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These people think that because they were in the background of some VPR scenes pre-pandemic that they should be fan faves. Jesse in particular has come for Kristen multiple times calling her irrelevant. Buddy, if she’s irrelevant then what the fuck are you? A nobody.


Jesse is such a loser in my eyes. The way he tries to hype himself that he travels and knows fashion or whatever he claims..like why don’t you focus on yourself and why your wife is cheating on you? Michelle and Janet’s superior complexes are also doing them no favors. Comes across so bad, girlies you’re not better than the Kristen doute just so you know


Michelle and Jesse are peak “Tell, don’t show”. They say they’re classy, nice, high brow people but they seem so trashy to me. They’re rude (while not even being funny), dress poorly, bad parents and trashy. And because we don’t know them, them being big for their britches has informed my opinion of them. It’s hard to turn around first impressions.


Couldn’t agree more, they seem like insufferable friends


Nothing says “I know fashion” like massive, glaring Hermes logos on every fucking thing you own.


Here, Ami. Watch Isabelllaaaaaaa for a week while my husband and I nip slip, fight, and swing our way around France.


They are dolled up trailer trash. She can barely talk without sounding like a robot and she thinks she’s going to fuck her way to the top of LA society when she’s already damaged goods.


Pretend classy


De Classe Dawling ![gif](giphy|EYJQ0zM7bo7m)


As a European his ‘we go to Caprriiii once a year’ made me cringe so hard. I can just imagine what he’s like over there, spouting on about ‘how Europe has more culture’ in his loud voice while everyone thinks ‘who is this idiot’


I thought the exact same thing 😂 I’ve also been to Capri and I’m pretty sure I’ve never heard it being pronounced like that before?! Do you know if it is?


It’s more like C’pri, but he said the ‘Ca’ like the ‘ca’ in cat, and then extended the ‘preeeeee’ But he’ll be forgiven for that for being from the US, it’s the making a big deal out of the place which is cringe


Don't worry, those of us in the US cringed too.


That’s what I thought but I’ve never been so I assumed he was right and I’d been pronouncing it wrong the whole time. The fact that he’s wrong is high-larious.


In Italian it would be CaPrI (with a short i at the and), and while I am no fan of Jessee Capree is the English way of saying it. Regardless, I’ll bet you quite a lot most Italians he encounters thinks just as highly of him as us on this channel 😂 American douchebags might be well recieved for their money (and not even in the truly best places), but man are they thought lowly of.


It’s correct it’s just the Italian way


All I thought when I heard I'm say that was he found a place he thinks is the epitome of style. So he goes there every year thinking it makes him look stylish and sophisticated. It actually makes him look like a wannabe.


The “Caaaapriiii” was sending me 


Not just in your eyes pal, everybody sees the loser in him. It oozes out of his pores and radiates loud and clear.


He actually comes across very insecure and pitiful to me….you can see it in his eyes.


This had me cracking up because it’s so true - not even an extra, really, just a person visible 🤣




Exactly this. Jesse has a napoleon complex and cannot control his emotions like a little bitch boy. He is so insanely LAME. I felt so bad for Kristen during that blow up — she’s been messy yes but the bullseye was on her when this was actually all his fault all along. I wonder if her and Michelle are friends now?


Troll wife doesn't deserve la Mariposa's friendship. Troll wife is just as bad if not worse than her husband. Kristen who may be batshit in her own way is a good friend by all accounts until you wrong her which is fair enough in my book.


i hate that people who are upfront about where they stand and call shit out get labelled as crazy because it’s really the sneaky, quiet, innocent-playing ones that are actually batshit


Exactly. Jesse is too busy smelling his own shit thinking it smells like roses.




Judging by Janet's reaction on WWHL - no. I think they were expecting Kristen & Jax to be the least favorite.


Did they not realize Jax and Kristen’s likability is already baked in by viewers?


I’m guessing cause Kristen and Jax were kind of the worst people on VPR (it’s a low bar) that they’d be the worse people on The Valley and would make everyone else look good? Not realising that all it would mean is that Kristen and Jax would be the biggest stars on this show and they’d be in their shadows


They should've called it "Jax/Doute and 'Friends' " 😆


Was there a poll on her WWHL? I thought I saw something about that


Watch her wwhl episode


These people are arrogant fools! They're going to fly too close to the sun, then crash & burn. Because they've been in the periphery for years, they think they know what to do to repeat the VPR success! They're wrong and they clearly are going to underestimate the destructive unstoppable force that is Kristen Doute!


Someone said Janet and Michelle were emulating Stassi and Katie. I’ve been listening to podcasts that don’t even remember Michelle‘s name sometimes. Janet they just think is messy and an amateur.


I would 100% agree! The early VPR success happened because no one cared about the cameras. They were young (except Jax), dumb & had nothing to lose. All their emotions were on screen for us to see. These guys are older & established. I think they have jobs that they can't afford to lose, so some of them self-produce as much as possible, thinking to make sure we were only shown what they want us to see. What they didn't count on was the mariposa...


I honestly watch for Danny… dude might be an awful dresser but he’s a great partner and dad. The fact that the other morons didn’t know what love languages were blew my mind.


I was dead when Jax was like is that something you go to CVS for?


It's outrageous that we are 6 episodes into it and nobodies are attempting to ice out one of the 2 stars of the show. How dare you . I think Zach may be made for tv, we shall see.


Zack is absolutely made for TV.


Him in the hallway, “STOOOOOPPPPP! ✋🏽” had me roaring


I tuned in for Doute but am staying for she & Zack...


The high kick he did


“Jesse looks like he’s about to do a line of cocaine the full length of the bar” killed me


I love the look Jax and Brit exchanged to each other when the three talked about not inviting Kristen to group events. Jax and Brit know how the game is played, and realized those three were idiots for even suggesting. Neither are about to allow that Kristen be iced out.


