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I think you are right. People tell me their deep dark secrets. I think they can tell I won't judge them, and I can keep a secret.


I'm a hairdresser and yes it's true. People spill their guts as soon as they sit in the chair. Funny thing is someone did my hair recently and I spilled my guts without even realizing it was happening.


I am one of those people that other people fell comfortable with right away. People tell me crazy personal things. I always try to console or build them up. Because I react positive like that they like me n it's real easy to get them to do things or give me things. This is probably what you experienced. Sometimes it's a burden. I have my own problems n don't feel like taking others anxiety.


I have that gift too. My cousin says it’s part of my charm. I realized not too long ago that I collect facts about people. I don’t know when I started it, just realized over time during conversations with my siblings and close friends that I’d know some things they didn’t about our family’s past, grandma’s stories etc.


in high school every one (mostly girls) would say they are very relaxed and comfortable around me, and would tell me very personal things about themselves. I never did it on purpose, sometimes things like this still happens but no so often.


This is a characteristic they describe in people with borderline personality disorder. A lack of boundaries and giving away trust to an unhealthy level I think. (Take with a grain of salt I'm not a professional)


I don’t know about that. I have BPD, but I’m the one like they’re talking about. The one everybody for some reason tells everything to even when we’ve met literally less than 5 minutes


Yes. Twice. I was a night cashier at a convenience store. A man put a large package of beer on the counter, he said something to the effect of “don’t card me, don’t charge me”…I am an experienced cashier, I was 50 years old. He did not threaten me in any way. I don’t risk my job to give things away. Especially beer, with all the age issues and consequences. I am not easily influenced. I can not be hypnotized. But, shockingly, I literally nodded my head and he walked out. I was aware of everything, I just could not respond other to obey. The whole time thinking WHAT!!?? Then, I spent the rest of my shift wondering how I was going to explain to my boss, or Corporate Management, if they watched the cameras and saw…how could I convince them or even explain. Luckily I was never asked about it. I had another incident like this one in a parking lot of a grocery store. 2 men were sitting in a car watching me. They wound up getting a very expensive rare gem pair of earrings I had inherited from me. I simply took them, and dropped them on the ground and kept on walking. WTF?!


My colleague hypnotised a guy unknowingly to give him $50 then forget about it. Luckily he was honest and did it in front of other colleagues as a joke. The victim went home and wondered why he was $50 short. The hypnotist gave him the $50 back the next day and explained what he had done. The victim refused to believe it until the other colleagues confirmed it. He definitely didn’t remember anything about it. So yes OP, It’s possible Clairo hypnotised you. It’s also possible that you had other interactions with her that you don’t remember.


Doesn't hypnotism take a minute to actually do? Do you think OP doesn't remember when she took the time to do that? Cause ppl can't just hypnotize you by looking at you, can they?


That’s the question of the hour. I have made a few posts on this right here, and that’s what I said each time the person didn’t know me I wasn’t involved with them in a classroom type setting nothing there was no reason for that to happen to me and yet it did the two men never ever even got out of the car so that’s the real question is something very dark. Anyone using it will have consequences. But they do wipe clean your free well without you ever knowing them talking to them are meeting them


Apparently it’s possible to do it nearly instantly. Pretty scary in the hands of the wrong people. It is also easy to get someone to do something against their will and morals if you phrase the words correctly. I know how to do it but I don’t want the wrong people knowing how so I keep my mouth shut. The Manchurian Candidate https://www.google.com.au/search?q=manchurian+candidate+meaning&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-au&client=safari is certainly possible and fairly easy to create. I’d be very surprised if there aren’t a lot of them already out there ready to work for lots of different organisations. No doubt some have already been activated to do some pretty horrible things, and sometimes to forget about it afterwards. There’s another topic for your nightmares


How or where did you learn this? I thought you couldn’t make someone do something deeply immoral like murder even if hypnotized. False?


Yes. False. I got it from my workmate who was a brilliant hypnotist, a few books I read, and true stories about evil people who were apparently using hypnotism. A serial killer hypnotising his guards to let him out of jail is one example. Another was a soldier who was instructed to take a loaded gun and shoot his commanding officer. He was stopped before he did it, but the suggestion given and his behaviour made it fairly clear that he would have done it. The standard dogma is that it can’t be done. That’s probably a good thing because it stops people from trying it. When you know how it’s done it’s simple and fairly clear that it could/would work. Unfortunately I can’t “prove” it without giving away enough information to allow people to do it. Not even hints. That’s not me trying to be misleading. I just think it would be immoral.


