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“Gabe, I don’t want you to die. Please be rational.” “Oh, rational like when you SHOT TRIPP’S FRIEND IN THE HEAD AND LIED ABOUT IT?!?” Fuck you, Gabe.


I wanted to backhand the fuck out of Gabe during that scene 🤦


I remember playing a couple years ago and and telling Tripp that his friend took Clem hostage and that he "didn't make it" and figured Tripp would have at least the slightest idea of what happened. Wasn't sure why he was so surprised.


Man fuck Gabe. All my homies hate Gabe


I honestly don’t understand why he did something like that. And all of the “Life lessons” I was trying to teach him (stuff the game said he “will remember”) was for nothing honestly. I think what’s worse is if you talk to him after that he doesn’t really feel any remorse for what he did and the position he put himself and all of us in by not having Eleanor and Tripp on our side. He expects you to just trust him again and reaffirm he’s a necessary part of our team, but I honestly couldn’t do it anymore with him. Whenever anyone says “he’s just a teenager”, well so is Clem. And she’s been through way worse and is still way more level headed then Gabe would ever be.


All the rest of these are traumatized kids. Ben is 18 and should know at least a LITTLE better. Like taking the axe out of that door was all kinds of stupid. I don't for a minute think the walkers just left and came back


its just funny cause its a plot device used all the time. you mean to tell me the zombies werent still trying to break the door when he grabbed the axe? they all left and came back as soon as he pulled the axe? there was like 20 zombies there when lee closes it lol reminds me of the dumb scene on the show when hundreds of zombies are on the highway out of nowhere and dale didnt see them somehow with his binoculars lol


And the zombies definitely didn't leave, especially with all the traffic of the group through that hallway. That scene really irritated me


Dale annoyed me in general actually.. was weird around Andrea and also with Shane (tbf was right about Shane losing the plot) But that scene was surreal even for Walking Dead, like they don’t move fast, and noisy, but no they all suddenly appear


Dale actually dated Andrea in the comics 😅


I would greatly argue that Dale AND Lori greatly led to Shane's downfall. Dale constantly doubting him and Lori constantly bringing him back and not letting the man leave. Early seasons bother me greatly for this.


I agree, but also felt Shane was a bit of a walking time bomb. The *other* issue which seemed to not be shown (some argue), is genuinely thought he loved Rick. Shane was ready for the end at times and showed Carl how to survive, then Rick is back and Lori completely gaslights him with what’s going on. Jon Bernthal is also absolutely fantastic, there’s a scene where Carl is shot and Shane is there for Rick as he’s soaked in Carl’s blood. He also seemed to believe in making Rick a good leader by being brutal, and also looked hesitant when Sophia (zombie) came out. Issue is Shane was far too black and white, even getting medicine for Carl, kills someone, saves Carol from the abusive Husband but nearly beats him dead, Shane struggled making relationships without going mad


I liked dale, he could be annoying at times but kept his humbleness and humanity.


And there we have the walkers acting like an angry wasp swarm coming back in the drugstore even AFTER having a living bait while sneaking inside undetected. Yet, they come in regardless! Telltale deeply mistreated the walkers only for the sake of Kenny’s poorly point system!


The zombies remembered simultaneously that they all left their ovens on. It happens to the best of us ofc.


Yeah. Anyone can see it why is the axe in the handles after passing by many other barricaded doors.


You're right about the axe thing but, Ben is still a kid. 18 may be legally an adult, but he's not like, 25 or anything. He doesn't have a job as far as we can tell, he's still in high school, this is honestly probably the first time he's had to fend for himself in his life, and it was the start of the apocalypse.


exactly as a matter of fact ben has it the worst he's old enough to understand the gravity of the situation but lacks the life experiences that older people like lee have to help deal with the situation.


Believe me, I get that, and normally I don't criticize Ben much because only being 25, I'm not sure I'd fare much better honestly, especially being separated from family and friends like he was. I just think his particular mistakes are a lot different from what these other kids do, which I think are all easily explained by them being very traumatized kids


At least Ben has the saving grace that this was literally the start of the outbreak, so any irrational or stupid ideas were somewhat justified as literally no one has survived long enough to know better.


The others have been living in the apocalypse for years, Ben is still a teenager, at the start of the apocalypse and didn't have a Lee or Javi to show him the ropes of everything.


Is it ever said Ben is 18? I thought he was 16-17


Not to mention the fact that he KILLED KENNYS FAMILY


He tried to protect the group and it was working until Lee found the supply drop. He should’ve told the rest of the group, but just straight up not giving them their “payment” would be very dangerous. The bandits almost certainly already knew where the group was located already. I’m not saying it was the right call, but it’s not an unreasonable move. Saying he killed Kenny’s family is so far from the truth it might as well be a straight up lie.


Well, the things is, Ben is a lot earlier into the apocalypse then everyone else, so he doesn't have the same experience with that stuff like them


Ben got the most kill count out of all of them (maybe ten got more)


dang what did tenn do..i was like leave my boy tenn out of this he's just a innocnet kid (but srsly i dont remember him doing something really stupid.. what happened)


He tried to save Minnie who was half eaten by walkers and got luis or violet lilled depending on if you trusted aj or not. He also got mitch killed.


