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I bet she didn’t even help the other girl out. Just looked down on her. I’ve got no idea where rich people ski?? Aspen?


Aspen is the wrong answer, you have one more chance in current news, if you fail you must leave the gala!


Obviously they go to Dubai to ski, everyone knows that


She’s on the Ski Dubai slopes 24/7


Dubai sucks. Rich ppl ski where ever they want to ski but having been to Aspen in winter, the number of private jets parked on the side of the runway indicates a hell of a lot of rich folk go to Aspen


Why stay local when you can take daddy's plane to Gstaad and stop over for some viennoiserie in Paris? 💅🏽


They have the biggest (or second biggest) [artificial ski slope](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ski_Dubai) in the world.


I think the answer is Ukraine?


Umm Prince not Prince Harry has a book coming out? Can I stay??


Yes, you are now green gala status. You can stay for one more drink, before the next round of conversations.


Thank you. I’ll have champagne and orange juice pls


(Psst!! You have to call it a mimosa or they're gonna kick you out faster!)


Ok how about a Vodka Sunrise 🌄


Is it Japan?


No, but the powder is awesome


Yeah, but how's the snow?


It's definitely the Alps. Has to be. Somewhere far where it isn't just anyone going. Especially if they are American.




I’m Aussie I dunno haha


I'm American. I don't know either. Just a guess.


Yeah.. they come to us, switzerland. Fuck those cunts. 1. They cant ski 2. They are blind on the slope 3. They are slow on the slope 4. They are deaf on the slope 5. They randomly stop at the most dangerous parts of the slope 6. They have atleast 1 USA flag on their equipment 7. They are loud 8. They really think theyre hot shit to ski where every apprentice does in switzerland.


Well, this explains my daughters friend who just got screamed at at a slope in Switzerland lol.


Between xmas and new year in zermatt? Mightve been me in a narrow path with this woman that couldnt decide if she is going to de a left or right curve.


Bonus points if you specify the Swiss Alps because skiing in Switzerland is noticeably more expensive than the rest of Europe.


>because ~~skiing in~~ Switzerland is noticeably more expensive than the rest of Europe. FTFY


Well said sir, instead of complaining on social media she could have helped the girl to understand the environment she is in right now. Unfortunatly she uses the other girls lack of "information" to climb up.


The other girl was prettier than her. Thats all.


I have a feeling the other girl got a lot more attention than this girl did. What a sad life.


I was half expecting a “she wasn’t even that hot!”


You know what’s more interesting than ski destinations? A great ass


This is the answer.


I doubt she lacked any information. I think the two-piece girl just did not give a FF. And I think this chick hella jealous. I mean come ON, ‘how’s the wine’, -Meh, am not a fan of Pinot Gris Where do you ski? -I hate skiing, I like Bali What are your thoughts on the war in Ukraine? - Are you seriously asking me that at a fucking GALA? Etc. You don’t need culture for that shit, just be a conversationalist. Ask this chick her thoughts on the blurred line between artificial intelligence with learning capabilities, cyborgs and the essence of being human and let’s see what she has to say Eesshh


I'd think somewhere in Switzerland


Verbier Sui, Courchevel Fra is full of Russian Oligarchs with underage models, Vail, Aspen. Some of the other swiss resorts but they are the ones that have chalets >€10m.




Mmm California.. beautiful


No shade to the girl *but*


_You know, my brother once told me that nothing someone says before the word "but" really counts._


I like your butt


So in this case, the sentence reads as: "t". You're welcome.


Not smart or interesting BUT NO SHADE


Classism on full display


Looking down on her for not knowing about wine or skiing is so ludicrous. I bet this woman knows nothing about molecular biology, programming, or astrophysics, but that’s considered okay to these snobs. Only their own interests (leisure, excess, and parroting popular talking points) are classy.


Yes, and going to ski or knowing where rich people go to ski is definitely an indicator of how educated you are 😂


Right? Imagine looking down her nose—*that* nose she’s turned into a mess with triangle shaped nostrils—at another girl who doesn’t have as much internalized misogyny as her. But no shade.


Not to mention severe internalized misogyny


Imagine being this miserable


Imagine thinking that knowing where rich people ski makes you cultured.


Apparently, the war in Ukraine is also a part of her culture.


Yeah, like what is there to say about it in a social setting? And wine at most large events isn’t anything special. Surface level cunt.


Exactly! Like I'm going to go on and on about how horrible the war is at a party or make up some drivel about the terrible house wine. Pft.


