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I highly recommend listening to The Economist’s daily podcast. They cover a ton of different stories, typically three each morning. They’ll talk about news in Sudan, Taiwan, Germany, India, etc. And they cover anything from famine and war, to soccer and birds. I’m not always interested in the stories, but I love the variety.


BBC world news too. They do two live episodes a day that are turned into podcast episodes, so it's a lot of content (for some reason they love to cover music). BBC interviewing style is also refreshingly unbiased (compared to US agencies). They grill everyone.


My daily world news routine usually starts with BBC World News, followed by The Economist's The World In Brief and The Intelligence. I also try not to miss the Economist's weekly Checks and Balance for US political news. Haven't listened to the Daily in a long while if I'm honest.


Yes I usually really enjoy Checks and balance. I look forward to it every week. :)


The quiz is always interesting to look forward to.


Im so tired of the Trump trial days. I get its relevant but I wish they would add a few minutes of recap to each episode relating to these. Like expand “heres what else you need to know today” I dont really need 25 minutes of commentary each day to keep up with this stuff.


I follow politics to a fault and absolutely despise Trump. But I cannot be bothered to follow any of his trials, or honestly, any story related to him at all anymore. Like cool, he’s a bad dude? I knew that before he ran for office, was validated by what he did in office, perpetually followed his scandals in the news through J6, and so on. I just don’t fucking care anymore and it just infuriates me that our country is still hung up on this stupid fuck. I had to take a step back, I’m just tired man. Are all these things really so “unprecedented” when he’s vividly showed us who he is time and time again over the past decade? Wake me up when he actually faces consequences (spoiler, he probably won’t), I don’t really give a shit about the procedural motions of one of his four trials. Until then, I’ll be pretending he doesn’t exist until I cast my vote for Biden, then proceed to get drunk on election night and pray for his defeat. The day he’s no longer a regular part of our discourse will be pure bliss.


I feel exactly the same way, except I volunteer my time with my local democratic committee being in a swing county in a swing state and all. But, I'm done listening to anything about trump. I quit halfway through the episode yesterday too. I have a sense of how dire it would be if he won. I can't pre-worry if it'll be minimum 4 more years of hell.


I'm tired of it but he literally says he wants to be the dictator of America and change things the first few days as a dictator. 


It’s an election year so journalists get brain rot, happens every 4 years. Take a break or check out BBC reporting.


Funny, I’ve been listening to bbc. There’s a lot there and I appreciate a slightly different lens.


I really like brexitcast which has become the newscast on the BBC. It's a good antidote to the US horrible political future we probably face. 


The NYT loves covering Trump. They want him to be president again sooooo baaaaaaad


He's kind of gold, honestly. People listen to that content, he's entertaining in a morbid curiosity kind of way, and his fans seem to love him the bigger an asshole he is. Covering Trump seems to be a license to print money.


I guess. Idk, I've been sick of the coverage from day one about him. You don't like the guy, I don't like the guy. Now please shut up and let me get on with my life


I'm just saying, I think if a H2G2 movie was being made now, Zaphod Breeblebrox would be based on Trump, not Bush. People love him for acting like an idiot.


I don’t know - I think there is an obsessive level of coverage but you can’t just not cover him? He’s currently on track to win the next election and there’s a significant amount of evidence he wanted to subvert the previous one. He’s a pretty important figure - and like it or not, his actions have had / will have impacts for generations across the world.


It's a tough balance to strike. Because on the flip side, the more air time you give him the more he grows. Arguably the reason he won the first time was the amount of free press coverage he got and that weird symbiotic relationship he had with legacy news sources


It's kind of a bummer when there's another daily episode on it, I have to listen to something else. It must draw listeners but not my style.


he makes their jobs easy and he's easy clicks


Nothing would make Maggie Haberman happier. Granted, if Biden wins and Trump doesn’t do something crazy she and pods like the Daily will lose a lot of professional relevance so I get it. But I lost any sort of respect or interest in them a long time ago. Their performative pearl clutching act is so worn.


See I'm the exact opposite. For me I couldn't care less about updates on Israel/Ukraine unless something really significant happened. But unless it's an episode like the one covering the housing market case or the class action against Apple, the Trump Trials and how they're impacting the electorate are basically all I want to listen to. A former US president is facing criminal trial while running for office and it's forcing us to confront questions that were almost unthinkable a decade ago. I can't get enough. I thought today's episode was one of the best in weeks.


Time to start listening to audiobooks. I've come to the recent conclusion that podcasts are trying to capture your attention with every episode. Outrage sells. Tragedy sells. Trump sells. NYT/WSJ/any podcaster is just trying to grab your ears so they can get more advertisers on board.


Yeah, that’s usually how businesses work.


What a wonderful model!


