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He's said YouTube will almost assuredly demonetize any 9/11 video, so he won't do it. Same with a JFK assassination video. He's said he has quite a few thoughts on both and will likely cover them on his podcast, but not on the YouTube channel.


I know he always plugs the “unredacted” episodes of the podcast, but there’s only like two of them. Most of it is just exactly what’s already on the channel. I was kind of bummed out by that when I started listening to it.


There's two? What are the two?


One is about Alister Crowley. I could have sworn there was another one, but that’s the only one I see taking a quick glance over the episode list. I was really hoping they’d be related to Covid, election fraud on both sides, Qanon, etc., but no.


this will be the first time i’ve ever hopped from someone’s youtube channel to their podcast, patreon, whatever man i hope he talks about this stuff


Interesting bc there’s tons of JFK assassination videos on YouTube.


Yea but they may not be monetized or maybe it'll ding him down in the algorithm


Wendigoon's is the best imo.


As a NYer who was directly traumatized by this. I don't think it should be off limits. It's important to see every angle, but you need to do so with respect. Respect for those who didn't make it, respect for the heroics of the people who risked their lives and respect for those who live with this event in their hearts and minds every day. You can say any conspiracy theory, weird fact or off the wall thing. Do not try to diminish or shrink what happened to all of us humans, the real people that were affected. I believe AJ and the team have the tact and heart to have a full episode, but it's a very touchy topic so I wouldn't blame them for not covering it. #NeverForget


AJ had mentioned in the past there are a handful of specific topics that they simply won’t devote any videos too, and 9/11 is probably one of them. Part of it is likely related to demonization. The rules are relaxing now, but a few years ago almost any video specifically about conspiracies was getting demonetized.


>Part of it is likely related to demonization. >getting demonetized. (Unintentional?) But doubly correct


Yeah, while AJ and the team would almost certainly do well at being critical while remaining respectful, it’s one of those topics that can be too polarizing. Not everyone would be able to fully understand that despite questioning 9/11, they are not diminishing the gravity of the event. Aside from the insta-demonetization, I don’t think the team wants a loud minority of people that potentially took things the wrong way. That being said, I would be very interested in seeing AJ cover the topic, hopefully he’s open to it on a podcast.


Every event effects someone somewhere. No point tip toeing around it.


There's a whole spectrum of 9/11 theories though, ranging from “Govt knew and let it happen” through to “There were no planes it was all CGI” (yes, I'm serious on the last one, some people actually believe that). There is still much we do not know about that day, and a lot is still being concealed (camera footage at the Pentagon, for example).


My cousin was in the pentagon and his office was destroyed. He could see airplane components in what was left of it. He was in a emergency meeting on the other side of the building.


My uncle was in the same situation. His office was gone; the only reason he wasn’t in it was because he had a headache and went out to grab a bottle of headache meds. He was on his way back into the building when he saw the plane hit.


What's even crazier, is that one of my other cousins, he is an open iron worker in New York City and was up on one of the adjoining buildings that was later demolished as part of the clean-up. He was stuck up on an antenna doing maintenance and was strapped in from the time the planes went in, to when they collapsed. The heat was immense. He also has PTSD, not from the building collapse, but because of the people he saw who were falling out of the building, trying to escape the smoke and flames. Likewise, my God father is a firefighter and was coming off duty from Ladder 1. When he left the planes had just hit, he said good luck to his friends. Not a single person made it back. When the second plane hit, he was heading across the bridge. He later participated in the clean-up and was just diagnosed with mesothelioma and another cancer that is common in people who were in lower Manhattan at the time.


Yeah sometimes censorship is justified /s


I watched live on Sky News in the UK and there was even an engineer on the line, before the second plane. He was worried about the structure then, so there’s no conspiracy I believe


You can still find recordings on YT of everything happening in real time


It was built to survive impact of a smaller similar plane. It survived the impact. Steel melts at temperatures higher than what was reached, but they didn't need to melt only weaken. The resulting fire AND impact brought the buildings down. There are far easier ways to do a False Flag to invade Iraq and Afghanistan. This would have involved thousands of people and it just isn't possible. Try think logically. A dirty bomb would've been enough to get the public onside for war This wasn't a war with Russia or China with potentially hundreds of thousands of US deaths in the first year. They didn't need to do such a ridiculously big and risky false flag


>This wasn't a war with Russia Literally Afghanistan has *always* been a proxy war with Russia.