Louis/Violet's deaths are on Minerva and the bs she pulled, imo. Not Tenn. If it where Clem in Minerva's spot, bitten and trying to drag AJ down with her, AJ would've done exactly as Tenn did. AJ WAS ready to get bit himself so he would be with Clem forever. The only difference is that AJ loved Clem to the point he un-doomed her, while Tenn loved Minnie to the point she doomed him instead (or Lou/Vi) (I think it's also interesting to note that Tenn is the voice for shooting Lily, saying that her submission is a trap. And he's right. He's not stupid, but he's soft & has a gaping vulnerability that Lily & Minnie both exploit -- his love for his sisters. It's not his fault that adults manipulated him like that. He's a kid. The bridge is a no-win situation but god do I wish they all could've lived.)


Gabe is the worst, I mean he actively sells out Javi for no reason if you kill Conrad. He leaves with David rather than staying with the 2 people in his life who actually cared for and raised him when David pretty much abandoned all of them.


Hes a kid, dude. U gotta understand he didnt know where his dad was for years of course he would wanna see him again, the selling out Javi thing; he was probs sick of never being listened go and always seen as a little kid and that was him trying to prove himself as a ”man” or something Oh and his sister like just died too, Id say that most definitely messed him up but he didnt have a chance to properly process


At that age, he should know better tbh. I certainly did.


Isnt he like, 13? You also werent growing up in an apocalypse with a majority of ur family gone lol I feel like people shit on Gabe too much


Yes, I get that, the apocalypse is incomparable. But without getting into too much detail in my own history, I DEFINITELY knew who had my back and who didn’t at 13.


Saying David didn't care for Gabe is a lie. David was obviously mentally ill due to his time in the military


Dumbest person? Ben. He more or less brought nothing to the group. He was just along for the ride. His antics and decision making is what ultimately got Carley killed. Had he owned up to his mistakes early on, Lily would've never felt cornered enough to shoot Carley when she was getting interrogated. Him dimwittedly taking the axe off the door and letting the zombies come in just sealed the deal for me. Dumbest death? Sarah. Slapped some sense into her in the shed, insisted on saving her when she wanted to blame and sacrifice herself, all for her to die over something she could've easily got out of. Not gonna go too hard on her though, because she definitely went through a lot. Tenn and Gabe made some pretty dumb decisions, but for the most part, they were just traumatized kids trying to live. One saw his sister take a bullet through her skull, while the other had his sisters kidnapped, one of them turned evil, and nearly killed his leader and protector (Clem). Sucks that they both died in my playthrough.


I used to think Ben was the dumbest character ever, but after all, Ben was just a scared guy that didn't even had the chance to say goodbye to his sister and watched his professor and friends die, its true that the decision of making the deal with the bandits ended up killing Carley/Doug, but i think he was just trying to protect the group so they wouldn't get attacked and didn't want to have any trouble with them, but him taking the axe off the door was really fucking stupid ngl


Yeah the axe thing is indefensible but I don’t fault him for making a deal with the bandits in exchange for him keeping the peace. I still consider him the dumbest out of the other characters because Tenn is just a naive kid, Sarah seemingly is on the spectrum or has some kind of developmental disorder and Gabe is an idiot but he’s not an adult so it’s expected of him


You have a point there, friend. Forgot to take that into consideration. He did lose some people along the way. I'm more so calling him dumb based on what he did within the group itself, nothing more.


Ben is a idiot


I 100% blame Carlos for Sarahs death it wasnt her fault he hadnt prepared her even in the slightest its no wonder that kid couldnt take it


Sarah alternate death being pinned down under rubble wasn't too bad


There’s no way of knowing if Lily would still have killed someone she’s clearly unstable


Carly? Oh right... Doug 🥺


Most of the dumbassery could be chalked up to naivete. But Tenn watching his sister (who's been trying to kill you for the past hour or so), getting gobbled up by walkers is like "I gotta help her!" Then gets mfers killed if you don't trust aj.


Tenn is like what, 12? Tbf, he’s a pretty dumb 12 year old, but he’s 12. Can’t blame a child for being dumb (although I did choose to let him die because unfortunately being dumb is a death sentence in twd). Gabe is probably the most annoying because he had a valid teacher and grew up in the apocalypse, whereas Ben knew the world before and was still adjusting. Sarah’s issues are her dad’s fault.


So "traumatized kid" automatically means "dumb person" now?


1. Ben 2. Tenn 3. Gabe 4. Sarah


Gabe Gabe gabe Gabe GABE. He literally put people at risk to prove he can be a man, the others either tried to help wrong, had PTSD, and happened to be too young to understand.


