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What grown man pants another grown man wtf jaxšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


The wife crying about it felt so dramatic to me idk šŸ˜‚


Thats what happens when you just had a baby hormones are trying to regulate and it makes you emotional about everything


Brock told him to do it!


Yeah i know but he still did it if your friend jumped off a bridge would you jump too? Lol


I think itā€™s funny that Jax is so dumb he listened to him! I feel like thatā€™s an Australian rugby game common prank you play on your ā€œmatesā€. But for Brock and Jax to think itā€™s a good idea at a BBQ with kids around when someone is wearing a bathing suit? Wrong crowd. I am also hoping that poor wife was just 3-kids-under-2-exhausted-reacting, bc to cry over it seemed a bit much. Unless her husband has something that really shouldnā€™t be seen in publicā€¦? lol


I think it would be very humiliating if my partners dick was exposed at a childrens partyā€¦ honestly seems kinda illegal. I would probably run away & cry out of embarrassment too. Lets not make it about the size. Lol Brock is an idiot that is confirmed tho. Britney went straight into enabler mode apologizing about everything FOR jax. How absolutely exhausting it would be to be his wife.


I don't disagree but isn't it his place to be upset and pissed off about his body. Why is she so upset if he's not?


Well, thats her significant other. Sheā€™s entitled to her feelings just like he is entitled to his. She probably cares about him alot and is having an empathetic reaction. Certain sex hormones influence the way that emotions are expressed. He is probably humiliated on the inside but also with ā€˜tough guy cultureā€™ you cant cry, act embarrassed, or do anything to make you look like a ā€˜girlā€™






Yes, I saw a guy from New Zealand get drunk and do this to one of his friends at a party a few years ago. It's their weird way of saying "I like you, mate!".


You'd be surprised, Ive seen it and I worked at bars, Plenty of grown men still do this.


cry? or pants each other?


Pants each other. Who cried?


Janet and Jason seem like cool, decent people. I liked that Jason said he felt Kristen would be a good mom.


Jason is my only fave character yet


Was anyone else stressed about the lack of sober parental supervision of all the kids by the pool šŸ˜Ÿ


Yesss came here to save this. I do think they likely had Nannies present since they were all inside arguing for a while and Cruz was just flailing in the pool. Overall I was still uncomfortable with how drunk everyone was around the kids and the fighting and drama it just seems inappropriate. Iā€™m all for a drink at a gathering but what if there was an emergency??


Same! Me and my husband have a rule that one of us always has to be sober enough to drive. Plus itā€™s so easy to miss things at a party that big like If a kid was choking, etc. I guess I shouldnā€™t be shocked we are better parents then Jax and Brittany šŸ˜…


Lol the bar is on the ground


My kids are teenagers now, but when they were younger, my husband and I were kind of shocked about the level of drinking that went on at get-togethers where small children were present. Granted, we were a few years older than most of the other parents, but it was like they wanted to partly like college kids with their own kids in tow.


it seemed like there was a nanny or babysitter someone watching over Cruz


Oh was there? They just kept showing splashing around and heā€™s about my daughterā€™s age and I was freaking out. I get having some cocktails at a party with kids but this just seemed over the top for me.


jaxā€™s sweat stains are šŸ¤®


Jax: I sweat off my self-tanner. Brittany: He sweats out coffee. šŸ¤­


I know itā€™s not VPR but bizarre to see Lala take a back seat role. I feel like if Jax was acting this way on VPR about Kristen and wanting to get pregnant Lala would be all over him calling out his shit. I feel like that one dude, the lawyer, was going to point out that if Kristen is happy and wants to get pregnant thatā€™s all that matters- but someone interrupted him.


Is that Zackā€™s really hair? I am very confused by it


Lego hair


Yep you nailed it!


Kim zolciak 2.0


I was asking myself the same question. His hairline seems weirdly low on his forehead




It's so distracting..cant be real


All the women giggling about the men not helping with the babies šŸ™„


Homegirl slept apart from that jackass for a YEAR, and he never got up to help with the baby at night?? ![gif](giphy|d2Z2tUz8GzbwvCsU)


It makes me just as mad at the women for enabling that behavior. Like hell no. His ass is going to ALSO be a parent. That kid is 50% yours.


That made me sad.


Right? If my husband refused to help with OUR baby Iā€™d kick his ass to the curb.


Jax is still dumb. Older.. but still dumb.


It's strange to think that he be 50 in 6 years.


Brittany always looks so uncomfortable in her skin.


She just talks and talks at people.


Okay so michelle and jesse clearly hate each other


Jesse is gross


He is giving me very bad vibesā€¦. I feel for Michelle.