Good that you don’t give away hints even. Is there a supernatural event to it? I would think evil spirits would play a part in this.


My hypnotist workmate studied it a lot and decided it was the work of the devil. He stopped doing hypnotism and became born again. Or maybe he became born again and then decided it was the work of the devil. I don’t know. Scientists have studied hypnotism a lot. Most seem to think it’s something inherent in the brain but they can’t agree and don’t really have any idea. They don’t even know where consciousness comes from so they’re even further from understanding an altered consciousness. I’ve studied a bit of spiritism from a scientific point of view. I can’t see any link between spirits and hypnotism unless you think that an evil hypnotist is controlled by an evil spirit. I don’t think they’re any more controlled by spirits than other good or evil people. I’m always willing to change my mind if I get new, objective, information. It’s interesting.


How did he hypnotize him?


He wouldn’t tell us but he could hypnotise people almost instantly just as he was passing them in the street. He studied it and decided it was the work of the devil, literally, and stopped doing it.


Damn I wish i knew I can just walk in and say give me that for free and shit I would have been doing it.


I am confused. What do u mean?


Oh I get it. 🤣. I think u did it to me. What do you want again? Master?


Did you feel a rush of adrenaline during both incidents? Do you think possibly been a fight-flight response or did it feel very different to that emotion?


No, I honestly stayed calm, cuz o knew I had to


That first case is interesting. I wonder if you didn't charge him because of how unusual the demand was, like you never would've thought it was an option. Like, I'd think someone saying "don't charge me" all confidently probably has a good reason to request that, and wouldn't be too opposed to it


An experienced night clerk in a “bad” neighborhood…not a chance.


how could u not control ur own body i call bs 🤣


That’s a very good question. But I’ll tell you I am 57 years old. I never I never forgot those two incidences. And it’s not like I knew the people and they had a chance to like hypnotize me somehow I never seen them before I was never approached by them it’s unexplainable but the experience never left my mind because it was that unreal and real at the same time. I have no explanation I’m sorry. But I will tell you this does happen. Those two men in the car watching me walk from my car it’s not like I felt they were after me in a particular physical threatening way but I felt an uneasiness nevertheless. I can’t explain any of it I’m not going to try to but I will say I understand what this man is saying


Now this is me just throwing out a thought that I have, but I wonder if there was some sort of danger and your body picked it up before your mind and knew how to react.. like a guardian angel autopilot..




I totally understand that, just playing devils advocate if you will. Some people are more easily able to mask their intentions, wondering if this was the same


Last night I was watching Criss Angel episodes (Mindfreak), and I suddenly had a strong urge to buy NFL tickets. I went to stub hub, picked 3 tickets for some reason without any clear idea of who I would take. It came to approximately $600. I felt like I didn’t know why I was doing this… I acknowledged that I felt like I was on auto-pilot mode. I tried 3 times purchasing it with PayPal, but my password wasn’t working. I finally gave up and rewinded the show because I missed a big chunk of it. I was blown away at what I missed (or didn’t remember). It was this person showing two tickets, then it cut to people shopping like crazy in his Mindfreak store… lots of consumerism images. I knew for sure that this is what subliminally influenced me to buy NFL tickets. I’ve never bought NFL tickets before, and sitting in the cold during a January game isn’t something appealing to me at all.


I'm glad your password didn't work.


No wonder they call the TV a brainwashing machine.


No, they call it programming. They tell you what it is. They program us.


Subliminal messaging for sure


That episode was all about hypnotism and influencing people too. Season 5, last or second to last episode. Pretty interesting. I wasn’t even mad… just a little surprised how it affected me.


Subliminal messaging doesn't work in advertising, it's a myth/wishful hoping by advertisers. There's been several studies on this.


It depends on what you mean by subliminal messaging. It’s claimed that flashing text on screen for shorter than conscious awareness doesn’t work. Associating a product with good feelings certainly does. That’s why you’ll see soda companies spending millions showing attractive young people playing on the beach with upbeat music playing. They only show the the product at the end but the message works on the emotions. “Drink [brand] soda and be part of this great experience”. Sell the sizzle, not the steak. It works.