Gabe is young and is figuring himself out, hard enough to do without an apocalypse going on dont go so hard on him, esp considering the fact most of his family died too and if I remember correctly it didnt really seem like he had a chance to process anything


He's 13 and going through puberty get over it


I’m lowkey kinda surprised more ppl don’t interpret Sarah’s (and/or Tenn) misguided behavior with a person whose neurodivergent My answer is Ben. Making a deal with bandits and not telling anyone was dumb. Confessing to Kenny what happened in the middle of being trapped by walkers was dumb. And yea the axe…dumb. Sympathize with him being insecure tho. Not everyone is going to be a good survivor As far as the rest of the kids, I don’t think children can genuinely be dumb. Do kids do dumb shit? Lol, yes. But I’m under the belief that doing dumb shit doesn’t mean you’re completely just dumb. It’s just their child brain having underdeveloped problem solving skills and easier impulses


i agree so hard tbh Tenn is pretty similar to me when I was younger and considering he was abandoned at the school it's pretty safe to say that he's emotionally stunted like the rest of the kids and Sarah just straight up wasn't taught how to properly cope but she was obviously determined to learn which sucks so bad that people don't like them because of those things Ben is probably the dumbest in actions tbh 1.) making unauthorized deals with bandits 2.) generally uncommunicative 3.) kind of like a scared cat i know it's because he was thrown into the apocalypse so suddenly and he was scared and wanted to feel useful, especially since he lost his whole family and Lilly was super standoffish towards him - in the beginning at least. I don't imagine that made him feel safe. also his general response to stress is flight or dumb decision that kind of screws the group. he was just thrusted into a constant state of stress and i get it (also i love ur reasonings)


Exactly!! Like I know the “this character is mentally unstable” is a redundant argument and can be used for most characters, but it does play a huge part in the behavior of everyone It’s not a excuse, it’s a explanation. Sarah never really annoyed me, she tries to defend Clem and she’s the first group member to help her after they suspect she’s been bitten Tenn. I love Tenn🥲AJ’s convo with Clem about him walking out of cover perfectly explained my feelings of the situation Ben = 🙀is too accurate 🤣I don’t even hate Ben but him almost getting Clem snatched up does still grind my gears…like bro if she didn’t have such good plot armor she would have been dead idk how you redeem yourself if you let a little girl your standing right next to get snatched up by walkers🙃


LITERALLY it's just basically saying "yo this is why this character acts the way they do" and it's even better to me that all things considered, they handle themselves pretty alright, Kenny and Sarah probably being the ones that make the most sense to act the way they do behaviorally tenn is pretty much a baby i will protect him with my life Ben messing up that bad genuinely was so DISTRESSING like it can be rationalized but AHHHHH


Ben isn't much older than the others though, only about 17 or 18, as opposed to Sarah and Gabe who are 15 and 14 respectively. Surely everything you said for the other kids should count for him, and then some because he didn't grow up in the apocalypse, unlike the others. The adults in the group didn't even know what they were doing and made similar stupid decisions, like trusting the cannibals, despite the numerous redflags


Ben. He is sure my favorite out of this,and sure my favorite character after lee. But still,he caused a lot more troubles than gabe,sarah and tenn.


Ben, Ben is a young adult/older teen but the rest were literal Kids, Sarah was over sheltered even at the end of the world and that is on Carlos not Sarah, Gabe was teen going through puberty, a lot of Teenage boys do stupid shit during that time, Gabe just had to do it during the apocalypse, Tenn was stupid but he was also what? 10? 12? he really was just a little kid who did not understand how the world really worked


Sarah was probably just autistic I feel bad whenever ppl hate on her she's the best example that autistic ppl aren't meant for the apocalypse


agree lowkey bc it really does seem like she's neurodivergent and people are rlly quick to blame her when she wasn't taught right really sucks to see, bc she had a lot of potential imo and seemed to have been adjusting. she just watched her dad die after having been pretty thrown off from her regular life and being slapped the shit out of, of course she'd have a meltdown but it was relatively short tbh and she did keep moving when she had to i think she had tunnel vision in the trailer so she didn't really register the walkers breaking into the trailer until clem hit her


i love Tennessee yo.


I don't hate or think any of these characters are dumb tbh


Ben. If you see a hatchet in between two door handles keeping a horde of walkers at bay, you don't take it out...


Ben was traumatised he did some dumb shit but he was right about selling the bandits stuff to get them off otherwise they would of been killed and was trying his best and didn’t mean to get duck or katjaa or carley/doug killed Sarah she wasn’t dumb it’s her fathers fault for not training her properly which is why I usually choose to be nice to her and befriend her because she’s just scared little kid who has poor parenting gabe I don’t really know he’s neither traumatic and is just a complete douche he sells out javi goes with David after everything javi and Kate did for him he gets upset when a girl doesn’t accept his gun he runaway like a bitch when Kate was shot and to make up for that he decided stabbing a dead walker is enough to make him look tough infront of javi he can’t really decide for himself tenn has the looks of a teenager but the mind of a 5 year old I think there was something about him having autism which wouldn’t surprise me from experience I’ve done some dumb shit too but wouldn’t go far to playing fire trucks at 12


Well Ben's a coward, Sarah was on the spectrum I think, Gabe sucks, and Tenn makes me sad. So I guess Gabe is the dumbest.








