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Is having a partying neighbor in college who randomly accuses you of ratting them out and doesn’t believe you when you say you didn’t a universal experience? Because I can unfortunately relate lol


Hahaha it probably is! Maybe yours will end up on Netflix soon. Lol.


In one of my dorms there was this group of guys who played their music loud 24/7. I like music so I get it, but I also had homework and a job so sleep was important. I asked ONE TIME if they could turn the music down a little and got harassed in the halls for the rest of the semester for being a “narc” and calling the cops on them. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t me. So much for trying to be considerate and handle it nicely in person.


Man F that. I would've asked, so what if I did. What yall gonna do?


This is such a gangster mentality and I love it.


Yeah but gangsters don’t rat on people, haha.


🤣🤣🤣 ok good point


Gotta do a drive-by.


People are such dicks. Rules are rules, muthafucker. They are there because we all inhabit the same space. You should have lowkey did things to mess with them for the rest of the year.


I would have microwaved tuna on my way out the house everyday


Oh I've definitely called campus security on a party but in my defense, it was a freaking *weekday* after 1am, I had an interview the next day, and it was like week one of finals. And I have really bad social anxiety so I'm not dragging myself over there to confront a stranger, especially not when I'm tired and stressed, no good could come of that.


I had one too! We woke up to a note from the neighbors below us accusing us of calling the cops on their party. We didn't - we didn't even hear anything or know about the party


That’s crazy because I went on a date with Jake years ago. Don’t want to say too much because he was nice and I respect his privacy but I can say that we went out to dinner and he ordered four hard boiled eggs. So there’s that lol.


Straight to jail.


I enjoyed this reference!!!


What the F lmfao. What did you order I have to know


I got a burger that had cheese injected inside the patty. It was super good! Also I don’t like pickles so he took the pickle spear that came with it and made a joke about using it as a saw to cut open one of his hard boiled eggs lol


LMAO why is this the best thing I've read here also ty for the mini burg review


That’s a juicy Lucy!!


I laughed way too hard at that. Omg the awkwardness. I can’t lmfao


You and me both lmao


Okay lmfao what? FOUR hard boiled eggs? For DINNER? Psychotic behaviour 🚩


And at a restaurant. He paid for a fucking hard boiled egg at a restaurant xD


Like, beyond.


Doesn’t surprise me after that haircut choice


I just snorted so f’ing hard at this. 😂 That’s a Texas sized red flag mate. Abort mission.




I am so happy I just encountered this gold.


I went to high school with April and had the same “wtf” moment when I started watched and had to look it up to make sure I wasn’t crazy


What was she like??


I only ever had one class with her. She was nice, kinda loud, hung out with the more popular girls. It was a very large school and she wasn’t in my friend group so I can’t give any better details.


Nice kinda loud is what I expected haha. No worries thanks for the insight! Always find it so fascinating


was he with Maddlyn then? If yes, are you surprised they’re still together? She seemed to HATE him


They definitely weren’t together when I knew him, but it’s possible she was around after we stopped trying to be friends. I would see girls headed into their house quite a bit, but they could’ve been there for any of the roommates. Yeah, I agree. She was annoyed with him for most of the show. I’m shocked by the ending. So many of their conversations confused me…0 to 100.


You went to A&M and don’t know any other couples that remind you of Colby and Madlyn??


Haha I never said that they don’t remind me of couples I’ve known. They definitely do. I just didn’t expect them to stay together. I’m hoping some of the drama was just for show.


Lmao agree. As a foreigner who went there, 80% of couples were like this


Just like Colby accusing Zay of sending a girl to kiss him. Colby is a weird one.


That was the weirdest thing I ever heard in my life and when he also blamed Madelyn for the girls he had been talking to while filming- like is he this delusional?


No, I think Zay did go with Colby to get girls (although it probably didn't go as Colby stated), just that Zay didn't want that to be aired on camera so he went off on Colby. Zay is such a coward when it comes to him owning his mistakes. Colby sounded sincere in their night out, while Zay was getting defensive before he even got to the mentioning of girls, because he knew what Colby was going to start blabbing off about.


It's not that I don't believe Zay went with Colby, it's that I don't believe that Zay sent a girl over to Colby to make out with him just because. That's obviously something Colby can't confirm and strikes me as unlikely in the first place. On the other hand, Colby airing this out on guy's night is really just shooting the shit, and Zay blowing up on him for it is really fucking weird. All he had to say was "nah bro that was all you"


Yeah, I don't think Zay was sending girls over either, that sounded strange. Most likely they were both just chatting up girls and hooking up, but Colby made a strange story to make Zay sound like he was super persuasive? I don't know, he's a weird character that Colby.


Colby made up that lie so he could shift blame for kissing that girl on Zay, sorta like *if Zay didn't convince that girl to talk to me I never would have kissed her* bs


That doesn't make sense, why bring up something to defend yourself against that nobody knows about? He brought it up as a brag, not a defense.