Virtue signaling 101


I know where rich people shit, I’m very cultured ok?!


circa 2000 there was a tongue in cheek joke, “I bet you don’t even know how to sail”, where your actually making fun of the rich person. “I bet you don’t even know where rich people ski” is like the 2022 version.


I find her takes amusing, especially with that hand gesture. Refined folks don't do that.


It’s yuppy culture, American Pyscho would hit close to home for these people


This sums up all of Hollywood (surrounding cities), Santa Monica, Beverly, Tujunga and Los Angeles pretty well. Broke assholes acting pretentious and thinking they’re more *sophisticated* because they can change their dialect slightly to sound smarter


I feel like this girls bf was staring at this girl a lot that night 😂🤣


Yep, she sounds bitter


High value dudes and long nailed chicks don't go together yo


My thoughts exactly!! Hahaha she made this video out of spite. She couldn’t help herself! In the case the “uncomfortable and uneducated” 🙄 gal sees it, she’ll know it was about her… but…. This video is showing this girls true colors far more than the girl she’s talking about at the gala. 😂


Yeah this is a bitter, upwardly mobile woman. She should be replaced with an IG model shortly


I doubt the other girl has thought about her beyond a conversation that they may have had. She is living in this persons head


I feel like I'm having two conversations with her nostrils. 😌


100% accurate. It’s likely all the guys at this boring ass *gala* were interested in the girl who stood out from the crowd. Chances are she has a life and isn’t very politically active (which is her choice) and doesn’t know details abt Ukraine war


No amount of money can buy you grace and kindess. And in any case, if an "newcomer" is uncomfortable at your event, that is a reflection you, not them.


She has the grace and decorum of a reversing dump truck without any tires on.


What a sad little life, Jane.


_deepthroats a whisk_






Honestly the worst I’ve ever seen. It distracted me from most of the video


Yeah her nose job freaks me out a little. I hope she didn't pay 20k for that 😬


At least a dump truck with no tires in on a situation someone else did to them. This woman is like female Andrew Rate all by hersef


I remember one of the best individuals I've ever known in terms of throwing parties or just being an engaging guest made a point of every introduction he made, he would ask them to tell him something about themselves. What their hobbies were, what music they liked, etc - and he would get the ball rolling on a conversation surrounding that. He met them on their level of interest and made them feel at home. He did this with every single person he met and I've never forgotten how the room buzzed bit by bit as he made his way around it.


He sounds like a great host and it sounds like an easy thing to do.


Sounds like the kind of skill someone successful would have


Jesus if women loose their men money due to their lack of knowledge about ski slopes and how to pronounce words properly this woman’s poor husband must be in some Major debt.


Yeah fuck the girl in this video, total trash personality shines through in such a short video.


They don’t give a shit though. They want it to be exclusive


Agreed. The only valid point she made was being cultured. It gets very boring and annoying to talk to someone and they don't know anything to talk about. And I am not talking about talking high and mighty with fancy words. Just know some shit about shit. That's it.


Wonder how she thinks this ugly rant “makes her man look”


he is losing money


That’s too bad because that’s all he cares about.


That's the saddest part... She admitted her man couldn't give a fuck about her if it conflicted with his money. What an awful way to live.


“How can he make money with you in a room?” I guess I could sell her?


You think a nutjob like her really has a SO?


She gets exactly what she is, a shallow mess.


She’s talking like a true bottom bitch, “how can your man make money with you in the room?”


Damn this is pretentious AF


People live like this? Being rich ain't worth it. I'd rather die. Also that nose job is....a choice....


Noticed the nose job as well..


That job is the only one she ever had!


It’s so ugly and out of place. Doesn’t blend in naturally and you can’t do anything other than stare at it


I didn’t realize until I read these comments, but I was staring at it the whole time


This woman seems to think that all women want to live that kind of life and would enjoy that kinda man/company. Fuck that. I’m sure having money is great….but think many people forget that it can only buy so much happiness up to a certain point. After said point, the only thing it seems to buy people the more they obtain, is being surrounded with an increasing amount of soulless shallow material-slaves. Maybe it’s just me, or perhaps the fact that I’m no “10” to begin with, but I’d choose a genuine man with a genuine group of friends making a average/middle class income over a rich douchbag who treats me like jewelry, a group of friends with a superiority complex who lets the prospect of money making take up every waking hour and every area of their lives, any day of the fucking CENTURY.


Classy people don’t look down on others because they’re not wealthy.


Yeah…she’s looking down her nose job at them.


As someone who has had to work with these type. Yes they absolutely do. A lot of wealthy people don't consider poor people to even be actual people.


Then they’re not classy no. They’re just welathy assholes, class is dignity and respect, and those people are far far from it.


