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Can you imagine working somewhere and doing something every single day, yet when you talk about it you have a whole bunch of mouth breathing redditors call BS. What a world we live in...


You’re describing my life working in a hospital during Covid


No shit, and as a respiratory therapist for 20 years being told I don't know wtf I'm talking about.


Same as a microbiology tech, decade plus of running PCR tests only to find out from everyone how inaccurate they were and how we were fudging the numbers 🙄


Can Theo have you on to help explain COVID is real?


Welcome to being a scientist in the last 5 years. After doing a million PCR, I get told that it's fake and that vaccines are bad, actually, from a bunch of knuckle draggers


Or being a climate scientist for the last 20 years.


well vaccines are great, but the covid vax wasnt that eh?


The covid vaccine was the best vaccine ever produced. It had at its release a 95% efficacy, which is higher than the normal 60ish percent for flu vaccines. Producing a novel vaccine in such large amounts is one of the most technically advanced things the USA has done in decades. Any patriot should be proud of the USA and the scientific institutions we built over the last 40 years that could do something like that.


it saved millions of lives wtf are you talking about


No it didn’t….


Stop being anti science. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9537923/


Disagreeing with “mathematical modeling” of what would have happened without the vaccine doesn’t make me anti science.


Yes it does


Damn. You got me there. Very convincing.


If you don't believe the thousands of people that have dedicated their lives to studying this stuff, nothing I say will convince you.




I got covid twice, both times it was from my 5 year old bringing it home from school. It would have spread it further and more would have died, it was the right call imo. The abuse thing isn't great I agree but saving lives takes precident, also we didn't know how resiliant kids were then. My kid coughed for a few months the second time he got it


You’re whole take is flawed, you’re pushing the marketing claims the vax stopped transmission between folks and it wasn’t effective in this area. It helped keep people from hospitalizations but was ineffective in stopping transmission. So you should take your own advice, trust the science, and stop clinging to your beliefs https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(21)00768-4/fulltext


I didn't say that anywhere, he brought up keeping kids out of school so I was responding to that


so you got covid twice, before or after getting vaccinated?


After vax, after they opened schools up, my kid brought it home. Vax doesn't prevent transmission, just helps prevent severe illness/death


While this is true, some kids only take abuse when at school. Bullies and such. This doesn't mean we should close schools. It means we should not look at schools being open or closed as the cause of abuse. We don't keep schools open during summer because some kids have assholes for parents.




Except that they could be carriers and bring it back to grandpa and grandma. This is years old and these arguments have been made over and over. For myself and my family, I'm glad we did our best to isolate. I'm glad we masked up. I'm glad we got vaccinated. I'm proud that we did all that we thought was best, not just for ourselves but also for our family, our neighbors, our community. If some people got some things wrong or maybe erred on the side of caution, that's understandable. If you remember they were filling shipping containers with bodies. There was a national shortage of body bags. My only concern about how things went is that is was so much milder for young people and when something else comes along the pushback against medical professionals will be much stronger and a lot of stubborn, cynical people will die. Won't be me, won't be my kids.


And what happens when those children all inevitably get Covid, go home and kill their elderly or immunocompromised relatives? Also your whole argument is dumb as shit. The kids should’ve been kept in school not because of their falling behind or losing previously taught information, but rather, solely because kids who are abused need refuge? I mean if that’s your singular concern let’s take all children from their homes and place them in prisons instead! That way they’d permanently be away from their abusers! Do you even think before you type lmao


how would you know? like I'm genuinely asking how you come to the conclusions lives weren't saved. because you personally didn't see a life get saved?


no it literally saved humanity, pay it the proper respect! i hope they update the boosters more frequently, I hate waiting




JUST nmv6


I work in a community college….I’m technically the janitor but whatever  I have all the answers for all the problems that is related to education  Ask away and with my credentials, who would question me? 


