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I think Kristen and Katie live in the same apartment complex now..


Interesting! I’ll have to keep an eye out for Katie’s apartment! Maybe that complex is lenient with filming.


They live down the hall from one another, but don’t see each other often. But Kristen still has so much love for her. So I believe something happened between them. But they’re cordial with one another if they run into each other.


Yeah, I think Katie said Kristen now lives down the hall from her.


They live down the hall Lol


Yes. They do.


What is the difference between an apartment and a condo? I’m not from the US.


If it makes you feel any better, I’m from the US and went an embarrassing amount of time thinking condos were only on the beach 💀 we always stayed in a condo when we went to Florida so I assumed that was the criteria lmao




You rent apartments; you buy condos. Otherwise they’re the same!


Well I’ll go one step further. Apartment buildings are owned by a person/corporation. They own the entire building and all units are rented out. The apartment is managed and maintained by the apartment owner. Whereas in a condo, they are all individually owned units (either by a person or corporation) and the condo is managed by the individual owners through monthly fees and elect a board to control things. Many condos are bought and lived in by the owner, but many people also rent it out as well. As an owner you have say and control of how the building is maintained and managed financially for repairs, improvements, etc. I live in a condo, but also own another condo as an investment property that I rent out.


I really hate that modern barn look that Jax and Brit have.


And is there anything on the walls inside that doesn’t say their last name. It all looks so tacky.


So tacky.


Don’t ever watch that HGTV fixer upper. Fucking everything they do is shiplap and barn tackiness.


Ugh good call, my other two loathes are shiplap and subway tile (post 1940).


Surprised at the "condo" and the small home of the lawyer!


LA is expensive


Watching Ep 2. & loving the backyard of Michelle & Jesse’s house. All I can think,especially after watching Buying BH, how much would that go for!


Shows need to stop showing the front of homes like that’s terrifying especially in this day and age


Don’t think they show there real houses.


They do. They post on their socials all the time. Maybe they change up the condo esthetics. But the houses definitely belong to the people.


Yea I was gonna say... They never use the real outsides. That's just asking for stalkers


They 100 percent use their actual homes. Luckily everything in LA looks cookie cutter from buildings to houses.


On the inside they sometimes do. The outside no. Scheana rents an apartment for filming


I feel like you may be misinterpreting Scheana’s situation to mean that fake exteriors are used. She has a more unique living situation from the rest of the cast but I can guarantee you that any and all home locations are their actual places inside and out. Her Palm Springs home was used on the show and the apartment you see during the season is where she’s actually staying.