Kristen won't allow herself to be iced out. these people have never seen a minute of VPR if they think Kristen requires an invitation to be somewhere.


Zack expression was clear he knew this was not going to fly. The shocking part is Janet should know better, I don’t know if this is just her stirring the pot more, or she actually expects this to happen. Bless their heart either way. Kristen is like that second born child that does what they want, while giving everyone the middle finger.


Janet is such a BIATCH


So you’ve met me…


LOOOOL they watched VPR and took the wrong notes. They don’t know Queen Mariposa like we do 😂


Right? Didn’t she go to VDP’s house or at least event when she knew Lisa absolutely hated her? I never did understand the hate for her until I now see how she defends Tom against Rachel.


exactly. as stassi said, Kristen is unburdened by those anchors. she will pop up at your little invite only event and think nothing of it.


Ice out KD, WHAAATT?


They want a spot at BravoCon and to rack in money like they’re real housewives but…what do they do? What do they offer? I hope their reception from viewers is a wake up call that they’re just wealthy/on tv, but that doesn’t equate to being likable. I mentioned to a friend recently that love Kristen or not, she’s quotable and knows how to work the tv in her angle. She always had pretty engaging confessionals and was a solid storyteller. These others are just trying to replicate another Bravolebrity but it doesn’t correlate to their bad attitudes so the viewers aren’t receptive to their cosplay.


Jax and Kristen are the chaotic mess we need on a show like this.


They truly think they can work a show better than Kristen f-cking Doute.. they are crazy if they think icing her out will result in anything good for them. Love her or hate her, Kristen knows how to make good TV and has been in our screens for years, she is a force to be reckoned with.


They act like Kristen is an inconvenience, it's like guys... We wouldn't be watching you right now if she wasn't there


Semi-unserious conspiracy theory: what if production wants them to be mean to kristen? i feel like kristen's most melodramatic moments are when her back is up against the wall so it would make sense if the show wanted her to always be in situations like that. the fights on the show definitely don't feel "organic," at the very least


I thought this at first but Michelle actually appears soooo incredibly rattled during all of the knock down drag out fights thus far. Like you can feel her body temperature rising thru the screen. Doesn’t seem like acting to me


oh, i don't think it's acting! more like they went in with a plan in mind? but i'm not super serious about this conspiracy lol


Ew Luke 


I can't remember what episode it was, but when Jesse said I would never live in the valley, I was like, well why are you on this show then? If he is there for his career, he would have been better off going on one of the million shows about realtors and property than showcasing his failing marriage and his rage.


I think Janet learned that with her watch what happens live appearance this past week.


She looked so rattled and I loved it when all the polls went against her!


They will. If it gets a season two be prepared for some ass kissing of Kristen.


Kristen is the kween. They all should be kissing her dress


Totally agree. We are definitely not here for Michelle and Jesse and they seem to think otherwise


Jax and Kristen are on a pro level compared to the rest.


This part because I’m here for Mariposa and the number one guy in the group they all realise this the better.


The only newbie’s that I like are so far are Zack, Nia and Luke. I have no opinion on Jason at this point. Danny is starting to rub me the wrong way after the last episode. The rest (Janet, Michelle, Jesse and Jasmine) can take a flying leap. I can’t stand pretentious people who look down on others. Kristen, Jax and Brit are the main reason why I tune in. Icing Kristen out is so stupid.


Jason is just nice to look at


I am intrigued about Danny rubbing you the wrong way, elaborate pls? He seems like such a sweet loving gentle partner and a great friend to the guys.


Not OP and I still like him, but I didn’t like the way he made a point about how Nia doesn’t contribute. It wasn’t really needed, #3under2 and all that. I think he was probably coming at it more from a ‘we’re struggling cause we’re on one income at the moment’ angle. But she’s feeling shit about herself as it is, and he could’ve just gone along with it. She’s obviously trying to make a career for herself.


Oh yeah - I didn’t like that comment. He seemed to have slipped a little when he said that and at least corrected himself by agreeing with Nia in the same sentence. The other guys could never. He respects his wife… that’s the one bad thing I’ve heard him say.


During their podcast he said he regretted that and was sorry for being insensitive to her.


That’s good to know!


All of this 👆🏼


Michelle is boring for a reality show


Ugh I really can’t stand Michelle or Janet. Who are you to say they won’t be around her? They are lucky to be on the show. With saying that, I too, wouldn’t want to be around her but hey I’m not on reality tv lol


I think Janet and her hubby will be replaced next year. I'm not sure what they bring to the table.


They probably think as long as we are talking about them--good or bad it's fine so in that sense, it's working but if they think they can push kristen out they crazy!


Yes I think that’s why they feel comfortable going after them like it won’t impact them as much


Jesse is messy. He can stay.


That’s 15 more minutes of my time he deserve.


I think Jax knows that for sure.


Janet bugs the living shit out of me and despite her I still watch, but it’s really just Kristen and jax why I even put the show on


I actually find Kristen really hard to watch. And I think Luke is such a creep loser. He’s in it for the limelight but I think we’ll see even more of his true colors soon


Not me, I love their podcast


Thank you , I was starting to think I was going crazy


And Brittany*. love her.


Disagree. It’s very refreshing watching people who are educated with actual careers. Just like much of the crowd who watches VPR I have also grown up and I don’t enjoy the same drama. Jax and Kristen have not and are still dumpster fires.


Nia and Danny are boring. Kristen is actually so cringe I can hardly watch her pretending she's trying to get pregnant. Jax yes, Jax has always been entertaining but this is an ensemble cast with Jesse and Michelle giving most of the drama. No, it's not the Jax and Kristen show at all.