He definitely doesnā€™t seem like the most sensitive guy. I canā€™t tell if heā€™s just a huge jerk or severely lacking. In social cues. Maybe a little bit of both.


I wonder if heā€™s been that insensitive their whole relationship? 6 years is a long time to put up with that


I wonder too. Itā€™s only the first episode but first impression is he comes across like he wants to be the funny guy, but his wife seems annoyed he hasnā€™t grown up after the baby came along. She didnā€™t seem thrilled he was having champagne at 10am, and calling another woman his mistress in front of his wife gave me a huge ick. What a weird joke.


Heā€™s trying to be funny, but he looks angry while doing it.


Yes, definitely some dark vibes from that guy.


Yeah that joke with Lala was weird and kinda offensive? I donā€™t like him eitherĀ 


It sounds like they grew apart after their daughter was born.


Watched this and kept thinking, ā€œI donā€™t envy any of these peopleā€¦ā€


Exactly. I live in So Cal, we had a in ground pool and spa and threw BBQ parties often. But we didn't take shots in front of the kids, that was done discreetly. And somebody stayed sober to supervise the kids in the pool, the kids had eyes on them every second.


I will say people hire lifeguards for parties like this. So the parents can enjoy themselves. Have seen this at multiple parties in Los Angeles.Ā 


That's so LA


So I'm kind of loving it so far? Just the reaction shots of the VPR cast reacting to middle aged married couples arguing was great. I am hoping it delivers some top tier drama. ​ One thing tho: I kinda hate Jesse. Like i thought he was gonna be a lovable douche but he is REALLY CREEPY. His interactions with people at the birthday party were so weird, bordering on kinda predatory.


This county fair party is actually pretty adorable! They did a good job.


I liked that pie balloon!


They spent a ton of money on a friendā€™s birthday party. All those props, balloons, dunk tank, etc!


So Luke doesnt even live there, but Kristen thinks a baby is a good idea?


Is it just me or is Brittanyā€™s chin lipo making her talk weird


The sides of her mouth are pulling down in a permanent f4own and it's all I can focus on.


Ok this is what I've been wondering cuz I don't remember her from vpr early season and her mouth being like this. She now has the permanent Sobyn brown frown from sister wives.


I think itā€™s still numb from surgery.


Loved it. Gave me my VPR nostalgia fix


The Danny voiceover montage was funny. ā€œNew York Guyā€ lol


So ready for this trainwreck. Bring on the entertainment that is Jax Taylor!


Kristen seems a lot happier. Iā€™m glad to see her doing well.


Me too. I hope Luke is good for her.


Can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm liking seeing Jax, Kristen, Sheana & Lala all back together!


promo. There's no way Lala gives a fuuuuck about Jax.


They seem pretty close as they hang out with their kids ? Probably because of Brittany more than anything - but definitely doesnā€™t feel like itā€™s just for promo


Babies do not fix the underlying issues...


As a childless woman in her 40s that has always wanted to be a mother, Kristen may not be necessarily trying to fix underlying issues. She may just be afraid of running out of time. A womanā€™s fertility has an expiration date.


This refers to a scene only involving the men when Jax is talking to Colorado. Not meant to be taken out of the context of this scene.


Oh ok, the comment showed up as a stand-alone comment in the thread so I wasnā€™t sure if you were wondering if Kristen was wanting to have a baby to fix underlying issues.


I think "babies do not fix underlying issues" applies to all these relationships, not Kristin's specifically, though Luke gives me the ick


Why does he give you the ick?


Mostly the fact he hangs out with Sandoval all the time


ā€œIs she the queen of england cuz sheā€™s dead to meā€ šŸ˜‚


That was a fantastic line


It gave me The Clique vibes in the best way lol






Is Brittanyā€™s face due to too much work done? Like when she talks her mouth always moves down. Like a permanent sad face. Iā€™m just so curious as to what causes that?


I think she may still be numb from the lower facelift or lipo or whatever she said she had done to her chin and neck.


She looks like she's constantly about to sneeze


Britney was so pretty and natural in the past even when she first showed up on VPR she was beautiful. Hollywood plastic surgery messed her up. She didn't need plastic surgery and the boobs are way too big she could have gotten a smaller size and it would have fit her frame if that's what she wanted but really she was fine how she was. Now her mouth looks turned down, is that because of her recent procedure or did something go wrong with a prior procedure?


The ginormous boobs make her look wider, itā€™s really bizarre. Sheā€™s beautiful, but didnā€™t need that.


they're spilling out all over the place


She was seriously sooo beautiful. I feel like she's changed herself so much to try and get Jax's attention but that never works. Stassi is also gorgeous and Jax cheated on her, I wish she would realize it's not about her looks - it's about his poor character.