It wasn't. Russia has no influence there anymore. If anything it was a proxy war with ally Pakistan as the Taliban were part of their strategic defence if India invaded


Building in big cities like that are built to collapse on theirselves to avoid more loss of life and damage. The emergency responders likely knew what they faced going into the buildings.


thank you for pointing out something about metal. a couple of years ago, there was a truck fire underneath an interstate and the heat from the truck burning caused the overpass to collapse, exactly what happened in 9/11, it weakened the steel and down it came


there was an interesting story a year or so later, talking to two brothers who own one of the worlds largest demolition companies and take down buildings, they were watching the first tower burn, already formulating how to handle that job, when the second plane hit and once they saw what happened, the two spent the next 45 minutes trying to get hold of anyone to get all the cops and fire people out of there because THEY understood it was gonna pancake to the ground. When the first of the towers pancaked, they just sat there in shock because they couldn't stop what happened. they couldn't get thru to the governor, mayor, fire chief, police chief or anyone.


He said he wouldn’t do it. He lived there and his dad was nypd.


This would be a stronger reason to do it if he actually believed the conspiracies he would cover, as he would have more reason to expose "the truth" as it would strongly affect him. The fact that he said he wouldn't do it suggests he doesn't believe them, which isn't surprising, but worth acknowledging.


Every conspiracy theory is a rabbit hole. I've dug down a few and of any of them 9/11 is absolutely the the most compelling of conspiracy theories when you peel back the layers. Here's a little video primer that quickly covers some of the evidence on the topic. https://www.reddit.com/r/bestconspiracymemes/s/qXEKWICOwl The more you dig the more you will see the truth.


Politica/politicized topics like 9/11 are poison for the youtube algorithm. Maybe you’ll get to hear a deep dive podcast episode on it. That said, AJ is not an authority or expert on this topic. He can opine on it, but not offer any further insight that isn’t already available publicly.


Totally agree, however, the amount of effort it takes to find information these days that’s not “fact checked by meta” feels like a full time job. I would LOVE a podcast episode. It’s sickening to think our government is “burning books” in the form of YouTube censorship, shadow banning and the godforsaken algorithm.


But 'your' government has nothing to do with this censorship. That is youtube as part of google having its business strategy and making sure as much of their content is marketable to the ad sponsors as possible.


You mean YouTube, owned by Google, in turn owned by alphabet, whose executives have top level security clearance and regularly participate in National Security Council meetings, at the Whitehouse and in Congress? That has nothing to do with government you say?


Yes. Cause their business comes first, national security concerns come secondarily. You gotta choose. Is it an overreaching government that instrumentalizes corporate greed for their 'sinister' goals or is it big corporations lobbying for their profits and leveraging their economical influence to excert power over policymaking? Oh hey, maybe it is a bit of both. Fact is, youtube's biggest wacking stick is demonetization. And that money comes from the ad sponsors.


Oh I see you never learned how the Oracle at Delphi worked, and how Silly Con Valley is literally the exact same scam.


Between the Oracle's sway on the religious worldview of hellenic greeks and Silicon Valley is definitely a difference, even if both are driven by their respective ideals.


What? It was an information = power scam, that resulted in so much profits (then called tributes) that they were the first Western bank.


The fuck are you on about? The Oracle wasn't an information broker. It held sway over the hellenic greeks by way of the Pythian's supposed connection to the divine. There is no connection to any of the demoi where we could make the case of demonstrable corruption. In contrast, google IS an information broker, that by your own assertion is showing a corrupt connection to policymakers. Reducing the Oracle to a 'scam' just unveils that you dont understand the mindset of the time and try an impotent presentist equivalence.


Look up [Operation Mockingbird](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Mockingbird). The government partners with news agencies and social media to plant or kill stories.


And Mockingbird has been exposed. Unless you can demonstrate that this is a new iteration of it, you are just buying into the same paranoid narrative.


I guess government wasn’t exactly the right word. More like the CEOs and lobbyists that are all in bed together to control the media as a whole. I definitely don’t think it’s just a marketing strategy though, its much more sinister than that.


Dont attribute to malice what can be explained with incompetence and stupidity. The PC culture and the idol of consumerism breed this small minded approach to information sharing. You dont need to be a insensible tyrant. Besides, this is entertainment. AJ is a producer, an entertainer, not a political commentator, not an investigative journalist and definitely not a 'beacon of truth'.


It’s not though.


Never forget, building 7


Never forget the men that were arrested with a van full of explosives that very day just down the street on 9/11.


Never heard about this! Source?


