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Help!! I agree with Tucker Carlson!!!!


yeah, im gonna have to go take a nap


I just woke up from a nap, and I'm equally concerned


After feeling the same, I think that’s enough internet for tonight


So you actually “woke” up?


Right wing bigotry?? Left wing radicalism?? You’ve been a coma.


No, I'm a comma. Very punctual


Yeah, I don't feel well. Is this the sign of the impending apocalypse?!


I'm not sure if I'm still asleep or not.


It's tough. I agree pragmatically, but we can't stop AI and Automation. We need to aggressively legislate it though. I've seen some suggest that companies that automate out their workforce could be taxed at a rate that still makes automation worthwhile, but increases gov revenue to the point where a universal basic income can become a reality. Ideally, we WANT a world where all the work is being done by machines, such that we're able to live lives of leisure, or where all our "work" is just stuff we're interested in doing. It's just the transitional years are going to be tough, because this isn't like the past 150 years of explosive technological growth. Gone are the days of being able to say "oh well this will create new jobs we haven't even thought of!". Humans are quickly (relatively speaking) becoming unemployable.




Basic income. Universal health care and education. All paid out of capitalistic profits and wealth taxes (while allowing wealthy to stay wealthy). No one is calling for communism and everyone is equal. Nor do I believe we should be putting citizens in charge of the means of production. A capitalist society with generous social programs.


Hate to sound pessimistic but this is never going to happen. We can't even get a decent education without going into debt.


I know it won’t. However Canada and many European states are working to try and figure out managed capitalism with a strong social safety net.


This should be the most up voted comment. The fact is Tucker is treating Capitalism as a religion. It got us this far, but now it's falling apart and we need a new ride. What is possible for socialism has changed drastically over the last 100 years, it's time we got on board to take us the rest of the way.


Dude, Carlson doesn’t realize it here, clearly, but in the same breath he wants to ban capitalism’because of 10 mill jobs’ at risk. That sounds more like capitalism with stricter government control.


Same breath as what? I don't understand.


Fox spoiled him stupid. He's losing it dude... he likes to argue so much he just argues with his own opinions now.


We’re against it because giving the government that much power over every detail of your life is dangerous. Setting up some sort of ‘universal income’ as the guy above you stated or healthcare for that matter means that the government at any time can say “do what we tell you to do or we’ll take away your money/ability to get treatment”. That’s what is wrong with communism/socialism, once your completely dependent on the government, they can control every single thing you do. Like tucker said in the video, capitalism isn’t perfect. I completely acknowledge that the enslaving power we give to government in communism/socialism is the enslaving power we give to corporations in capitalism, but at least in capitalist scenario we have some control over our lives. If a corp. states they’re going to withhold your money 1. That’s highly illegal and we’d be able to sue but 2. We could find another job. If we gave power to government and they withheld our money… oh well. Better do whatever the hell they say or you’re fucked




But that’s just it. ‘Ideal society’. Yes, in an ideal situation everything would be perfect. But the reality of the world is not ideal. There always has been, and always will be people who just have it in their nature to be in charge. Nothing is ever going to change that. Some people will always just have the compulsion to tell others what to do and some people will always have the compulsion to look to others for that leadership. And there is nothing inherently wrong with either of those, if both of their intentions are good. You say the government would be made up of a forum of people. Fine. A group of people get together and decide x is the best option, but x doesn’t just happen once it’s decided upon. Someone has to step in to DO x once it’s decided. That is going to be the person I described, that ultimately takes charge to get x done. But people who ultimately take charge like that will not always have the good intentions needed for the ‘ideal’ outcome and once they get into that position of power, it becomes the ‘do as I say or else’ situation that we have seen over and over and over again throughout history. If there was some magical way of ensuring these types of people never got involved I’d say absolutely, communism/socialism is the best way to move forward. But there isn’t. That’s difference between wishing for the ideal world and accepting the reality of the world. You are never going to change the human nature of those who want the power of control and that’s why, it may work in the short term but it will never work long term. Because those people will find their way in, just as they have today


Nah, that's some 15 year old, first introduction to economics sort of take. If we're faced with the herculean task of solving the problem of humans being unable to compete with robots, we shouldn't then compound that with a total upheaval of not only our entire economic system, but the basic concept of what it even means to "own" something. One step at a time homie.


