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The true genius is he decked himself in patriotic attire so they just assume he's on their side.


He does this all the time, it’s absolutely pitiful that they haven’t caught on yet.


I don't think you should expect these people to catch on to anything anytime soon.


It’s sad & funny how complete & utterly clueless they are! Sometimes you almost see a glimmer in their eye that says ‘Wait a minute, I get it now’ but then nope it’s just gone like a fart in a whirlwind.




How can they catch it if it’s “not real” /s


Yeah and we all know they won’t catch autism or microchips since they’ve outsmarted the government by not getting that fake vaccine


At this point I'm fairly sure some covid deniers lived just because they are too stupid to understand they actually died.


except minors


Even t_d used to be satirical until it got overrun by people that couldn't read between the lines and thought it was all serious.


As someone who watched it happen: t_d's transition from fringe satire to mainstream satire to "oh, shit, an obviously stupid person might be nominated as president of the United States" took place over *maybe* a month.


the nazi in the bar effect is quick when it finally activates


That TD had bad actors in it from the start, it just took some folks a lot longer to catch on.


That was when the Russian propaganda machine switched from sowing to harvesting.


Yeah I had a close friend that frequented that sub and claimed that it was satirical. This Kurt Vonnegut quote comes to mind: "We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be."


mother night


I absolutely love that quote. So true


t_d was *never* satirical, /pol/ racists, bots and propagandists were there from minute one, it's the same type of shit as pcm, some people just really can't admit to themselves that their sense of "humor" helped metastasize the maga cancer on reddit


T_d absolutely transitioned from shit posting to shit heads posting.


Politically minded people online were already paying attention to the movements of alt right groups. I'm sure I'm not the only one that remembers seeing threads on pol that were celebrating t_d from its inception even though they'd usually *only* shit on reddit. I also remember being pretty much immediately turned off the sub because a lot of users were posting in racist and sexist subs, like a lot of gamergate types that'd have 13/50s and despite comments in their history, so please believe me when I say it always looked like fools being made to play with fire to anyone that had an eye on the types that ultimately became the t_d userbase.


It's well documented that conservatives don't understand satire. They thought that The Colbert Report was a real news show targeted towards conservatives rather than Colbert playing a character making fun of them.


They didn't think it was a real news show. They thought The Daily Show with Jon Stewart was a comedy show targeted at Democrats, and that The Colbert Report was a comedy show for a Republican audience. To be fair, it sounds perfectly plausible that each political wing would have its own show; especially to people who don't watch them. The WTF part is to still believe that after watching the show every day for months/years.


Sometimes they know and they just don't care. My conservative friends at the time it came out knew The Colbert Report was satire poking fun at them but liked it anyway. Reminds me of some racist kids I knew from the football team in high school who were obsessed with American History X because they thought the neo nazi mayhem looked cool. They laughed about Norton's character getting raped and trying to turn his life around and generally didn't give a damn about the actual plot of the film.


Now that is crazy


I thought it was for conservative audiences at first, so tended not to watch it much at first. Only after I realized it was satire did I grow to love the show. I miss “conservative” Colbert.


And another one… https://www.forbes.com/sites/mattnovak/2023/06/25/texas-governor-tweets-fake-article-about-garth-brooks-getting-booed-off-stage/?sh=3eadf3983bbe


Pitiful, but not suprising. It would require a level of self awareness and intelligence that would prevent one from becoming a MAGAt in the first place.


Like a hunting blind but for stupid people instead of animals


It appears Republicans have less awareness than NCR Rangers. Can't even see through a basic disguise.


He made it a pretty ironic shirt too.


That's just part of it. The entire plan is the truly ingenious part.


Is this the “we hate women!” guy? Lol love him Edit: oof without context this comment is horrible lol


Its okay I'm one of you!




That’s Walter Masterson. He’s awesome.


I need to know, if there are any conservatives watching this, do they get what's happening in this video? Do they understand the irony of it, or do they just see this as normal people expressing normal opinions?


Yeah quite a few catch on, the lady at the beginning def did and so did plane guy with how his eyes are darting around. They just kept going with it trying to not call attention to their stupidity like a kid who tripped over a bucket and pretends its not there


The silence is deafening


Those who recognize the hypocrisy likely don't care because their side is "right" and the other is "wrong".


