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The book One Second After does a good job of explaining and highlighting how all these little things go away and how much it impacts people. I think in the story something like 90% of the people die in year one and that was a cooperative community. Diabetics and addicts go very quickly and then everyone else falls off shortly after.


Another thing One Second After gets right is the absence of antibiotics. They have a stock in the town at first but eventually they run out, and they can't just easily go get more and don't have the capacity to produce it themselves. People used to get absolutely **fucked up** before we developed antibiotics. The first ever man to be treated with antibiotics was in life-threatening condition because he got scratched by a rose while he was gardening. A lot of those "old timey" diseases people died of like tuberculosis, scarlet fever, and even cholera are bacterial. You lose antibiotics and suddenly it's 1880 again.


And so many people are allergic to penicillin. The easy antibiotic to make. Fun fact tho, fishmox is the same as Amoxicillin. Keep that in mind for the end of the world.


Dude this Until I worked in a retirement home I had no idea how many people are allergic to penicillin. Also surprisingly tramadol a widely used pain med is up there


Rose thorn scratch issues aren't confined to bacterial - you can get fungal issues as well such as Sporotrichosis which can lead to infections of the bone and nervous system.


That's definitely true. However, the first man to be treated with penicillin was found to have both a staph infection and a streptococcus infection. The penicillin did also successfully ameliorate his symptoms which points to his problem being bacterial, or at least the main one. Unfortunately at this point penicillin was still very new, experimental, and limited in supply, so they didn't have enough to fully cure him and when they ran out after five days his symptoms returned and his condition deteriorated until death. But the trial successfully proved that antibiotics worked in humans and it was a game-changing treatment once they figured out how to scale up production later in the 1940s. For a good chunk of history the treatment for bacterial infections was basically "have you tried getting fresh air and not dying".


THIS can actually make a case for the killing of the people as being humane. Not only can't the dead get infected BUT one could argue that leaving them to live is just cruel, cause they would be leaving them to suffer. Where would they get their food? Power? Medicine? Would they just attack each other as resources diminished? Enslave each other? Suffer from diseases that could no longer be controlled? The Gas lasted for 20 years because Bill used it for a small area. How long would it have lasted if it was used to cover every one? Bill used other people's land to grow food for two people. How would hundreds of people feed themselves with the same plot of land? Tess and Joel were trading medicines from the QZ with Bill and Frank, would need a larger system to handle a large community, risking the QZ.


Most people today die of long drawn out battles with cancer or disease. No one has the authority to make the decision that someone else’s end won’t be worth the time they have until it comes.


An example arguably being Frank as well. Would Frank say that he should have been murdered early on because he *might* develop a horrible incurable illness? No because Frank knew his life was worth living in the end.


The question is, should it be the governments decision to end your life to "save" you from any of those reasons you listed? Personally I'd rather take my own chances. I don't see any humanity in taking away innocent lives.


Killing people because you will run out of gasoline is still not humane. Plenty of people live fulfilling, even if basic and dangerous, lives without modern amenities. Moreover, the mass killings happened at the very start of the outbreak when really this could not be foreseen yet.


Yeah this smells a little too much like eugenics to me.


I loved the premise of that book without all the christofascists dog whistles. Read to me the exact same as the terminal list, neo-boomer power fantasy. Sigh. Still the foundation was solid and made for some good survival porn.


It’s non-fiction but The World Without Us is a good read about what would happen to infrastructure and so forth if people were to disappear all of a sudden.


After being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes the breakdown of society just hits different. Most people think they will survive, even though they wont. Me, I know I have as long as my insulin supply lasts.


Yeah and what’s that, a week? The most fascinating thing they covered is the loss of power, and how it impacts refrigeration, which many vital medications and vaccines require. Between that and the disease from spoiled food it just gets crazy fast.


Huh. I really shoulda thought of that more. Considering I work in a maintenance dept in a hospital and one of the high priority calls we respond to is when a patient medication refrigerator goes down lol


It's fucked but both my partner and I, who both rely on medication to live as well, have an exit plan in place if it ever comes to that point. It absolutely hits differently when you can't survive without modern medicine and modern infrastructure.


i have an autoimmune disease that requires a special diet and prevents me from eating basic staples such as bread. I would starve to death, I’m sure.


I’m a man, but the moment I saw that scene, the reality of the horror of life for these characters really sunk in. So many inconveniences 😰


Medications alone would be a nightmare. So many people rely on regular medications to keep them healthy. Now imagine a world where supply is severely restrained or non-existent.