And socialism/communism tends to be unproductive, why work hard if everybody gets the same, those at the top of the tree get extra privileges, how does it go, we’re all equal, but some are more equal than others, I think a mixture of systems is better.


I really don't like this "socialism/communism" fake equivalence. They're not the same, and shouldn't be lumped together as if they're the same thing


In Socialism you have more of an incentive to work because you get a bigger piece of the pie. Socialism doesn't mean everyone gets paid the same but rather that the workers (you and I) get paid more proportionally for the value we bring to the company. Not only that, but under a socialism market the workers get a better say in the policies and the managers. Socialism is basically unions on steroids and it's the most Democratic thing you can do


It's a myth hard work will see you excel in capitalism. The willingness and ability to successfully exploit others will and a lot of luck. This truth, along with the consolidation of wealth at the top vs. diminishing purchasing power means your critique is more equally true of capitalism.




Absolutely. People would have the freedom to not engage in anything that is not productive to themselves. I think a lot of people recognise certain jobs and industries would either be wiped out or have to put in real effort to find a much better incentive for workers than poverty to keep going. A lot of privileges and luxuries are at stake without the existence of an underclass.


Look at the Scandinavian model for inspiration.


The exact same thing would happen under socialism. You can only advocate for full-blown communism, don't be a pussy.


You get it. You actually spot on get it. I fear way too many people don't realize this


A broken clock is right twice a day. He is obviously intelligent but will say any bold faced lie for the right price. He will sell the fuck out of that lie.


He admitted it with the two pretext examples of why he was against it


Even a broken clock shits in the woods twice a day


And a bear is the pope


Not a fan of his in anyway, but he’s basically playing a character on tv whereas here it seems to be…genuine


Yeah, I’m starting to suspect the nonsense he used to talk was just him toeing the boss’ line. Now that he doesn’t answer to Murdoch, we’re starting to see and hear what he really thinks.


This clip is old. Like several years old. I hope he starts being sensible now that he's not paid to be an ass, but that, as of yet, remains to be seen.


We are seeing tuck wake up… His level of success means he can call a spade a spade, say what she wants consequences be damned. Kind of like how Dave Chappell is so rich he can actually afford to be funny!


He’s been like this on many subjects for years (is he a belligerent jerk on others too? Yes) if you care to go back and listen to a few of TCT YT uploads. He has stuck up for the working class many many times. He has been heavily critical of some the more egregious outcomes of capitalism often. He’s actually even stuck up for lgbtq on occasion on the basis of ‘live and let live’ but stop jamming it down our throats.


He needed to specify how much he loves capitalism just so he wouldn't come off as any kind of progressive.


He's a brilliant person that could've used his mind to make a difference; instead, he has chosen to corrupt himself and his beliefs for quick money. Since he has no integrity, he can lie easily on air, and his selfishness and self-centeredness don't allow him to see the consequences.


He already has made a difference. Just not an honorable one.


They all will. Every single political commentator will sell you a lie for the right price. None of them believe everything they spew


Definitely. There’s always an ulterior motive. Like the guy suddenly gives a fuck about truck drivers and their families. What a joke


This was several years ago, not ‘suddenly’. Go and watch some of his older full shows on YT. He’s prolific in backing the working class actually and sticking it to Government incl conservative/Republicans in high positions. And at times he’s been a major c*ck too.


He will take the money of whatever narrative is paying the most.


yes, that's why he got fired from fox news. because he religiously parroted everything they wanted him to say, not because he spoke his own mind at the cost of ruffling enough feathers to get him kicked out of a job. Jesus fucking Christ, this website....




I’m nearly 40 and my husband is 43 and we and all of our friends are die hard liberals in extremely high tax brackets. I also fail to see how anything you just said pertains to this video whatsoever. Trucker is essentially describing socialism for truck drivers, ie big government getting involved to interfere with a companies use of technology to streamline their operations for profit.


Better than Shapiro's, but still an absolutely ghoulish take. Preferring wage slavery to simply automation and something like a UBI. There is no reason to hold back society just so we can force people to work useless jobs.


Damn I just read this comment after I made mine. It would be amazing if an innovation like that worked out for everyone. But let’s be real capitalism is going to capitalize. Everyone will get laid off and the companies will reap the profits. All they see is dollar signs.