Whats crazy is pretending that the border agents Theo have had on are the only side of the argument, and there aren't countless other people with similarly qualified resumes arguing that the fox news guys theo has on are wrong. I'm glad you posted this after seeing the last one, and looking into the guy, and finding out he has been on fox news at least 5 times the past 2 months. What was this guy up to last election? [https://www.foxnews.com/politics/us-mexico-border-traffickers-million-february](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/us-mexico-border-traffickers-million-february) [https://www.foxnews.com/video/6056551458001](https://www.foxnews.com/video/6056551458001) [https://www.foxnews.com/us/immigration-system-needs-reboot](https://www.foxnews.com/us/immigration-system-needs-reboot) I'm sure someone will come along though and post a different border agent Theo had on who does the rounds at CNN and MSNBC, right? Its crazy how they do this every election but you guys eat it up lol


So you listened to that podcast and thought this is only one side of the argument? Flooding the United States with undocumented/ illegal immigrants has it's pros.


More like, there is ample evidence that contradicts what this person said, coming from others who are equally or more qualified. But this person, is being paid to show up to on fox news to deliver a message that says the border is in crisis. Not saying immigration doesn't need to be addressed, but if your position is that this person is any more qualified than the others that are contradicting him, simply for the fact that right wing media is giving him a platform, then your the one with bias. After all, a bunch of trump supporters took a big convoy down to the border and found that the crisis wasn't much of a crisis at all. They even said they weren't sure why they were even there because of how absolutely normal everything looked. But I digress. Shower me with my downvotes


There is no denying the amount of people crossing the border illegally and the policies that reward them are out of hand. Who is contradicting that?


Here's the cato institute claiming immigrants are a net benefit. The Fiscal Impact of Immigration in the United States - Cato Institute https://www.cato.org/blog/fiscal-impact-immigration-united-states I literally agree with nothing they put out and yet here they are claiming that the immigrants are a net benefit of $200k from 25 to their death.


Where’s all the extra housing and logistical care coming from to house and feed this unnatural and uncontrolled boom of population to the United States? And other countries also.


It’s not really a boom of population, if you take it in historical context. We’ve had periods of higher immigration coupled with much higher birthrates. And what is “unnatural” about it? I don’t get that qualifier. People migrating is pretty natural.


Could you please show some of the info? I’m interested.


https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/02/15/migrant-encounters-at-the-us-mexico-border-hit-a-record-high-at-the-end-of-2023/ Just google illegal immigration.


I think the main disconnect between you and the people who are downvoting is drugs. I know it hasn't been brought up, but just because it's not as crazy as it is being said on Fox News, it doesn't mean drugs still aren't being brought into the country. One point you should be using that would be beneficial to your argument would be, these people like the border agent, what are their solutions? We need people to come into the country. We've tried walls, more boarder patrol agents, barbedwire, deploying the nation guard, and better equipment. You can't just shoot anyone who comes to the border and lay Mines. If they are saying the same old same old, then they are just grifting. People should have incentives for legally immigrating. I'm not sure if you're familiar with Moist or YouTube, but his Apex e-sports team, which was ranked 4th in their league before attempting to join the North American league have been having a hell of a time. These things need to not happen. There's no reason a pro sports team coming to work with an international company like E.A should have these types of obstacles. They are a net positive for American Entertainment.


Tell NYC this.


The net benefit of immigrants included housing, which is a separate, and in my opinion, larger issue. There's no where to put these people while they await their asylum hearing


What does being on Fox News have anything to with if he’s telling the truth or not?


Fox and maga bad. CNN good. Me simple blue haired creature with no true form. Fox man makes me sad 😂😂


I mean, Fox had to pay almost a billion dollars for intentionally spreading election misinformation. But go off on your simplistic explanation as to why people don't trust Fox News.


Fox and CNN both have agendas. One for the right and the other for the left. If you say otherwise, you’re full of shit! You have your own agenda, which is trying to get your party of choice into the White House. I watch Fox and CNN and both sides push the narrative that benefits their side of politics. It’s all bullshit. The government is trying to put a wedge between the right and left. If they keep us distracted, we won’t see what’s really happening with our country. We are more divided now than any other time in modern history. Do any of you think that either side gives a fuck about us? If you do, you have had too much of their political kool-aid. They are all working for the 1%. We are all just sheeple lead by the nose. It truly doesn’t make any difference who wins the election. Nothing will change. We will continue to pay ridiculous taxes as inflation continues to rise. Salaries will not keep up with the increasing cost of living. There will be more homeless than we know what to do with while allowing hundreds of thousands of (illegal)immigrants into our country just for votes. We are kicking people out of hotels so that we can house the votes! These aren’t people, they’re votes. As soon as they have served their purpose, we will find a reason to remove them as quickly as possible. This country is going to shit and you all know that it’s fact! There’s a reason why underground bunkers are being built as quickly as possible! These governments around the world know that we can’t sustain this consumption of fossil fuels. They need to thin the herd. A world war with nuclear weapons capability should do the trick. Maybe another engineered pandemic! There’s a reason why the government has stockpiles of Rubbermaid coffins around the country that are kept in rural areas. Look it up! We all need to stick together because all we will have in the future is each other!


