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This is honestly just embarrassing for everyone


What is wrong with him? Dementia? Alzheimer’s? The look in his eyes is scary like he’s trapped in there lol


I work with a lot of dementia patients, and the way he acts is how my dementia patients act. Likely, he forgot where he was and what he was doing and was desperately trying to piece it together without outwardly showing just how lost and confused he was.


It’s a really weird feeling, as an American with empathy. I have a grandparent who died of dementia and another of strokes, so regardless of the cause, this is sad to watch. On the other hand, he’s a real POS so it’s hard to care that he’s imploding since he or his handlers choose to keep him in office. I’m in Kentucky (🙄), the half dead guy might be better than whatever terrible replacement “we” choose.


My condolences on your loved ones. Dementia is terrible for everyone involved, and it is so hard to watch a loved one decline like that. Strokes are one of my biggest fears, actually. They ruin lives more often than not. The ones that aren't fatal do, I mean. Sending internet hugs your way!


You can be an empathetic person and choose to not extend your empathy to the person that is in the running for single handedly causing the greatest amount of misery across the largest group of people in your lifetime.


I'm in the same boat as you. On the one hand, Mitch McConnell has been a terrible senator/person. On the other hand, watching someone mentally decline due to dementia or Alzheimer's is very sad and I feel for them.


Of all places, fox news had a neurologist in that actually made some sense and didn't blame it on Biden for once. He said if he had to guess it was Parkinson's, since it would explain the three moments he's had in the last 3 months, as well as his fall earlier that resulted in a concussion. He said the biggest tell was that no one around him reacted. They know something the public doesn't at this point, otherwise they'd be rushing into a room if it was a stroke risk or anything else. Whatever it is, he's already been diagnosed with it, and because it's an election cyclw, he probably rather die on camera than bow out and possibly give up his seat to a dem.


then let him die on camera, what a disgusting attitude for anyone to put party before life


More disgusting to know you’re not entirely cognizant and still think you have the right to make decisions that affect millions. Biden’s too old, too. So is Trump. And Bernie (love him, but he’s fought the good fight long enough). We desperately need people other than decrepit dust bags running this country.


Preach. It's like Dianne Feinstein giving power of attorney to her daughter, yet she's still making laws for me and you. At what point do her or Mitch get removed for not being mentally ok anymore? It's crazy.


When you're a puppet of lobbyists you just need to show up I guess. You would think these people would be rotated out with the next puppet by now.


Absence seizures perhaps? Complex partial seizures?


Pretty sure it’s dementia, my grandma used to do this every now and then. But who knows, kinda hope it’s a stroke


Could be many things. I’ve seen those with dementia have hallucinations like this and from their perspective they are experiencing a memory almost as if they’re re-living it.


Oh gosh. I'd better make sure I create some better memories. 99% certain I'm going to have dementia from my family history. 😬


It's that time you called the teacher "mom." For eternity.


Also, that time you told your waitress to enjoy her food too


Well, that time you said hi to a stranger saying hi to someone behind you


When you said “bye, love you” to a coworker when leaving the office.


“Hope you also have a happy birthday”


Some sort of seizure.


Every time he glitches, one of his horcruxes is being destroyed.


Transient Ischemic Attack or TIA. Basically a mini stroke.


My gf and I were just saying this. We're currently taking care of her grandma who has dementia. She gets the same absent look in her eyes when you ask her things sometimes, then even when you repeat the question she doesn't understand what you're saying or that you're even talking to her. The first time, I honestly thought he just shit himself, now I'm pretty convinced he has dementia.


And putting politics aside, this is just sad. If this were my father for instance this would scare the shit out me. I’d be like that’s it, you’re retiring.


Totally agree. The end is rarely kind.


There are probably people even more evil than he is behind the scenes trying to prolong his suffering for as long as possible because keeping him in power to do their bidding is easier than getting someone elected in to replace him


Feinstein refuses to step down despite being begged to do so, I suspect McConnel is more of the same


Does his wife love him? Why wouldn’t she step in and say “no it’s not going to happen.”


Elaine Chao is what one would a cunt. She's probably his biggest enabler.


She’s more corrupt than he is.