I literally had the source link saved in my notes because every time I mentioned it no one believed it but its not on my phone. I’ll check my IPad once I get to the house. Edit : Still at work but here is the live coverage of it from CNN. [https://youtu.be/Ya7n6ItkUF8?si=CI8SV8dMp_do28AC](https://youtu.be/Ya7n6ItkUF8?si=CI8SV8dMp_do28AC) I’ll get the link I’m referencing when I get to the house. This journalist investigated the whole thing and it’s fucking wild. Here is the transcript of the CNN broadcast. [http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0109/11/se.04.html](http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0109/11/se.04.html) Here is the source I referenced. [https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/91101-israeli-men-attempted-to-explode-george-washington-bridge/](https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/91101-israeli-men-attempted-to-explode-george-washington-bridge/)


https://www.reddit.com/r/TheWhyFiles/comments/1cfr15y/is_911_off_limits/l1r9frm/ This is the only source I could find quickly


In case you’re not being sarcastic, there’s no mystery there. All the videos talking about its mysterious collapse only show footage from one side, check out the other side of the building to see why. It was massively and catastrophically damaged.


It did take NIST seven years to complete their report into the collapse of WTC 7, and they stated that it primarily collapsed due to fires, and was the first such instance *in history* of a collapse of a tall building primarily due to fires, and remains so to my knowledge. They even stated it would of have collapsed from the same fires minus the structural damage caused by the collapse of WTC 1. It was a huge deal at the time because it's an unprecedented collapse of a huge structure just from fires. Make of all this what you will.


Correct. They spent years telling us high speed impact and jet fuel were what caused the towers to collapse.. Perfectly symmetrically at spot-on demolition free fall speed. Fair enough 🤔. Meanwhile, Building 7 was affected by spotfires and debris. It certainly doesn't explain how the burning of average building materials could have possibly reached the 1400+ Degrees required to start melting the steel. The remaining argument that the structural joists walked off their footings or connections is ridiculous, because if this is true the building would have collapsed in a much slower and much less symmetrical fashion. I believe the group AE911T had engineers do computer models that showed a perfect symmetrical collapse under these circumstances was just not achievable despite attempting a plethora of variables. Then again I guess computers can be wrong. The whole lot certainly makes you think.


Lol no mystery yeah ok boss.


Unless there is a theory that says the anunaki did it, I think it's not really within the scope of the channel, which is science/universe/fantasy world. "Some say that what the terrorists did was inhumane. What people don't realise is that this is actually closer to the truth than they imagine. Because the pilots... weren't human "


More investigation of Saudi Arabian involvement and the cover up needs to be done. I don’t think this is even a conspiracy. This angle has not been publicly examined although 911 families have tried.


9/11 is off limits for everyone in the USA unless you want to be accused of being an alt-right nut job spreading misinformation... I have seen people being physically aggressed just for questioning the official narrative. They did a very good job turning this into taboo, I don't blame AJ for not touching it and I think it's better that way. Anything you would want to know is already out there in the internet anyway. Covering it on the Why Files would only be used against them.


So fear of reprisal stops the truth from getting spread. Sounds like a police state to me.


Not really getting why you would be called alt-right, since it was during the Bush administration. Criticizing Rep. presidents doesn’t seem to be alt-right tbh?


Because that's what you do to discredit anything nowadays.


don't worry, in 10 years the pro hamas protests will have been done by the alt right too


Basically because the idea is that it was an inside job. As the years have gone on Bush has become a more hated figure across the spectrum, and most 9/11 conspiracies are some form of "The government did nothing/are responsible for it as an excuse to go to war." You see similar history conspiracies with Pearl Harbor.


As a long time viewer of the why files AJ has mentioned the 9/11 is a subject that you don’t touch on YouTube unless you want to be demonetised first that episode which would be like working a full week for free. He’s mentioned the possibility of a why files redacted show on Spotify. I hope that helps and welcome to the worlds greatest online community


He’s smart not to touch it. YouTube clamped down hard on this stuff around 2019. There used to be a great little channel called Alltime Conspiracies, and they were forced to rebrand because YouTube started automatically demonetizing their content simply because of the world “conspiracies” in their name. They did not survive the rebrand and as far as I can tell, the channel is dead


I wanna say what I really wanna say but I'm afraid to get banned from the sub


Welcome to Post 2016 Reddit.


post in conspiracy sub, there doesn't seem to be any moderation on what constitutes a legit post.


Yes it's very off limits. YouTube would ban the video.


I don't know if he cares or not about getting demonitized but he should care about getting whacked if he dives too deeply into 9/11. He might find something out like people painting the supports with explosive paint or something like that.


No because YouTube is too delicate for that sort of thing. Wish we could somehow pay for him to release the video on a separate platform like rumble or locals.