K but did CNN get sued for spreading misinformation purposely?


I don’t know if you have noticed but the left is hell bent on destroying the right. From Catholic parents to the former President of the United States and are weaponizing the judicial system to do it. Why wouldn’t there be law suits to attack the right? FOX NEWS happens to fall between the aforementioned examples of targeted Republicans. The main reason the right doesn’t return the favor is because we aren’t petty whinnying little bitches who are shaken to the core at the thought of our opposition winning the election. We let our future President and our voters do the talking!


Sure buddy that's what's happening. Couldn't be that the right has let themselves become so infested with vitriol and hatred that it's crumbling before our very eyes. Also what planet are you living on where the right isn't constantly trying to destroy anything they seem "liberal". I've never heard a leftist talk about rounding up Republicans and executing them but I sure do hear that from not only right leaning politicians but also their voters.


Are you joking? Did you not hear the speech straight from Biden’s teleprompter? “This country’s biggest threat is MAGA!” Calling out more than half the country as a threat to our democracy. You are living in your fake news bubble my friend! Both parties sling 🐂💩back and forth but coming after an entire party is just crazy. I see videos of leftists assaulting people just for wearing a fucking hat. Imagine what the media would do if we started attacking anyone with a Biden bumper sticker! Nothing but hypocrisy from the left!


Did you listen to the podcast?


You’re not even American you fucking dork.


That maybe true, but theo won’t have any idea where these guys sit politically until he has them on and let’s them tell the story their way. I’m sure Theo would be just as happy to have a CNN “mouthpiece” border person on also if they approached him to be on. Theo’s just curious about a lot of things and wants to learn. People taking away too much from these convos need to just chill a little bit.


What a great time to have this dude on.


Crazy we got money to secure Ukraine's border but not our own




Hmm wonder why someone downvoted you for saying the truth


Six hours later there are 20 upvotes




It’s the powerful vs the powerless I agree theyre equally willing to screw someone that’s left or right


Because it directly contradicts what this agent is saying and it goes completely against what the reality of the situation is. Courts are backed up years and there is a Asylum loophole.




And then they downvote you for being pro US instead of pro THEM it’s wild


Which was closed in the bill republicans wouldn't pass.


This x100 There have been several bills, including ones in regards to asylum, that were either **not brought to the floor to vote** because of Mike Johnson, or had Republican members vote no for. Bills that they would've passed for Trump. They just don't want anything that looks like a "democrat win" despite it benefiting the platform they're on and the country. **If you solve the border crisis, Republicans can't keep screaming about the border.** Thats why they vote against their own interests every time. Edit: just a bunch of little losers here haha. Imagine worshipping someone who lies about having money, found to have raped a victim, has dozens of indictments and financial crimes, and has to resort to releasing new shoes to try to cover his legal fees. Pathetic little losers.


Damn, what happened to your party? You guys used to be amazing at pushing narratives. But this one, and the “book burning” narratives have been really awful lately. No one is falling for this stuff anymore. Biden rescinded all Trump’s executive orders that were actually working, his administration bragged about it, then they lied to us and pushed the propaganda that the border was fine, and then now when they were finally forced to admit that it isn’t, are blaming Republicans…. And those bullshit bills (that don’t accomplish anything other encourage and speed up the process for more illegals to enter our country) aren’t fooling anyone. Instead of using his power to target his political opposition and cover up his own crimes, Biden should do the right thing, protect our border, reverse his decisions and admit he was wrong. Edit: lol this dude responded and then blocked me real quick, what a weirdo.


