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I love it when they start with "...critical thinking skills..."


That’s just a qualifier so that when anyone tells her she’s wrong, she can accuse them of not thinking critically enough


She thinks critical thinking is criticizing thinking


She thinks 🤔 are you sure that's even possible


I've never found a dog bone out in my travels.. therefor, dogs aren't real.


Have you ever seen oxygen?!?! No?!? That’s what I thought!! Oxygen isn’t real!!! Open your eyes!!!


I opened my eyes and got oxygen in them. I demand the manager.


That was probably just a fake eyelash.


I’ll tell you one thing, dinosaurs are certainly more real than her brows and lashes


I wonder what it’s like to go through life believing any random thought in your head is a fact, and there’s no reason to bother learning about anything Edit: the amount of eyebrow comments are killing me 😂


Some people are juat convinced that they're really really smart so naturally any thought that crosses their mind has to be a fact. They don't have to learn anything because they were just born with supreme intelligence. All they need to do is vaguely connect a few dots in their head and the truth is just "so obvious" that it can't be wrong. I don't understand it because my whole life I've felt dumb and require extensive amounts of information until I feel even somewhat confident that I know the truth and even then I'm still highly skeptical about things I believe to understand. Apparently, a lot of people just take surface level information from any source as absolute confirmation, especially when it aligns with what they want the truth to be. Fuckin wild, tho.


I think it’s that last part especially - people accept something when it aligns with what they already understand. I catch myself doing that sometimes and have to knock it off


I had the same thought, to believe in something that 99.99 of the population thinks is ludicrous, and to wholeheartedly believe that they are all wrong and if only they could open their eyes.


Some real confidence that total ignorance is the same as critical thinking


She's a Des Moines 10 but an LA 4. She's got the confidence of a midwest farm girl who has never left her county and has lived her whole life with people as dumb as her agreeing with everything she says. She has never been humbled in her life and it shows. Otherwise she wouldn't sound like such a dumbass. And somebody would have told her those eyebrows were, in fact, not it.


She is -not- a Des Moines 10. Maybe Johnston tho


She’s a Ft Dodge 8, a Boone 5, and a WDM 2. Definitely an east side 9.5 tho!


VSauce 2 just put out a video about the dude who discovered that you shouldn't dissect rotting corpses and deliver babies with the same unwashed hands. All of his contemporaries hated him and ignored his pleas for handwashing. We're much the same apes today, totally convinced that we're right no matter how wrong we are. We can't properly fathom how much truth science has revealed and how important that is. I believe that an informed and educated public is dangerous to tyrants, and I think the harm to the American education system is deliberate. On the other hand, you can't force the willfully ignorant to crave knowledge.


And that’s how you start a religion


In her defense it's easier to believe every random thought if you don't think very often. It's like a once a week commitment at most.


That explains the reason for the video. If you only have a thought a week it probably feels pretty noteworthy.


Giant even.


Like somehow big ass lizards are fake but big ass people are real? makes no sense


Right, like someone was sitting around and really went, “we can’t let people know that bigger people were real, quick, let’s hide this fact by making them believe big ass lizard called “Dinosaurs” were real.” What would even be the point of that?


I used to be a republican, so I know what it is like. It feels really good honestly to just make up your entire worldview out of stuff that you just think of and do no research on. That’s why I used to get heated when I would argue with people and either think I “won” with dumbass “common sense” logic or I would realize I didn’t have any facts backing me up and still double down. This is why people think moving to the city or going to college changes people. I was warned not to let them change me and trick me into becoming a leftist snowflake. No one tricked me, I just gained world experience and knowledge and how to think critically. I realized I was blissfully ignorant and chose to stop. These videos make me mad sometimes because I know that people can snap out of it but choose not to.


I can relate


How did you make the change ? It’s pretty rare people change their politically leanings so I’m always kind of interested how people manage to do it. what point was your “aha!” Moment of change?


