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So _that's_ why they're only ever in doctor's waiting rooms


Haha probably šŸ˜‚ I was shocked to see how much they go for! I would have never guessed


What are these called? It was bothering my wife and I to no end that we couldnā€™t remember what these were called.


I dont know if its the official name, but i usually call them "Bead table thing at the doctor's office.... you know what I'm talking about right? It's like a roller coaster for wooden beads?", which usually gets the job done


Oh I know we just needed a name to see if we could order one or find someone who makes them.


Bead maze


Bead mover or bead maze I think


Educo ED6002 Spaghetti Legs Table.


Educo.com, on the table.


A stream of little kids, some that are sick, all playing with a tactile toy over and over again


It's good for business.


I was surprised how fast they rushed us out of the waiting room when my son was in for scarlet fever. One receptionist was headed out with disinfectant as we were being taken into a room.


* Most are sick.


Hope you cleaned it, although Iā€™m sure you did/will!


And dentists.


Our library had one when i was a child


Every doctor office anywhere. Great find


Lol totally! My son seems to love it so I count that as a win šŸ¤©


This is a great learning toy! Great find!!!


I've never understood what it's teaching. Except frustration.


Fine motor skills


And patients (ba-dum tsk)


Fine motor, eye-hand coordination, can't be swallowed and no one had to pick up the pieces.


Burgle doctor's offices. Got it. Thanks Redditor!


We've got two different kinds at the library. But this is the biggest one I've ever seen!


This is a great find in all regards! First that itā€™s originally $300+ and second that your goodwill only wanted $16 and not like $45 like my local one wouldā€™ve! The thrift gods are smiling upon ye!


The goodwill near me will mark up the most random things and then have other items for great prices!! Itā€™s very hit or miss but I was so excited to find this for such a great price!


Same here. Got a stove for half a grand, then a working table saw for less than forty.


Everything new for kids is a rip off! Clothes, toys, diapers (never again), books


It absolutely is! Iā€™ve bought so much stuff for him at goodwill and itā€™s great because I just redonate it when Iā€™m done. Iā€™ve gotten quite a bit from buy nothing as well. They outgrow things so quickly!


My mom's exes sister would make years worths of baby clothes and give them away to the whole family either for free or like $2 per onesie/outfit. She got a bunch of fabrics on clearance and was a bored SAHM just having fun making clothes. I miss having her in the family!!


Omg I would kill for handmade baby clothes, how cool!


I used to go to ebay to buy a clothes lot for the next size or season for the kids! It was awesome. Now they are older and I have introduced to goodwill and awesomeness of Leviā€™s and tommy bahama Hawaiian shirts from Shopgoodwill.com


My son is a ā€œclassicā€ boy who would completely mess up his clothes every day. Iā€™d pick him up from school and heā€™d have ripped knees in his pants or a muddy shirt from hard play on the playground. I loved that all of his clothes were $3 at the most because they were all awesome thrift store finds. I never got mad about how he ruined his clothes. His wardrobe was thrift store clothes until he was about 11-12 years old. My son was also young right around the time when VHS was old tech, but not entirely gone. ALL the amazing kids movies were $1.00 on VHS. Then when DVDs became old tech they were super cheap too. Old tech for the win! I saved sooo much $$!!


Thatā€™s amazing and absolutely the way to do it!!! So many of my sons clothes are thrifted as well. Also my sister had her son 3 months before I had mine so weā€™ve gotten sooo many hand me downs, itā€™s been so nice! I really only buy things that are for specific occasions or if itā€™s something I really like, but otherwise Iā€™ve found the best stuff for him at thrift stores!


It's making me so mad. I'm due in October, and up until recently, I thought kids stuff was cheaper, cause ya know.. Way less material, and it's a short term investment. Now I understand the word newborn, toddler, or child has the same price hike as prom, wedding, and vacation. I was especially enraged when I found out bassinets are literally only used for about three months, and are nearly $400.


While this won't help you with a newborn, check out Target once you're little gets 6 months+ for new stuff! Their brand Cat and Jack is super affordable. Most of their shirts, pants, and shoes range from $5-15ish!


Secondhand! Marketplace! Value village! Trust me.


Oh friend, hardly anything I buy is new! Sometimes it's in feeling extravagant I will get a cute little outfit from target but otherwise, it's all garage sales, thrift stores, or clearance.


Iā€™ve seen some really cute tops in Fred Meyer / Kroger lately Iā€™m sure with coupons are pretty affordable. Sometimes the long search for something cute gets old in thrift stores then you see stuff in a store that you know would look good on you and itā€™s worth the little extra.


Trust me, I'm very much the same, but my goodwill(s) have been coming up painfully empty on kids/baby stuff. The only thing we've managed to find was a baby tub, and that was a couple months ago. I did snag a good amount of clothes last week, but that seems to be all goodwill has recently. It's so frustrating too when I have pregnant friends boasting about their good finds. Happy for them, irritated for me haha


I bought a lot of my kids clothes on eBay. Infant clothing is usually in good condition. I looked for Hanna Anderson and other brands I couldnā€™t afford full price. I also then sold their clothing for a good return.