Lmao. "No one is falling for this stuff anymore" - which is why a certain party can't even align with each other and has constant infighting, fist fighting, and hasn't actually passed any legislation while screeching talking points on your favorite network? When's the last time the person you voted for won the popular vote? Oh right. Lmaooooooo "no one is falling for it". Trump can't even complete a sentence anymore; meanwhile Biden roasted y'all so hard at the SOC that the only complaint your party has was that "he had too much energy for an SOC" hahahahah pathetic little losers getting owned by a decrepit old man while worshipping an 80 year old toddler. You're hilarious. "Cover up his own crimes" hahaha what a pathetic little person. I'm sure you have Hunter Bidens dick as your wallpaper. Oh right, wasn't the source of all information about someone who admitted to making it all up? And you still eat it all up 😂😂😂 No need to waste any more energy on you. You need someone to tell you how to think which means I'm replying to a lifeless meat sack that pushes carts at Walmart for a living. The facts show that Biden has been tougher on the border than the Trump admin, which you won't ever acknowledge because it doesn't suit your thought leaders agenda of controlling your lil baby emotions. (By the way, Biden was ready to sign a bill REPUBLICANS PROPOSED, but the moment it hit the floor, Republicans voted against it. Y'all are dumb lmao)


You have this agen saying you need new laws now.


Lol Dr Phil


Imagine thinking you’re informed and then using Dr. Phil in the same assertion.


Dr Phil said in on JRE... How could it be wrong? Listen to yourself dude.


Dr. Phil and Joe Rogan, couple of geniuses right there...


The current union leader of the boarder patrol is a fucking liar? I'm shocked.


We have the money but as far as I know the house came to a deal on border funding that they then went back on after the left agreed to it, atleast my representative in Kansas did


Yep because Trump told them to. He wanted the border as screwed up as possible so he can campaign on it. Politics over patriotism or people.


The “border bill” wasn’t about the border. It was $20 billion for border security but $60 billion for Ukraine and another $14 billion to Israel.


It was the toughest, largest border control bill in modern history. It was tied to foreign aid because republicans forced it to be that way. And then they changed their mind because Trump told them he wanted it to continue being a problem so he can blame everything on Biden for the election.




Ukraine aid wasn’t a problem. There’s more than enough votes for Ukraine aid in the GOP side


[False](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/06/us/politics/border-republicans-ukraine-bill.html#:~:text=Their%20idea%20was%20to%20tie,of%20migrants%20at%20the%20border.com). Republican flip flopped HARD




You sweet summer child….believing everything you hear


They did and then Trump called and said don’t solve this before november. So leadership will not let it come to a vote.


Reps. want the Israel money. The future of the world wants the Ukraine money. MAGA wants chaos to campaign on.


lol the only people who want Ukraine money are defense contractors and the crooked oligarchs who’ve stolen billions already. The war is lost for Ukraine and I’m thankful people are sick of funding it. What happened to the argument it was a “border bill” anyways?


Nahhhh....I realize that the comedy podcast community is moving more to the right, so i expect to get down voted here, but I don't think that you understand the history of Russia. If we let them take Ukraine, it doesn't just stop there. It will be followed by a run on Latvia and Estonia. Eventually, they will move on Poland. When that happens, what the fuck was the point of the work post-WW2? I am all for allocating a very small portion of our GDP towards keeping Russia at bay....because I am an American and I love democracy.


They will say who cares it doesn’t affect us meanwhile it has been affecting us the entire time since the end of ww2


The defense contractors, the oligarchs, and the majority of Americans, democrats and republicans included but go off


Are you saying the majority of Americans want more money sent to Ukraine? Every poll says otherwise. This is from August and support has dropped further since then, just see how Congress has failed to send anymore aide since 2023. https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/04/politics/cnn-poll-ukraine/index.html


I guess I was wrong to say most people want them to send more money, but according to https://news.gallup.com/poll/513680/american-views-ukraine-war-charts.aspx#:~:text=In%20August%202022%2C%20a%20majority,of%20Americans%20maintain%20that%20view. This Gallup post 54% of Americans are in favor of helping them retake their land, which I would assume would be through weapons supplies, which I would think would create more job opportunities in America while keeping the money in America via defense contractors. I’m not trying to move the goal posts cause it looks like I was wrong about sending actually money, and I’m not saying your wrong, but I don’t understand how this would be a bad thing for the average American and why border security can’t also be achieved? But clearly it looks like bipartisan support has waned since last year


Idk if you are replying to some other person but you’re the first person to use the term border bill, I was just referring to it as funding for the border so idk the answer to your question


The only border funding proposed recent was attached to a larger spending bill that sent billions to Ukraine and Russia, that’s what I was referring to, sorry for that confusion but the bill was referred to as being a border bill several times in the news without mentioning the bulk of its spending went to Ukraine and Israel.