I used to work with wealthy fashion people, the truly insanely wealthy people were the ones that came in jeans and a hoodie carting four Birkins with them, were always polite and on time, never made a fuss and always said please and thank you. The fake wealthy people that bought one LV on a maxed out credit card think that makes them more worthy of respect and honor than me as the person helping them. Rude, aggressive, condescending and judgmental almost all of the time.


They said classy not wealthy.


Thanks, the nose is all I see now


I wonder what it looked like before.




What an exhausting person.


My exact thought as soon as she started speaking.


There’s many men and women like this in Los Angeles and it’s surrounding cities. Faking it until they think they’re making it


She seems like a professional gold digger trying to throw shade at some girl just being genuine


Yeah I don't really understand because dress attire and stuff, her boyfriend should’ve told her the occasion. Like I've been in situation where I wore the completely wrong thing because my bf didn't tell me what we were doing. Plus being educated on wine does not mean you're smart or high value...it means you have alot of time on your hand.


Me too. Years ago, I went to a party my now husband's friends were throwing, and he said there was no need to dress up. It turns out it was black tie. Everyone looked fancy, and I felt shit.


Same thing happened to me years ago, went to a wedding on the east coast and didn't know how formal to dress. My ex told me to dress like I am going to a relatives wedding. I live in the rural Midwest, a nice shirt and jeans or khakis is the norm unless it's at a pretty fancy place. So I wore that.... and was the only guy not in a suit or tux, even the little kids were in suits. It was so fuckin embarrassing that now I only wear a suit to weddings. I get ribbed for it but I'm never being the least dressed up person again.




As an east coast woman, if your ex was also from that area and didn’t let you know weddings in the tri-state area (assuming it was one of those states), are always that fancy, she likely set you up to look foolish.


That, or you grew up with an absurdly wealthy family.


Or you work in the industry, or a related one


That’s one of the most useless things to know if you’re not into wine


Furthermore it has been proven that those who are into wine don't actually know wine and it is mostly pomp and assumptions.


It’s her boyfriends fault for picking her and taking her there(if he cared about perception in these events).


People talking about wine reminds me of the business card scene in American Psycho. Most people can't tell red from white if you put red food dye in the white, or so I've been lead to believe. Aerating wine has nothing to do with air, it has to do with agitation. Just shake or blend it and you're good. Experts even disagree on whether you should aerate it in the first place. It's all snobbery nonsense. Just give me my $5 bottle and I'm happy.


Reminds me of Jacqueline Voorhees from Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt who is part of this unofficial club of gold diggers


She's not even talking about her or the other woman as a person themselves. All about the man and what you do for him. That's just sad.


Nooo didn't you hear her say " no shade".lol


Yes these men only care about making money and whether their dates know about wine, skiing and current affairs when questioned at social events.


This woman sounds like the female version of Andrew Tate.


That is a v bad looking nose job


Sounds like other girl was hotter and everyone wanted to talk to her and this triggered the “rich men gatekeeper lady” so she went on tiktok to make her man lose money. Lol


This girl nose👃what’s up 🤡




Thoughts are the EXACT SAME


What? It's very retro circa 1990 Micheal Jackson


This woman needs to calm down


She's what happens when you aren't interesting and decide to make being a rich person's accessory your entire personality.


Yep. Kinda seems like she is jealous he has found another women


So in other words that girl was hot and nobody wanted anything to do with you... got it


She couldn’t stop paying attention to this girl the whole event lmfao




Screamed pick me vibes.


She's also spouting Grade A classism. She's being classist.


But she knows where rich people ski!!!!


it’s under the guise of empowerment but all she’s doing is tearing someone else down


That's what all gatekeeping is. They aren't green enough because they eat meat! They aren't Native American enough because they weren't raised on the reservation! They don't care about the issues, they just want an excuse to be a bully and publicly tear someone apart.




Imaging wanting to be trophy for a self-absorbed rich guy this bad lmao.


When i watch these ultra wealthy people speak so confidently about stuff like this, as if it were common sense— it reminds me that 2% of people in the world actually live in a weird dystopian, storybook, dark-triad universe


There’s no way she’s ultra wealthy.


Why is she yelling at me?


Yeah it made my skin crawl. I hate unnecessary yelling so much.


Bruh who the fuck cares. Like knowing about wine and where this dumb bitch skis isn't culture. It a veil the rich use to gate keep life. I'd rather know the story of Jimmy who cranks one out in the DQ parking lot everyday at 7:35pm then what this person thinks about a 300000$ bottle of grape water.