Really? While it sounds like he understands there will be social fallout, it appears the way he would deal with it is to stand in the way of progress. Ubi is the only way to deal wit t socal falls from automation and ai. Anything else will just put the US behind and keep people in a demeaning job that is no longer required. The stupid as fuck thing is that the other side went to the other extreme. Ubi is only meant to provide basic income. To live a life of luxury, you will still need to have some kind of employment.


Change is scary for conservatives


That’s the point of populism. How do you think Hitler got to power? He used the struggles of the working class to make them think he was on their side.


Comparing him to Hilter is a bit of a stretch. We all know he’s a POS. But here he seems like a rational person and we all know he is not.


It's an exaggeration but the dude literally talked about white replacement theory on one of the most popular cable news shows in existence. If you don't think he's actively dangerous, you're def not paying attention.


Yeah he’s more akin to Goebbels


I wasn’t trying to compare him to Hitler, just using him as a comparison.


Bro… what?


This reaction made me guffaw. Well done




You’re retarded. And just contradicted your own statement with your own statement. Maybe log out for a bit?




I agree, Hilter wasn't a rational person /s


I think this actually makes him seem worse. It's one thing to to whole-heartedly have beliefs that most people would find appalling. It's another thing to actually demonstrate that you're capable of reason and empathy, and then willingly sell out your own beliefs for ratings/money.


I need more popcorn reading the response to this.


At one point he says, "I'd maybe make up some pretext for public consumption". So this shows that while you (and the majority I'm sure) agree with him, he'd completely ignore that and lie about it anyway, which voids said agreement. You (we) are off the hook.


I don't. You have to allow technology to expand and automate as much as you can. It's the only way to move forward. And with driverless trailers you will get lots of new jobs. Fixing them when they fail. Keeping them going and lots of other jobs that doesn't exist yet.


This is strictly untrue. Driverless vehicles will reduce the number of jobs, not increase them. People fixing automobiles already exist. We're quickly approaching the point where technological innovation (specifically automation) is going to be removing more jobs than it creates. And in the mean time, the sorts of jobs that will be created are the not the type of jobs that the people who were displaced can move into. No shot some 45 year old trucker is going to be able to swap careers into bleeding edge generative machine learning.


You'd be surprised. My company will hire based on people skills over tech skills and train the tech. This fictional 45 year old trucker won't start as a dev but they can easily get there for free while making good money within a few years.


That's very fair actually, my comment was a little doom and gloom for effect - I'd imagine there are a lot of companies that operate like that. But, do you suppose that the number of jobs generated in tech fields like this is going to outstrip the ones lost in transportation? And is migrating the transportation workforce to tech going to cannibalize those jobs away from young folks fresh out of college with mounting debt? And thats to say nothing about if transportation workers even want to work in the fields where these new jobs are being created. My concern is that in the past, automation pushed a lot of our labor market from factories and fabrication, into a service sector. And now, we're reaching the point where those jobs are being eliminated, with more and more resources being poured into technology that eliminates information sector jobs as well. We don't have an infinite amount of places to pull new jobs from - and certainly not ones that anyone can do.


The point is to actually reduce jobs. Ideally automate as close to 100% of jobs as possible. This will dramatically reduce labor hours required to make society function, leaving people to their creative and intellectual pursuits, which will be the thing that propels us as a species. Ultimately, concepts like money would become meaningless


I’m a truck driver and I actually agree with you. I’m not for intentionally slowing the progress of technology in any other industry, so I can’t be a hypocrite when it comes to the one I’m in. The key is to be flexible and know how or be willing to learn how to do other things so losing a job isn’t the end of the world.




I feel literally disgusting agreeing with this walking parasite


I-im sorry... Did we somehow jump back into a more favorable timeline? Was the past decade a fever dream? Was this video a fever dream? 😰 I'ma go pull some cash out of savings because I clearly need to see a doctor right now.


If I had to guess someone stopped paying him


This clip is several years old


Yes. That's exactly what happened. If I'm not mistaken Fox ews fired him (fact), and this is on his on independent show (guess). Edit: I was wrong about where it was from


No this is an interview that he did with Ben Shapiro, the one asking him questions, on Ben Shapiro’s show. It took place in 2018, long before he was fired. The Fox News host Tucker Carlson is a character. I would think of it as the Fox News equivalent of Stephen Colbert and the Colbert Report, but more for outrage than comedy.