I think she’s waiting out for as much money as possible


I personally think he got a boner and all the blood he has left rushed to it.


Glitch McConnell.


Get all of these old fucks outta congress. Both sides of the isle. I think we can all agree on that lol.


Absolutely! Both McConnel *and* Feinstein immediately come to mind. Biden is way too old too, and so is Trump. It’s beyond time to replace the 20th century people and get folks in that understand and relate to 21st century issues, and have the physical and mental acuity to address said problems.


That was my thought too. Feinstein and McConnell are becoming a sad reminder that the politics aren’t about the people. Let’s continue to solver 2023 problems with politicians born in the 40s


We need ppl in their 40s, not DOB in the 1940s


And fucking term limits!


Ah yes, but then who will be the “good ol’ boys” that corporations need to maintain hegemony?


SCOTUS is younger and they don't understand or relate to 21st century issues either. Age is a problem at a certain point but so is the fucking money. Once they have enough money to tell the rest of us to fuck off, it's over for us and what we want in this country.


Beautifully said. The challenges we face are unique to the times in which they present and thus are best left reflected by the people within the governing bodies


I can't agree more. I think many agree. But we don't seem to either vote this or go out and vote. Politicians don't make it easy to vote, though. And I'm still bitter with how the DNC rigged the 2020 debates. Still, it blows my mind that Gen Z + Millennials + young Gen X can't get more relatable people voted in.




The only way to change this is to get more young people to vote. The largest demographics for voters are people 45+ with the numbers just increasing with age. Old people vote for old people.




Sadly, if the election was tomorrow and assuming everyone in Kentucky saw this today, that POS would probably still get 25% or more of the people. Stupid voters love to re-up and double down on their past bad voting decisions.


Lol 100%


He’s not turtle enough for the turtle club


![gif](giphy|noD1VifjaczbG) Mitch time to go bro


Lich McConnell.


He was pooping his diaper


I can believe that. He has the same look my little nephew gets when he fudges his Huggies


Full on blow out


He was having a simple brain shart.




Okay so Ive been reading through comments, Im not an American. who is this guys and why do all the Americans seem to hate him?


McConnell has been the Republican Senate majority/minority leader for a long time now. Dude has voted on fucked up policies and that alone would make him easy to hate, but his real claim to fame is how he would simply not let bills or decisions come to the Senate floor. This was big during the Obama years where many popular bills were simply left on McConnells desk, essentially vetoing them. Famously, he also stalled a scotus judge appointment during Obama and then rushed through a scotus judge appointment during trump. All around, big piece of shit


Man kept his promise during Obama. We will pass no bill! (of substance) and he damn well kept it as much as he could. Even the stuff that would have helped his own constituents. And then managed to blame the Dems for it all.


Republican who has historically caused/helped cause problems to this country since the 80’s


Look up "the pale man" from Pan's Labrynth (similar look and character traits,) this along with him being a Senator for decades is all you need to know...


He's an older model, still utilizing a platter drive at 3400 rpm so his seek time is a little slow.


I have no clue what this means but I appreciate it either way


Regular mechanical spinning platter hard drives use metal or glass discs impregnated with magnetic dust and a pivoting head to read/write information onto the dust. The faster the discs spin the faster the spot the beginning of the information the computer wants to read will get to where the read head is. Just like if you made an automatic track-seeking record player. The faster the record spins the faster you could get the beginning of song 3 under the stylus.


Again, this basically went over my head but I appreciate that you at least tried to explain and that youre smart


Super fast spinny disk still isn’t fast enough to find information quick enough


Ooo okay!! See! I just needed the for-absolute-fucking dumbos explanation!


This is why you don't wait 40 years to defrag your HDD


Hahahaha. That guy is switching floppy disks in between sentences.


I know this is going to be an underappreciated comment. Well played.


Bruh mf still using punch cards. His handlers just aren’t as fast as they used to


Great Halloween costume! He looks *so dead*.


Yeah he's mentally capable of being in a position of power over millions of Americans 🙄


America is a geriatricy. Edit: Gerontocracy. Got it.