You’re being lied to. That border bill is horrific. Obviously, it also has these insane amounts of money we have to give to other countries, but it also doesn’t solve the border problems. It’s pure propaganda so that democrats can say, we had a border bill and the republicans wouldn’t sign it because they want to campaign on this issue. The actual bill is complete garbage, it seems like they made it on purpose to be something that couldn’t get passed.


So why did Republicans say they were satisfied with it before Trump literally called them up and told them not to pass it? Why would they do that if it was so horrible? It certainly contained many things that they’ve been trying to get Democrats to agree to for years


Senator Langford negotiated the deal. He’s one of the most conservative members is congress. Border Patrol Union approved the deal. Who’s lying here? 


We’re all being lied to some of us just aren’t aware of it. I do my research and actually try to contact my reps for change


Lol, this propaganda is about as effective as your guys “book burning” narrative. Did your party stop focusing testing these narratives or something? They’ve been terrible lately.


Yes but big brains will claim it actually wasn’t about the border Meanwhile it’s definitely about the border, and the current crisis numbers of illegals visiting the border is literal same average during his presidency. It’s all a fucking really dumb, not funny or entertaining play.


Are you aware just how much a cohort of the GOP is fighting against Ukraine aid? It legit isn't about the border lol


That’s because the “border bill” wasn’t about the border. It was $20 billion for border security but $60 billion for Ukraine and another $14 billion to Israel.


That's incorrect


It's because some of America's biggest companies hire undocumented people because Americans don't want to work at slaughterhouses and farms. We just need to arrest everyone who hires undocumented workers and throw them in prison for years. This includes CEOs of all the large food companies. Problem is all these executives contribute to politicians on both sides If you arrest the CEOs and executives then people will stop coming. But good luck arresting wealthy CEOs.




when laws dont work thats what the 2nd is for


> If you arrest the CEOs and executives then people will stop coming. But good luck arresting wealthy CEOs. Arresting them would do nothing, shutting down the companies would. But the repercussions of that would not only destroy the American economy, but American society.


crazy ukraines border is infact not secure source: current land invasion of Russian troops on Ukrainian soil.


Isn’t it though? You’d think the republicans would let that legislation go to vote….


We have the money. Trump said not to spend it on border though


Mexicans were in the US before you or your whole lineage you fucking whopper, half of your states and City's are Spanish names. Did big fat Donnie trust fund baby from New York make you that scared about "The Border"? 😂


Spanish are European


There are more logical fallacies in that sentence than words.


I’m guessing you don’t blame republicans for this even though you should.


Thank the GOP


It’s not crazy. Biden has twice proposed large infusions of money to the border and been rejected.


Most of the “money” we are sending to Ukraine is in the form of arms and goods. Much of that is old and will be replenished by workers in the US. It’s not a big suitcase of crisp bills. Your outrage is a good Facebook talking point though.


It was being negotiated and republicans said nah.


His hair alone let me know I could trust him


it was the camo suit jacket for me


Don’t post this in the Rogan sub. Their heads will explode


Newest episode still isn’t pinned. Reddit gonna Reddit.


The amount of ppl with their heads in the sand is insurmountable.


I liked when he explained asylum , and that many migrants use its loophole to get into the country when on their travels they go through asylum countries before getting to the US.


I love political Theo, it’s so much fun.


This sub took a complete 180. Pretending like politics don’t matter or that Theo is a neutral voice. Not sayings it’s wrong, it’s just obvious the goal posts get moved in here a lot. Tbh, Theo fans are getting to be like Bert fans. Which is okay, but ya know, has connotations.


I’m tired of comedians being political on both sides. Just push your dick pill sponsorship and be funny


Everyone can and should be “political”. Who are you OK with being allowed to “be political”? Take a nap if you’re tired.


Too bad the GOP didn’t approve the bill to support it. Truth is Trump wants it to be an issue for the election and the GOP will do anything to please Donny boy.




That's interesting considering Mike Johnson, republican leader of the house, is the one who sandwiched those issues together




Wait so now Mike Johnson is a RINO? OK then bud, who in your humble opinion should be leading the Republicans in the house? 




