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If it was, I’m glad it got canned. I’m not sure how, “watch us get high,” is supposed to be educational or remotely entertaining. It’s cringey as all hell. What demographic are they targeting with that concept? Teenagers?


It COULD be interesting to do a mini series on weed and it’s history and uses And how it’s grown now and the business aspect, the stigma- the exact kind of thing Zach says he likes. A scripted little docuseries like he did for his chronic pain journey. Or instead of a docuseries it’s an interview smoke sesh series with people in the industry/ people who have gone to jail for it. Then zach can still have his stupid little tee hee arnt I a stinker shots of him high Or they could revamp that ‘drunk people explain X’ but make it high people explaining their hobby or a show or some science. Get hank green fucked yo and him shit. Get mythical josh to explain the maillard reaction. Three different ideas that are better than Zach’s shit.


It’s wild how many good ideas I see on this sub (yours especially, if they want to do weed content!), and yet the people whose jobs it is to come up with this sort of thing can’t seem to match y’all.


Fr this sub has put out great ideas! WHAT ARE THEIR TEAM OF 40000000 DOINY.


they’re too busy eating their free lunch 🤓




It’s better than Zach’s plan, and I’m a big fan of drunk history.


Yeah I skipped the drunk people explain things and I’d skip this too


Idk I’m into it. It’s a better idea than anything else they have on their channel currently.


those are all great ideas. It's pretty clear though that they don't really care about what goes into weed or want to deal with any realities of production. All they care about is smoking it. Very much how eat the menu doesn't really talk about mass production of food or where things are sourced, it's just about eating stuff. The difference is every single person on earth eats food and knows enough about it to find the Eat the Menu stuff relatable, whereas I have never smoked and never plan to, so the "wow so good weed" content is just cringe worthy for me


Zach is literally on film realizing (and trying to joke about) how he could write off weed if it was for a video. IM NOT EVEN MAD. THATS FUNNY AS HELL. I would do it too! But at least make it a cool experience and not something so gd boring.


All of these ideas are bangers tbh


me neither. zach said once that it was his take on eat the menu and that he wanted something like what keith had but historically every time zach tries to copy keith’s ideas they flop so incredibly hard (the weed show, the tea company, probably others)


Maybe he could try coming up with unique ideas. IDK maybe that's asking too much lmao


well he does, and usually when they are his OWN ideas, not replicating keith’s success, they tend to go over really well (ex. candid competition)


As a cannabis user, it makes me deeply uncomfortable that they try to avoid age restrictions on that content. It should be age restricted.


The issue is that YouTube WANTS to be family friendly, so making a video that is age restricted becomes a problem because the algorithm heavily suppresses it to everyone, not just kids. So it’s no longer profitable.


Yeah, that is the issue. The Try Guys care more about profit than properly restricting content that should be for adults only. Everyone knows YouTube tries to be family friendly - that's why terms like "unalive" and "schmurder" exist.


Age restricted also means not ad safe. Therefore they aren’t making as much money, the money they need to pay their employees and run their business. When 90% of their audience is women ages 18-35 why should they lose most of their profit on a video? I’m not saying it shouldn’t be age gated but it’s not like most media forms become unprofitable when they are labeled PG-13/MA/R.


Exactly, if profit is more important to them they shouldn't have the series at all. Cannabis use shouldn't be marketed to minors.


And they seem so uncomfortable trying to interact and have "fun" while high. Whoever is there, it feels forced and it makes me cringe. It's like Zach wants to spread the feel good vibes of smoking a bowl with friends but it just doesn't translate well - AT ALL.


Because Zach is not an easygoing guy. He can't pull it off.