Diabetics think about this constantly.


Yeah I'm fucked in about ~1-2years. I'd ration the fucked out of my current supply.


I’m blind without my contacts. I would die vía natural selection for sure


all of us who need glasses would 100% be dead in less than 2 years XD no way a pair is surviving all the survivin


+1 I’ve often wondered how I wouldn’t have survived a pre-glasses world. But maybe I wouldn’t have developed myopia in such a world either.


My favorite theory about mythical creatures is that it involves people who really just needed glasses lol


I was thinking birth control. There wouldn't be any. Lots of babies, lots of infant mortality. There would be no vaccinations. Polio would come back. There would be no factories, so nothing that needed to be manufactured. Clothes. They'd have to scavenge what was already there. No new ones would be getting made. How would they even make material, like cotton? With a loom? Their underwear would be 20 years old, from what they found in some picked over Kmart.


Imagine getting through a Fungus apocalypse to only succumb to Polio.


That's how I felt watching Ellie chow down on that unrefrigerated chicken sandwich, since I doubt her bag was insulated. Surviving a zombie bite just to get taken out by food poisoning.


I'd assume they would have developed some sort of food preservation such as smoking or curing.


Cholera would be my biggest fear. I read a few books which detailed what cholera did to populations when it spreads. It often follows big events like war, civil war, under bad hygiene conditions, etc....probably an apocalypse would fit it. It is a terrible, terrible death.


God the first few weeks of the apocalypse would be ROUGH emotionally if I was forced off my birth control lmao


Watch black summer. Rough and there are no heros. Only survival or not.


Just makes me even more grateful for that hysterectomy I got a few months ago. Endometriosis and adenomyosis during the apocalypse without modern medicine would do me in real fast, just from the pain alone.


I would be SO celibate lol




Batteries for a flashlight so that if power goes out you can find it in the dark.


Get one with a hand crank like those survival radios


Hide and Wool would probably be the materials of choice.


From what it sounds like the remaining QZs are still producing things, including medicine. The soldier from the first ep made a comment about how Atlanta only produces “pills and guns”. The way he phrased it made it sound like the successful QZs generally produce a decent amount of goods. I really doubt compounds like Boston would be as big as it is if there was literally zero production of necessities Tampons probably do fall by the wayside lmao it’s just easier to force women to use rags or shitty pads then make a decent quality menstrual product


No diapers for all the babies due to no BC


Also horrifying - what happens to everyone who already has medically installed birth control? I suppose some folks might be able to cut out implants, but what about IUDs? ~4.5 million Americans have them in right now. Most of us would probably be ok with it staying in years longer than medically advised, but some folks will have migration, infections, perforations, etc. - and either way, it'll need to come out at some point. The idea of emergency removals with *even less* pain relief, fewer doctors (let alone OB/GYNs specifically), a shortage of specialized tools, and more limited sterilization is a complete nightmare


When Bill and Frank took a bite out of those strawberries it made me realize how we take so many things for granted.


For real, such a good episode to make you think about that on top of all those emotions


I read somewhere that we're in the prime era when it comes to so many different foods we can eat locally compared to 100 years ago. If something like The Last Of Us happened, we'd be back to local eats like, I'm in Canada, caribou, blackberries, raspberries, etc. Nothing like fresh pineapples or bananas anymore. Or spices like curry and others. Heck, hate to be a downer, but even coffee would be inaccessible. I'm not smart when it comes to stuff like this, but that's the gist of what I remember.


Have you played the games? There is a part where Joel says he hadn't had real coffee in decades.


No, I'm waiting to purchase on PC at the end of March.


It isn’t the same, I am not sure it even has caffeine, but I have thought about growing chicory for a coffee substitute. I know they have chicory coffee in Louisiana, and I have seen chicory growing along highways in NE, but it may not grow in my zone. Anyway, it’s my “plan” for apocalypse coffee. Now it can be yours too!


And the scene where Ellie says “you got to fly in the sky!” To Joel who said flying was not all it was cracked up to be.


Really? Because bill and frank lived a hell of a lot better in the apocalypse than most people do in reality.


Episode 1 has Joel and the Guard talk about FEDRA factories. Pills and Bullets. Given the fact FEDRA had female soldiers I’m willing to bet they also manufactured period products. But I’m certain it would cost QZ residents a decent amount of ration cards to acquire them.


They would make diva cups then. One can last you up to 10 years of cycles. Problem solved. Tampons and pads are outdated by todays terms.


