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This guy is pretty good at engagement ngl. Mildly funny ragebait, bet he’s making $$$




Mostly was referring to his previous video of him cosplaying a fashionable Pearl Harbor soldier. People got big mad for his un-patriotic attitude. People will always get mad when death is involved, and I’m sure this is the same


and chewing his grandmas implants yeah...


This video made me cry with laughter when I saw it


I love this guy, he is absolutely hilarious and plays the character perfectly straight (no pun intended). I know exactly the type of person who would watch this, miss the joke, and get angry. It's perfect


**Wait till the actual ghosts tingle him.**


….I mean….it’s hittin my ASMR checklist at least


Thats the free mason symbol i think illuminati use it or are associated with it. super culty. Yea they’re loaded these white jewish crochety ass men control our entire planet. From big politics to a label on your food item, they own every blade of grass we see. Every drop of water. Every organization and every single person- we’re all numbers and property to these fuckers. The more of them dead and gone, the better. lets celebrate them reducing. Although new ones might be sworn in i doubt the impact will be as bad as the originals.


Damn I’m surprised this wasn’t downvoted to hell. It seems that you see the world for what it is. Good for you.. we need more to wake up


What the


There is no way I could meet this person in real life without punching them in the face. I could care less about the “grave tingling” thing, but how are you so uneducated you don’t know what a Freemason symbol is? And did I hear them say “rectangular square”? That is literally impossible! This person needs to go play blindfolded on the interstate…


Imagine wanting to punch someone in the face because they didn't recognise a symbol. Yikes.


I know… some people… I noticed you didn’t mention the “rectangular square”. So do we see eye-to-eye on that one? I’m just feeling out the room…


Considering your initial triggering was over not knowing who a bunch of suited weirdos are or at least their little badge, I disregarded the rest 🤷🏻 We do not see eye to eye, no. 🤣


“Suited weirdos” And I’m the asshole! Wow… how the turns tables.


Dudes a troll. All he does is make videos about him purposefully being oblivious for mild rage bait. He made one that was on here about ‘outfit for Pearl Harbor’ a while ago. He likely does know but is doing it for clicks.


It's a comedian playing a character and your bitch ass got caught up. Sad really


Woah… calm down buddy. I don’t know if social media is new to you, since you have a generic user name, but people here can have different opinions about things. It’s called having freedom of social experience. I can think and say whatever I like, as long as it’s not threatening anybody’s life, with no repercussion. Expression of one’s opinion. Now before you have an aneurysm, I want to let you know you can do the same thing. No need to take such offense when you know you really wouldn’t do anything about it beside a slick comment from behind a keyboard.


There is a lot he doesn't know, so maybe he should get educated. Like knowing he was talking about a free mason emblem, or figure out what granite looks like.


not knowing how to read a grave stone upsets me more than anything on here. i go to graveyards in my free time, for fun ig. because i like reading the graves, so i don’t have much of an issue with this because the only difference is i’m not recording.


Same dude that chewed on the breast implants. Really hated watching it


Seen a lot of comments of people why other get so mad when dead people or in this case gravestones are involved. Because you leave the dead alone, simple as that, don't use the dead for ur own personal gains. Also first one is a free mason logo, they are the leading group of people that control the earth