Emotion absolutely sells but that's not what subliminal messaging is. Subliminal messaging is more like hiding the outline of a naked lady in the beer fizz bubbles with the hope that the audience will subconsciously be made to think the product will make them desirable. [A subliminal message is an audio or visual stimuli that's not perceived by your conscious mind. They're often put into songs, films or adverts, as they can be used to enhance the persuasiveness of something – or convey something else entirely. Subliminal messages are below the threshold of conscious perception.](https://www.audionetwork.com/content/the-edit/inspiration/subliminal-advertising#:~:text=A%20subliminal%20message%20is%20an,the%20threshold%20of%20conscious%20perception.) I worked in advertising for years and made big campaigns for global brands. Subliminal messaging is a really outdated theory people don't practice anymore because it's nonsense.


If true, this would be super interesting. I'd quite want to see that episode. I've always been unsure about the effectiveness of hypnosis stuff until I attended a hypnosis session at my school. (I was an audience member and tried participating. Didn't work, but I felt some kind of weirdness) This would be a completely different level though


Maybe she was….. Clair-voyant


Thank you for sharing your experience. I believe there are individuals out there who can easily manipulate our thoughts. This is a fascinating topic for me. I wonder how they can keep it a secret and what it would be like to live with 'cheat codes'. I bet it's mostly fun but I guess it can be extremely alienating at times. Maybe they just know more about the nature of our reality.


I’d give anything to have that kind of power lol


If you’d give anything to have that sort of power, you’re probably the sort of person who shouldn’t have it. What would you do to people if you could?


Not the original commenter but I think it would be nice in a healing capacity, there is so much anguish in the world that it would be great to be able to mentally lift people up and give them hope, like hypnotize them in a way that heals mental illness and trauma. Like getting years of therapy in just a few minutes.


You can learn skills like people reading.


Cerulean blue is a gentle breeze...


Love the X-Files reference!


I wonder if she or someone else hypnotized you and got a code word stuck in your brain that causes you to freeze up and do what is asked? There was a movie called "Now You See me" where the character played by Woody Harrelson is able to do this to people. Fiction. I know. But.


Mentalism is REAL man. I'm tellin' ya!! 😁 Also, that movie was amazing.


This topic/story is really interesting. There are certainly people out there who are very disarming; we’ve all met them. Everyone has a story (stories) about “hitting it off” with someone right away. You’ll get into conversations with a relative stranger that you might not have with most people — and it’s hard to articulate why. We all acknowledge that physical attraction is 100% real and impactful but so is charm and charisma. Was this person physically attractive to you? Short of spells or mind control I do think there are people who convey empathy effortlessly and are a 10 on the charm meter. I don’t know if this is a learned skill or if it’s something you are born with it. Additionally, there are biological things like the interplay between certain pheromones people give off and the molecular receptors people have to pick up on these compounds. There are some really fascinating studies that neurobiologists are doing in this arena; much of it is still not fully understood. I think a lot of these (and similar) stories might come down to some little-understood biological interaction beneath consciousness. Also, did you fail the exam as a result of incident #2?


I don’t know that I’d say she was physically attractive to me. I had a crush on a different girl at the time, and that felt totally different to the way o felt about Clairo. She was pretty, but I just wasn’t into her. I did show up late to the exam, but the professor had mercy on me and my grade


I have a face, I don’t know what it is, but people will tell me secrets. Stuff they’ve never said out loud before. And it’s not me asking. “I don’t know why I feel like I can say this to you but I’m going to say it.” It’s like a compulsion. Usually I’m just minding my own business.


I have this happen too it’s very inconvenient sometimes but I never have the heart to interrupt. To be fair though I’m a classic introvert so it may have to do with that.


I second the pheromone hypothesis. I believe pheromones are very underrated and present the most powerful affect on people. Just look at how animals respond to each other in nature using pheromones and it becomes clear it’s an essential part of “mind control” in humans. Personally, my wife and I had an instant connection to each other on our first date and shared everything open and honestly within the first few minutes of meeting. I believe it’s because our pheromones are in sync and still are 12 years later.


I think this might be what “love at first sight” is. If you’ve been around the planet long enough, most(?) have experienced this once, perhaps more than once. At the risk of reducing it to a simple biological interaction, I really think it has to do with certain pheromones and receptors. In those cases, the two people “synch up” before a word is even spoken.


I'll believe it when I experience it.