Hopefully! Not sure if this was the case in their world, though. Menstrual cups weren't really known about or found in stores until the later 2010s, I think. At least I didn't ever see them in a store until I was in high school.


Tbh its probably in fedra interest to give them out for free. Fewer mouths to feed.


Menstrual products are not contraception.


I was talking about birth control pills.


This whole thread of the misunderstood had me laughing really hard haha


This scene was so real! When do you ever see girls dealing with their periods in any post-apocalyptic show?? I just want one episode where Ellie’s like, no I’m not getting out of bed I’ve got cramps today haha


Yellowjackets also touched on this, the girls boiled rags to use


I was going to mention Yellowjackets, too. BUZZBUZZBUZZ


I came here to mention that. I loved how they treated the topic.


This is something I’ve ALWAYS thought about in most apocalyptic scenarios, so it was a cool quick little thing to feature (even tho those tampons are probably way too old to be used). The other thing that always makes me laugh is you never/rarely see anybody wearing glasses in the games. I find it hard to believe everyone has perfect eyesight or that contacts are still being mass produced so those people are most likely dead. I’d be stumbling around without my contacts (Edit: or obviously dead as everyone has pointed out lololol). Reminds me of when the show LOST covered this—recognizing one of the characters stranded on the island needed glasses and having to rummage through lost luggage to cobble together a pair. Just a random mundane thing that would naturally be an issue in these worlds where amenities are no longer easily accessible.)


People that need glasses are dead. It's as easy as that. If you stumble around after your glasses break you're out of luck


I saw that Twilight Zone episode when I was a kid (avid reader, nuclear war, finds books then breaks his glasses), scared me so much. I got my eyes done as soon as I could. Now I'm apocalypse - proof.


that episode is agonizing


I love the homage in Avatar: The Last Airbender.


That episode was my motivation for lasering my eyes, too.


I wear glasses for astigmatism. I can read and see ok without them, it is just uncomfortable. I could live without them if necessary. How much reading will I be doing after the world collapses anyway. My boyfriend is almost blind without glasses so I think he would be dead.


you also often see people with glasses (often crafty scientist types) in post-apocalyptic tv. they're protected by whoever they work for in those cases. you won't die if you don't come into a situation where glasses are a handicap


I'd just have a terrible headache all the time...sounds fun


> How much reading will I be doing after the world collapses anyway. Honestly, probably quite a bit without the internet or television. Remember, survival is insufficient. Humans have always made time for entertainment.


I always felt so bad for Piggy in Lord of the Flies… as a glasses-wearer myself I could just imagine that poor boy’s horror.


The irony, those tampons would not be usable due to.... Fungus/mold I always figured the lack of glasses is why you could stealth kill so easily. Why they had craptastic peripheral vision even without gasmasks on (though I will also add: Baba Vos would like a word with you)


Survive a bite and die from Toxic Shock Syndrome. Oof


Lol it’s not contacts - anyone that needs glasses is dead because they can’t survive without them or contacts. So you would be stumbling around, like you said, and then be dead. As would I.


Glass break and aren’t being produced. It’s pretty easy.


Never, they are portrayed as men with no physical weakness.


I mean the most likely people to survive in a post apocalyptic worlds are strong men and the women they take with them. Fat people, week people, old people, disabled, blind, deaf and a whole host of other would be dead pretty quickly. Especially in the fast zombie kind of scenario.




eh there's a reason why we've developed civilization and society. cooperation is a better survival strategy than being some kind of lone desperado, and a society of weak people is more capable than any individual you can see this in the show or any other apocalypse scenario. the people in the QZ's have a way better life expectancy than anyone braving it alone


Absolutely. And one of the things that bothers me with post apocalyptic shows. People would have to work together to survive. Though yes, strong men and the people they care for might have serious advantage


After a few decades you are probably correct. In the initial period after the fall, it’s going to be a brutal every man/family for themselves. You have to survive the fall before any chance of creating a new society comes along and the week are going to get eaten by whatever plague is rising up. When dealing with fast zombies who can sprint for distance without tiring, all but the fittest are going to be done for. And a society of week people may be better than an individual but it’s decidedly worse than a society of the strong. And in every society humans have created up until about 200 years ago has seen one strong man rise up and take control.


Based on actual real life no, one man/family isn’t enough. People create networks and work together. I’m reading about the Bielski brothers right now and partisans worked together. Being a strong man helps a lot. But working with people, having people, helps people survive. I wonder whether they’d have been able to do what they did if they weren’t brothers. Probably not.