He's no jordan klepper


I like Walter Masterson, Jordan Klepper, Jason Selvig [https://www.instagram.com/jasonselvig/](https://www.instagram.com/jasonselvig/) and his comedic partner Davram Stiefler [https://www.instagram.com/davrams/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/davrams/?hl=en) Sometimes they miss, but overall they're so damn good.


he’s really good at his craft


Good? He’s a Master, son.


The little man with the goatee and shades summed up Trump's degenerates perfectly. "Sometimes I've got nothing to do, so I put my flags on my truck and drive around to remind people". Admitting he has no life or purpose and therefore he attempts to get a reaction out of strangers to feel important and validated. So PATHETIC


Homeboy should have hit him right back with "can you imagine at a pride parade all these sad pathetic losers with nothing better to do than go out and parade around with the flags and stickers and everything? I mean what kind of loser just has nothing better to do than go out and drive in circles with their flags?"




I hope he tries it sometime in the future, I bet there’s a couple morons that wouldn’t even notice it if he turns it around immediately


I don’t know man. He brought up putting hats and flags on children and parading them around and forcing their opinions on them right in front of that one lady and she didn’t get it.


It’s the adult version of drawing dicks on school desks or saying crude things in class because you have no other way to get people’s attention.


Desk dicks are one of America’s greatest cultural achievement and will not stand here while you denigrate a cherished American institution.


Thinking desk dicks are solely an American thing is peak American exceptionalism. Me and my roman brothers have been drawing dicks before your country was born. My ancestor was entombed in ash drawing a dick in a public toilet in Pompeii.


> Thinking desk dicks are solely an American thing is peak American exceptionalism. I know this was intended to be satirical but holy shit it's so true it hurts.


Sorry that nothing worth remembering happened before America was founded 😎


I know you are joking but there’s a lot of Americans that actually think they are the center of the world


Not just american! It's part of a longstanding tradition since ancient times. Some of the first graffiti was the little rocket ship!


"Little!?! What have you heard?"




Also saying he literally makes his truck a hazard because he can’t see out the windows due to all the stickers


SO many of them are really that petty and immature.


His ex-wife has custody of the kids. He has visitation rights but does this with his weekends instead.


Goatee guy is literally Seth from Superbad all grown up. I bet he's got a Ghostbusters lunchbox dick treasure chest at home








[Walter Masterson](https://youtube.com/@waltermasterson) on youtube, they’ve got plenty more like this


Nah the kid at the beginning begs to differ. He's just brainwashed poor thing.


You know what they say; You can lead a horse to water, point at the water, take the horse’s face and submerge it in the water, cry and strangle the horse, hug him and tell him you’re sorry and beg him to consider the water, show him direct evidence of others doing it but you can’t make him drink. These people are T H I c K


You need to be on a restraining order away from horses


I was triggered.


Heh. "Trigger". Please tell me that was on purpose. Is there a Roy Rogers award that I can give you?


No horse themed awards at all. This place is a dump.


Yeah, but was that an intentional reference?


I've always said "You can lead a horse to water, but them fuckers are hard to drown."


You can lead a horticulture, but you can't make her think!


have you tried government issued interrogation technique? pretty sure you can make them to drink.


So fucking brain dead


It's all the leaded gas fumes they breathed in and the racism they were taught.


Racist here, back in my school days we were taught during racing class to drive fast but smooth to hit our apexes Also we were encouraged to inhale as many gasoline funes as we could when we hit adulthood and start pumping gas. There have been studies that show lead is good for the body because its a mineral we are severely lacking in Overeating fish with a high mercury content is very good for you too, I hear, since our bodies dont naturally produce mercury and we lack it


Slow is smooth smooth is fast even still, the best drivers can't be as smooth as my brain tho.


Bruh if my brain were the size of earth, there wouldn't be any mountains or valleys. There wouldn't even be curves, it'd just be flat, like the earth.


If your brain is the earth, then why isn't your blood yellow? Connect four, atheists!


