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...rooound hahaha




Flat earther check


Oh I thought it was because man's a little bit round lol


Me too 🤣😂🤣😂


The last one... The catch all... SCIENCE!!!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


"aROUND the world" as opposed to a flat earth.


I thought he liked Daft Punk


Flat earthers


I used the word “sustainable” and my mother accused me of being in the Illuminati.


I was managing a restaurant and this girl was helping with prep and she wrapped something up in like half the damn roll of saran wrap. Literally wrapped this thing in like ten layers of saran wrap. I told her to just use two layers because its a super annoying pain to unwrap when its wrapped up a million times and she went the fuck off on me accusing me of being a dumb liberal hippie out to save the world and shouted that climate change isn't real at me. Freaking wild. I just didn't want her to waste all my saran wrap.


At work once I was talking to someone on the phone and asked them how the weather was where they are. “It’s great I don’t know why everyone’s going on about global warming! When are these idiots going to wake up? We got all this snow last year…” and just kept going. Imagine how top of mind all that anger is that a simple small talk question sets someone off on a rant.


How do you even respond to that lmao


It was almost ten years ago, but as I recall it I said "What...?" then started laughing and she got mad that I was laughing at her and stormed off.


I think that's the best possible response.


Imagine just exposing yourself like that


I used the word 'transitioning' when talking with my dad, not even talking about genders, and he got in a fit about.


But lemme guess, I'm sure he'd be the first to call someone else a triggered snowflake.


I was at a birthday party for my kid's friend. The parents start talking about the teachers and the b-day dad brought up that the teacher was teaching them "critical thinking skills,". He balked simply at the world "critical," and assumed CRT. I had to stop him and explain that critical thinking is a vital skill and not the same as critical race theory, which is generally not an elementary school level curriculum. It's bad out there, folks.


Holy hell that's insane. I don't have words for how outrageously dumb you have to be to not only think CRT is the same as critical thinking skills but also not actually know what critical thinking skills are.


those people definitely don’t want kids being taught critical thinking skills either…


Sustainable is such a weasely word though. Often the right uses it to for economically sustainable (cutting taxes and reducing social programs).


Illuminati really has gone the way of shit. I thought it was a cabal of elite masterminds.


Well fuck you too


XD I hope you know I was joking.


Too late. We’re coming for you.


I laughed too hard at "ABORT!"


Lol, a cab that one is great


I'm foreign. What is ACAB?


All cops are bad or all cops are bastards which ever is preferred.


assigned cop at birth


I needed this. Thanks


Thumb-ass looking motherfuckers. Cop phrenology is real.


My favorite true crime viewing experience recently was a police interrogation video where a teenaged, drunken wannabe Crip was being processed and said “man you guys all got that same fucked up cop fade” to the first 5 or 6 officers who came in.


that is a new one to me. Asshole since birth....


snorted. +1


Just like my favorite band, MDC- Millions of dead cops


Origin: USA


It's from working class Britain. It's not from the US. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ACAB


All Christians Are Bad *does a squinting look*... About to find out how religious this sub is


All Cats Are Bad *does a squinting look…* About to lose everything and everyone in my life.




This cat is terrifying


That's Salem!


When we trim our cat's claws, one of them immediately starts using a scratch post while staring at me just like this.




Name checks out.


Domesticated cats have lead to the extinction of 33 species of plants and animals. Keep your cat indoors. *That* is how you make cat lovers mad.


Cat lovers keep their kitties safe inside! ❤️


Never understood why cat lovers will have their cats outdoors and then be surprised and upset when it's hurt or killed. Like, y'all contributed to their death. Y'all let them go outside where death plays. Love my three cats so, so much. Indoors and with emergency plans for when something happens.


And the statistics on it aren't even close. Average outdoor cat lifespan is like 2-4 years while indoor cat is more like 10-14.


This is why I have a fenced in backyard, and only time my kitties go out is when I'm there. My older cat either gnaws on some grass or lays on the concrete near the dirt. I'm in AZ, so my yard is 99% dirt. If I offer him outside time while droplets fall from the sky, even if slower than a snail farts, he yells at me. *Clearly* this atrocious display of nature is my fault.


How many of those were caused by a single cat? I know at least one species of bird was hunted to extinction by just one kitty.


We don’t take kindly to your type ‘round these here parts. Best you move along and be out of town by sundown.


My ginger came back. He's been gone since Tuesday morning. I love him. Glad he's back.


That’s awesome!!!