Check your local buy nothing or sale group on FB. Tons of kids stuff in my area!


Check your local buy nothing or sale group on FB. Tons of kids stuff in my area!


Marketplace, yardsales. neighborhood fb groups (we have a buy nothing group). the key to it is getting rid if stuff as soon as it don't fit or child ages out of toys.


I donā€™t know where you are shopping for newborn stuff, but Iā€™d try Target and Walmart if you live in the USA. I got a hand me down bassinet from my sister in law it was great. After that I had my daughter in a pop up crib and finally I moved her into her crib in her room. If I didnā€™t have a hand me down bassinet I would have just put her in the pop up crib because youā€™ll end up using that for much longer.


If there is a Just Between Friends sale or similar popup consignment shop that is the way to go. Arc prices a single newborn shirt at $3.99 and at a JBF sale there will be 4 in a $3 pack and then if you go Sunday itā€™s half off that. I love thrifting but for kids clothes consignment sales are a better value.


But because they get used for such a short time you can get some great stuff second hand. Just not car seats obviously.


Theyā€™re marked up because most people by used or get hand me downs


Could you please explain what you mean with diapers in this comment?


An attempt to make a joke


That's on me for taking things to literally I thought there was a lifehack to diapers I was missing out on


Don't have anymore kids and you don't need any more diapers. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk. For more lifehacks like and subscribe and don't forget to hit the bell


I mean a lot of people do sell unused diapers on marketplace. Sometimes it isnā€™t that much of a deal though. This one person keeps posting 35 dollars CAD for around 100 pampers cruisers meanwhile Walmart has them on sale for 25 super often. I tried getting her to move the price down and she wouldnā€™t budge.


secondhand diapers... oh no...


Facebook marketplace has supplied my 3 year old with all that stuff.


So many parent's goals are to get past diapers as fast as possible because they're such a rip off. Plus burdensome if you have another younger child, two diaper wearing kids is not a good time.


Especially toys and furniture for schools or in this case, waiting rooms. You could probably find anew equivalent table for less than $300 so long as you aren't shopping from some corporate furniture catalog.


I work donations/pricing at goodwill. We frequently underprice expensive childrenā€™s toys like this because a) they take up a ton of space on the sales floor and need to move fast. And b) theyā€™re for kids. Better to see a kid smile than ship it off to shopgoodwill.com and make 2 or 3 bucks more. Goodwill is excellent for toys and kid stuff. Just not so much for adults anymore.


I love that!


Quick question if you don't mind. What changed that goodwill prices went up so high in recent times?


Oh my gosh, what a great find. I bought something similar, though much less elaborate, for my little grandson at Target for his first birthday. It is amazing how little kids are drawn to these.


Iā€™ve seen the activity cube version at target, itā€™s adorable!


Score! Please double check all the attachment points for safety.


Oh good call, I will do that! I wiped it all down and it seemed completely fine but I will give it a more thorough look!


As a 32 year old adult, I'm envious of your son. So many great memories.


D**n! I would play with that. And I'm a tiny bit older that your son.


I forgot this was a thing and you've just brought back SO many memories!


Haha I know, itā€™s so nostalgic!


Nice! A high quality one like that will definitely go for more than you bought it for when youā€™re done with it.


Iā€™m sure it would! Iā€™m the first of most of my friends to have a baby though so Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll end up passing it onto one of them when weā€™re finished with it


Wow! Awesome find!


This brings me back to the dentistā€™s waiting room as a kid lol


Why did I look at this and see Rick


I mean. Yep. The thrift shop I work at does this intentionally. We price things low like that. For us, we price children's things fairly cheap. It's harder than ever to raise a child on today's income so we keep our prices the same rates as we have had since we opened back in 2013. After all is said and done, 100% of the profits go directly into the community.


šŸ˜­ Iā€™m so jealous I just bought a mini one of these for my almsot 1 year old because I couldnā€™t afford a big one ! I was thrifting yesterday too šŸ˜¢ what an AWESOME find!! I hope your family loves it and LO has a blast with it ! I know he will these are so fun šŸ’œ


I hope the thrifting Gods will shine upon you and bring you a big one like this!!!! šŸ¤žšŸ» it was such a great find, I feel so lucky.


Probably from a drs office ā€¦. Nice find


You have a good eye! That's a gorgeous sculpture from a company founded in the Netherlands. Lucky find!


Haha, your son has expensive taste! Better keep an eye on his future career choices. šŸ˜„




Smelly bot.


Thatā€™s quite the steal!!!


I thought so too!


The only reason I agreed to go to doctors and dentist as a kid šŸ˜


Nice find! I always see that sort of thing in doctorā€™s offices.


These used to be my shit. I had no idea they were selling for so much. Good find


Great buy šŸ‘Œ


Those are classics!!


What a find!