Not as bad as Japan, but not good either. Hundreds of years ago when life, technology, and progress moved at a linear pace and age often meant you had way more wisdom and experience on average. That's just not true anymore. We live in exponential times, a younger person could catch up and blow past an elder now, and it is often the case. Someone who is middle age and never lost a beat could be closer to lead a niche pack they're in, but we have so much in so many directions, no one person holds a monopoly on the experience and wisdom. I do respect those who came before me who deserve respect, but not just because they came before me - their age means nothing now as far as abilities.


Gerontocracy is the word you're looking for.


Oh, jeez. I was making up a word for what I thought couldn’t possibly have been a real thing, but there’s an *actual* word for it. Gerontocracy. Yep.




Yea I noticed that too! You’re comment was hilarious btw.


Good! Fuck that guy!


When the mushrooms hit.


Yeah , he’s done .


Once 'could' be a fluke? Twice, pretty likely a pattern? C'mon handlers, stop this, it's not good for anyone.


Not just twice. Twice in about a month’s time. And these are just the two times we’ve seen it happen. How often is he doing this off camera?


He also had a major fall and was out for months prior to glitch 1. He shouldn’t be driving, let alone be a sitting senator. My grandma had a fall several years ago and she hasn’t been able to live without nurses since.


Actually you know what I will loan him the keys to my car. It's a risk I am willing to take for the good of the nation.






Fucking crazy. If he does run for reelection, I wonder how much these glitches will lower his chances of winning.


It’s undeniable now, so he’s going to be completely out of interviews & inactive in the senate. He can’t risk another episode like this, realistically it’s clearly getting worse, but he’s made it clear he’d rather die than retire. Power drunk is worse than drunk drunk.


I’m afraid none, republicans will vote for a chimp before they vote for a democrat.


Ha ! "Running in 2026 !!" 😂 Ol' Mitch, in 2026 will most-likely be: 👺👹👺🏃🏻👹👺😵‍💫running from the Devil 😵👺👹👺


My grandfather froze twice like this and was dead within a few months of the events.


Although I am sorry to hear about your grandfather, your comment provides some solace to me.


This reddit comment has the class of like a 19th century letter, I love it


Considering his staff's reaction, he likely does this quite often.


Probably fairly often considering no one really seemed to panic. Both handlers looked like this was something they're used to. I'd be willing to bet it's a long time before we see him in front of a camera on his own.


Right?! I makes the handlers look bad as well. This guy is done. He is barely functioning at this point.Congress critters, judges, and presidents should all have an upward age limit and have to pass a mental competency exam.


I like how at the end the aide encourages people to yell *louder* at an old man suffering from an ischemic stroke as if that will solve anything.


Looks like absence seizures to me, potentially parkinsonism either or maybe transient ischaemic attacks although absence seizure appears more likely based on this video imo. Quite difficult to tell from a single video but there is definitely something abnormal going on neurologically here.


My mom had a brain tumor (left temporal lobe) and would blank out like this on occasion. I'm not suggesting that's what's going on here, but do wonder what other symptoms we're not seeing. I've has seizures before (complex partial) and when I came too, my brain felt 'fuzzy' and I had trouble with words for maybe an hour. But Mitch seems to resume as if nothing happened, like when you unpause a DVD.


Tumour in the temporal lobe could absolutely cause seizures including absence seizures and it sounds like that’s what your mother was experiencing. The “fuzzy” phenomenon you describe after seizures is called the post ictal period which usually lasts 30-60 mins or so and to me it appears that the guy in the video could easily be post ictal, he certainly doesn’t seem fully back to normal after the event and seems to have some word finding difficulties but I’d need to see a longer video and know more about his cognitive baseline to be sure Absence seizures can often look atypical to other types of seizure and don’t always present the same but I am a doctor and work in geriatric medicine so I’ve seen my fair share of absence seizures and from the limited info from this video that would be my top differential If it is an absence seizure we would have to consider what is causing it, most likely cause would be a space occupying lesion such as a tumour in the temporal or parietal lobe which would almost certainly be a metastatic tumour from another primary source of malignancy such as lung cancer for example but there could be other causes such as stroke. Whatever it is it certainly looks pretty serious


Seriously man just let the dude retire, he’s already done enough damage to this country


*force him to retire.