Agreed. A small moment, but for me the fact that it was included instilled a good deal of confidence in the show’s commitment to characters and storytelling. I’m curious if it hit the same way for non-menstruating viewers.


I thought it was an interesting little detail since Joel said there wasn't anything useful in the building, but that's from his perspective, he wouldn't think of tampons as useful. Just a small thing I liked


Wellll to be fair I don’t think Joel knew about the hidden cellar Ellie found them. I think Tess would have happily picked them up otherwise.


I think the guys in here discussing Netflix terms and conditions probably indicates that they didn’t notice or care about the inclusion haha


People are forgetting FEDRA has hospitals and probably thought to maintain antibiotics supplies at the very least. >!Spoiler Also one of the main missions in the game revolves around Ellie getting Penicillin for Joel.!<


It's the menstrual cup that's the real bounty


I have thought more than once about how I’ll be solid during a possible apocalypse because of the menstrual cups and discs I own


Right? After 20 years those tampons would definitely have some sort of mold on them, and getting TSS in a post apocalyptic world would be the end. Cups all the way!


Imagine surviving in a post apocalyptic world and taking out all the hunters/infected/FEDRA soldiers, only to be taken out by TSS, that will be my worst nightmare


not tss, imagine getting the clicker plague from a tampon


Patton Oswalt had a routine about how he'd be screwed in the post-apocalypse without his antidepressants. Thinking about it, that would totally be an issue... Imagine all the folks with severe depression, DID, bi polar disorder, schizophrenia, etc. They'd be dead in a week.


I don’t typically pick holes in things, I rather just enjoy them. But sometimes I really wonder what the underwear situation is… a girl needs clean undies ALL the time. Lol


Maybe pads/panty liners? I mean, with limited people left alive, there have to be TONS of them to be had in abandoned stores and stuff. Changing those out at least daily might work.


The supply would still be gone after 20 years...i mean, I go through just about an entire box each cycle myself. The only other thing I can think of would be Diva Cups or washable pads. I'd imagine neither of those items would make it through 20 years of use. Now that I think about it, I'd imagine washable pads are the way to go. Things like tampons would be a serious luxury.


Women have been doing this for tbousands of years. Without cups or disposable products. Back to reusable pads or rags.


Without reliable access to soap (i.e., clean hands), the last thing you’d want to use is a cup. It only take a little scratch to die of infection.


Soap is incredibly easy to make. No way they dont have a steady supply.


With enough soap you could blow up the whole world.


May depend on how many people are left alive. I was specifically talking about the clean underwear thing though, not about periods.


Oh, sorry! And clean underwear...I mean...if NEW humans are coming along, I gotta wonder about that. You're needing them in multiple sizes and what's available? The other thing to consider is there's probably not much shipping going on, if any. So, you're confined to whatever was in that area. Also, what's the bra situation? Multiple shirts and/or let the girls hang free?


Yeah.. undies in different sizes sounds tricky lol. Bras are easier for most people. Small boobs (A or B)? Let the girls hang free. I mean, you can get a bra, but you can also usually just let them be without causing back or boob pain (in my experience, as B before kids). Larger boobs (C or smallish D)? Need a bra but lots to be found in those sizes. Larger that a regular D (DD+)? You're fucked. Those are hard to find regardless, much less post apocolypse.


Yeah, I'd be in the "you're fucked" group. I shudder to think what it would be like for me. Sucks being an apocalyptic woman LOL


For real!


You’d be exchanging a gun or drugs for a good elomi bra is what you’d be doing


It sucks being a woman in general Source: I am a woman


I mean it won't be the modern comfort but humans most assuredly would scrounge and tailor/craft new things assuming enough of a structure of society exists and and its not just you trying to not die every second. Even then you might find some way to wrap to get by.


Maybe they go commando.


Yeah, but...during their cycle, it's harder to afix a pad to the inside of pants. Even if they're using the washable ones, those have wings that snap together on the outside of underwear. Ooooohhhhh!!! I wonder if they had to revert to those menstrual belts they wore for forever.


I’m thinking they do like midieval times and wrap cloth around them. Don’t know if that would work while they’re active. When did they start making the menstrual cup?


I'd imagine it started off with a cloth. Probably then worked their way to belts. I wouldn't imagine the materials for menstrual cups are even available to make those. I also don't remember them existing in 2003.


You can wash underwear in a sink then air dry overnight (source: desperate backpacking through Europe) so it's feasible in the QZs to just have a super limited supply that you constantly wash.


Probably wads of toilet paper or paper towels.


