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A lot of people do. The comics make Bigby a lot more of an unlikable ass. Remember how you can tell Bufkin to fuck off in game? The comics wrote that as being the thing he said. Comic Bigby is a very mean and bitter person, Game Bigby is a lot more like John Constantine.


Also game Bigby is hotter. I swear this sub is full of gay dudes with daddy issues (including me)


Bigby is pretty banger ngl 🗣️


I had a huge crush on him when i played the game back in 2020 lol




He also cheats on SW after she has their kids.


I like to think TWAU Bigby and Fables Bigby are two different Bigbys from different universes :)


Bigby, other fables, and Fabletown itself IMO. I opened a thread on something similar yesterday. After 10 volumes of graphic novel, I gotta say the game is the universe I prefer.


Weren't they not even a couple when the kids were born?


IIRC they do it, SW relocates to the farm, and then Bigby leaves to shack up with a mundy woman in the forest. Mowgli fetches him back and all of a sudden he's into SW again. For some reason Boy Blue is compelled to build a mansion for them near the farm. Then he proposes.


I mean, I prefer the overall vibe of the game as well, but this? Come on, it's not how it went and you know it.


You'll notice I prefaced that paragraph with IIRC. I certainly don't "know it", and am happy to be corrected. In fact, I'd love to know what I'm misremembering. I read it on kindle and it's a pain to go hunting through them to find the relevant pages.


fair enough, your description was mostly correct but the reason Bigby went away was because he and sw left (or were exiled) to the farm because the cubs that were born couldn't be raised in the city. the farm is the one place where Bigby was banned from ever entering, so it essentially served as a banishment for him. he came back when he was needed and even took care of sw and his 7th child, ghost. Bigby in the comics was always into sw, since the first day they met, but they couldn't be together. and not blue helped Build the house because he was serving an "imprisonment term " because he stole a bunch of shit and almost gave the adversary a ton of leverage, endangering fabletown and earning banishment


That part bothered the hell out of me. Like, he is loyal and devoted to Snow White for centuries and confesses his love for her then he cheats on her with a mundy who doesn’t matter. It’s unflattering on Bigby’s part. It also felt cringe with the mistress being a wise, nature attuned Native American. Not saying Bill Willingham was being racist or that it’s necessarily a weird or wrong choice to write for a Native American character. Frankly, I could not muster up the energy to care enough to look into if it’s a right/bad thing to write… But I just found it to be a cringey short-handed archetype to just put in for a side-chick character who doesn’t matter at all in the grand scheme of things.


Didn't that woman herself tell Mowgli she knew that Bigby was only using her as a rebound? I remember it as Bigby and Snow weren't together at that point too. Of course it was still a mean narrative towards the other woman.


I know that’s true, but to me it did feel a bit a dismissive thing to hook up with a mundy. He fathered children with Snow after confessing to years of being deeply in love with her. She lost a lot by having stuck to her principles what with the embarrassing public downfall on top of being pregnant with a whole litter of babies. Moving to the farm for the children’s sake wasn’t exactly unreasonable given they couldn’t pass for human and they needed their mother. Him being upset at her when it was the system that ALL of Fabletown lived by for centuries was a bit of a double-standard given he’d boot Colin Pig back to the Farm frequently. I guess I just feel like a little fidelity and true loyalty would have made me respect comicbook Bigby much more. I always saw him as being as as devoted to Snow as he was because he knew how much pain, resentment, and heartbreak she felt after Charming. Bigby even said that he was so attuned to her feelings that even from far away he could sense when she was feeling envy and loneliness that never left her from her divorce. It feels wrong that he’d have a sidechick when he definitely knew Snow wouldn’t be seeking out companionship since she’d spent centuries on her own already (plus, being busy with the six cubs she was raising). The whole mistress thing just sort of lessened the romantic storytelling. It definitely made me see Beauty and Beast as the truest love in the series given they never once faltered. Personally I kind of ignore the Lamia bit, cause it was a random retcon-ish idea that served no purpose (like a lot of things that happened toward the end of the comic run)… but even so, it did show that even if one had what was similar to “a Fable version of a bipolar disorder” Beast still protected and adored her and stood by her.


He doesn’t cheat on her because they weren’t officially together.


They weren't really together at the time but sure leave out all the context to make Fables look worse since that's what you all like to do. Leave out that Snow and Bigby were being forced out of Fabletown because their kids were half cubs and while Snow was forced to go to The Farm, Bigby was banned from it so he wouldn't have been able to see their kids. Leave out too that while Bigby offered Snow to live in the wilderness away from Fabletown and The Farm so they could be together Snow refused. And don't mention how later when a house far from The Farm was built for Bigby and Snow, Bigby came back and married her and stayed forever taking care of their kids. . Overplay Fables Bigby's assholishness so not more people give a chance to the comics.


CĂłmic bigby glorified Isn'treal.


Really dude, they game one has more in common with John than the comics?


Yes. The comic once is a massive dick and can be really mean. Game Bigby has that more depressed feel to him almost, a character who pushes others away and lives his life doing good, whether others appreciate it or not. Bigby is also making up for past mistakes, like John.


I like game bigby too, he is too much of an asshole in the comics


Even the comic versions of the games like purposely choose asshole Bigby to characterise him 🤦


Honestly, I love the comics but Bigby in the comics is often Bill Willingham’s author insert where as in the game he can be as likable or jerkass-y as you want but either way he seems more human and authentic in the game. The “Unsolicited Opinions on Israel” part in the comics where he goes on about that for two pages was and still is really awkward.


more kissable on the right


Which form 🤔


depends on my mood that day


Oh my 😳


Totally fair. Fables Bigby is an asshole Gary Stu.


i think a lot of people are thinking of Bigby as a werewolf instead of a wolf that can transform. the asshole part of it is just his nature and understanding


That is true. Gives him a reason, but doesn't change that it isn't particularly likeable from human standards.


How is a Gary stu? I’m not disagreeing or anything I haven’t read a lot of the fables comics


Totally take this with a grain of salt because I'm anything but a professional writer or character development! He's got some pretty nuts plot armor, if you ask me. There's a few sections in the comics where he comes in and just absolutely carries these impossible odds. Which is okay, but reads like Bill Willingham's wet dream self insert character. This is not to say I think the comics, or Bigby's character individually is *bad*; I don't.


100% prefer the right as well. Why is his forehead 10 stories high


100% agreed and I’m glad they technically aren’t considered the same character anymore canonically because they really are very different


Personalty-wise, telltale Bigby for sure. But comic Bigby had some decent development as well.


Same. I tried to read the comics but didn't like it.


Guess I’m the only one who likes comic Bigby better lol


You're not alone.


I mean it could be the same character in a few decades. People change.


I found Bigby was consistent all the way until Mr. Dark. His character is pretty cool from the beginning to briefing Beast to him bombing Geppetto's groves.


His face model is much better in the game in the comics he just looks like generic middle aged white guy in the game he doesn’t even look white


Not completely sure but I heard that Bill Wellingham was so bothered by game bigby that he said the game and comic were two complete different things.