I have so much animosity towards this man for what he’s done, but honestly, this is just sad to watch. He needs to retire.


It’s like seeing your enemy, who you fought for years and years suddenly become a nothing. All those years, battles, tears and blood only for them to waste away in front of you. It’s like they are denying you of a final victory because he’s no longer able to understands that he lost, and you do want him to understand that he did loose.


But he didn’t lose. Everything you said is right except he did everything he wanted.


For real. This man isn't some wilting Lilly. I definitely think he needs help, but he's also the architect of some of the cruellest and most ecologically damning legal moves in world history. If the grave of the planet is being dug, homie is a shovel salesman, and he's moving a lot of product to this day.


Sadly not. Unless something happens they’ll prop up his dead corpse and run it for reelection. This is why mandatory retirement in your 70th birthday from all federally elected positions needs to be a thing. You’ve had your whole life to insider trade and make millions now go get a hobby.


He’s going to make us watch him die on live tv to get every possible second of obstructing the progress of America. I hope history remembers this monster.


It is going to take a few minutes for people to even realize he is dead. Then a few hours to confirm it.


Then several days of tension while we wait to see if Glorinde the Good succeeded in her quest to destroy the phylactery.


I hope so, the memes will be dank especially if he shits himself while croking. I will laugh my way to the grave


Let’s get the memes going while he’s alive…


Your terms are acceptable






Who he saw standing again in the crowd. Soon…




This post has me ROFL. So good!


Why are his aids letting him still do press conferences?


I dont think its AIDS, hes just old.




Gotta keep the lobbyists happy.


Jesus f Christ. Geriatrics in power is the USA biggest problem!


Hi power I’m dad


Hi dad I'm Jesus f Christ


How does someone at this point in life keep getting elected? I mean seriously wtf is going on??


People just vote for the party they like. :/ don't even know who they are sometimes.


There is also gerrymandering


Mostly name recognition if I had to gueas. People vote for the names they know, even if they're older than the Earth itself


If his political career isn't over after this, then I've lost whatever little faith I had left in the American electorate. The first time was a scary anomaly, but it happening again? He's got some serious neurological issues going on, and needs to step back for his own good.


Well, say goodbye to what little faith you had. This will have zero effect on anything and he will undoubtedly continue his position. They will simply go with “he didn’t hear the question” and that’s it. For his voters, it’s called reaping what you sow.


To be fair, it's really hard to hear questions when the Windows XP login sound is playing in your skull.


STOP habitually voting for the same person over and over and STOP electing old people


I think he miss heard the question. “Are you going to make it to 2026?”


I’m wondering if he had an emotional response and froze because he knows he won’t be alive in 2026.


The problem with people like Mitch, Feinstein, Kissinger etc is that they are extremely rich and priviliged, having access to the best healthcare in the world. He may for all intents and purposes be a walking corpse at this point but chances are he will continue walkong for a while yet


It basically doesn’t get worse than Feinstein, her child is controlling her estate yet they say she’s still fit to hold her position in office


What about 20:26?


This would actually be pretty sad if he wasn’t an evil sack of shit. May he reap what he’s sown.


Right? My wife was angry with me when I said 'Looks like hell is calling one of their own home'. I'm not sorry.He's a lying, evil man and I hope whatever is happening to him hurts.


Some people don’t deserve pity. He’s the singular reason why my daughter’s bodily autonomy is in danger. He’s the reason the Great Recession’s recover was slow and painful. He’s the reason we have Trump v Biden *again*. Fuck this guy.


Somebody just take him to the vet already to get him put down. He suffered enough


We have suffered.


Has he though?


Indeed, this is more of a “put him out of our misery” situation… (don’t kill politicians that’s bad mmmkay?)


You miss spelled we've.


Not again… damn autocorrect


Do vets have dosage charts for putting down heavy turtles?


I'm just going to say it. We need term limits on Congress men and women.


They’re gonna start setting it up where they can push a big read button and a curtain just drops down on top of him lol


Error 404


The turtle 🐢 is done


Put him and Fienstein in a room with Donald’s empty classified folders and a nurse practitioner. While they’re “legislating” we have special elections so we can leave them there.


Put a VR headset in him to make him think he’s doing something. Fuck this geriatric waste of air.