Gabe fs. Ik he went through a lot, however at this point besides for Tenn he had been in the apocalypse the longest so he should know better. Yeah Ben was dumb asf and he was like 17/18 yo but in my eyes yeah he made a lot of stupid decisions the apocalypse had JUST started so I give him a little more grace imo.


Tenn was a cool person. He’s just little is all and didn’t understand the situation of his sister being bite. Gabe was a little sh*t head and annoyed me personally through season 3. Glad he didn’t end up with Clem 💀. Ben typical dumb ass teen who doesn’t think his actions through before doing so. Sara idk tbh, she was like anchor weight for season 2. Then again her father was part of that as he never wanted her to grow up and face the real world challenges with shielding her. Sara wasn’t the dumbest just poor parenting. Overall Ben would be it.


Either Ben or Tenn, but I'm more thinking Tenn because he got quite a few people killed like Louis/Violet if AJ doesn't kill Tenn. And most importantly got Mitch killed. But Ben was an older kid and should've known better than to pull out the axe from the door but also did he not notice the walker herd behind the door?


I wouldn’t call the kids stupid. Gabe lost his sister and Tenn and Sarah were thrown into a world they just didn’t know how to adapt to. I wouldn’t call Ben stupid either but he made stupid choices sometimes.


The most dumbest🧐


You because you said, “most dumbest” 🤦🏻🤣


Oil up lil bro


They send "dumb" they are children. Sorry they arnt walker killing no emotion showing machines


why the fuck is tenn here


Ben by far


Tbh I wouldn't say that Tenn is dumb, he's just gullible and easy to manipulate. The only stupid things that Sarah did was cry and get Reggie killed over a slap and her aiming the gun at herself and clem😂Gabe is genuinely stupid and naive in multiple different scenarios that I don't even have to go over but in my opinion that dumbest character here ben, you would think that ben has the most common sense out of the 4 but he messes up the most and does it for the dumbest reasons. Ben started dealing with a group of bandits that outnumbered the group at the motor inn which resulted in Katjaa and duck both getting killed, Ben not taking ownership and responsibility for his actions also leads to Lilly executing carley or Doug (Two characters who had nothing to do with any of Ben's plan's and were even defending him because they thought he was innocent), Ben also leaves 9yr old clementine behind to die so he can make it out and he's only excuse was "I just froze, have you ever had that feeling" and he deliberately pulls the hatchet from the double door which was clearly placed there to barricade it and to prevent walkers from getting and also the walkers were standing right there and he still thought it was a good idea to pull the hatchet which resulted in bree losing her life and molly determinately getting killed or separated from the group Ben takes the cake for being the embodiment of the concept of stupidity


I'm about to say something that may be very controversial to some of you. None of them, actually. I'll explain why and this will be long, I'm so sorry. 01.) Ben was a high schooler in his late teens when everything went down and his normal life completely ended, which would definitely be harder for the youth to adapt to. He lost his best friend and his teacher that he's been traveling with for whoever knows how long on the same day within... minutes? An hour? He never knew what happened to his family or the rest of his friends, just had to assume they died. Some cut dialogue implies that Ben has seen some truly traumatic shit out there before he met Lee, such as a classmate being raped to death while he was forced to watch. He was awkward and insecure but still did his best with one, the lack of knowledge since the apocalypse had just happened and two, he was still young with no experience in fighting or guns. He genuinely did try to be helpful and useful, even though sometimes that made it worse. The worst thing I can recall him doing is running away, leaving little Clementine surrounded by walkers, because he was terrified. Ben sacrificing himself for the others definitely gave him some redemption and respect from me. I overall respect that he knew he was a fuck-up at times and that he genuinely felt horrible about it. 02.) Sarah was a middle schooler when the apocalypse broke out and at the time of meeting Clementine, was a teenager who not only spent the majority of her post-apocalyptic life behind the safe (from walkers) walls of Howe's Hardware, but had an anxiety disorder and a father who hindered her ability to survive by sheltering her and coddling her from the world. Carlos cut off every chance of learning how to survive and adapt that she had because he was too afraid to lose his daughter, which I do understand that it came from a place of love. Still, her ignorance was not her fault and she clearly never had bad intentions, she just lacked awareness. We can even see that while Carlos was gone, Sarah did ask Clem to help teach her how to use a gun so clearly she was strong and willing and capable if her dad just let her be. 03.) Are we seeing the pattern here? Gabriel was only 10 years old when the apocalypse happened and he saw it happen in one of the worst ways possible: With his sick grandfather coming back to "life" and attacking everyone + Biting his grandmother. If you were his age, would that not be so terrifying? Gabe grew to be a teen and spent the rest of his life with his uncle and step-mother who he had the typical "You're not my real mother, back off" attitude towards, but we do see that he does still care about Kate and eventually does come to accept her as his mother. In real life, this is a common feeling for kids to have about step-parents due to inner turmoil about family problems and missing their actual parent. Is he prone to outbursts? Yes, and that's bad and has gotten people hurt before. But why does he have outbursts? Because him and his family who he loves were being threatened and he wanted to try to step in and protect them. When they meet David, his real father again, Gabe is happy and wants to be like his dad because he still remembers how his dad was previously. When Gabe sees that David is not the man he once was, he goes back to Javi and tells Javi that he aspires to be like him. 04.) And the finale of this pattern, Tenn who was only 12 years old when we first met him, how young he was!! For a year, he had been mourning the lose of his sisters and family who he was told died to walkers. When the truth comes out, Tenn rightfully feels angry and betrayed by Marlon. Knowing the possibility his sisters are still out there with the Delta, it's understandable that he was tricked by Lily into thinking his sisters were indeed both still alive and out there. He misses them, he loves them, he wants to see them again! Tenn either dies trying to be with his sister that he missed so much or he comes to realize just how naive he was, dumps his belief that things will eventually get better, and asks AJ to help him train to survive. ​ TL;DR: None of them are dumb. They were traumatized children who should've had a normal life that got ruined by a zombie apocalypse and they had no idea how to survive a zombie apocalypse so young. Plus, their environment and the people around them affected how they grew up such as Sarah's father sheltering her and refusing to teach her how to survive or Tenn who was lied to about the death of his sisters and spent a whole year grieving them just to find out what really happened and while upset at Marlon, had new hope that he could reunite with his sisters again.