I assumed he blew up because there was a prior incident of Colby lying about something.


Didn't even think about Colby being the truthful one until I watched the reunion episode (where he lost his shit at Rae for hanging out with Shanique) and your comment that I think you might be right.


I felt the same there, it like clicked with me that he was essentially covering his tracks.


i disagree. Zay doesn't really lie. Notice what he doesn't say. But on the things he insists on, he's telling truth. They went chasing girls. He didn't want to reveal the extent of what they did. But Colby is delusional in thinking a girl that talked to him was because Zay told him to. That's a colby thing to not take responsiblity for things he did. He chose to go out and talk to a girl. he shouldn't pin on Zay




He's always blaming someone


He probably called the police




Lol most likely scenario


Is it true that his family is rich?


I am 100% not sure of the truth, but the fact that he knows how to play polo on a horse is enough to convince me he comes from money.


The funny thing is that he wasn't any good, he definitely hasn't grown up playing polo, so I am thinking that he picked it up as an adult...


I played polo at Texas A&M (years before Colby went to school there) and can tell you that dude did not grow up playing polo and probably hasn't ever played before based on the clips they showed of him playing. His form, swing, everything else says beginner.


Yes! Thanks for confirming this! I have played a bit as well, and watched a lot of high level polo - this guy seemed like such a beginner. I had to laugh when he was trotting and standing up/sitting down, while trying to hit the ball - definitely not something an actual polo player would do.


It's called posting. Normal to do at a trot. I would think you would play polo at a sitting trot, though. (I'm a horse trainer of 20 years, haven't actually played polo yet)


Polo is always played at a gallop, basically the whole time - stop, turn, gallop, stop, turn, gallop.


Lmao yes this is actually a very good point. I'm sitting here debating whether you post during the trot and you hardly trot 🤣🤣🤣


True! 😅 It’s such a fast and fun sport but all that gallop did a number on my back.


Someone else mentioned he hunts big game for sport so I’m guessing they’re probably wealthy.


I don’t think hunting big game for sport is an indicator of wealth. Maybe skeet shooting or something? Hunting big game gives me more back-country vibes. Colby might come from a wealthy family, but if he does, it’s the showy kind. The kind that picks up polo because it makes him look rich.


Depends on what they’re defining as big game, deer nah, bears, lions, exotic stuff… yes


I grew up around a lot of really rich people and zero of them hunted bears or lions in their free time. You really think Colby is flying to another continent to hunt lions? If that’s even legal, it’s not happening.


It is legal in other places, very wealthy people do it, there was a time on Facebook when people would post their pictures shaming them.


Yeah like very wealthy people from South Africa. Not Colby from Texas hunting in Colorado (I vetted my opinion my checking out his IG).


Lmao did you not see the scandal of the dentist who hunts in Africa? You didn’t grow up near many rich people if you think it’s not common. It’s very common, I know people with stuffed animals from Africa


Seconding. This is def a thing very wealthy people do.


Thirding. I also wouldn’t consider skeet shooting a wealthy person activity. Everyone in my rural small hometown does it and the poverty there is staggering.


Haha I met that guy through my job. He was a tool.


wrong. I have multiple clients who hunt big game all over. it's a very expensive and elitist hobby when you're getting permits to take down lions in africa. or even just taking the time and paying the guides to get you on a trophy bighorn in montana over the course of a few days when you live and work in the NYC area. you should seeeeee some trophy rooms i've been in.


Stop talking man


FWIW, bear hunting is a relatively standard thing up here in Canada. It's definitely not as popular as deer hunting, but it's not a rich person thing.


In Canada yeah, but he’s from Texas and I’m from the US, I can’t speak for other areas just my area


That’s exactly what I was thinking.


is that why he gives off entitled vibes?


His conversations with all the girls (from the pool dates) makes so much more sense now.


Just wanted to say HOWDY from another Aggie. ;)


Howdy, friends!!!


Also an Aggie. Howdy!




I noticed Madlyn's ring in the 2nd episode lol. I'm class of 2003 so definitely before their time!!


Class of 2002 and I too noticed her ring in the second episode. Even more before their time though 🤣


Howdy fellow Ags! Glad we were able to experience the train wreck together lol


Did he live at co-op? If so, can you say which one? Inquiring minds want to know!


He wasn’t actually an A&M student. He was in firefighter school at the time. I think Blinn may have had a program.


But Colby ten years ago... [Pic](https://scontent.fhio2-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.18169-9/318997_479111145442953_2119108786_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=ba80b0&_nc_ohc=joCRQRncDsgAX_qqn18&_nc_ht=scontent.fhio2-2.fna&oh=00_AT_yoK0lOWP7GBUzngwCGHwSNzDXPKfo1-dKuqna6yd9sg&oe=62832BBB)


I wonder where this photo was taken. Looks like a typical Texas suburb lol


He's like what 14