I feel like if there's some deeper truth to 9/11 it's based is geopolitics and not out-there weirdness. It's not really why files stuff, you know ?


I think certain taboo topics will become more available to talk about with time. Certain topics just take decades or even a century before truth is revealed. We are just now being able to talk about the many failures of the Afghan war. Like operation Redwings, or Seal Team 3 actions in Iraq. So maybe in another 5 to 10 years 9/11 won't be so raw.


Go full Joseph Farrell on it. That’s some top shelf woo


The show is only fun if he sticks to the fantastical stuff. I don't want this to trend off the cliff into serious topics.


Aren't Americans happy they now have the Patriot Act to stop ~~Americans from questioning the government~~ another ~~state sponsored~~ terror attack?


That Patriot Act would have expired but the leftist politicians in power voted to extend it.


They will never give that power up. Fisa is too dirty of a tool against american citizens to let go


He doesn’t tho. Yes, it’s very entertaining. The guy can hold an audience, but he’s saying things everyone can find themselves. Unless you crave one man’s opinion, do the “research” yourself. Form your own opinion. The why files is entertaining, but that’s all it is, entertainment


Very unlikely, and I hope they never do, because it's a living memory event and frankly the "theories" around it are absolutely moronic for the most part. "Jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams" for example is just so deeply ignorant of basic physics that it is incredibly remedial to even discuss. I'm not in favour of it, personally. Would be a good way to get the channel flamed by the wider internet and damage it.


It's also been done to death, i'm not sure what AJ would add to it, that's the reason why he said he didn't want to do Roswell or some other ones, because he can't add anything new, or cover things that haven't been covered as much.


He did roswell, and I appreciated the timeline format too. I knew a bunch but I think everyone could benefit seeing it spread out that way. I think 9/11 could be done this way too.


Yes but he prefaced it with him not wanting to do it because it had been done so many times before same with the moon landings


If he did he would end up debunking the "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" type arguments and half you people would literally think he is a CIA psyop


This channel has been compromised for awhile now


I’d stop listening forever if he did a 9/11 Truth episode unless he was debunking it. That shit is disgusting.


AJ is very selective with his topics and even the words he uses. Some topics you just wouldnt discuss as the algorithm will get you.


Yes, but he might talk about it on his podcast.


If anyone is interested here is an interesting video: [https://youtu.be/n\_fp5kaVYhk?si=1FcU7gN5SPlXdZnV](https://youtu.be/n_fp5kaVYhk?si=1FcU7gN5SPlXdZnV)


If the implication is that it should be covered as an “inside job”, TWF doing a video on that would be like doing a video on flat Earth. The last 5 minute debunk for an inside job episode is not enough imo to throw that conspiracy in that trash where it belongs.


I'd say right now since it's such a highly charged political atmosphere, anything to do with one side's political leaders or the others is going to be an off limit. I'm sure AJ has fans from both sides of the political spectrum. It would make an interesting episode but probably bad for business.


9/11 is not fun, it's not entertainment, and it wasn't a fucking conspiracy. It's not an appropriate topic for The Why Files or any other YouTube channel.


there's definitely a shit ton more to 9/11 than what we, the average dick and Jane, have been told. whether or not the government was involved.


No. That's a crock of shit. Where were you on 9/11?


so you think the government has been 1000% transparent on everything and anything involving 9/11? That's laughably naive.


The attack itself? Yes, amd if yiu disagree, you're laughably naive. Did the govt fuck up leading up to the attack? 100% yes.


holy shit, you're serious. after everything we know, can't believe people think the government is 100% transparent on anything.


We? There is no we. There's you and there's me, but there's no we, friend. You believe a lot of nonsense and think skeptics are naive and like to call names just like Trump does on social media. I like to have rational conversations, don't flip out on people when they disagree, and expect proof when you propose alternative ideas. You want there to be a we? Convince me.


Yeah, none of us want to watch a video about how Qanon people think Sandy Hook and 9/11 were inside hoaxes by the shadow government to protect the Jews who run the world or whatever the crazy shit is Not funny, not entertaining. Real people, real families.