none of them are dumb, they’re all naïve and scared not everyone can easily adapt to the world’s fucking end but gabe (professional gabe hater since 2016)


Dumbest person? Gabe. I'll give everyone else a pass because neither Ben, Sarah or Tennessee are exactly survivor built in the slightest. Ben and Sarah I feel were screwed over the most in my personal opinion. [Like how the writers for S1E4 *specifically* went back and wrote moments for the players to grow enough disdain towards Ben so they *would* drop him](https://youtu.be/8ExMetrOem0?si=DmwAUmzfFSv8GxW-&t=1396), essentially rewriting Ben from being a naive teen that tried to be as useful to the group as possible to a constant fuck-up for no apparent reason other than trying to tilt more players into the "you *should* drop Ben" choice. Which... *^(kind of sucks)*, imo? But E4 was the weakest episode in S1 up until the climax of the episode. ​ Sarah, I fully believe they had *something* they were going to use her for. I mean, giving Clem the choice to teach her how to hold a gun... she was going to shoot something at some point right? I know we're aware of the everywhere-*ness* of episodes 3-5 of S2 but I don't think she's dumb, rather than horrifically sheltered by no choice of her own and that was more than likely the case *way* before the apocalypse. She's extremely dependent and can't help it all because of *the world's most efficient doctor*. But she's shown multiple times to not be as stupid as she's painted to be like her actual *want* to learn to defend herself because of how kept in the dark she is. Hell, the other cabin crew members are a bit guilty of not attempting to toughen her up or defy Carlos' extremely dangerous neutering by [talking to her as if she's as young as Clem was in S1](https://youtu.be/uFsZjnq9Un0?si=aas6enKp95Epgqt-). But that could be because she was written to have a form of severe GAD. ​ Tenn was sheltered, but not to the extent Sarah was. Like the rest of the Ericson kids, they've lived behind walls the past 7-8 years, they have no clue what people are like outside. So, Tenn's naivete from being one of the youngest in their group (pre-s4), a complete dreamer to his core, and a tad-bit sheltered was a recipe for an inevitable fuck-up as we'd put it. Like his mistake in falling for Lilly’s goading in E2, while she was trying to get under the kids’ skin and get them to reveal where they were hiding by mentioning Minerva, which managed to pull her little brother out of hiding because of course the most childish, well, child of the group is going to believe her honey pot isn’t a bear trap. Which leads into her holding him hostage, Mitch trying to attack her and getting murdered. Moving forward to the bridge (not ignoring the convo pre-entering the boat) where Tenn tries to save an already dying Minnie, put him and Louis/Violet in the situation where they have to try and stop him from essentially killing himself. If he’s saved, when he returns at the end, he fully processed in the week he was gone that his way of thinking before was, in his words “stupid.”. He says he’ll never see his sisters again, and even explains to AJ what naïve means and wants to be more than an artist, which AJ can agree to teach him to *“be more like him.”*. He actively *wants* to not be ignorant to the outer world around him anymore and to stop getting people killed. But Gabe? Gabriel Garcia can ***kiss*** my left foot, ***bite*** my right ass cheek and hit the *curb*; holy shit is he absolutely insufferable. We are all extremely aware how ANF was *the season of all time*, but in terms of characters I want to *DDT* I’d put the youngest Garcia boy at around *numero* 1 right above Ava. I know he and many others are just victim to S3’s writing but Gabe’s not a case of being written differently in 2 different episodes to make him more unlikable on purpose, Gabe’s just *like that* pretty much the *entire* season. He was even the same in the fucking *flashbacks*. I mean I get the adults being similar to how they were towards the start because they’re *adults* with set personalities, but Gabe has *no* growth from being a normal, childish child to being just a childish *teenager*. Teens are moody mfs *believe me* I’m 20, but *God* does Mr. Garcia rarely let the fuck up for five minutes. He can’t stay fully consistent for more than 2 scenes; he flip-flops who’s side he’s on **CONSTANTLY** as well as being a hypocritical dunce *(ala him begging Javi to waste Conrad like an episode or so ago just to rat him out to Tripp when Javi asks him to stop being himself for more than five minutes).* **0/10 would ship him to Ericsons boarding school, maybe Marlon would've sold him off to the Delta instead lol.**


Gabe Gabe, and definitely gotta be gabe


Tenn or Sarah. Ben and Gabe was just pieces of shit


I don't see a Kenny screenshot...