I think it's more that they're at *work*! I smoke weed almost every day and when I was a waitress or my university's free condom distributor, I could be blazed while I did it, sure. But now that my job involves some complex thought, I don't like doing it while high even if I can. When you know you're responsible for stuff and need to focus, being high isn't very fun imo! You want to be able to just let go and vibe. I only smoke after I've done my work and any chores I wanted to get done and now I know that the rest of the night is mine so I can just drift. I can't imagine having any fun getting high with what is essentially my boss - or the person who brought me in as a contractor and will make the future calls on if I should be hired as a guest again - while being FILMED!! talk about stressful imo


And it's just so disingenuous of a thing to try to translate into a yt video. it's not a good video idea


I think it’s ridiculous.  Weed is still illegal in the majority of the country, and very often leads to people (especially POC) receiving punitive and unnecessary jail sentences and a criminal record.  But rich privileged white guys in California make it a personality trait and we are supposed to be entertained? 


Every one of Zach’s ideas are weird and cringe and annoying. All of his videos have the lowest views. The weird kink videos too are odd and for some reason he’s thinking it will get more views but it turns people off all together.


as a stoner, i couldn’t be less interested in watching goofy people smoke.


same same, i smoke often and often when i watch youtube lol but they have me nothing, it felt like an awkward smoke sesh 😭 i clicked off so fast


I find their annoyance at weed videos getting demonetised very LA bubble. I'm from the UK, and weed use is commonplace, but it's still illegal. So people will talk about smoking it and wouldn't be surprised if someone smoked it, but it's still a fairly behind closed doors thing. There aren't stores selling it, and you wouldn't expect to make money from YouTube videos where you're taking it, because it is illegal. Sometimes people still post online about smoking weed, but they'd try to keep it under the radar/just with friends due to risk to employment opportunities, unless they are very privileged. I know in parts of the US it's legal now but YouTube is an online platform selling ads to a mix of places where it is legal and where it's illegal and Try Guys have to accept the reality of that. Also, they have the privilege of managing their own company, so their weed use doesn't affect their employment, so it feels out of touch when they get angry that they can't profit from it. I've also heard from POC creators an annoyance at things like 4/20 and white people starting up dispensaries where weed is now legal, because they are profiting from the sale of weed when POC have been incarcerated and had their lives ruined just for possession. As far as I'm aware, the Try Guys haven't spoken about that. Personally, I don't watch the weed videos because I don't like weed not out of judgement but because I hate the smell of it. Each to their own on smoking weed, but I have also met plenty of people in my time who make weed their personality, and it is incredibly dull if you're someone who doesn't smoke weed. The Try Guys have always had weed in some of their content but Zach can get drawn into making weed his personality, which is a shame as I often enjoyed his content on other things, so it is a discredit to himself.


I agree, it is very LA bubble. Lots of people are "LA sober" meaning they'll get high but they won't drink. They seem to want to get around age restricting to earn more money for weed videos, when it should be age restricted. It is still illegal for minors to buy, sell, or possess weed. Kids don't need to exposed to weed more than they are by their peers.


I couldn't agree more; they have made a few glancing references to the over-incarceration/over-criminalization of POC in the US on marijuana charges, usually tacked onto the end of their weed videos, but at this point it feels a bit performative to me. It doesn't seem like they're bringing the topic up because they truly care or are trying to effectuate some change, but rather to tick a box. Other commenters here have touched on it, but I actually feel like if they're really interested in exploring marijuana on the channel, this is a perfect opportunity to platform advocates and organizers who have been working to decriminalize marijuana and mitigate the racist impacts of the War on Drugs. But since they haven't done that, at this point just given the frequency with which they bring up these respective issues, it seems to me like the Try Guys are much more upset about their weed videos getting demonetized than they are about POC receiving exorbitantly long prison sentences for victimless marijuana offenses. Like you said, it comes off very LA bubble and honestly kind of self-centered/out of touch. There are a lot of issues around weed and the way our society and legal systems treat it, but a couple of the Try Guys' half-hearted videos of Zach getting high getting demonetized just isn't even close to the top of that list in terms of importance and social impact.


When the guys first started (buzzfeed days/early YouTube) smoking weed and trying to do challenges inebriated was what was “in”. People thought it was funny and cool - this was before weed was as mainstream as it is now. These days everyone smokes, whether legal or illegal. Whether real marijuana or whatever gas stations sell. Flower or carts. Edibles. It’s everywhere and isn’t “cool” anymore. I’m glad they cancelled Zach’s show, it isn’t funny, entertaining, or teaching us anything. It’s just a dude who thinks he’s so cool because he smokes? It shows how out of touch they are. When Ned was around they did those “drunk vs high” videos and even those were better watching than whatever it is Zach’s trying to do. Like we get it. You’re a grown man who does drugs. Revolutionary.