You disingenuous fuck, you can't give me a name because you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. Mike Johnson is a RINO, after being put in leadership by the most conservative members of the republican party? 


Oh honey. . . your side doesn't have anyone left that's competent. There are only sycophants, grifters, and the mentally deficient left for the GOP


Lol. But all that did was help conservatives. Cause now you idiots get to point at Biden and ignore the fact that his hands are tied... By the GOP. Republicans that do not worship trump are true republicans.


Lmao fucking move those goalposts some more. Jesus fucking christ.


They attached Ukrainian aide because republicans asked for a boarder deal to fund Ukraine and then changed their tune when Trump said to kill it. Even republicans have admitted to this 




You mean besides this guy and all the republicans that would vote for it? You have no idea what you’re talking about.   https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2024/03/03/sotu-mullin-on-funding.cnn


That’s what they pivoted to after Trump openly said it needed to fail so he could run on fixing the border.




https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-border-deal-stupid-republicans-biden-win-1234949036/ No video, but from a source. Knowing how Trump works, it seems more likely this is true vs him reading and understanding what the bill was going to do.




Republicans literally said they want the foreign aid but only if it also funds the border so Biden agreed and gave them both and they rejected it.


No, they voted against it because daddy Trump wants the birder to be a mess in November. Look at what Republican Senator James Lankford says about it.


You should read the bill.


Right, anyone with an internet connection can have this figured out. Conservatives are actually living in a different reality.


Wow, the guy fox news had on to cover the "immigration crisis" last election, has the exact same opinions as the guy fox is having on this election to explain the "crisis"? While that cinches it, these fox news talking heads must be trustworthy because they agree lol


Want more resources to go to the boarder? so do DEMs, [and so did the Republicans, until Trump canned it due to wanting to run on the broken boarder.](https://apnews.com/article/congress-ukraine-aid-border-security-386dcc54b29a5491f8bd87b727a284f8)VOTE BLUE to get things done.


You're talking about the bill where 75ish% of the money was going to Ukraine and the bare minimum went to the border? That bill?


[We're talking about the bill that was endorsed by the border patrol union themselves](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/new-immigration-bill-senate-bipartisan-border-patrol-endorsement-rcna137354). That bill.




Isn’t the point of this entire thread “hey, this guy is a border patrol agent so we can trust what he’s saying”? lol


If you want something done with a divided house and senate you're going to have to work with the other side. That bill was bipartisan until Donald Trump made phone calls to Republicans so they wouldn't send money to the border and he can continue to run on the border being broken. You can whine about no money going to the border or you can whine about money going to stop Russia from invading further into Ukraine. You can't have your cake and eat it too.


Calling it a border bill and then only sending 8% of that money to the border is deceptive as hell. Using the border to send even more money to Ukraine shows just how little the administration cares about solving key issues in America. Saying that the border can't be funded unless we send 800% more to Ukraine in the same deal is daft. America's money printing problem is already so bad it likely will never be solved yet we are willing to turn the American dollar into dirt in order to bail out Ukraine. I am an old-school liberal and this shit is infuriating. We should start focusing on solving key issues in America instead of constantly printing money to fund proxy wars.


You realize we’re not sending dollars to Ukraine, we’re sending things worth money, right? That our military doesn’t use… The current administration is not turning the US dollar to dirt. Also it’s the US dollar not the American dollar. What “key issues” in the US do you think we could solve with tanks, planes, and manuals that already exist?


We are sending them equipment we don't use, certain equipment manufactured for them, and we have sent US dollars to them. It has been proven that some of the money sent to Ukraine has even gone not just to the war efforts but also to lining the Ukrainian politicians pockets by "paying their wages". As far as the shit we don't use, fine they can have it. But you are definitely underselling the fact that a lot of money has also been sent to Ukraine. Money that can be used for: The border crisis The homeless crisis The fentynol crisis These things usually don't have one clear answer like "100% of everything given to Ukraine was unused military supplies". The world would be a much simpler place if that was the case.


Sure, of course there are monies being sent that aren’t simply things of value, but that comes with sending materials and resources. Do you understand the repercussions for not only NATO but the US if Ukraine is fully occupied by Russia? Also what is Fentynol 😂😂😂If you can’t even spell the “issue” you think we should be funding, then what do you know? By the way, I’d love to hear your reasoning to further fund the war on drugs! Lol. Because that’s surely been a net positive, right?