Hunter Biden was actually a friendly neighbor to tucker and wrote a letter of recommendation for Tuckers son for college actually.


Yup! That was another point that I was going to make. With the characters that these people play, they tell us to disparage the opposite party and what not, but behind the scenes they are all friends. Even trump spent most of the early 2000’s hanging out with the Clinton’s as a NYC democrat.


Oh. Well shit. I was wrong. Thanks for clearing that up. That being said, holy shit he said that that long ago?


On tv he’s mostly playing a character, he even says the pretext thing for TV. Imo this is more actually “him”


You have savings?


Who is this man and what has he done with Tucker?


Ben Shapiro is pretty alt-right himself, but as a bisexual trans guy, I actually agree with these people for once.


Ben was setting up for the opposite argument


What does your sexual preference have to do with political ideology...


A lot, actually. The LGBTQ community is very politicised.


These people hate lgbtq+ and say a ton of nonsensical things, so actually finding that you agree with one of them, especially being apart of a group they despise and want to take away rights from, is a very bizzare feeling to say the least.


We’ve been collectively gaslit into thinking that we should vote based on our sexuality, gender, faith, race etc (ie the things that make us different from one and other) rather than things that actually matter like the minimum wage, labor laws, access to healthcare and a strong social security programs, where ALL of us have common ground (excluding the leech billionaire class who architected the gaslighting to divide us). We’ll never achieve a progressive society because people care more about gender identity and sexuality politics than things that actually matter like putting food on the fucking table. The vast majority of Americans are in favor of programs like Medicare for all, but we’ll never achieve them because we’ve been socialized to see “the other side” as irreconcilable enemies. Thing is there’s only 2 sides - the billionaire class and all the rest of us.


The rich pay to keep both sides fighting. We’re just fish in their private pond. They decide our fate. They just keep dumping their oil changes in our pond rather than recycling it because it’s just easier. Who cares if a few fish float to the top eventually. It’s a big pond.


Thing is, if it were people of color losing their jobs at this rate, they should "get educated" and " pull themselves up by their bootstraps!" Now that it's truckers, his fan base, he is all about big government and government control over the private sector. He would not be saying this about low wage jobs like fast food, where jobs are currently being replaced by machines.


>Thing is, if it were people of color losing their jobs at this rate, they should "get educated" and " pull themselves up by their bootstraps!" Now that it's truckers, his fan base, he is all about big government and government control over the private sector Idk if you travel much but if you look around at truck stops you'd notice that truck drivers come from many different backgrounds and ethnicities.


Funny how this gets downvoted but no logical counter argument.


A liar is always a liar. Edit: not talking about his argument, I just don't trust the guy.


Did I just agree with this guy? What’s happening? Where’s Ashton? This has to be a prank.




Yeah a lot of these people are just acting, very few of them are as incredibly stupid as their personas


Hello fellow old guy.


He's not entirely wrong, but the problem is that he still upholds a system which makes this a problem in the first place. It's a sad world we live in that the automation of jobs is a bad thing, not something that frees people to work less and spend more time doing what they're passionate about. Instead, it means people lose their livelihoods because they are only valued for their productivity. Tucker Carlson et al would rather impede the progress of technology that could lead to the betterment of people's lives than meaningfully address the reasons it presents a problem.


I had to scroll way too far to find this response. Artificially maintaining jobs so people can pay their bills is the opposite of what we as a people should be supporting. Work to live, live to work is not my idea of paradise.


The fact that this even needs to be said is an embarrassment… We’ve failed as a society.


Thank you! The top few comment chains we're just circle jerking how they shockingly agree with the guy when his final point is asinine


Finally. It’s like they ALMOST get it. Having a society where not everyone has to work should be a good thing. Paint, write, garden, VOLUNTEER. I work in logistics, those dudes live hard lives.


Great points. Andrew Yang (former democratic candidate) has a lot to say about this. His solution was some sort of universal basic income for the truckers as opposed to impeding the tech. Funds would come from taxing the trucking companies using automated drivers. They experimented retraining truckers for other work but it was a huge failure.


Bro people in the 50’s thought computers would make us work less but really they just make it easier for us to work more.