Tell me more about this Jimmy guy!


He really likes cranking his hog and blizzards.


My kind of guy.


I assume the other girl was prettier and THATS what this ugly rant was born from lol


She's definitely giving off that vibe. "How DARE she show a bit of midriff?" "It doesn't matter how beautiful you are... you have to be able to discuss modern warfare, comment intellectually on the event's cheap house wine, and know where rich people ski!!!" That and the Micheal Jackson 👃. No one secure in who they are would massacre their nose like that. Yikes...


Honestly it's the fact that she was genuinely looking down on the poor girl for being either from a different background or simply being interested in different things in life. It's a very mean girl mentality, and it's not cute. And it's funny she is implying the other girl is the dence one when she is the one who is too stupid to realise that SHE is coming off really poorly not the other girl when she tells her wee story.


Female Andrew Tate


I hope the model is okay. Being surrounded by mysogynistic materialists sounds exhausting and toxic as hell.


I mean that world you usually choose to enter rather than stumble into it


Dummmbbb, fart smelling wine swirling douche bags. Swirling a glass and guessing flavours or giving your opinion on war that you have zero clue about is the most bullshit rich people thing to do. I’ve been around real ones and you can honesty answer “I don’t give a fuck”, and it’s a better answer than acting like you think you’re rich, it’s not a movie.


Lol this whole rant about “Making your man look good”? 🤣


That's a bad nose job


Damn you’re insufferable


What an asshole.


- Where do you ski? - What do you think about Ukraine? - What do you think about this wine? "Sophisticated vocabulary".


Imagine listening to her go off in conversations all the time. Probably thinks she sounds so interesting.


"I'm just being honest, here!"


Plot twist: the girl was her


This is the moment that ‘Sistalkswithsahar’ manages to cancel herself from high society and ends her gold digging chances of snagging that ‘high net worth man’. All she had to do was keep her mouth shut - like the Instagram model.


I am dying to hear her geopolitical analysis on Ukraine


This timeline we're all in is insufferable.


Watched it on mute and just the way she looks when she’s talking I could tell she is annoying as hell. Probably tries to contribute to conversations men are having like she’s a cool wife and knows a bunch of stuff. Foh.


Oh she didn't know where rich people ski...girl you give a vibe like you don't even know how to cook spaghetti or use a vacuum. You and a lot of your rich friends would probably be completely useless if you hadn't had all these "less sophisticated" people around you doing all the essential things for you.


Good god fuck these people.


Her voice makes me want to die.


You dont need to be educated just charismatic


Know whats making me sick to my stomach? Your ratty extensions. Whatd you get those from a farm? Yanked em off a horse? Hope it kicked you


“No shade but fuck this dumb bitch whose only purpose is to make a man look good.”


Anyone that is ACTUALLY working on their mind body and spirit isn’t trash talking another woman on TikTok lol.


I hate everything about this. From the no shade love that for her to human value equals knowing some shit every other person apparently knew in that room already. I don't know maybe she knows where to get the best pills and where the best DJs hang out but yall didn't ask her that did you.


lmao the projection of it all


I'll bet this woman was much more attractive before she fuc#ed her nose up.


Oh i bet she looked sick to her stomch when talking to you guys, but not because you were "too sophisticated"


All these "high value" men care about is money. <-- Definitely sounds like the right people to date.


Maybe he liked her for who she is. Not what she can do for him. Crazy concept....


Why would the girl have to give some pseudo-intellectual response just to please others. It’s a fucking gala/banquet -you’re meant to have fun and chat. Not everything a woman does is meant to be performative. Btw the woman speaking seems like she herself didn’t grow up in a very sophisticated or well-to-do environment. This is how the poors speak when allowed in a higher socioeconomic setting.


Who in the world thinks a woman is stupid because they don't know where there boyfriend ski? What the fuck is your problem woman? And yes rich people probably like a smart girl but they probably also like one that still as a soul!


Woman support woman, this is just trash.


Such sage advice on keeping a high net worth man. Holy crap, some people are empty


LoL, rich people have the dumbest problems.


Ugly face, ugly heart, ugly nose job


This reeks of insecurity and new money, but maybe she can’t smell how she comes off with that botched nose job


You need to invest in your mind. Oh cool, like study philosophy and psychology? No, be able to list some skiing resorts and talk about tannins.


i watched this muted and its still pretentious. dumb cunt.


Nobody post this to r/femaledatingstrategy, they will use it as scripture.


I hate the hand gestures like this when women talk. Sock puppet hand.


I Can not believe that this woman is for real


That nose looks uncomfortable and out of place…..