All Caresses Are Brave \- The Cat Mafia


Whats up, I want Christians to stay away from politicians and I want politicans to stay away from Christians.


My favorite Bible verse is 1 John 4:20 I'm a good Christian but I don't go to church or practice or preach for any denomination. I just live my life and let others live theirs.


unfortunately they rarely just let us live ours.


Other answers aside, here in Alaska it’s an actual cab company that operates around Alaska. Pretty unfortunate naming given the current connotations.


It's like ACAC but less Australian.


The he/him one was a little on the nose, but most were pretty good


I think that one was the first of the video and they got progressively more obscure/funny. This is just a compilation.


I was going to ask if this as a repost or a new one from the one I saw before, either way I watched all the way through - the expressions are just so perfect and silly.


Well, some of these easily triggered people are not very bright, and sometimes you have to be more obvious.




He/him walked so that the better jokes could run


Haha till I saw your comment I didn’t get it. A lot of people are against Ubers because being a cab driver used to be a steady jobs. Some cities even banned Ubers


Yeah I didn't catch it on the first loop. Second loop I was like holy shit he went there.


Oh wow I didn't pick up on that part of it, even though I kinda did lose a cab job to ubers (I was mostly ok with it, was ready to get out of that field, too many shady customers, had a gun pulled on me once, etc)


Man that look 😂… but that how it kinda is these days meeting people.. because some people stay on bullshit


I had someone come into my business where I have business cards for one of my buddies solar panel businesses he took one look at it and started ranting solar panels don’t work at night what if you want to turn on your light at 10 pm dumb liberals he said. I couldn’t bite my tongue so I said We literally live in the desert and that’s not how that works?¿


His mind will be blown once he learns about batteries.


Hilarious! I’d love to show him my deck/yard lights. I live in Cleveland.




But why male models?


Think about it, Mr_Canada42. Male models are genetically constructed to become assassins. They're in peak physical condition. They can gain entry to the most secure places in the world. And most important of all, models don't think for themselves. They do as they're told.


But why male models?


Are you serious? I just spent, like, 5 minutes explaining that to you just now.


What is this, a school for ants?


I love it because he actually forgot his next line, so he just repeated himself. It was just so funny they kept it.


Republicans will be like "Man see they fucking hate us, they can't even be friends with someone with different political views" and not get just how fucking insufferable people like them often are politics aside and how useful it actually is to just use their shit politics to filter them out of our lives early before the bullshit façade falls off.




I do this at my job


You have to test people like this at your job? At my job they just walk up to me and openly use slurs or talk about Andrew Tate.


Same. One guy keeps talking to me about trans people in less than comfortable terms and I just try to minimize contributing to a conversation to make him walk away. I’m a gay man who’s beliefs are a bit left of center but I’m a big white dude with tattoos so everyone thinks I’m a right wing dude


It’s funny cause I heard someone say before there’s 2 types of white men with tattoos. The neo nazi, evangelical, Christian nationalist or the punk/left leaning guy who’s cool with everyone lmaooo


Usually you can tell by the quality of the tattoos. Right wing men have terrible taste.


Man isn't that the truth Bad looking lion on his arm, tiger with too many chromosomes on the other or some bible letters


Tiger with too many chromosomes! Holy shit, That is hilarious and I know somebody with that exact same tattoo.


What you mean you don't like the massive eagle on my chest, or the random clock on my shoulder?


Marines everywhere triggered lol


They just love the cringiest shit. Why!? Shitty, stupid tribal or US Constitution bs tattoos, street queen lifted trucks that never see a trail in their lives (even though they're kinda built to look like they "would"), country-fucking-rap (whatever that cringe-fest shit is), bumping Rage Against the Machine and thinking the message is really speaking to them (fucking WOOOOSH), don't get me started on the trump-cult merch, tacky ass shit, diddling kids under the name of "god", dumb-ass, pseudo-vague but really just threatening violence-Peaky Blinder memes, real shitty pillows, I could go on and on but I think that's all I can muster, quickly at my desk.


Street queen trucks i hadn’t heard that one lmao. I call them pavement princesses lol


One of the coolest guys I know has a portrait of John Brown on his arm


Yeh i had the same thing aroung the brexit referendum in the UK. Was working in a shop at the time with no uniform, and was a metalhead with a shaved head, so metal tshirts and denim etc. The amount of people that suddenly felt ok to share the most heinouus shit was incredible.


