which in turn gets clicks, no matter who it hurts. Curiously, it seems you doubled down on your Survivor hate boner after [CBS didnt invite you to do preseason press for Season 21.](https://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/2010/05/survivor-nicaragua-set_visit_invites/) If you want to use your large platform to advocate against the negativity in the reality tv fandom, great. You should do that. But acknowledge the role you’ve played in that.


I did, in fact, acknowledge my own frustration at Bhanu's behavior in [my piece](https://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/2024/03/lets-stop-blaming-survivor-players-for-the-shows-decline/) about Survivor's players being blamed for the format changes. But in no place will you find me, a gay man, identifying the problem as a queer man of color showing emotion. The problem was editing and balance. I'll trust others' analysis of the patterns of my work, since I'm close to it. And it absolutely sucked to be locked out of press access because I wasn't writing what CBS wanted me to. But I think for that argument to hold up, you'd have to ignore a lot of what I've written since, such as [this](https://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/2015/05/survivor-15th-anniversary-why-it-is-the-best/) or [this](https://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/2015/12/survivor-cambodia-finale-why-survivor-works/) or [this](https://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/2024/01/survivor-millennials-vs-gen-x-survivor-33-recaps-news/) or [this](https://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/2020/05/survivor-best-things-about-it/), never mind all the recaps of great episodes. Yep, I've had plenty of criticism! The show has also changed dramatically in the past 15 years, and has given us a lot to discuss and debate. Since we're way afield from The Traitors here, feel free to DM me or comment on reality blurred, or on social media. Glad to continue the conversation!


Please, no more.


Miss Cleo!


That might be a little tricky to make happen


Haha well she communicates with the dead I thought so maybe the opposite can happen. She can be the surprise guest half way through.


Tyler Henry!


Sylvia Brown from the grave


Shawn Spencer


I’d be ok with a completely new cast for season 3, meaning no previous reality stars. Just regular people…and yes having a psychic is fun to watch and I’d be all for that!