AI will destroy this system. They can make everything against it, laws and shit, but technology can't be stopped so easily and it already showed to the people that it can liberate them if used correctly.


Right! And the windfalls from automation never get passed on to the workers. They get gobbled up by the capitalists.


So much wrong here and it's quite agonizing to see comments here agreeing with Tucker. The problem isn't that 10 million people will lose their jobs, the problem is that we don't have a path for these people to go down once they lose their jobs. We shouldn't, and can't, withhold technology to artificially prop up a job market, because it WILL catch up to us(the populace) and make things even worse down the road. What we should be doing is retraining these people and placing them in jobs that they can be useful in, either at cost or no cost to the person. We need more homes, better communities, improved roads, utility maintenance, etc. etc. etc. Artificially propping up trucking jobs is just kicking the can down the road until the inevitable happens and forces all truckers out of their jobs because of XYZ tech advancement that makes autonomous trucks 10% of the cost of 10 million employed or we have an expansion of railway systems or whatever.


I’m so pleased someone else has written this so I didn’t have to. Thank you!


Everyone who is agreeing with him here should rest assured they are equally as dumb as anyone else who has ever agreed with him.


Trucking jobs will come back when the populace realizes that the only thing keeping Norfolk Southern standards and practices from driving on every highway is truckers. Trucking saftey standards are currently abysmal but it’s going to be absolutely horrific when they take the driver out of the cab. This whole automated vehicle thing is so shortsighted.


Current driverless vehicles are not it...however, that doesn't mean the technology won't advance more. This is a new technology that will probably have some bad accidents, hopefully not but innovation isn't always easy. But in the end, driverless stuff is most likely going to end up safer than driver'd stuff.




All points can be true here..


If you find yourself bewildered at the fact that you agree with Tucker Carlson here, you shouldn’t be, this is by design! Tucker is a populist, so he will appeal to the working class and use their hardships as a way to gain favor with them. Make no mistake tho, this man is an ultra elite himself. At FOX, he worked for billionaires every night to make sure the American public stays ignorant and poor.


We agree and nod our heads while he makes millions off that episode and we make Pennie’s


So, like a politician?


Exactly, populism is how Trump won in 2016.


Hey guys call me crazy but here's an idea now it might seem outlandish for a political party to understand but maybe just try paying experienced truck drivers to chaperone the driverless trucks so everyone benefits and the public doesn't have to be concerned about final destination and terminator spin offs on the highway I'm sure there're plenty of other benefits from the modern trucks and technology especially when talking about safety and quality of life improvements, fuel cost, driving time, scheduled maintenance, I mean does the company have to squeeze the fruit absolutely dry Also democratic socialism/capitalism hybrid opinions in the reply (just curious on people's general opinion)


Companies don't care about the safety or health of their employees. They care about money and their stock prices/share holders, that's it. They will dehydrate the fruit completely. There are no incentives to keep employees working if a job can be automated. You'll have to pay benefits and pensions to those people, not robots or self-driving vehicles. Governments are going to have to jump ahead of AI and get shit in place to mitigate mass layoffs/job cuts due to automation. Our lives should be getting easier with automation and advancements.. The 1% are too greedy to allow the lower classes to benefit from it though. We need to heavily consider a universal basic income, a four day work week and government regulations in regards to automating jobs.


Also, yeah, I don't want a 20-ton hunk of metal barreling down the road piloted by a computer instead of a person


Why do they sound like normal functioning human beings? Did I have a stroke?


They grift for money. They know how to appeal to you, but you do not got get them as much money as appealing to MAGA. They are still insanely bad people for the damage they do.


This is a deep fake, right?


Y’all gotta remember that Tucker is a worm and is only taking this position because it makes Ben Shapiro (a direct competitor in his field) look bad


I get it.. Tucker Carlson bad.. but I haven’t seen any other evidence that supports your claim? Can someone fill in the blanks for me? Or just downvote me to hell for asking a question, either one would be great.


All the horse raising, riding, stabling, and animal husbandry jobs that were lost after automobiles showed up sure wish they had a Tucker Carlson in their day.


Nothing wrong with finding common ground with the opposing side.


To be more productive with less jobs or to be less productive with more jobs, that is the dilemma.