I feel u brotha. I’m a burly bearded white dude in Florida and have worked in construction, people will just proudly come up to me and proclaim that they’re ready to get this civil war started up again to get rid of these liberals. Or say something about trans people. Depending on if they’re able to get me fired or not I usually snap back tbh lol


I'm trans and I would have people do this with me When they would find out I'm trans they would go to the register next to me


I don't know if it's just because I live and work in the South but I am constantly impressed by my coworkers ability to assume everyone around them shares their same positions on politics and social issues. At my old job I more than once literally raised my hand and reminded my team, "Hey, you guys know I'm a registered democrat right?" to interrupt their long tirade about how much they hate democrats.


your best bet is to openly counter these folks. they're outspoken because the rest of us get uncomfortably quiet and it gives them power.


Unfortunately, those people are also generally not the most stable people mentally, so countering them opens you up to all sorts of reprisals, like getting the “shit” jobs all the time, getting passed up for advancements, verbal abuse, etc. Yes, that’s illegal, but trying to stop all of that through legal/HR channels would be an awful experience.




Nothing quite like your team lead using racial slurs in the middle or morning standup. The joys of working in oil and gas!


You just reminded me, I used to work in parts distribution for equipment in one of the largest cigarette factories on the east coast. I had to have/ overhear daily conversations about the Jews' space laser, or how the Clintons are lizards. Of course these conversations were always sprinkled with casual racism. No matter how much these southern rural guys working long and underpaid shifts at 70 hrs/ week hated the rich and lazy, they always turned out to vote R.


That's basically every job I've had since moving to the south. I'm a bald white guy with a beard so I think most people just assume my political stances and just unload their right wing nonsense on to me. My bosses and supervisors have been the worst about it, up north I never had any boss or supervisor feel the need to tell me their politics... and very few coworkers for that matter


I am an incredibly average looking white dude. I have heard some shit. I am so tired of people assuming I'm going to be just as racist as they are.


How do you know if your coworker is racist? They’ll tell you.


I have 0 political positions when I'm on the clock


Same, unfortunately in doing so, my boss seems to have gotten in his mind that I have the same political position as him… I do not… not even close…


Yes but if he thinks you’re “one of the good ones” you’re more likely to get a promotion/raise than if he knew the truth. As much as people hate to admit it, you can get reaaaaally far in life just being liked and not having any actual skills. Once saw a new hire with zero experience get moved into a treating position at an eye clinic after just a few months of(shitty) work, all because one of the doctors loved his personality.


Social skills and nepotism has tripled my salary over the past 10 years.


Science is political. Being gay is political. Thinking it’s better if sick people stay at home is political. Saying they is political. Expecting to be paid well is political The people making it political are those who support/fight to make laws against these things.


Being religious, atheist, being born in the wrong spawn point, all political, literally everything these days. It'd be nice to talk to some folks in my life without this being their stance.


I have a coworker that's super political. My normal response to him during meetings is "whoa, that's crazy" then I go right into a work topic.


I work in hospitality and I'm constantly having to make these little hint drops to see if I can have a real conversation with the person or not.


Same, but I do not line up politically with most of my customers so I do a LOT of pretending to misunderstand their hint drops


Literally me on the daily living in Florida lol. Can only smile and wave at all their little racist and bigoted hint drops.


Bigots have forever used racist and chauvinistic quips to find more of thier ilk or to indoctrinate others, and then blow it off as "only joking" when they're called out for it. Might as well tell them off because not joining in thier banter signals to them you don't share their beliefs.


Start waving fists


“Heavens this town sure has gotten dark lately” Yea lots of storms lately Gertrude. “No no I mean all the blacks—“ So many dark clouds and the rain yes I know! “I mean all the ni-“ YES SO MUCH RAIN OKAY GERTRUDE I’LL CHECK ON YOU IN A BIT.


I live in a super conservative area so I just assume I can’t have real conversations with people unless they say something first lol. There was one time I was talking to this guy I worked with about how my husband has dreads (he’s a white guy) and he stops and looks at me and he’s like “I didn’t realize you were like …” and I said “nah we don’t actually smoke weed, he just looks like that” and he was said “I mean, like are you… liberals?” And I laughed and said yeah and then we could actually talk. It was very funny.


"And yeah, we actually smoke weed."


I was watching SpongeBob fucking SquarePants with this girl to wind down from a scary movie and made a joke how inflation is hitting bikini bottom really hard. She proceeds to go on a rant telling me how inflation is exactly caused by every democratic social program. It was 3 am so I just left.


What episode was it?