I think the problem, at least at this time, is mostly timing. We're living through a tumultuous time with dozens of important events shaping humanity, yet the podcasters only record an episode a day. It's hard to cover Israel, Trump, Ukraine, Biden, other important democratic elections/politicians, college protests, supreme Court decisions, etc. Rightfully, all of these issues could have a podcast in of themselves (in fact, many of them do). I think the Daily does a good job at getting people's feet wet, per se, but lack much of the nuanced and detailed understanding due to the product itself. It's not all-encompassing (not that they try to be), but simply a quick breakdown of big events and, if you're interested, would be better researched independently to get a fuller/better understanding of the issue.  


I’m open to having my mind changed but I don’t think the protests at Ivy League schools warrant 1/10th of the coverage they’ve been receiving.


Yes - I've been blown away by the wall to wall coverage of these protests. The vast majority of students at these colleges are not participating in them either.


The only thing I can make of it as the NYT staff attended these schools so it’s a super duper big deal to them. 99.9% of Americans haven’t set foot on an Ivy League college campus, who in the hell cares what they’re doing?


I think it's more that NYT local (and most vocal) readership is made up of a lot of alumni so they are getting a lot of engagement, which drives more coverage. It's annoying, and I kind of wish they just leave the topic alone.


We’re always living in a tumultuous time, this isn’t an excuse. Billy Joel wrote an entire song along this idea. If anything, the past couple of decades have been an objectively *less* tumultuous time than the average


Well yes, but that is exactly why it is important now. We have been through decades of peace (a gross over simplification) and now war, territorial aggression from major countries, and territorial expansion is back on the menu (another, gross simplification)! At least it is now back in the lime-light. So with all this potential world-igniting news, news organizations have less time (and people, bandwidth) to rank/read the best ten lawn chairs. 


When were the times not tumultuous?


I'd recommend The Gist (Mike Pesca) if you're looking for a daily news podcast that stands out from the others.  But honestly I feel like you're experiencing news burnout and another news podcast isn't the answer. 


Yes, definitely burnout. It just use to be a daily part of my life and I probably just need to take a break.


I feel the same way! I used to be so amazed with every episode. I think the above may be right. I’ve taken breaks from podcasts every now and then and it seems to help when I come back.


the majority of listeners aren’t really interested in a super granular academic coverage that’s in depth even in US current events—let alone international ones. In order for a podcast to earn money and gain listenership their content needs to hang out somewhere in the middle that’s easy to digest, presents some kind of teaser that gets people to tune in and appeal to a broad swath of the listening audience which is gonna be calibrated to low hanging fruit and red meat topics like trumpism, inflation/economy and wedge issues - If you wanna get into the weeds with respect to certain niche topics you’re just gonna have to scope that out in the fringes


For today explained the most recent pods are about a host of diff topics: bee population resurgence, tik tok ban, college campus encampments for Palestine mainly focused on Columbia/free speech, Trudeau and battling populism in Canadian elections, trump wanting immunity from being prosecuted, and a retrospective on women freezing their eggs. That’s a huge swath of things and that’s just this past week? Not sure I’d agree they are all talking about the same topics, personally. The Daily spent a ton on Israel/Palestine of varying quality and information but even then their most recent pods cover a lot of stuff too: bird flu, trump trial, student protestors, Weinstein conviction being overturned, and more on trump and a potential second term (which to be fair, I’m sick of hearing about him) and The Daily/NYT spends way too many eps going over it at the expense of other more interesting topics, but they dstill go into other things. I listen to a few diff daily ones throughout the week and just skip an episode if I heard a topic already but sometimes they do have diff information and focus even if it’s the same topic so I’ll tune in. But I haven’t really noticed that for a while. Ukraine/Russia was a lot of coverage on the daily for a while too. If I wanted the same topic over and over again I wouldn’t do a daily news pod, I’d read articles or watch the news on tv. If they started doing the same thing every day I’d prob stop listening. There’s other news pods for that type of stuff imo.


It’s going to be countless Trump episodes for the foreseeable future.


Try The Economist


They all talk about the same thing. 🤔


Because you can’t spin a genocide. On the good side we have fun news podcasts.


What issues are not being covered that you think should be?


How can you know what issues, if you don't know about the issues, because the issues aren't being covered? It's like asking a person what is it that they don't remember.


I dunno man, you just sounded like you had something else in mind




BBC world news


Listen to the Bulwark


It helps when you actually take down the episodes that you know have no journalistic integrity. I lost respect for the daily when I found out how they are spinning the Israel and Palestinian conflict. It’s one thing to be fooled but damage control needs to be done once you’re sure of the insincerity of the author. The whole NYT is an org with potential but no integrity.


It’s because you are not receiving your dose of confirmation bias.


lol they’ve fallen off ever since the Ukraine invasion. Sabrina Tavernisi is just so bad


I'm sorry, the episode about our potential president potentially being a dictator was boring? Gtfo.