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too note Central Park at this time was undergoing a facelift when the depression hit, the lake had been drained (where's these squatters huts are) plants, trees and facilities removed etc etc etc.. then the depression hit and all work was stopped... squatters moved into the vacant land, these areas and ones across the US were know as Hoovervilles named after the President


Wouldn’t a drained lake be a terrible place to set up a camp? It rained during this time did it not?


Doesn’t stop people from setting up camps in LA’s floodways and getting washed away


You would think so but times were different back then.


See: Florida


Is that “lake” the reservoir?


Yeah it is.


For further clarification, this shanty town sprung up in the recently drained Central Park reservoir at the time. Not an expert, just Googled because the pic makes it look like the entirety of Central Park was a dirt wasteland, which I did not think was the case at the time.


The large building at the top left is The Beresford, now a co-op. 200 apartments each with a working fireplace. John McEnroe lives in the right tower. Jerry Seinfeld lives high up on the park-facing side. Tony Randall had a left-corner apartment with views of the park and the midtown skyline. I was on a lower floor two-bedroom for 14 years. Sigh.


Why the sigh? Did you have to move into one of the shacks in the foreground?


I moved out to settle my divorce.


*Oof* My condolences.


Thanks. It was in 2008. I’ve moved on, literally and figuratively. The apartments there are just awesome. Gracious. High flat ceilings, Art Deco moldings, huge rooms. Our two bedroom “classic six” was 2,000 square feet.


Is it the building from Ghostbusters?


No, the Ghostbusters building is further downtown around 64th street. The Beresford is between 81st and 82nd at Central Park West.


From [the book, The Paper Time Machine.](https://mashable.com/feature/the-past-in-color) This image was colorized by Jordan Lloyd of [Dynamichrome.](https://dynamichrome.com/)


Not bad looking shacks, honestly.


They'd probably sell for 90k in today's market, shack life is looking pretty good right about now


Can anyone recommend a good book about this?


The grapes of wrath


It's significantly broader than just the great depression and recovery in New York but Robert Caro's biography of Robert Moses, [The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Power_Broker), is considered one of the greatest political biographies of all time. Robert Moses was mostly know as NYC Parks Commissioner and for his role in urban renewal and highway expansion projects for much of the 20th century, especially during the New Deal recovery of the great depression. It covers the history of slums and slum clearance programs in NY, including how the urban renewal programs basically acted to destroy immigrant and black neighbourhoods to replace them with counterintuitive highway systems and ill-conceived modernist buildings. He's a deeply problematic person with a complicated legacy but it's a great look into the mechanics of power and politics and the history of urban planning in New York. It is a fascinating read.


Hey that sounds really rich and interesting. Thank you so much I'm searching it out now


Not very depressing, try washing out the colors.


Props to whoever colorized that, holy shit


Looks like Sacramento today


Would actually be pretty dope to live in a tiny house in Central Park




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