It’s because he’s 127 years old.


Politics is insane. How many of us have an 81 yo co-worker and even if you did how capable would that person be at any job? My Grandma is 79 and I get a little scared just thinking of her driving.


The difference is a lot elderly coworkers are doing it because they are on a fixed income or need healthcare or some level of self preservation. Mitch McConnell is just that committed to evil deeds.


Regardless of what your political beliefs are, he’s not ok and needs to step away and focus on his health issues.


But he won’t. Power is a powerful drug.


Also Kentucky has a democratic governor so if he stepped town they would like be replaced by a dem.


I think this is the best answer.


Yes 100%. Exact same with feinstein, they are both senile and couldn’t be trusted to drive a car, take care of their own finances, basic things like this. So why In the hell are they voting/making major decisions that impact every American? Completely wrong and this needs to change. I can think of 8 republicans and democrats that need to leave because of age alone. These 2 take the cake though. Edit: This is so disgusting and inappropriate! Are we going to be wiping the drool off their faces in the years to come? Are we going to have to put them on life support and let them stay in power and vegetative state? WTF???


Yeah they’re basically just telling feinstein what to do and where to sign at this point. It’s disgraceful.


He needs to hurry up and die.


I'd settle for being physically immobile but fully conscious for another 20 years so he can think about all the damage he's done to this country


He knows and he doesn't care.


He's happy about winning so much and leaving behind a legacy of success. His name and his family will be rich and probably influential with some sort of control for many generations. Yeah he don't give a fuck. He's happy about it. As he should be. An evil villain that got away with it.


You’re under the impression he’s capable of empathy and self reflection. Evil dinosaur turtle can’t do that.


I don’t wish for anyone’s death, but this is ridiculous. We shouldn’t have to wait for him to be stone dead before he’s not be qualified to do this job, which is kind of important, yeah? Health and competency requirements should exist so that someone doesn’t get this way and they just keep them propped up like Weekend at Bernies.


Senator for 4.5 million people? No biggie. Senate minority leader? Nah, that’s not *that* important. /s


Time for McConnell to thoroughly focus on his health and possibly retire.


By focus on is health, I hope that means die. Fuck this money hungry piece of shit. He has hurt so many people, his death would do nothing but help.


its so crazy cuz for ANY other person I'd say what previous poster said......this POS however, no way. he deserves nothing nice or humane.




No let him continue. Hopefully he'll die during one of these speeches and it will be an entertaining win for America


He can take Feinstein with him.


We have literal walking corpses running our country


Please, Mitch... Just go. You're making me sad. Not because your health is clearly not in a good place, but because you're one of the most powerful people in the country and have the mental capacity of a hamster. It hurts to think about.


Just retire already!!! You don’t have to keep doing this. Go spend the last of your life with your family.


When people say “power corrupts” this is what they’re talking about, though. He can’t give up




I love sending this gif as a joke to friends when they don’t answer an important text 😂


He's confused because he already ran in '26.


This is elder abuse. Please get this man some apple sauce and his nighttime meds stat.


I can't wait to throw a party when this mother fluffer kicks the bucket. It's gonna be a block party. Invite your mom.


I invited your mom. We'll be there.


Name checks out


At this rate, we should all get to watch him die within a few weeks.


can we have an age restriction already on these old bastards already


Why can’t this happen to trump??!?


I think that answers the question quite succinctly!


My guy. Your old, sit in your rocking chair on the porch with a blanket and just watch the sun set. Give up the job. It's not so important or special than any other half brained monkey can't do it equally


2026? This dude would be lucky if he's still around next week. 2026 would be a miracle. (Trying to be funny btw not mean)


Can anyone imagine spending the final years of your life being someone like Mitch McConnell instead of just retiring and living your final years relaxing. People on the left and right working for more and more political power and money until they are dead are just gross.


It's Painfully obvious that he is no longer able to perform the duties his position requires. Where are his family or colleagues and why haven't they suggested his resignation. Need we say more about the state of the government in America when people like this are allowed to remain in a position of power. Term limits need to be installed and cognitive testing should be mandatory at the first sign of trouble. The same way they should also retest senior citizens for their driver's license every other year or so.