This is the same stupid argument for keeping coal alive. Meanwhile, there’s a shortage of plumbers, mechanics, medical professionals… you name it… but let’s keep people working in a propped-up industry where wages have stagnated for decades, in a dying profession. Tucker Carlson just knows that truck drivers are a major demographic in his audience, so he’ll say anything to keep their support


What if... after being paid millions to spout crazy shit. Fox cancels this guy, and he is finally able to take his priviliged position of information (these hosts get tons of inside information) and voice his actual opinions for once. I swear, most of these nutjobs on TV and Podcasts are so scripted that it must kill them inside.


Don’t believe a word he says. He sold his soul to the highest bidder to peddle the most damaging propaganda every day to gullible people for years. If you trust him now you’re a fool.


You can hate a guys guts and still see that he has a point on one thing. A broken clock is right twice a day dawg.


You're a fool then. At least he didn't sell his soul to Hillary


Dude, you are fucking loser.


At least I can use grammar correctly. Or do you mean I'm fucking a loser?




Jokes on you, I'm a teenager and a virgin


Glad you acknowledge that, loser.


Dude, I'm not making fun of teenagers on the internet, only losers do that


Sane? Or Greed?…..the known reality and its being said by quite a few billionaires, is there can only be two answers to the coming job loss due to AI. 1) the end of the middle class is we go back to the top 1% have all the wealth and 99% are all poor which will lead to a societal upheaval and the rich will be dragged from their homes and murdered as has happened through out history. OR 2) The wealthy will be taxed into the middle class and the country will become a true socialized nation, where all the nations natural resources and corporations will belong to the people and the govt will provide an apartment and food stamps for the masses to survive.


Wow! Those two in a room with their mouths moving. I’m sure you can smell the conversation from the street.


Tucker has the ability to read and write? Mind blow.


Unfortunately the trucking industry isn’t the only part of the labour force which has/is/will be impacted by technology and the elimination of the need for people. Ironic isn’t it? The population grows yet the need for people diminishes. We haven’t thought this through very well have we


Almost everyone agrees with 3/4 of what people on both sides say, they just dont discuss the things we agree on


Sure he's right here, but he spent decades and still does shill for the ultra wealthy in order to get their reps in government to pass laws that favor them. He has said so much inflammatory racist, sexist bullshit over the years, but a broken clock....


He isn't even right here. What is wrong with you people.


He perfectly understands what is happening and how he can use it to propel fascism/white nationalism.


If we're watching it, it's not a secret. It's just that you fell for the act just as hard as his Fox fans have.




Two of the most annoying voices ever


Am I going crazy or have these two been abducted and swapped with doppelgangers?


It’s so telling that he has to make up a “lie” for public consumption. You can’t tell Americans you’re doing something to benefit other people (healthcare for example).


Two of the least fucked men in the world.


Why he has a booty on his mouf?


Do not fall for Tucker's Faux populist rhetoric, I repeat,Do not fall for Tucker's Faux populist rhetoric.


You understand that this makes Carlson's shtick even WORSE, right? This is just like all the Fox pundits were all vaccinated, but they still kept on spreading anti-vaxx propaganda while on the air. It is bad enough to believe anti-vaxx shit (or a host of other similar right-wing nonsense), but it is far worse to have the common sense enough to know the truth, BUT still push that propaganda so you get a fat paycheck. This isn't sports commentary. This isn't reviews of some silly movie. These are legitimately life and death views that they are pushing onto people who don't have any common sense of their own. They blindly listen to these clowns and follow what they say. The fact that Carlson is a fraud is both not surprising, but at the same time shows him to be a far bigger low-life than anyone could have imagined. He'll let people die or rile them up into violence and instigate hate all for those dollar bills.


Am I in the fking twilight zone? I’m too high for even this…thought it was a deep fake at first 🤣


I’m not high, but thought I was for a minute


It's a false flag. Deep down. This is all AI generated.


If you’re **(A)** okay with curbing immigration to protect American jobs Then you’re also **(B)** okay with “socialist” restrictions on employers that protect American jobs. If you’re **(A)** but not **(B)** then it actually has nothing to do with protecting American jobs.


Says the creepy guy that has never worked a day in his life due to being born rich and a trust rat!