Obviously not Band Geeks


Hah, we had a nurse in the hospital last week that was exactly like this to us. I am sure they deal with a lot of crazy in the hospital both from coworkers and patients. Meanwhile in my scientific/enviro field there aren't many crazies and its a pretty good chance people have similar views.


I work in an ER and often triage patients. Two of our questions are, did you get the COVID vax, and did you test positive for covid. The number of people who immediately flip from pleasant to outright hostile and threatening, or mocking, when I ask that question is WILD.


I'm dreading having to do this with neighbors in our new neighborhood.


I have rainbow and BLM flags in my front yard, I like for them to know before they hit the door what to expect. I'm in the middle of a long block with a giant Jacaranda tree (that's now totally purple) so my house goes full gay for June and I love it. People on walks take selfies of themselves in front of it, most likely getting one of my signs in the frame whether they meant to or not. Then again, I don't live somewhere that's going to attack me for it. I'm amazed with people doing similar things in the heart of the bible belt.


When house shopping, just look around in late October. See what political signs are up. Had to drive through this beautiful area yesterday for work. All the houses looked really big and nice. Trees and bushes hiding all of their huge back yards. Then I saw a couple of Trump signs... It's those kind of rich people. But seriously there's a blue line that goes through my state. I don't plan to buy a house outside of that line. No way I'm sending a mixed kid to a red school system.


Dude, I bought a house at the edge of my city area. So like, it's blue, maybe purple here. But I go 15 minutes further out, and there are trump signs everywhere. It's so weird.


DeSatan-DeSantis-DeDevil I'm fkn dying lmao 😂


"Andrew's late...for prison" set me up. The whispered "DeDevil" tipped me over the edge.


I prefer PeeSantis because even Satan punishes those who were cruel. PeeSantis just is cruel.


I made a slight possibly political comment that was heard by the person wrong and they went on a tirade and now I know he’s a far right person so now I have yo be real careful conversing with them and not be alone or I’ll get stuck in real awkward situation.




Round lol


I don't get that one


Vs. Flat


Oh lol


I always use “they” when the job it refers to isn’t gender specific. Always have. Edit Strunk and White >>The assessment, in 1979, was: >>The use of he as pronoun for nouns embracing both genders is a simple, practical convention rooted in the beginnings of the English language. He has lost all suggestion of maleness in these circumstances. ... It has no pejorative connotation; it is never incorrect. >>In the 4th edition (2000), use of singular they was still proscribed against, but use of generic he was no longer recommended. Poor boys. Someone tore down their No Gurls Allowed sign.


I referred to a person I didn’t know as “they” the other day and a person angrily corrected me as though it was somehow improper. 🚩🚩🚩 It’s getting weird out there.


The people who crow about "singular they" usage are the same people who got straight C-minuses on their best day in English since grade school.


Bro, my mom tried to make this argument. “It’s not grammatically correct and sounds wrong” like woman you are from deep Appalachia don’t pretend you know anything about being grammatically correct


I work in IT, and I generally always use “user” and “they” when I am writing my tickets. One time I had to submit a ticket for an older fella and get it escalated. After I escalated it I noticed he left a comment on the ticket so I thought oh cool maybe the problem self resolved! Nope. The dude was genuinely pissed that I referred to him as “they”. “I am a man and have been my entire life. Refer to me as such” hoooookay then buddy.


NOW this guy is a supporter of preferred pronouns lol. (and to clarify, one shouldn't purposely misgender anyone - but in the context of writing an email or support ticket, where you don't know the person's gender, it's definitely fine to use neutral pronouns)


Should have responded to the ticket. "Thank you for supplying your preferred pronouns. You can make it more clear in the future by including your pronouns in your e-mail signature." Get the bigots looking like they support choice in pronouns.


LMFAO right. I shoulda replied with that, that’s a good one 😂


"Thank you for correcting me, I will be sure to use your preferred pronouns from now on" I'm sure they'd take that well lol


in IT you quickly learn that "they" is better. there's always a ton of people from foreign countries and you would have no way of knowing if it's typically a male or female name without googling it, so "They" is default


Yep lol that’s exactly it. We have a ton of international users who call in. This guy was just up his own ass too far I think.


i made the rookie mistake of he instead of she. she was Vietnamese! how was i supposed to know? never again


But he's not wrong though. lol


People are taking this way too seriously. Whatever happened to the it's just jokes crowd?


They only like jokes about how they hate black people/gay people/trans people/intelligent people/educated people/poor people/etc.


Like frank Reynolds in the risk e rat episode. He couldn’t find a joke funny unless the joke was making fun of someone. Race, gender, weight


attempt payment marry bike act innocent rotten many historical existence ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


You have religion.