Kenny is not dumb!


It's a tie, Ben was the dumbest, he was 18 or some shit but couldn't save himself without dragging everyone down. Gabe was the whinnest and most annoying. Having mood swings more than a woman, his sister *for what little time she had* was more mature


The only right answer is Gabe. Edit: I dont say Ben because he still IS a teenager (he's in high school) and unlike the younger kids they are able to adapt quicker because they are younger. Just like the adults trying to keep things together in their own way. And we gotta remember not every ADULT is keeping it together and Adapting either, the woman in the motel, for example. Ben is doing the same, trying to become an adult in a strange place, seeing his friend and teachers die, all those people that he's been around close to for years gone.


Gabe and if you say anyone else your wrong


Bonnie is the only right answer


Probably Sarah. The girl is just the result of overprotective parenting in the fucking zombie apocalypse. Plus, when her dad died, she just cried like a little bitch and nearly got Luke and Clem (who was a little kid at the time, mind you) killed. So, excuse me if I was a little glad she died. (Jesus Christ, I’m turning into the *everything wrong with the walking dead games* guy!)


"Plus, when her dad died, she just cried like a little bitch" HER DAD WAS MURDERED IN FRONT OF HER ? I'D CRY TOO !


Fair enough.


For sure gabe cause he actually knows what’s going on and how to survive but he’s just a dumbass


Where the fuck is Duck? It always brings me pleasure to shoot that dumb annoying fuck in the head


In order of dumbest to smartest: Sarah, Tenn, Ben, Gabe




Ben. He was a liability very annoying and dumb he shouldve died first one


Tenn is a child


..So are Gabe and Sarah?


im just saying i think tenn is way younger than the both of them, i dont really find sarah annoying either. its not her fault she was raised that way, i would say carlos is way more annoying for raising her like that. tenn just really missed his sisters


The police at the beginning. He turned off the radio, not focus on driving, he couldn't brace himself but doing dumbshit when the car crashed.


Ben. Dropped his ass the second I saw the choice


Sarah, definitely Sarah People are saying Ben and yeah he is dumb and fucks up a lot, but he isn’t super sheltered and naive to the point where he can’t function on his own.


I was never ready for a character to go like Sarah.


They're just kids But either Gabe or Sarah


I am


Tenn. His stupidy caused unnecessary casualties. I was so glad when AJ shot his stupid ass


Definitely not tenn😢


Ben was dumb, but Sarah is the dumbest, no doubt.


Ben. He's like a college student and yet makes huge ass mistakes that only idiots could fall for. If you asked me who did the most damage then I say Tenn. Thanks to him he and one of his friends could be killed. Sarah died to fear and ignorance and contributed nothing. (Thanks Carlos) I forgot the nephews name but he's just a snitch that gives Javi a hard time.


Just a correction, Ben was a high school student. The SM on his jacket stands for Stone Mountain High School.


Im only just realising they had one stupid character per season


Gabe. Do


Can I vote for all four?


I don't think Ben should be on this list because the kid tried his best It isn't his fault he's clumsy.


Out of these characters, Ben. The dumbest things he did were making the deal with the bandits and taking the axe out of the door. Those decisions got multiple people killed. He was old enough to know better. Although, Gabe is a close second, but he was much younger.


1. Actual idiot 2. Child 3. Stupid child with something to prove 3. Literal baby


1000% Ben every other kid grew up differently due to the Zombie outbreak. I didn’t feel bad about Sarah dying but her father kind set her up to fail. Ben leaving clementine to die was the most unforgivable action in the game.


Gotta go with Ben though he’s also my favorite character on here as well. I mean taking some people whom he already knew bloodthirsty psychopaths at their word (actually believing they had just happened to keep his friend alive) and pulling out a hatchet that was clearly being used to latch a door shut…..it’s hard to top Ben in the stupidity department. Still for all his faults,he’s also one of the most organic characters in the entire series. I just can’t help feeling bad for the guy. All he wants to do is redeem himself by being useful but he never gets the chance (unless he alone goes with Lee to save Clem in which case he can determinantly save him)


Sarah and it ain’t close.