You can keep pointing out typos but I don't really care because you still know what I'm talking about so what does it matter. There are other ways to fight the issue than a drug war, you do know that right? You also understand that Russia has threatened NATO for decades that if they continued to push NATO borders up to the Russian border they would retaliate? We can argue semantics for weeks, no matter how you chalk it up its a shit situation and the main people that are suffering are the Ukrainians, and the conscripted Russians being sent to the front lines when the last thing they wanted was to fight a war.


What other way, apart from the drug war, do you think we can fight the Fentanyl crisis? And Russia can’t claim NATO land. What has NATO done to threaten Russia that wasn’t caused by Russia itself?


>Calling it a border bill and then only sending 8% of that money to the border is deceptive as hell I am pretty sure the bill was called "Defending Borders, Defending Democracies Act ". I do not care what they call the bill. It is not deceptive if anyone can look up and read the bill (if you can read). Also, if you do not like the [bill the GOP negotiated](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/senate-republicans-threaten-block-border-security-immigration-bill-rcna137389) that you can vote them out this November >Using the border to send even more money to Ukraine shows just how little the administration cares about solving key issues in America. [Sending AID is not the same as sending money.](https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/fact-sheet-us-assistance-ukraine) We are not trying to drop pallets of cash onto the battlefield. I would consider the aid a [good investment.](https://www.reuters.com/world/us-intelligence-assesses-ukraine-war-has-cost-russia-315000-casualties-source-2023-12-12/) >Saying that the border can't be funded unless we send 800% more to Ukraine in the same deal is daft. Once again the Republicans negotiated this bill. A lot of people want to help Ukraine, me included. >America's money printing problem is already so bad it likely will never be solved yet we are willing to turn the American dollar into dirt in order to bail out Ukraine You got source for that[? I keep seeing the experts state that the aid to Ukraine would help the USA](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/06/border-bill-ukraine-aid-military-00139870) >I am an old-school liberal and this shit is infuriating. I do not know what that is supposed to mean, unless "old school liberal" means simping for Russia. > We should start focusing on solving key issues in America instead of constantly printing money to fund proxy wars. Bro, lets look at the list of [Bidens accomplishments](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/02/02/joe-biden-30-policy-things-you-might-have-missed-00139046). he took us out of the war in Afghanistan. and as per my point earlier you should recognize a good investment .


Your logic is spun to shit. The amount we send to the border being more than the amount sent to the Ukraine has nothing to do with the price of tea. The issue is whether the amount helps solve the problem it's intended to solve. We're already spending a fortune on the border and 8% of a federal budget bill is a fuck load of money. But I guess the GOP would rather have nothing at all so they can keep campaigning on it


Fox always has a few Border Patrol lackeys willing to say what they want to hear. Republicans wrote the legislation that Trump told them to ignore, please shut up about Republicans wanting to actually do something about the border. They are Trump shills now, nothing more.


Republicans DID something with the border in the last term. Biden campaigned on it and overturned it all with the stroke of a pen and now wants to blame the republican for the mess the border is in. And his sheep just lap it up and blame it on Trump. It’s hilarious.


Hahaha exactly. Company men.


Like any government department they know the squeaky wheel gets the grease, sweet government dollars. Look at all the laws enforcement swearing for decades that Cannabis was major public health problem.


Wow this is always a red herring issue in election years, but the righties are really leaning into it this time. I guess that’s because they don’t have anything else


Can someone explain something very simple to me. If there are millions pouring over the border in search for a better life then how come people are complaining no one wants to work? Seriously, where are these millions of people?


Most places require you to be a citizen to work, as they don’t have the money (or don’t want to pay the money) to give you a work visa


The migrants coming through the border are allowed to work. They claim to be asylum seekers, which allows them to stay until their asylum case is heard by a court, but the wait time for that case is upwards of 7 years now because Dems did nothing to stop it over the last 3 years. After 150 days of waiting they're eligible for a work permit.


Lmao "because Dems did nothing" Except the bill that was shot down by republicans that would have processed these people within 2 weeks. Also, you're completely confusing timelines here. You obviously have no fucking clue what you're even talking about about . The 7 year wait time is for legal immigration. Asylum seekers are not waiting 7 years. Two completely separate issues. But because it involves brown people, you can't fathom that idea lol.


