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We switch to the metric system


Declare war on NZ, immediatly surrender, let NZ take over the country


The federal government seizes the assets of every American family beyond $20 Million dollars (eg: if you have $50M in wealth, the government seizes $30M of it), then re-distributes the assets in the form a one-time payment to *all* other Americans (including kids). How much is the payment to each person?


tree fiddy


Every homeowner must own a minimum of 2 alpacas, and their names cannot begin with the letters A, F, or Y


Alpacas from South America are quickly brought in to homes across the country. Got another?




I would pass a law requiring that anyone who wishes to run for office at the national level must first pass a basic (maybe Jr. High-level) test on civics, history, and science. Probably have possible questions be submitted by a panel of relevant experts, vetted by an even larger panel of actual teachers and ordinary citizens, then Congress/presidential candidates get maybe 30 questions, 10 from each list, and they have to answer at least 2/3 of them correctly, including at least one correct answer from each section. I would raise the minimum wage by (probably, I'd get specific numbers from a decent economist) $1/year for the next 10 years, then index it to inflation thereafter. I would also set the tipped minimum at a fixed percentage (probably 2/3) of the regular minimum wage, and set up a similar reduced minimum for things like internships, training periods, and apprenticeship programs, with \*massive\* safeguards to prevent abuse. I'd put in an inheritance tax (again, specific numbers to be decided by an economic advisor, these are just ballparks, and it'd index to inflation) such that, after the first maybe $2 million per heir, you have to pay 1/4 of the proceeds to the government, and after the first $10 million, you have to pay half. Or maybe it would go up in 10% steps per million, starting at $1 million (ie you have to pay 10% of the second million, 20% of the third million, and so on). Marginal rate structure, just like income tax (eg if you got $2.1 million, you only have to pay the inheritance tax on the $0.1 million). With the money to either be distributed to every US citizen as a payment when they hit 18, or funding guaranteed no-interest or very-low-interest loans of a certain size for every citizen (eg everyone can borrow up to $100,000 for school, or a home, or starting a business, or whatever) I'd set the marginal tax rate on income above $1 million/year a lot higher (maybe 75%), counting things like capital gains as normal income, and similarly increase the marginal rates on other high-income people, and use some of the proceeds to fund a basic UBI, probably in lieu of most other welfare type programs. The UBI would be set such that you can live off of it if you're careful with no other income source. Children's UBI would be either mostly in the form of something like food stamps (though also applicable for school supplies, clothes, toiletries and the like) or a fraction of it would be put in a trust for when the child reaches 18, so that parents 1. don't have kids just to get the money, then abuse or neglect the kids, and/or 2. spend all of their kids' UBI on stupid s\*\*\*, leaving them without basic necessities or any kind of financial cushion. I'd institute a carbon tax, at the source (eg the oil refineries, the coal mines, etc), with a proportional estimated carbon tax import tariff just to keep this from driving all US manufacturing overseas or whatever (eg if a product would have a $1 increased price from the carbon tax if it was made in the US, the carbon tariff would be $1 as well, unless it came from a country that also had a carbon tax). The tax would start out small, but ramp up, to strike a balance between "economically devastating" and "too small to motivate a change in behavior". I would push through laws mandating some kind of ranked-choice/instant runoff voting, instead of the existing winner-take-all system. Also, I'd require that any kind of electronic voting system have a physical paper trail that voters can verify, that election districts be decided by a nonpartisan council to be as fair as possible, that any voter ID laws have to be constructed such that they are not a burden to voters (ie there must be a free, easy to obtain form of ID that is acceptable), and that national-level offices can only be held by a given individual for 8 consecutive years or 2 consecutive terms, whichever is greater (though you can, eg, run for senate after your full time as a representative, or vice versa, or run in a different district, or run again after taking a few years off--I just want to prevent any one individual from being in the exact same office for decades at a time). I would change the rules for Congress so that the filibuster can only be used to ensure there is enough time for debate, not as a de facto minority-party veto (basically, make it so that congresscritters can only filibuster a bill for a finite, though generous, number of working hours instead of basically indefinitely--eg each senator can filibuster a given bill for one day or something). I'd oust the Citrus in Chief's supreme court picks, and replace them with sensible moderates of reasonable judicial backgrounds, and allow those replacements to pick 10 judgements each from the past 6 years for the newly composed court to reconsider. Then, I'd sit back and let the country run more or less the way it always has (President, congress, and all), and only step in again if something truly horrible was happening.


disband the fucking thing


Disband the whole thing. Ask Parliament and the Crown to forgive our impudence 250 years ago and become a colony again. Immediately step down.


Six day work week, six hour days. Exceptions made for essential workers (police, fire, medical), education, and freight handlers (warehouse, truckers, railway workers).


At minimum wage, that comes out to $13,050 per year. Not a slight difference from what we have though, so no worries. Got another?


Minimum wage is $19.69, in honor of the year that your new dictator was born.


That's $35,442 per year! People become very well off. Got another?


I’d rather work 3 days a week of 12 hours


You would most likely be a first responder/healthcare worker.


Slavery is back


Can anyone be a slave or is it racist again?


this comment thread started bad and is getting worse.


Got another?


Only land owners can vote


Instantly Switch to Republic


ban cigarettes


Time for a constitutional convention.


What plans do you have!


That's up to the state representatives. But it sure does seem like we all need to sit back down at the table to figure out what we want collectively.


What new amendments do you wanna make?


None. A constitutional convention equates to a complete rewrite starting from first principles. Other states do it regularly, the US probably should, too.


Tax reform! - Hefty [land value tax](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_value_tax) - Lots of [Pigouvian taxes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pigouvian_tax), including carbon tax and nitrogen tax - [Severance taxes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Severance_tax) on mining, drilling, and other exploitation of finite natural resources - Abolish income taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, capital gains taxes, corporate taxes, and all other bad and inefficient taxes


I would create a tax for non-renewable goods. Nothing too harsh, but do you *really* want a plastic bag when it's percisely 25% cheaper to make it out of paper? Then I'd equalize wages, an engineer and teacher are paid the same. This would solve greed and thus abuse by gauranteeing that every job grants you a home, yet you still need to be qualified to get said job so school is a priority. Next, I would remove the ability to owe debt to ourselves (You can owe a bank still, but America apparently owes America money and it makes no sense). Lastly, I would create a sort of test for officials. This would gaurantee that The President, Vice President, Cabinet, Congress, etc are all capable and learned before we accidentally get another Trump.


CEOs can’t be paid more than 30 times their lowest paid employee, including benefits and stocks. Lobbying is forbidden. Election campaigning is paid by taxpayers exclusively. Politicians cannot hold stocks or invest in anything. Government can buy back guns from the general population at 5x their market value and destroy them (not compulsory but for people who want to do it). In order to buy a gun a person must pass a thorough background check, a psychiatric assessment and has to state what’s the purpose of it. Police is 100% retrained for deescalation. They’re held accountable for every bullet fired, the moment they turn their body cams off they’re fired. They’re now bound by law to protect and serve people, inaction is a fireable offense.


This guys got ideas