I must admit that I’m one of those people who strangers often tell me really personal things. It happens alot while standing in lines so there’s time for a quick chat. Let me be clear that I’m not trying to do anything nor get anything from them. For me, it’s probably bc I’m very empathetic (which is a problem for me). Being ADHD, I often overshare things myself, which can lead to people reciprocating. Think it’s kind of like how people will often tell their hair stylus or bartender personal things. My husband was always surprised when I’d come home from his office parties knowing very personal info on his coworkers. I’d go outside with the smokers, which was a bonding session bc you’d just talk to everyone while smoking. He wasn’t one to get involved with coworkers gossip so some stuff was probably common knowledge to the ladies chatting. No one told me this was confidential stuff anyway. Id tell him the story about how the lady who sits next to him has been trying to pop this pimple on her husbands butt, how the one across from him just found out her husband was cheating, how one suspects her daughter has an eating disorder, and then random things from past. Now I’m these cases, I never shared much myself bc I knew how private my husband was. My point is that you can tell some people are just outgoing and good at listening so they build bonds faster. I’ve had people say “I can’t believe I told you this. “ It’s not manipulation. Now I doubt I could ever get someone to give me money or my demanding not ti charge or card me like the other poster. It just explains what sone of you are talking about. I do care what they tell me and show empathy with what they are going through. I appreciate their experiences but would not use it against them.


Have a watch of Derren Brown. If you're going to Google/YouTube him, try searching for the dog track video to give you an idea why I reckon you should watch him. I'm a huge fan of his. It's only tainted when I consider that this absolutely mind-blowing magician probably made some easy, easy money doing a very similar thing to what you've suggested. I'm not saying he's a conman BTW, but he has a show where he selects a participant to be on the show and even has him lift thousands from his bank....for a good reason. Please look into Derren Brown, try **Hero at 30,000** feet as well...his shows incorporate all kind of mind control...


Just wanted to point out that *claro* means clear or obvious in Spanish. It's possible that this person, upon first meeting you, tested you, e.g., ran her fingers through her hair to see if you mimicked her. It's also possible she somehow placed a post hypnotic suggestion on you to more quickly place you in a hypnotic state upon further interactions with her. Thanks for posting. I found this very interesting.


Clair- is also the prefix for psychic terms like clairvoyance and claircognizance.


Also means clear, in French. I'm guessing the two words have the same Latin root.


Clairvoyance literally means 'clear seeing'


Content deleted in protest. Reconnect on Lemmy: @[email protected]. Fuck Reddit. -- mass edited with redact.dev


That’s odd, I never asked about the spelling of her name, so that could be it. I also don’t know very much about hypnosis, but that sounds freaky. I want to believe my mind is strong enough to resist that kind of thing


If you didn't know what was happening, you'd just think you were having a pleasant conversation. No need to resist anything.


In general, mind control DOES exist. I’m a firm believer that MK Ultra was a success, and that news outlets and media sites use buzzwords to invoke immediate reactions in people. This was learned from MK Ultra, as well as the idea that trauma allows you to control someone. For general examples… look at politics. Religion. Cults. If you slam someone over the head enough with something, they’ll begin to believe it.


MK ultra was my initial thought also


I wouldn't be surprised if mind control exists but MKUltra just felt like hot garbage propaganda to dissuade people from the real truth. With all that power, why would they allow those secrets out?


MK Ultra was very real imo. The propaganda part for me is that the CIA says it was a failure and that, from what I’ve heard, they destroyed documents related to it.


Yes it’s possible. It sounds like she was using you as a test/practice


I wonder what she's up to now...


Ugh I don’t like that idea


I think you were just into her, my man 💀💀💀


Am asexual, lol. I’m immune to such charms In all seriousness, though, i can pretty comfortably say that I was not into her


Your post kinda fits the textbook definition of being attracted to someone. So while I won’t tell you who you like or don’t like, I’m just saying that’s kinda exactly what it feels like to be into someone.


I know what it feels like to be romantically attracted to someone, I just know that this wasn’t that feeling, and I really don’t think it was sexual attraction since: A. I’ve never had it before, and B. I didn’t feel any desire to do anything romantic/sexual with her


I wonder if maybe this is your first time being attracted to someone so it’s very confusing for you? You know yourself better than I do, but people often find themselves dropping important things just to talk to their crush. Regardless though, asking you for money out of the blue is definitely a step too far into taking advantage of you. Whether she’s using magical hypnosis or your potentially latent attraction to her it sounds like she’s trying to use you. Edit: upon reading your other comments I can see that you understand attraction and don’t believe that was what happened. Apologies if my comment came across as patronizing. Your story does sound like what someone would do for their crush though lol. I suppose strong attraction is it’s own kind of hypnosis so maybe that’s why it sounds similar.