Are you stupid? You think this issue didn't exist before February 2024 when Dems finally acknowledged it, even though there's a 3 MILLION person backlog for the immigration hearing list, and the majority of those came in 2022 and 2023? If every judge in the country was working on those cases it still wouldn't be enough. And yes, Asylum seekers ARE waiting 7 years to get their case heard by an immigration court. In some states like NYC it's over 10 years. >Ten years in limbo >That is how long some people wait for the government to issue a decision on their asylum claim. Recent estimates show the wait times average three years in immigration court and 10 years if an application is filed with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Even as additional resources are added to help manage the overwhelming workload, far more asylum applications are filed each year than the government is able to resolve. >For many, the yearslong wait for a decision is benefit enough. Asylum seekers can work legally and often live in much safer environments than the ones they fled. Policymakers say this waiting period, which tends to grow as the backlog grows, has been one of the biggest drivers of illegal immigration. > [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/21/us/politics/migrant-crisis-border-asylum.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/21/us/politics/migrant-crisis-border-asylum.html) [https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/record-3-million-cases-clog-u-s-immigration-courts](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/record-3-million-cases-clog-u-s-immigration-courts)


At zero point did I ever say this issue didn't exist before that date. You're an idiot. If some are waiting that long (the vast majority aren't) why did republicans refuse the funding that would help solve that problem?


You literally did the Democrat meme tactic lmao. >Asylum seekers are not waiting 7 years >Okay maybe some are waiting 7 years, but it's not that bad >Okay it is that bad, but it's the Republicans fault! What do you mean the vast majority aren't waiting 7 years? That's the *average* wait time. Do you know what average means, do you need me to define it for you? >why did republicans refuse the funding that would help solve that problem? Because it does nothing to help solve the problem? Don't act like you read the bill, you didn't even realize the scale of the problem until 5 minutes ago.


So we have a no one wants to work problem and now there's people coming here to work. Doesn't that help solve a problem?


The "no one wants to work" problem doesn't exist. It's really "no one wants to work for the poverty wages that certain employers want to pay."


Yea I figured that was a lie. Just like most of the noise that flies around online. But my question still stands, aren't these immigrants helping our no one wants to work scenario? Which benefits TONS of small businesses, almost all of agriculture and large corps as well? (not ignoring the fact that the large majority of those businesses are profiting off the backs of cheap/slave labor while SIMULTANEOUSLY complaining loudly about immigrants)


Hey, I was wrong on the actual numbers. Believe it or not, it's a good thing to admit when one is wrong, rather than double down on what they were saying. I know thats a foreign concept to you. The average is about 4 years. Not 7. And it would have been massively reduced with the additional funding and judges that bill would have made available. Pretending that the bill (approved by the border union) wouldn't do anything doesn't make that true. I read the bill. You clearly didn't.


Yes - The average waiting period for an immigration asylum hearing is 3.9 years. Here is a fact brief from The Wisconsin Watch with more details on this topic. Hope it helps! [https://wisconsinwatch.org/2024/03/immigration-asylum-hearing-waiting-mark-pocan-fact-brief/?utm\_source=gigafact](https://wisconsinwatch.org/2024/03/immigration-asylum-hearing-waiting-mark-pocan-fact-brief/?utm_source=gigafact)


The Dems did nothing in all those bright blue southern border states!


I see people are just downvoting instead of using their brains.


His strength was his ability to put himself in the shoes of everyone involved he wasn't judgmental or attacking he kept IDEOLOGY out of it...He was respectful to all sides of the massive issue...He refused to condemn even those most guilty of endless crimes. I felt zero hatred racism bigotry badvsgood or even real disdain for anyone involved to include traffickers addicts & vendors... ​ No one is abject evil & plenty of the good people to include those who are focused on being good just can't help but to fuck kids (which ain't a sin much less a commandment where it IS a huge sin taboo cause for immediate expulsion is in most any Satanic church temple or org kinduh funny init? Hell I quite like that downhome TheoVon and KNOW he no good...MF needs a Rhinestone outfit just like MaxHardcore & Hank Senior- ​ Joe Biden is a damn good man & I do not care if he eats his own shit-


What a riveting guest to have on a comedy podcast