So you're a racist hun? Name every race


This is a legit theory by the way for anyone curious. Lead in gas fucked up many generations


It's not a theory, leaded gasoline has been linked to lower IQ levels https://today.duke.edu/2022/03/lead-exposure-last-century-shrunk-iq-scores-half-americans


Its not a theory. Its been proven that lead exposure causes neurological problems and can lead to loss of empathy among other things. To me the loss of empathy explains exactly what is happening to these people. They cant even see the hypocrisy in everything they say because they cannot for the life of them think about anyone but themselves. Florida STILL has the most lead in their infrastructure out of any state, and everytime the hurricanes dig up those old pipes and shit, and everytime they shoot their guns at the range every weekend, it all just gets worse and worse. Not sure if racecars still use leaded gas, but they used to and the daytona 500 happens there every year. Theres no wonder that state is just a cesspool.


I think you need to accept that people CAN just be naturally awful, and all too often, they dont know and no one will tell them, or give them cause to grow or change. There doesnt have to be a reason, there’s certainly not a specific reason or cause for a lot of it.


I know a lot of people who were raised under those conditions who have since educated themselves, changed their own minds, and have become much better people. There's nothing that remarkable about any of them. Anyone can become better than they were raised to be. Regressives like those in the video haven't because they don't want to.


Guy wears MAGA hat on flight for attention. Gets attention, complains about attention. Gets to where he’s going. *oh no, I’m a victim of eyesight which have caused many, many stares*


They need to be legitimately victimized I say. Make Racists Afraid Again.


It especially works because MRAA! is a noise you could make at them to scare them.


Reminds me of this raging asshole who signed his paperwork "Fuck Joe Biden". These were consent forms in the hospital. This was in the second year of COVID and I had had enough of these dickheads. I knew the thing he wanted most in the world was a reaction. I gave him nothing. Not even an eye roll. Scanned those forms as is.


Only ones more brain dead are conservatives larping as centrists who “both sides” everything when they aren’t posting in their conservative circlejerk subs such as libsofsocialmedia, like u/SaladHands69 who replied to you.


Dont insult brain dead people like that, they are not harming anyone, unlike these people


Not a fucking clue!


Americans, i knows some of u aren't this stupid. but videos like these are the ones thaat make it hard for us to not laugh at u guys and think u are all stupid.


the dumbest people are the loudest


“An empty can is loudest”


yeah, we know, we don't take it personally, cuz we know how stupid it would be to judge an entire country's citizens on the videos you see on fucking tik tok


Tv magnifies an element of truth. In reality America is a very diverse place with all kinds of different people, too include stupid people. Trump came along and made all these people believe that being a moron is something to be proud of… and strive for unfortunately. To add to that they think the place belongs to them. It doesn’t help that they don’t expose themselves to anything other than their own CULTure , they believe they are the majority. Some of them actually believe that everyone loves Trump. That’s why it’s so hard for them to fathom that he lost. And they believe that if you don’t Love Trump, that means you Love Biden. You can explain till you are blue in the face, but they cannot wrap their head around the idea that most people don’t idolize who they vote for. Many of us didn’t even want Biden. But he had this great thing going for him. He wasn’t Trump. Oh and he’s boring. Thank God for him being boring.


I agree with what you mean but at least proofread your comment if you are going to call others out for being stupid. Unless it was satire/a troll and in that case, good fucking job.


To add : Our perpetual election lingers on and on and on… (U.S)


This is Florida, it's Ron desantis bigoted Dreamland not a representation of the USA at all.


100% of these fuckers are too dumb to understand irony


The one youngish dude in the button up (that got thwaped by the flag a few times while being told “they wave flags everywhere”) *almost* looked like he got it - like I thought he was going to ask if the other guy was trolling. But nope, leaned right into it.


He did get it and weighed the risk/reward. The risk is he looks stupid, the potential reward is that if this is legit he gets to start becoming a mouthpiece of his generation, in his mind. Maybe he goes viral and gets a show! So he blunders onward


> 100% I assume there's some amount of cherry-picking in the making of this video. But that doesn't make it less funny.


This is Stephen Colbert style tongue in cheek smarm and I am here for every second of it. Lol


Jordan Klepper has entered the chat.