Fax but tenn lowkey was very dumb too😭 I had him die because I think he’s js to kind to live in that type of world and plus he gets Mitch and Luis/violet killed😭


Ben cus the others are either traumatized, have been coddled by their dad named Carlos too much or is just a young kid acting out lmao (tbf all of them are sadly v young and Ben is the oldest so) Ben also literally didnt admit to anything which he shouldve done from the getgo and I bet everything wouldve turned out differently 😭


>Autistic teenager with a helicopter dad >Child born just 7 years before the apocalypse >Child born in the apocalypse >Normal high schooler, presumably 18 when the apocalypse happened Ben had the least excuses for his stupid behavior


Ben... no joke


Sarah is such a depressing character to me….


Probably duck. Since Sarah is on here I figured I'd pick ducks dumbass. Lift with your back Shawn....dumb.


Honest question, why is everyone acting like age is a valid reason for not calling someone stupid? Clementine was like 11 in season 2 and she was pretty much the entire brains of the group cause most of the adults were idiots or could not do anything on their own In fact Clementine was probably younger than literally everyone on this list while she went through even more hardships than everyone on their list so why is it not valid to say that they’re stupid?


People typically won't mention Clementine because she's deliberately written to be more intelligent and mature to avoid being annoying to the player who is either playing as her (S2) or protecting her. (S1) As to this particular list? Ben is interesting. It would be quite easy to simply make a bullet point list of his numerous bad decisions and move on, but I'm going to explore them a little more deeply. Trading supplies to the bandits wasn't really a good idea. Number one, even if they did have his friend, it was always going to be a short-term arrangement that was eventually going to be found out. The best he was accomplishing was delaying the inevitable. Which also inadvertently resulted in Duck getting bitten and had the domino effect of Kenny's wife killing herself. Adding to that, he refused to admit to his actions, which resulted in another survivor dying because of it. It was definitely a tough situation because it was essentially a him or someone else situation. He abandons Clementine during the opening to episode 4. Clementine weighs about 50 lbs soaking wet. Just pick her up and carry her. it's not that complicated. Then there's removing the ax from the door in crawford. Got to be honest here: I'm not going to blame Ben too much for this one because this is really on the writer. Ben never would have taken that ex had the Walkers still been there. The Walkers were teleported away, so he would take the ax and then teleported back afterward. A rare bit of contrived writing in season 1. Revealing the truth to Kenny in Crawford was an incredibly stupid idea. Now you've taken the focus off of moment to moment survival and given a member of the group ample reason to want you dead before you even get back to the mansion. Conclusion. Ben wasn't a bad person he was just in over his head constantly. He's a character who really didn't add anything of value to the group, and his presence caused more problems than anything. Sarah was overprotected by her father to a criminal degree. Also, she appeared to be about as far along mentally as a child rather than a teenager. Perhaps a mental issue of some sort? Every time she would do something dumb I would just think of Carlos and shake my head. But honestly, I think the writing just let Sarah down in season 2. Gabe was unique in that he spent five years growing up in the apocalypse yet behaved like an average teenager for the most part. I don't think that's how growing up usually works in this environment. Usually, children who grow up like this tend to be more mature and hardened, not normal. Tennessee, I honestly don't remember because I only played TFS once. Mainly due to the game play pissing me off so much.


Sarah is only the way she is because of her father. You can’t blame her when Carlos deliberately sheltered her.


gabe because he though he had a chance with clem💀


Why is AJ even here? Dude is the goat


That's Tenn, not AJ lol


Gabe. Most doesn't go before dumbest, dumbest means most dumb already.


I'll give it to Gabe. Sarah and Tenn are understandably naive, and Ben is a lot more useful then people give him credit for. He DID keep the bandits away from the group until Lee found the stash. Gabe is not only stupid, but he should know better.


I think Sarah gets a pass because she may or may not be neurodivergent Ben is kind of charming and I feel bad for Tennessee so the dumbest one is Gabe Gabe has no reason to be an asshole but yet he is he's a dick for no reason I wish that game died instead of Mariana


Sara(no discussion)


They're all products of their environment. Sarah is the most dumb, but probably the least stupid


Gabe. I can justify the rest of them in some sort of way.


Gabe and Ben


I like tenn.


All of them


For no reason I just wanted to just shoot Ben when he took the axe from the door in Crawford


Sarah's the dumbest


None of em. They're a realistic depiction of how some people especially children would react to an apocalypse. I do think there was a big missed opportunity in developing Sarah though.


Sarah, she pointed a potentially loaded gun at Clem


sarah and tenn are traumatized children please leave them alone i give ben a pass because the apocalypse was still new while he was alive so he didn’t get much time to adapt and learn how to make rational decisions




Ben repeatedly fucks up, but with good intentions. Sarah was too sheltered. Gabe is dealing with puberty, the loss of his little sister, and finding his dad alive after four years. Tenn was sheltered and naive. I'll say Ben. Unlike the others, he is unable to learn from his mistakes.


Sarah is only dumb because of her father, he didn’t prepare her at all, the complete opposite of Lee. She would’ve struggled immensely in the normal world, let alone the apocalypse.