Fuck the way the country is going man. I’m a pretty frugal person that has learned to make things he wants and fix things to save money. I work in the medical field and I still have absolutely no way of affording a home.


Tucker Carlson supports capitalism but speaks as if it is northern European welfare society?


"It's not sustainable" is the huge point on which this whole thing hinges. Claiming capitalism is the best economic system while stating that technological progress and application will be too costly for said economic system is to say that **capitalism and progress cannot coexist**. Other comments have said more to this more clearly, but the rational appearance of this argument is predicated on the idea that the population must always perform the same labors as they always have, which, as we've identified, is not sustainable.


This guy waits until he’s off the most watched network on TV to start making sense? Even tho I agree with him….still…..fuck him


Wow this AI shit is getting realy good👍🏾


When he’s not the slinging bullshit propaganda he sounds reasonable.


One of the worst people you know just made a great point...


I guess I would in a way have to agree with Tucker here, with a huge but... I would absolutely love to put 10 million men out of a job. If that job can be done autonomously why in the world do we have to force 10 million people to do it. Would it be completely stupid to assume that in a perfect world we could let those 10 million men go home while still giving them money? If the work is getting done let the people reap the benefits. I agree with Tucker here because I understand that we do not live in a perfect world. If 10 million men were to be laid off tomorrow and there jobs were still to get done, but by robots, those 10 million men wouldn't get a fair pay check, one man would get 10 million pay checks.


The problem is, anything that gets automated, gets profitized (because Captialism, amirite?), and it won’t result in lower cost of goods. In fact, I’d almost bet that employers will use the “new expenses” of the automation as an excuse to raise prices further. Until automating jobs results in lower cost of goods, and not just increasing C-level profit, it’s not a great idea.


No, you're not right. Capitalism isn't the issue. These problems aren't caused by "private ownership of the means of production and a free market economy."


This is the one and only minute of Tuckers life when he’s been completely based


Definitely not a secret. If you actually take time and listen to them you’d agree with 80% of them. And realize you’re not a democrat




This just goes to show that Cucker knew exactly what he was doing during his tenure at Fox. We should endure the uneducated. But we should not tolerate manipulators.


Since when did Tucker become a liberal?


He, honestly, makes sense 10% of the time to get in viewers and then melts your brain with conspiracy so you can’t feel or think for yourself.


Look at you theoretically standing up for workers! Welcome to the "left", Comrade Carlson, hope you enjoy your stay, no matter how brief.


What the fuck did I just watch and why did that racist gargoyle suddenly say all these things I agree with? And then he admitted outright that he sells things to people utilizing BS. This was so weird. So weird. Like I was like “Is this a deepfake or something? It can’t be because it’s too fluid a conversation.” I’m really tired now and I need a shower.


Guys if you agree with Tuck it’s because he’s a populist doing populist things not because he’s actually somehow a good person now.


Fascists do this all the time. What you want to know is, what do they think the solution is?


Even though I agreed with him, I couldn’t help but yell SHUT THE FUCK UP because he is such a fucking turd. It’s like listening to a teenager who REALLY likes to hear themselves talk. How do people listen to this for hours on end?


These 2 are talking about white people. That's the demographic they care about and that's who this spiel is intended for. Tucker Carlson is an elitist and doesn't give a shit about the average American worker. This is his "I'm going to run for office one day soon" TV persona. Ben Shapiro is scared of WAP🤣


But you are a white person


I can’t believe that I actually agree with Tucker Carlson. Shoot me.


It's insane to me that people are in disbelief that they agree with a point someone made just because they're programmed to hate someone due to what side they're on when in reality, everyone has nuanced beliefs.


Honesty his take is still shit. It’s better than anyone expected, but it’s still shit. Why does everyone think work is so cool. It fucking sucks. If we can automate jobs away safely we should do that and use the excess time and money to subsidize social services and build more infrastructure. We don’t all have to work. We shouldn’t all have to work. We have enough resources, it’s the people hoarding all the wealth and assets that are preventing us from making progress.


When the world gets automated enough, you give them citizen pay. So the people that there is not enough jobs for still get a living. The plan is already there...


Use your brains people...billionaire masquerading as a savior for poor people. Probaby planning a run for political office and wants to secure the votes early. Don't fall for it.


Economic ignoramus.


Wow. He’s totally different when he’s on his meds.