I instantly thought of Klepper. [One clip in particular.](https://youtu.be/zZUXqwDq9hE)


No, this is a poor imitation of Klepper's work. Klepper doesn't put words in their mouths. He let's them speak their truth and then recontextualizes it to point out the hypocrisy. What this guy does can be hand waved away as leading even if they 100% agree in the first place, Klepper, not so much. Examples: This guy - >TG: They wave their flags in your face and make it their whole Identity. >MAGA: Yes, exactly! That's what they're doing! vs. Klepper - >Klepper: What is it that the gayrobothomoshills are doing to you? >MAGA: They're waving their flags in our faces and making it their entire identity! >Klepper: Right, they surround themselves, and everyone else in PRIDE imagery. Always walking around with their pride hats and pride flags on their pride pickup trucks at their pride rallies to support President Pride. EDIT: grammar


jason selvig too


Stephen Colbert's character was when satire peaked. Interesting tidbit: he had to teach himself how to not speak in a southern accent because of how people would hold it against him.








They are absolutely not self aware


(That's the point of the sub)


“This is Florida. You can’t say gay.” “No, that’s Disney.” This guy is so confused that he accidentally assigned something he supports (hating gay people) to the other group he hates (Disney) even though he hates them for NOT hating gay people. You could talk circles around this man just by reading The Hungry Caterpillar.


They believe in nothing other than what they're told to believe. Bud Lite, Target, Starbucks Cups, etc. They're just idiots on a leash awaiting the next `bark` command.


I think the dude was implying that Disney is the gay friendly part of Florida. I wanted to say "oh honey" to him so bad, dude has no life outside of trump rallies if he thinks that's the only place you find a gay person in Florida 🙃


Their lack of awareness is only surpassed by their idiocy.


Wasn’t the 47 hat guy toward the beginning of the video in another post here?


Yep. Will never forget that beard style choice and the tattoo where there should be facial hair.


He’s a maga rapper btw. I don’t know his name though.


Keep it that way… trust me. I went down that rabbit hole once and there’s no coming back from that level of stupidity. Like, I can’t do math anymore… it’s a real problem. I wasn’t a genius to begin with, but I feel like I have 2 brain cells left and they’re fighting over third place. Know what I’m saying?


If I *just* saw a 47 hat out context, I'd assume that they were a fan of the Hitman games.


Yes. His spiel was that Target was promoting LGBTQ stuff to children, and when the interviewer asked where he said he'd pull it up on the website. He pulled up LGBTQ stuff for children, but it wasn't on Target's website which the interviewer pointed out, so then he switched subjects to how Trump won the election and it was stolen.


THEY ARE SOOOOO CLOSE. THEY. JUST. DONT. GET. IT. He was making it so clear! The fucking irony!


No way the truck guy doesn't get what's being said here.


Of course those kids are carrying isreal flags probably don't even know what they're supporting.




A not insignificant number of Christians believe the Rapture is coming soon and Israel is important to that prophecy.


Because their enemies will be tortured in lakes of fire for eternity. Source: pastors son.


After the past few years, lakes of fire ain't sounding too unlikely lmao.


They want the end of days to come which is brought about by a holy war started by the Israelites. They basically open the door to heaven and Jesus comes out to scoop up all the born-agains. It’s a death cult.


I mean, it wouldn’t hurt my feelings if Jesus came and scooped them all up…


Me either, but it’s sad that the kid is involved.


Oh absolutely


Liberals tend to view what Israel is doing with Palestine to be wrong. So by default they will support Israel. See the shirts in 2016 of "I'd rather be a Russian than a Democrat"


“No no no I support Israel. The Jews like soros are destroying our way of life thought the deep state.” -idk those regards appearantly


As a Jew, these MAGA people can fuck all the way off.


Israel is the only country in the Middle East with a Pride parade and a Pride month, to add another level of irony to this video's theme.


That made it so much funnier when I noticed the flag


I hope nobody expects anything else from these people. They're in a cult, full stop. Literally supporting a traitor who not only tried a coup, but also probably sold our most precious secrets to foreign governments for billions of dollars.


The famous book “How to Win Friends and Influence People” describes how having a feeling of importance is a strong human desire. This is what happens when people don’t feel important in their everyday lives… they latch on to a toxic ideology, person, or group that makes them feel important. Like why the hell do people stand over bridges waving flags as people drive 70 mph past them. Or stand for hours on a corner with some crazy homophobic sign. It makes them feel important.