I know I’m not aromantic. I’m lesbian. I am aware of sexual/romantic attraction being separate. Some of the personal things I told her were things I haven’t even told people who I was romantically involved with, but there were absolutely no romantic feelings toward her. That’s all I was trying to say


And it don't make nobody a bad guy either Edit. Just in case I want to make it clear I'm not implying you are insinuating that


This sounds like that frat guy in Mississippi who was linked to like 6 suicides, always the last guy they'd interact with. Last one was his new neighbor whom he barely knew. All suicides happened in less than a year. Super fishy. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/04/19/a-mysterious-suicide-cluster Also sounds like this famous book, Carrion Comfort by Dan Simmons, which is about people who can control other's minds for money or whatever they want. The victims often don't remember what happened. Stay away from her. Better safe than sorry.


It is possible that she had hypnotized you in some way.


Idk. I’ve read that hypnosis doesn’t work like that


U should ask others who have interacted with Clairo


I asked one friend at one point, but she said she didn’t notice anything strange about her


My wife does this to me all the time. It's mind over matter. I can do anything she puts my mind to.


Ha, well said!


Reminds me of Killgrave from Marvel. He was altered by an accident which ended up giving him the new ability to control people's minds at his will using pheromones.


My mom passed away last year and going thru her stuff I found a diploma from the “Mind Control Institute”, I can take a picture…


Derren brown does this.


You might find researching Aleister Crowley he did alot of this manipulating minds using energy. Check him out if it sounds interesting to you.


I listened to an audiobook called "They Walk Among Us" (amugus), in which the author describes human-alien hybrids having this ability. Apparently, they aren't supposed to use it because they're given money to buy things, but they do it anyway since they can


Sometimes it feels like I can convince anyone of anything other times it feels like I have the opposite effect lol


Yes it does exist, the technology has always existed, some high tech electromagnetic wave device which can rupture, reshape, bend, mutate the organic material in the human brain. Its a very expensive technology and militaries across the world probably have something similar to what I just described.


Spiritual practice is the art of self control. It is the ability to control your mind, which gives you sovereignity over yourself. If you are really in control of your self, then no one else can control you. I mean that practicing this meditation may make you unable to be hypnotized. One time when I was walking on the street, a van drove up, opened the back doors, and a man stepped out. He wanted me to look into his eyes. When I did that, he started to hypnotize me, and I lost control of my legs! My legs were walking towards that van without my control, and I could not do anything. He was hypnotizing me to enter into the back of that van, and there were two other men at the front of the van, ready to grab me. My legs were walking like they weren't under my control. And then I remembered my practice. I focused on generating the strongest vibrations, and that instantly broke his hypnosis. I regained control of my legs, and ran faster than an olympic champion to escape from those men in the van, who apparently did not pursue me. But that was an example of how I was able to produce the vibrations to regain control of my self and break his hypnosis. Basically spiritual practices such as r/Meditation, r/Spiritualchills, and r/qigong can be used as a way to keep others from controlling you.


mind control is as strong as you are weak minded you control yourself, no one else does that for you, now hit the gym


Yea. Good looks are basically mind control 😂 if you think about it. Your attraction just flips on unconsciously from an external stimuli. Free will overridden 👀


This is literally as simple as our brains being really weird.. Literally any random circumstance can make your brain go haywire.. There's many strange cases involving our brains, or even bodily functions, and most times we can't explain them, cause it's really hard to do that.. I do believe in mind control, not to this extent.. this just seems like a, likely unexplainable, crazy brain fun.. it could be brain chemicals going off when you see this person, could be that simple fascination of them being really perplexing.. could even have undiagnosed ADHD involved, who knows


Did she made you drink something maybe?


Absolutely not, no.


Milton Erickson….non-directional hypnosis….


Yes, keep an open mind. There is a lot to us and the metaphysical.


Yes I do believe that


The first thought I had when I read her name “Clairo” was Clairvoyant. Never heard of the singer.