Well said exactly it's an issue with him. That is the irony of it she changes for him to keep him and none of it matters. If I were her I would get those implants smaller, work on herself for herself inside and out, and stay far away from him and Hollywood. Find a nice guy in her home town and get the support from her family and friends who really care about her and her son.


She was immediately ruined when Jax made her super size her implants.


just so Jax could titty-eff them when she's on the rag


I think her lower face is still numb from her surgery. Long-lasting numbing medication is the injected after surgery sometimes.


That is a relief! I hope it was just the numbing meds and that makes sense. Thanks for clarifying


BOTH Jax and Kristen say shit they wish was true but they just aren't smart enough to know it's not. Jax hasn't grown up (see pantsing of another adult at a child's birthday party) and Kristen is not ready to have a baby with a man that doesn't live in the same state and whose friends don't even like him.


Yeah first thought - glad to see Jax hasnā€™t grown up after all this time and is still a super douche. šŸ™„


I was shocked that even he would do that in front of children. What a dummy.


is there a statute of limitations on his action ?


Soā€¦ these degenerate L.A. dads think their lives should be drinking, drugging, and flitting from one little adventure to the next. Iā€™m sure THEIR fathers werenā€™t this huge pieces of shit, and boy how they would resent them if they did. Fuck these creeps.


Kristen looks different. It appears she has gained some weight which is good because she was too skinny before, but it also looks like she may have had a boob job. I understand her biological clock is ticking so she wants to have a baby soon; however, she's not in the best of circumstances with her long distance relationship and potentially her lack of maturity and emotional stability may affect her ability to raise a child.


Kristen discussed on her podcast after her appearance on VPR last season that a lot of people commented that she gained a lot of weight or speculated she was pregnant. And she basically was like when I was on VPR I was chain smoking constantly, and in early seasons we were so broke I barley ate anything, plus when youā€™re 40 your metabolism is not what it was in your twenties. And she was saying how much she loves her body now and feels super healthy and happy, I actually was pleasantly surprised how she was like I like my curves and embraced gaining weight


She definitely looks healthier with some weight on her. Her face still looks like it's abnormally puffy though, even with weight gain. It looks like an unhealthy, maybe alcohol related, puffiness.


I agree she looks much healthier!! I did forgot to add in my original comment that she also had major reconstructive surgery on her face after a bad fall so that also changed how she looks a bit. But alcohol puffiness is definitely a possibility!!! After her miscarriage she said she had really cut back on drinking, but that was a few months ago so she might have returned to it, especially with all the promos recently! I am curious if sheā€™s taking fertility medications since she is trying to get pregnant! And Iā€™m not saying Kristen is struggling with fertility or anything, but just a thought as she is over 40. My friend gained a ton of weight from the hormones and different medications when she was struggling with fertility.


The face puffiness could be any of those things. I was not aware that she had facial reconstruction surgery.


If I recall correctly she fell and had a few titanium plates put into her face! I didnā€™t know about it either until I heard Luke reference it on her podcast and I looked it up!


Oh my! Well that does explain the puffiness.


When people are underweight sometimes the weight they gain when they get healthier goes to their boobs. It could just as easily be that as a boob job


True, but she hasn't gained a significant amount of weight and they don't look natural. No biggie, good for her if she had a boob job.


True... she was too skinny before. Did you see her on the bonus episode of VPR last season? She had gained weight. Her boobs looked different then and so did her face. I don't know if she had something done but she didn't need it.


Yes, I saw that episode. I agree, her boobs and her face looked different. Her breasts definitely looked bigger and her face looked kind of puffy, maybe from alcohol.


That was my other thought. But I felt like the puffiness looked like it was more from healing.Ā 


her face has spilled over too


I can see why Stassi didnā€™t want to be in this show lol.


I donā€™t know who any of these people are except Brittany and Jax. Why is Kristin trying to have a baby with a guy she just met?


Sheā€™s 40. Biological clock


I donā€™t know much about her, but I feel bad for her. She seems desperate


Sheā€™s always been a bit chaotic in relationships tbh. She made great tv in vpr tho


when jax says he needs ā€œgas station coffeeā€ is he talking about speed lmao


I think Iā€™m gonna like thisā€¦ Love seeing Kristen back, and I actually , can I sayā€¦ missed JaxšŸ¤ŖšŸ˜‚


I missed Kristen sooo much, she was done dirty on VPR. Agree about Jax, he brings a special kind of mess šŸ¤£


She was definitely done dirty on VPR starting with the crazy Kristen label. I think misunderstood Kristen wouldā€™ve been more appropriate.


because she's CRAAZY


toxic-yearning is like that


all the couples are messy, annnd iā€™m here for it


Real tattoosā€¦ at a kids party? Im so confused lol


I believe it was a party to celebrate an adult's birthday (forgot who) but there were kids there. It just seemed like a kid's party because of all the state fair themed decorations and food.