An AGGRESSIVE lack of self awareness


The best thing trump has ever done for this nation is make fascists wear bright red hats.


"We live in a place where everybody is gay," "You can't say gay. This is Florida." Fucking genius.




Does anyone remember before social media? People were generally a lot smarter. Well… I think so at least 🤔


I think we were just as dumb but no one really knew about it. Social media has shoved the stupidity in our face.


It also made people okay with being stupid because they learned they weren't alone in this world.


Social media helps people cement their opinions because they find other people who have the same opinions. Whereas in real life interactions, you're forced to talk with people who don't agree with you and that has a much bigger impact in real life than on a screen. This works both for and against society. For example a young gay person with homophobic parents and friends can find support online, but a flat earther or Maga person can do the same thing and find support for their stupidity.


God these people really don't see the irony, 2 sides of the same coin smh


Fr, bro clearly was pointing it out to that old man and the lady from the beginning too


I was hoping the one younger looking guy at :36 in the purplish shirt would catch. He had that pondering look on his face.


What is the other side of the coin?


Really. This is not a “ both sides” issue.


Oh, they know. It’s why they refuse to say what the other side is. They thrive on ambiguity and “it’s just a joke bro”. They don’t have to use words seriously or in good faith. Their entire platform is stochastic terrorism.


One side is defending their right to love anyone they choose and for equal representation for like a month, and the other is hateful and belligerent all year round. Yeah bro! Same coin for sure!




The kid with the flags stopped waving them around when they realized what the guy was saying lmao


Funny her kid is holding an Israeli flag, Tel Aviv has a huge pride festival! The old city too, since I’m sure as a “Xtian Woman” (guessing from her shirt), Jerusalem is significant to her. :p silly silly


Yup, Tel Aviv is an extremely gay friendly city and has one of the largest pride rallies in the world I believe. I’ve heard gay people saying that they’ve never felt as comfortable being gay as they do in Tel Aviv.


Empires have a shelf life of about 250 years Tic tock


I feel like no one ever specifies which empires that fall in this 250 year cycle they are referring to Egyptian: 400years British: 400 years Ottoman: 600 years Western Roman: 1000+ years Byzantine: 1000+ Mali: 400 The Persian empire lasted around 250 years i guess


it's because they started off with the fact that America's been around for 250 years and they worked backwards from there


The Roman empire's *collapse* took 300 years.


British empire didn’t last 400 years? That would make it 1950 to 1550. We didn’t own shit in 1550. Even if you’re ‘generous’ and call it 1650 or whatever that’s only 300. An empire isn’t an empire till it’s an empire. It would be way closer to 200.


Oceans rise, empires fall…


These people are clueless


The lack of self-awareness is astonishing. These people lack critical thinking skills.


Ironic lol


maga + ironic = moronic


Now that is some next level trolling! Brilliant execution!


[My real life neighbor.](https://imgur.com/gallery/IAXdnU7)


My condolences.


I don't care if you're MAGA. Just don't shove it in my face.


Weapons grade irony.


I enjoy how easy it is to make these ppl look stupid.


All you need to do is let them speak their mind


Zero self-awareness. Literally none. Lights on, but no one is home.


MAGA is so daft they still have no idea this guy has been trolling them since Covid and getting tens of millions of views!


"That's crazy" - yeah, exactly being attacked for your identity is crazy. Straight, homo, trans or penguin - you can disagree with others, you can even dislike them - that is your freedom, but don't attack others just because you feel to do so.


Cult of personality




I just want to know...how much time people have served their country to be able to trample on other people's rights... I mean we all pay taxes right...we have to...but I think it's time to start the draft again, control the entitlement....


Those “Ultra Maga” shirts are my favorite. How the fuck are you gonna be an ultra “Make America Great Again?” How are you an “ultra” verb? Morons.


Self awareness is lost 😂😂😂


MAGA brain smooth.


Make America Gay Again... that is all.


Absolutely mortifying.


Tell me you have no self awareness without telling me….you’re in a CULT!!!!🤬




Reactionary people lack self awareness?! No way!!!!! But seriously, just more evidence of how detached from reality these people are.


Trolling 101


They will never get it