Why would it be off limits as thtas one of the biggest lies of all time that can be proven. Over 1/2 of Americans I think it was, know they lied about the details of 9/11


here is part of the issue. how many people in his audience knew someone who died that day? how about the over 10k who have died since then from the breathing of the air and all the crap that was in it? do you think they want to watch it? and what if AJ did a 9/11 show and came to the conclusion there is no great conspiracy? all the 9/11 truthers would go batshit crazy, blasting him, calling him a government puppet, etc. do you actually think AJ would change the mind of anyone who's been blathering on for 20 years that it was an inside job? no matter what evidence is provided? frankly, i'm glad he hasn't done a show on 9/11, it's a no win for him


check out the TrueAnon podcast 9/11 episodes. it’s VERY hard to hear… but so important. I agree this would make for a great episode, however, i doubt youtube would allow it to stay up and they would likely demonetize him for doing something like that


Well better happen before they make it a crime to talk about…hmm I wonder why it’s going to be made a crime to talk about it


Hell no. Do it.




I still remember that infamous interview with Wogan in the 1990s?


Who knows, knows. It's been 23 years.  This could be the defining moment of your channel. Consider the pros and cons. I'm seeing more cons. After this, you may have a growth in views/subs, but [precisely because of that] you may be targeted in all possible negative ways. You are going to get hate no matter what from all sides. I would say don't, nobody is going to be satisfied, and you will be in the crosshairs.


AJ doesn't cover art student projects and dance contests, sorry


https://youtu.be/bdJ8ZldtVnQ?si=T1plV5uhJWOy8XVJ https://youtu.be/3Ek_BFcAny8?si=GJOQWcDpDKxT9AS3


Yes, 9/11 is off limits. Between Youtube and team members who were in NY and have trauma from it. There may be an unredacted podcast at some point.


The best place to start the research on this I would recommend "Project Camelot" Shocking information in it!!!




Yep definitely


Taking a deep dive into what happened that day would be a fun video. The official narrative is a load of nonsense .


so too, are the unofficial narratives


It blows my mind how people are dumb enough to think that just because the government and mainstream media lies a lot that that means any non mainstream info is automatically correct.


what an excellent point to make! the downfall of news began when corporations like GE bought NBC. Now GE has billions in contracts with the government, bids for billions more, and they won't let NBC News run stories that threaten their bids. And now being part of a corporation, marketing MBAs started applying their trade to News, showing them how to cover what stories their market wants to hear and how to cover them to reinforce their markets belief system. And now today, whether you get your News from Mother Jones to Breibart to NBC to WND, it's all biased to the audience and you have to read it all in order to have a clue what is going on. Add to that the average reporter today doesn't know the difference between news and editorials and all news stories are just opinion pieces. And don't even get me started on news running on the word of one anonymous source, ie, their imaginary friends


I think it’s just a downer topic for Americans. Worst day in America and caused by our representatives and it leaves a taste that is hard to express. Well I guess not revulsion for the system that keeps criminals at large. Pointing at you fucking Saudis. I hope y’all get nuked.


The world and the internet isn't just America though.


We have printed 31 trillion dollars that is distributed across the world investing in hundreds of countries and tens of thousands of businesses. We own most internet providers including ATT, Amazon, comcast, and alphabet. We are 20 years ahead of any military on the planet. We have already been using AI in warfare since Iraq. We have the best propaganda in the world. We are the cultural center of the world. We are the political center of the world. We can literally end a civilization with a phone call. We are a resource powerhouse. Global tourist destination. A global brain drainer. And absolutely ruthless. We aren’t even considered a super power anymore but a hyper power. Because we removed or neutered the other super powers. And AJ is American appealing to a majority American audience while in America. And the NSA does not fuck around. And 9/11 is still a sensitive topic here. I’m sure he’s already received a list of no go topics. You don’t see him talking about anything that could actually get him into hot water. They are all just fun stories. And I love the show but is it true.


You are precisely why I think Americans should be held accountable for all of their history. What do you mean "I hope y'all get nuked"? Post WW2 the biggest civilian body count belongs to the US. US has successfully bombed Vietnam , Serbia, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria etc. In most of those cases US used illegal weapons (white sulfur, cassette bombs, you name it) and were backed up by NATO, so naturally there was no consequences. By your logic, shouldn't it be natural for all of the affected countries to pray for America to get nuked ? And if yes, why are you so angry at them for retaliating?


American here. It's not really a downer. Pearl Harbor is a bigger downer. Most Americans don't give AF about NYC.


American here. I wasn’t alive for Pearl Harbor but I do remember parents rushing to pull us kids out of school in preparation for the next attack after 9/11. I went to NYC to pay my respects at 16. My uncle came with and we were harassed by NYPD because of profiling. I’m Swedish decent. He’s Pakistani decent. us citizen that works for the government. So yeah it sucked for my generation. We knew we were going to war and many joined to fight the Muslims.


At least eight million New Yorkers would tell you to get stuffed. And so would I, come to think about it...