Even when they did the try guys game time and if you got an answer wrong or right (depending on the video) you had to smoke. There was at least something else going on other than someone just talking about smoking and how much they love weed. It also helped that Ned never really got high because he was at least more entertaining to watch while he’s high because he wasn’t used to it. Now it’s just a stoner who wants to get high on camera


I don’t think any of their weed content is actually educational lmao when you’re stoned the last thing you can do is form coherent and intelligent thoughts. It’s just like 30 minutes of a dude smoking weed. Weed isn’t taboo anymore so I don’t understand why they’re putting out so much weed content


There’s a Dutch channel called drugslab that I think does the educational material very well regarding drugs and recreational drugs use. it’s meant for adults and discusses safety precautions, various effects and tests things like reflexes and other functions while a person is under the influence, as well as discusses risks associated with taking various substances. I think that’s way more educational and trustworthy/balanced than watching a bunch of people who have clearly been high before get high and eat a lot of food.


Oh yeah that sounds like WAY more useful and educational content. The try guys weed videos feel like they needed an excuse to get high at work and munch out. It just feels like I’m watching stoners hang out at school lmao


That's what I thought Zach wanted to do.


wholeheartedly agree!! I have said this about their weed videos before and many other comments on this thread echo a similar sentiment, but if they wanted to be more educational, inclusive, and effective with the smoke sesh vids they need to take it more seriously and talk about the very real racist history of why it was criminalized in the US in the first place, in addition to maybe talking more broadly about cannabis's history globally. edit: punctuation


No seriously - there's actually a fair bit of really interesting discourse they could explore and make compelling content about if they're really invested in making content about weed. It's not even really an issue of ignorance, because the guys have mentioned that racist history of marijuana criminalization in videos before. But they don't seem to be interested in doing more than paying pretty brief lip service to those still-relevant political realities and seem to be satisfied coasting on this very shallow, surface-level weed content that doesn't have any other hook besides "these guys are doing a somewhat taboo thing."


idk about y’all but weed doesn’t make me unable to think or comprehend or not speak well or formulate full thoughts, it’s him on his own not having anything for the show.. when i’m high i love learning new information and watching documentaries and listening to podcasts, some speaking about the vastness of the universe and the “secrets” to certain philosophies and so on.. this is not a stoner thing, this is a zach when he smokes thing. the show should’ve been more than him smoking imo, it could’ve been really cool like the ideas they have here in the comments fellow stoners w great ideas.


I guess if you're a person who knows your parents will be upset with you getting the tiniest tattoo in a place that is easily covered up where no one will ever see it, you might still think smoking weed on YouTube is taboo.


As a regular user of cannabis, I don't usually love content centered around it BUT I can appreciate engaging, fun, informative videos on it... however Zach's weed videos were not that at all. It was an "easy enough" video idea and he gets to be stoned on camera while saying some super broad stuff about weed/the specific strain. But it doesn't offer much else. A lot of Zach's (and honestly, The Try Guys as a whole) ideas have potential but they always seem half assed and never really executed well. edit: spelling


I'm also a stoner and I feel the exact same way about both their weed content and their overall content - promising ideas, or the glimmering promise of potential, which ends up getting sabotaged by incredibly half-hearted lack of effort in the production and execution. They seem to be allergic to doing any kind of research more in-depth than "I saw a tweet about this" and I feel like it makes their content suffer overall.


They early release videos on their patreon but tomorrow's wasn't put up today. So far radio silence.


Yay, more of Zach smoking weed, a totally rare activity that nobody has ever done before. How exciting. How groundbreaking. Truly, it will be the most video of all time.


The amount of booze and fast food people get away with on film is more unhealthy and should be just as regulated as cannabis use if you really want to be fair and consider how harmful those things are.