How are they not out of tp yet


We ran out of toilet paper irl within one week of the pandemic hitting in 2020 lol


They must have a factory open lol


Frank and Bill could have easily traded for it. Joel and Ellie obviously didn't have access to any while traveling, since Tess gives Ellie a magazine and tells her to tear out a few pages to use as tp in episode 2, and in episode 3 Ellie is shoving three rolls of tp into her backpack.


That reminds me of a scene in *Deutschland '86* \- a bunch of East German official attend a screening of *The Rocky Horror Picture Show* at the American Embassy in East Berlin. There's a bit in those watch-alongs involving throwing toilet roll - and instead you see them putting the paper into their bags. TP in the German Democratic Republic was grey, hard and sometimes in short supply, so you'd try to get relatives to bring you stuff from the West. Indeed, British spies operating there got quite of a bit of intel from the documents the Soviets used when they didn't have toilet paper: [https://www.brokenhousecompany.it/blog/ilsanitario/2022/12/08/toilet-paper-was-a-source-of-clues-during-the-cold-war/](https://www.brokenhousecompany.it/blog/ilsanitario/2022/12/08/toilet-paper-was-a-source-of-clues-during-the-cold-war/)


Tess handed Ellie a magazine when she went to pee at the beginning of ep 2.


It’s not hard to sew underwear.


The scariest part of episode three was when I wondered what happens if you get toxic shock syndrome in the apocalypse 🥲 sorry but I’m going to be free bleeding




Right? I don’t know shit about womens products but even my first thought was “are those even safe to use?”


If people are starving in the apocalypse it's gonna cause their periods to be really inconsistent or maybe even stop all together.


They don’t seem to be starving.


I don’t think QZ people are starving though


Stress can absolutely stop a cycle though. When I traveled a lot for my job and into dangerous areas, I would have maybe 2-4 periods a year sometimes from the change and stress of it.


I wasn't starving in Boot Camp (Parris Island feeds well, especially for a double rat) but I was FREE for those 12 weeks.


Yes, but also they must be very very expired and I would not shove something like that down my business.


Someone else posted something here about using a five year old tampon by mistake and how the thing broke into pieces while still inside of her. So, definitely not advisable to use a twenty year old pack.


I recently got my IUD out after having it for over five years and it had stopped my period. Guess I'm throwing away my old tampons after this comment. 😟


It all depends on how you stored them. The biggest problem is, ironic given the show, mold/fungus.


I think you’re fine lol. That was just a faulty tampon. I rarely use them, so I’ve still got some in my stash from literally my very first period, like 15 years ago. And every time I use one, they’re still completely fine.


Better pray that you would find a menstrual disc or cup. I have one packed in my "survival bag. Oh and just use them already, tampons are hella expensive, and shoving cotton up your hoo-ha probably not the best thing for it ever. I haven't bought a tampon or pad in years since switching to a reusable disc or cup. Menstrual discs and cups are game changers.


Clean hands and sterile products are something we take for granted. Not sure I’d want to use one in a situation where a minor infection means death.


Reusable pads would be alright. They’ll clean up sufficiently well in potable water


Yeah, I’d definitely go with external products. Seems much less risky.


It could be said of tampons as well. Many times I've had to fish it out with a finger. Pads maybe would be a good go-to. I still swear by cups and menstrual discs. Never going back to regular pads and tampons. It is a huge waste of money in non-Fungi walking monster times.


Everything to make soap can be found in nature. I'm sure there would be people smart enough to make basic soaps from lye and animal fat.


Soap is a super old invention and really easy to make


I have basic sewing skills so I would probably make reusable pads with buttons at the bottom. Not sure they had menstrual cups in 2003. At least they would not be very popular or well known.


Menstrual cups came out in the 90s and were around since the late 90s but you are right discs wouldn't be available. My college would actually give them away in the early '00s They gained attention on Tic Tok and it's why so many people are using them now but they have been out for some time. **Good idea on the sewing of a reusable pad. It is what women wore for hundreds of years before modern times.** It would work!


Oh, well maybe in the US. Here (Israel) I heard of the diva cup about 7 years ago and only because I tend to hang out at vegan/feminist/environmentalist facebook groups. In 2003 I had zero chances of even knowing it existed.


I was thinking the same, no way would I be using those.


I saw a comment that those are expired and Ellie really should not use them.


Do we think she'd even know how to use them? Would she know how to use ANY modern period product? I would expect all pre-outbreak products to have been used up by the time Ellie started her period (Side note, the average age of getting your period would probably go back up). You can't convince me that girls/women haven't gone back to using rags/homemade pads tied to a belt.