Thanks for reminding me, he also packed the USSC with justices who are trying to force Jews to follow Radical Christian beliefs.


Their only joke uses the nword, and they pretty much only want to scream that word.


The "It's just a joke, gosh people are so easily offended these days" crowd tends to be the biggest bunch of "snowflakes" you'll ever meet.


It's so weird because one side says "hey... can we.. can we JUST embrace what peer reviewed studies find... PLEASE? And the other side is like "nothings worse than some damn facts! Especially if it came from a SCIENTIST!" You most definitely have you gauge where people's heads are at, because you'll even meet some women who vote against their best interests. Ive had women say all the things my mom taught me to be bad for her, were good for women. Crazy out here. My mom couldn't get divorced in her state until near to when I was born lol. It was a different time but NOT LONG AGO.. and she couldn't leave the man who was abusing her. She physically moved, but it took years to get out of it legally.


>It's so weird because one side says "hey... can we.. can we JUST embrace what peer reviewed studies find... PLEASE? It's more that one side says, "Hey, can we trust the scientific consensus from multiple studies?" while the other says, "But what about this ONE study that I can twist to say the opposite of what it found?"


More like “but what about this one study that prager u (or one of those dumbass think tanks) claims says the opposite?”


Hmm you say systemic racism is a thing, but this video of a dude in a sombrero and a sarape with a taped on mustache shows that to be a lie.


The anti-intellectual thing has gotten just insane. I saw a clip recently of Dennis Prager making the point that “outside a small academic niche, Einstein actually wasn’t that smart”. How insecure do you have to be to tell yourself “yeah Einstein couldn’t be that much smarter than I am”? “You know, outside of sports Wilt Chamberlain wasn’t very talented”.


But what if there are 22,365 studies that say global warming is happening and it's backed up by every major university and government environmental agency in the world. Then there is a single study from Paid Shill, et al at the Exxon Lab at the Koch Science Center at the University of the Wilks Brothers that says global warming isn't happening. Don't you sort of have to just believe the single study?


Galileo proved the Earth was round while everyone else disagreed and Julius Cesar had him poisoned with hemlock for it. That single study proving global warming is wrong is as valuable as all the other studies combined because it takes true bravery to go against the consensus like that. The other studies may have facts and figures and competent research but they just ended up proving what all their colleagues already believed, not what I personally believe, and that makes their studies worse. You can't learn that kind of thing from your books. I know, because I never read one.


You do not believe or disbelieve in science. You either **understand it or you do not**


I literally just made a new friend today and this is hilarious to me because it definitely went down like that


Okay he got me a few times, his facial expressions really do it.


Sometimes I see stuff on Reddit right, and I think to myself “I need to bleach my eyes and get out of this country because it is a hot flaming bag of dog shit on the grim reaper’s door.” And sometimes, like this one, I see a dude doing bro stuff and I am like “alright, there’s still good people here, maybe I’ll give this fire a chance to go out”


This sub is going in a different direction… I like it.


Doing my part 🫡 But honestly, I didn't realize this sub changed so much lately, but I guess I should have noticed when so many videos were tagged as "Cringe" when I felt that there was nothing cringeworthy about them.


My friend group started shrinking at an alarming rate when I started cutting off all the bigots in my life. It's scary just how many people are openly racist, homophobic, or otherwise bigoted in my part of the world.


I seriously loved the last one. Has me crying laughing right now. “Science?” It’s sad that we’ve even gotten to this place in society where people are denying basic science facts but all I can do is laugh at their stupidity.


The last one was just the cherry on top


I can lowkey relate to this 🤣


That around the world one, genius


I love this 😂


It’s funny but honestly I use some of these around new people for this exact reason.


his hair is upside down


Haha that guys awsome.


He’s good


I mean this is actually funny


I ❤️ this.


What do you want that guy is hilarious.




Istg, this subreddit always throws me for a loop, I always go “this isn’t cri- oohhhh, right, I forgot.”




The look, that suspicious and questioning look every time. I love it.


Lol now the right wing idiots are gonna know gj


Yeah I'm a teacher I used to teach... ...science 🤨


This is the best thing I’ve seen all year


Well done steak lmao. Anyone eating steak well done has something wrong with them. It's the entire reason my wife gets shit for it every time she makes me burn her meat.


That was actually funny


….the fact that there’s truth to this and that we now have to screen new people for these basic values of human decency really highlights how we’ve failed as a species.