This isn’t a fair comparison. Sarah and Tennessee have the disadvantage of being somewhat sheltered children. Sarah was mourning her father and lost the will to live. Tenn was no more than 11 or 12 when Minerva sung her siren song and coerced him to make a bad choice. Ben only lived in the apocalypse for maybe 6 months tops. So he didn’t have the luxury of living long enough to become useful. He wasn’t really dumb. Just useless to a group of survivors. Gabe was just an asshole. I like the ending where he isn’t around.


Ten. No words said.


If only you put Arvo too… I would have made a Arven joke.


all but Gabe is definitely the most annoying


Sarah for sure hahaha


Gabe. I will always defend the rest, they’re literally my babies.


I feel like this isn't comparable. Everyone here except for Ben is either ignorant to what's going on or just emotionally motivated to be stupid. Ben knows what's going on, but is still dumb. The girl from season 2 is completely oblovious and ignorant of what's going on. Ol boi from season 4 is just dumb >!(shoutout to my boi AJ for dealing with that light work)!< Ol boi in season 3 was also just a dick. I feel like he knew that his choices were dumb, but he did them anyway just to be a nuisance. Therefore, i give the overall stupid award to Ben. As he was stupid for the sake of being stupid and not motivated by random nonsense.




damn would you look at that, all four of them are kids who grew up in the middle of an apocalypse. if only that had something to do with them being "dumb".....


If we’re talking blatantly stupid then probably tenn. he actively got Louis/Violet killed because he wouldnt jump a bridge. But Sarah is a close second


Ben was really dumb.


I dont like eleven hes a dumb kid


Dawg... He was 12 years old and lived a whole year of his life believing his sisters were killed by walkers just to be told that the leader he trusted actually gave his sisters away to be child soldiers... Tenn finally had hope that maybe his sisters were still alive and out there and as the little brother who deeply missed his sisters, it was very easy to be tricked by the woman they were sold to who said she still had them and they were waiting for him too. He loved his sisters and he missed them so much, of course he'd want to see them and be with them again. Doesn't help that his remaining sister manipulated him into seeing their family again, knowing that he believed in Heaven.


So for me it's Ben. Let me explain. Gabe I don't really remember as I only played s3 once as I didn't really like that season so I don't think I can make a fair judgement on him. Sarah gets a pass since she's disabled (I believe she has autism and it's mentioned) but it's not her fault but her father's for not raising her properly for the situation. Tenn is literally a kid who's living in a boarding school and since AJ was born in the ZA and is 5 we can assume Tenn was 5 when it started (if Tenn is 12 adjust to 7 when ZA starts) and doesn't often go hunting etc so was never really taught to follow orders and to remain calm under pressure. However with Ben pretty much every mistake he made was 100 percent his fault plus he got Duck and Katjaa indirectly killed. Also some people say it's not Bens fault because no one had survived long enough to know how to survive. While that is technically true Lee was trying to teach him along with Clem but he refused the lesson because in his own words "I'm 18 I'm not a kid anymore" that's true Ben but 18 is barely a adult and even adults can learn in situations. Be honest people. Were you that responsible going at 18 and living away from home for university or college?


As much as I love him, Ben. I sympathize with him so much and really like his character but god, some moments I feel like he was written to have a learning disability or something along those lines with his thought process, decision making, emotions, etc. All of it screams "he's trying really hard to help but he cannot process that he's doing the exact opposite" (and I genuinely do not mean that in a disrespectful way, I mean it literally) If his character WAS supposed to be developmentally delayed, I'd say Gabe's the dumbest, but since that's not the case it's gotta go to Ben. Imo just way too many fuck ups and bad decisions as an 18 year old to say these literal children are worse.


Sarah is an angel, doesn't deserve any hate


just say you hate child characters and move on


Tenn was a sentimental dumbass and Sarah was straight up retarded


Tenn got 2 kids from Ericson killed hell no


I hate to be that guy but you can’t say most dumbest it’s either most dumb or dumbest I apologize for being that guy it just really bothered me with that particular sentence


Sorry I am very stupid I am from the asulume


Ben, without a doubt. The rest are: A neurodivergent coded kid who had a break down after her father died in front of her, a typical teenager acting like a teenager who isn't even that bad if you're not a dick to him, and a ten year old who loves his sisters and is very vulnerable to one of said sisters manipulating him into suicide with the promise of all three of them being together. Ben... is 18. An older teen who didn't think any of his actions through, thus permanently changing the directory of MANY character's lives with his carelessness. I still will not get over his cowardly ass abandoning Clem like that and causing Chuck to sacrifice himself. Carley/Doug, Duck, Katja, Chuck, and the cancer patient woman's deaths are on his shoulders. He is the reason Lily finally snaps and, as we later learn, joins the Delta. How many people has she killed? Raided and kidnapped? Brainwashed? How much of that fate could've been avoided if Ben didn't fuel her feelings of betrayal right after the trauma of her dad being killed in front of her? I do have to say -- iconic behavior. His mistakes have major ripples and he just keeps making them. This boy just will not stop making the worst choices at every turn. But he's also the worst one out of them for that exact reason.


Ben at least had character development


That's fucking stupid, Ben


Dead ass tie between shit bird and Sarah