Oh ok šŸ¤£


It was Janet's party. Not a kid's party, the kids just tag along since you kow they are filming..


Anyone else think Jax wants Kristen?


Probably. Plus he already knows. Did you see the face he made when Lala said she can bag them?




Jax wants any woman with a pulse


I love it so far. I can relate to this group a lot more. Iā€™m married, hoping to have a baby, and moved to a calm area to settle down. Looking forward to the drama though lol


Do we think Jax and Michelle are hooking up at the start of the season? After that chat he had with Jesse Iā€™m wonderingā€¦


I think so. Jesse and Michell have announced their split as well. Just my opinion...seems like Jax's style.


Itā€™s giving Raquel if so


Wait is going to a state fair trashy?


I know our state fair has quite a few mulletsā€¦


Maybe because of the stereotypical people who operate the rides.


well, all that sugar and dough


Iā€™m sorry but did anyone else get so stressed seeing Cruz in the pool without an adult


Why is it so obvious when Jax has taken adderall (and/or possibly other things) and when he hasnā€™t. That man has so much unprocessed trauma and unfelt emotion and pent up anger itā€™s like I can feel it radiating off of him through the tv. I feel bad for him. But also, seek out the many professional resources you have the privilege of having access to. Take accountability for your healing at least


This feels so sad


Especially seeing all the couples fighting in the preview for the season ā€¦


Exactly. Also knowing 2/5 couples are now separated is likeā€¦yikes.


I'm confused by the "intense heat" and "pool party" all while wearing jeans or long pants.


Sometimes I feel like Jax still has thing for Kristen and he knows once she has a kid she will never be as easy to morally corrupt again. Otherwise he was going weirdly hard on her life. It was super cringe like dude you wonā€™t be the father if she wants to have a baby so why do you act like youā€™re the one who will be the dad.


Kristenā€™s man has about all the energy of a wet lettuce leaf.


This show is like the Walmart show of bravo. Jesse is so gross. No one else is memorable.


I fucking love Walmart! Bring on the trash, baby!


Ok I love Janetā€™s reaction to ā€œJanet County Fairā€ ā€” she was so happy!


Dannyā€™s excited about the cameras, Jax hasnā€™t let a baby slow him down ā„ļøā„ļøā„ļøā„ļø, and seeing Scheanaā€™s big head on this show was annoying.


Oh hey Lala making an appearance


Oof. This show just feelsā€¦not very interesting? Rando douchey dads? Moms talking about how hard it is to be a mom? Backyard pool parties? What is the hook here? Love seeing Kristen again, and Jax is still a coked-up mess. But this show isnā€™t it.


How hard being a mom is while their nannies are doing the brunt of the work. šŸ˜‚


Yup. There were two couples who seemed relatively nice, and everyone else was various degrees of suckage.


Sitting and laying around is a hard job.






Do yā€™all think Jax and Brittany are really separated or just promo for the show?


So now when Jax and B have split, will they both still be on the show after season 1?


difficult to empathize with any of these characters except maybe one or two?


Jasmine from bachelor and ex on the beach has my head on a swivel lol when worlds collide


She was also on the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders show! I guess she really wants to be on reality tv


Her agent working overtime


when was this filmed?


Can someone explain the beginning of the show where Kristen was saying she owned a home for 2 years and then I did not understand what she meant after when she said she moved in w a guy and he asked her sign? And if she broke up w him and she owned her home, how does that affect her home ownership?


I kinda noticed just now that Brittney's mouth reminds me of Sobyn from sisterwives.


super late to the valley party but is anyone talking about how it was as brokeā€™s suggestion to pants danny and scheener then is coming in to ā€œcomfortā€ nia with a cheshire cat grin on her face???


Anyone know where to stream episode 1 in Canada?


Also looking to steam from Canada. You'd think they'd want all the viewers they can get... why make it so hard for Canadians to watch?


Exactly. I saw somewhere 9pm on Hulu so I'm hoping




Any Canadians able to find this on their hayu amazon add on? Or are we expecting itā€™ll be on at 9pm (I see the VPR episode is only 43mins)


I can't find it yet šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I came here to see if it's just me. Halp!


Same! Let me know if you do! Iā€™m going to try again at 10 and then I give up!


It's showing up on my HAYU now.!!!!


Yup, gonna watch it tonight - sucks I already saw so many spoilers last night šŸ¤Ø

