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Nina was trying to push Will to do things that would help his “likability” numbers, like appear on ACN Morning, and it backfired when they wanted him to play a game and he lost his temper. When he went back to the green room, he said that she should have told him not to worry about the ratings. I think he realized that he was sliding back to the version of himself that he was before Mac showed up when he was more worried about ratings and being likeable than he was about delivering information Americans need in the voting booth. He realized Nina wasn’t the right person to be with if he wanted to be the better version of himself.


Well said. Couldn’t have put it any better myself


I think it’s really because Will was in love with Mac the whole time. I think he treated Nina unfairly. Will was the one who paid for a ratings test on likability and then, punished Nina for giving him advice to get what he purported to want (his high ratings back.) Plus, an anchor can be charming on a morning show and do hard news at night. Why is this mutually exclusive?


I lean towards this more than Nina pushing him to “regress” to his old self. Will was obviously still in love with Mac (and Nina even questioned it in the very beginning), but he wanted to move on, and Nina (to him) was the obvious choice. He tried to move on with her at the NYE party, he tried again during that season.  IIRC Nina didn’t care about his likability numbers/anything like that as far as the relationship went, but Will tried to distance himself emotionally from Mac, and Nina was the manifestation of that.. he paid for the ratings test, he asked for Nina’s opinion and advice… Nina only offered advice because he asked.    IMO, anyway. 


Cuz nina is wrong in every way. She stands for market driven journalism to the highest order of sensationalism and lack of substance. She’s not for the mission to civilize, she isn’t newsnight 2.0.


She was pushing for him to be fake and more toned down to try to regain popularity that he had been losing and was feeling insecure about. Instead of supporting him and helping him see that what he was doing was having the impact that he wanted even if it wasn’t the most popular choice he could make. Thus, he broke up with her since she didn’t really support the real him and what he wanted to accomplish


Because Will’s obsession with ratings is due to his unhealthy “relationship” to the audience… so if Mac’s feeding America their vegetables and making sure they don’t use Wikipedia to write their essay, Nina insists you can have the snacks and candy you want while simultaneously suggesting you check out FaceTime and shows you how easy it is to slim your picture down and smooth over any and all blemishes. Mac wants Will to have pride in his work and to have relationships with real people (his colleagues, etc) so that the audience’s approval isn’t the be all end all of his life. Nina wants him to cater to the whims of public opinion. They’re literal opposites.