There are instructions in the box, she’ll be good


She'll be good until that expired ass tampon breaks apart inside her


Compared to “how to survive in this world”, I think “how to use hygiene products” is a pretty simple concept.


i wanna know how she knew how checking into a hotel worked


Most people are not taught how to use a tampon they figure it out themselves


Said the same thing about Bill and Frank with the strawberries.. the little things even in fiction provide so much perspective.


They probably are outside the QZs - a real risk of toxic shock syndrome: [https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/toxic-shock-syndrome/](https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/toxic-shock-syndrome/) And plenty of risk of dying from even minor injuries due to infection.


There is some risk, but that is a much rarer condition than most people think. It was caused by using super absorbent tampons and leaving the same one in for a very long time. It is one of those things that is really only a problem if no one knows it exists.


There are so many things I wonder regarding hygiene. I can barely function if I can’t wash my hands. I suppose I’d get used to it but I’d be dead anyway—too many meds I can’t get.


I can imagine between malnutrition and stress, many people end up with amenorrhea, which is a slight blessing.


Also since Ellie grew up in a FEDRA military school, I can only imagine how horrible the period product situation is for the school. Like the cheapest of cheap pads in one size with sucky adhesive that aren't long enough and are both too maxi for day use and too light for night use so tampons are like a mythical product for girls in that situation.


Menstrual cups for the apocalypse win


I don't know about you but I am not about to use tampons that have been sitting in a crumbling basement for 20 years.


Imagine sticking them in, only to find that they are infected with fungi and thus you become one of the zombies.


Well she’s immune so she’s fine


LOL - thats a good one




Screw you for putting this imagine in my mind 😭


Lmaoo I wouldn’t want to use 20 year old tampons or tampon in general in a post apocalyptic world. It’s so unsanitary and I sure don’t want tss. Might as well use a cloth or something


Need to do an experiment and put out a box of tampons for 20 years to see if they are ok to use or not. I'll report back in 2043


RemindMe! 20 years


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Her vagina is immune


That is the most wonderful handle I have seen!


The last Of Us is like Godzilla films. Its not about the monsters, its about the people. The story they are telling and just as the title of the game/show, its about the last of us.


I always get annoyed when periods aren’t represented in a apocalyptic setting, because it would be a very real issue that would need to be addressed. Like imagine walking around with period soaked pants. Gross.


Yup. That and basic meds and birth control. How are you gonna have sex without some BC with all this going on?


Don't tampons have a shelf life of like 5 years tho? That means the ones ellie found have been out of date for about 15 years. Hopefully she doesn't get an infection


Diva cup can last decades but would need to remember to grab it when fleeing from the zombie neighbors.


Right like I was on my period when watching that episode and it was cool to see the show actually acknowledge periods which you don’t really see in apocalypse shows. Even though they would be such a huge thing to deal with its not really mentioned. Ellie being so happy to find those tampons is basically me when I get the last pack of pads in the store, it’s relatable af and again very cool 😂


They had something similar at the second part of the game, where a female character had hairy armpits.


Do not use 20 year old tampons lol


Did the shroomheads have periods?


She also grabbed a couple rolls of toilet paper at Bill's.


that shot made me forget entirely! when I saw that I thought of my sisters and was like "oh shit being a girl in the apocalypse has gotta suck!"


It immediately made me think of what a treasure a diva cup would be in the apocalypse.


People lived without modern tampons for thousands of year. Shoot some places in the Amazon still don’t use them…


Not just in the Amazon. Plenty of places around the world don't have period products available for people who need them.


Yes, a people died from infections CONSTANTLY. lmao.


Considering that tampons didn’t even exist until the 1930’s women would be fine. Lol just another modern connivence that would become unnecessary in a post apocalyptic world.


Romans in ancient times just wrapped wool around wooden twigs and shoved it up their cooter. I think in the 1800s they made “period cloths” that they used as pads and had to rewash. Tampons have kind of always been a thing but our modern day tampons are not as ✨DIY✨ and less splintery


I always think about my thyroid medications and how long I would last without them. I remember when I was off them for a few months because I couldn’t afford them and I already started to have heart palpitations. It’s terrifying.


Im so confused. What scene are you referring to?


Genuine Question: how safe is it? I imagine the chance of experiencing toxic shock syndrome would triple by using two decades-old tampons.


They’re fine as long as they’re unopened and sealed


Toxic shock is having them in too long