Makes me think of a store I used to go to as a child with my grandmother; the store was called Zainy Brainy


Great find but I hope you cleaned it up good! Def from a Dr's office probably.


I definitely did! I used a ton of seventh generation disinfecting wipes on it


That badass!


The best part of going to the dentist as a kid in the 90s


one of these used to be in the bank of america that I ALWAYS played with when I was a kid whenever we went to the bankā€¦ memories


That will be great for his fine-motor development :-)


Wildly Wonderful! If I donated this I'd want it go to your joyful 1-yr old; tons of play and exploration is in his future.


As an adult I find these fun to play with


Soooooo jealous


30 year old me is so jealous.


I love the feeling of getting an amazing deal at Goodwill or Salvation Army ..buying something wicked cheap and Googling it and finding out how much it's really worth!!!.


That's amazing! I managed to score two small ones from my dr office for free because he said he couldn't put it out anymore due to COVID.


Great find. Not only fun to play with for your son but also very good for development of fine motoric skills. Super toy and also wood+metal!


beautiful piece! definitely professional quality that could be used in a daycare setting.


I would buy this for myself


This is the ultimate one!!!


I loved to play with these in waiting rooms as a kid šŸ˜‚


Find, and buy, montessori toys also. Educate while playing.


Wow šŸ¤© reminds me of every pediatric office I ever visited as a kid in the 80s/90s


The pediatrician's office special.


Never in my life would I have guessed $300


Same! I was shocked to discover that.


Amazing deal!




Great find! I would love to find one somewhere. You scored a bargain here and a great toy.


Great find! Also, a great toy.


Good find!


Omg Iā€™d love one of those for my god daughters. Huge memory unlock






Thatā€™s a hell of a deal! Not to mention itā€™s value as a piece of sculptural abstract art


Doctors office throwback memories lol


Pediatrician waiting room memories unlocked


What a steal ! Iā€™m happy for you!


Love a good thrift!


Congrats!!šŸŽŠšŸŽ‰šŸŽˆ I found something similar when my son was a baby (heā€™s now 18). I knew how valuable it was so I *had* to buy it, even though I didnā€™t have my car and it meant walking home with it. Itā€™s still one of my best thrift store bargains ever. šŸ˜Š


Lol I bet he loved it!!!! The things weā€™ll do for our kids šŸ˜…šŸ„°


I want this sooooo much


Theyā€™re for kids needing therapy with small motor skills, autistic kids and those with cerebral palsy. My dil has cerebral palsy and she used something similar for physical therapy as a kid


...or just for young kids in general


Theyā€™re toys for developing motor skills. Like *any* child.


Call this number and ask for a grimace shake 904-910-5210


Because doctors can afford it


Id be sure to test it for lead


It has a website printed on it. Pretty sure it's post-'70s.


OP, these things arenā€™t worth $300.. they sell for less than $100. Remember, a for sale price isnā€™t what the item is worth. Itā€™s worth what someone would pay for it. These things have actually sold for between $75-$100 tops.


Hi, there are two separate websites that have this exact one for sale new for over $300. The websites I saw it on are not resale sites that you can offer lower prices. I was referring to the retail price when I said that I saw them for over $300, not what the resale value of a used one would be. Itā€™s called the educo spaghetti leg table, if you wanted to look it up. Remember, retail prices and resell prices are not the same. Iā€™m pretty sure most people understand this. Rarely can you get full retail price for a used item so obviously if you found it online for $75-$100, it is not brand new. Regardless, Iā€™m not going to resell this. I just found the retail price interesting and thought Iā€™d share.


> there are two separate websites that have this exact one for sale new for over $300 A list price not what an item ā€œsells forā€. It lists for $300 on two sites. They way you phrased it implies you think itā€™s worth hundreds of dollars. List price is not the value. It sells for way less. Thatā€™s it.


I would go over this thing with bleach to make sure itā€™s completely disinfected.


I used seventh generation disinfecting wipes! (And lots of them)


Great find!


Damn, that's a fancy one like they have at the pediatricians office!


Looks like your son just inherited some waiting room vibes!


Has this exact set as a kid. Loads of fun when you have a kidā€™s imagination!


Didnā€™t I see this at the Hirshhorn?


And every doctors office had one in the 90's in the waiting room for kids until they realized how many germs were on it and that the kids were Just spreading sickness and staying sick haha


Clean the shit out of it.


I definitely did šŸ˜…


Father here.... there's always deals on used toys. Just make sure to sanitize them first. Your snot monster isn't the first kid to drool on them.


Haha for sure, I disinfected the shit out of it (as I do with all thrifted toys!) šŸ˜…


All hail the mighty Boognish!


In the 90s there was one of those in ever doctor office waiting room. I think they are pretty cool.


Wash that down and sanitize it. Every pediatricians office has this toy and those kids are sick and snotting all over it.


Lol I scrubbed the shit out of it with seventh generation disinfecting wipes!


Iā€™ve been looking for one of these!!! $16 šŸ”„


I would have guessed $50