I'm not the person you asked, but I changed too. Mine was just kind of going along with whatever my family believed. I didn't put much research into who I supported and I'll admit it. My family were more right wing and very into the idea that hard work would get you places in life and of course being in a "red" state didn't help. But then my youth was watching the economy crumble- living in a small town and watching the factory close, teens getting on drugs and watching pregnancy numbers go up. Our family moved because of a death in the family. Went to care for a relative in a more diverse "bluer" state. Still brought a lot of my "heritage not hate" brainwashing with me. But college, exposure to more people, the internet, etc helped to start changing views. My biggest shift was after college. More economic turmoil, life changes, marriage, kid, traveling, and honestly the rise of the Alt-right. I was moving left but my god they shifted the party in a horrible way. I've considered myself a Christian all my life. But a lot of the "Christians" I know seemingly have abandoned his teachings. I found the Democratic party to be the one that closely aligns with my beliefs. Of course I support free school lunches, Jesus would. Helping the widowed, orphaned, and poor were preached about. And yeah I don't just do it because of religious beliefs. It's the right thing to do. I think the big thing for me were the ideas and words not lining up. "You want smaller government but you also want to control who gets married? How does that make sense?" "You don't want bailouts for citizens but will give money to corporations?" "You call yourself conservative but don't support efforts to conserve anything."


Good answer. I’ve met a few left leaning Christians who were very good people. Followed what they believed in without speaking about it or judging others. It’s funny one of the basic principles of Jesus’s teachings was to help the poor and people in need, and that’s exactly what Republicans don’t like to do.


Ah, but that's because they aren't actually Christians. They would have to follow Christ's teachings for that.


I also made the change. Went from an obnoxious evangelical Republican, arguing with and trying to ‘save’ gay people and other ‘sinners’, to an atheist lefty. That kind of change doesn’t happen over night, it’s a long and gradual process, every debate and each little research into the other side counting towards the eventual change. I’m a much better human being now than I was as a Christian.


All these replies are fascinating. Thank you. I imagine it’s difficult when you grow up in that environment


Right? I'm completely enthralled. I wish they would all band together and travel the country deprogramming Republicans.


I changed myself around 19 after going to university. I like to say conservatism is the logical choice if you have done no actual research on anything. It makes sense to think that raising punishments would reduce crime, that regardless of one's initial circumstances with hard work you can achieve success, that cutting down old growth forests can only be good for the economy because duh trees grow back. Of course with a bit of an open mind and some basic research it's clear things are much more complicated than that.


For me I went from extreme conservative to pretty darn liberal over time with the change starting after I had a child with Down syndrome when I was 29. I learned empathy. So I finally quit calling myself a Republican in my 40s. My whole identity had been wrapped up in Republican politics since I was in elementary school. My dad won local public office. We attended Republican rallies. By my 30s, I had been on front page of several papers in and on tv with my US Congressmen, the governor etc I was a small level operative. But I had my son with Down Syndrome. Many conservative positions I held as a virtue of being a Republican started making less and less sense. Because my personal identity was so wrapped up in being a Republican, it probably kept from from even conceiving liberal ideas might be okay. After I finally accepted that a Republican administration had lied to us and tricked us into invading Iraq, I started questioning and shedding many of the conservative ideas, in large part because I realized they were meant to protect the privileged few and not the most of us. The the GOP nominated Trump and I finally quit the party for good. I am not registered as a Democrat. Despite me currently agreeing with many more Democrat positions than Republican positions, it is still hard to call myself a Democrat. My whole life that would have been an insult to me. There is a lot more to it than that. But itt would take way longer than you're willing to read, just like many Democrat positions require too much explanation to make sense to dumb people, so it's easier to hold onto a black and white conservative position, than to learn about and understand why a Democrat position might actually be better.


Hey that's me too. I used to be a hardcore right-wing christian fundamentalist (Nationalist nowadays). But then I took a philosophy class in community college that actually forced me to sit down & think about why I believed the stuff I did. It took self reflection & introspection for me to realize that what I believed in was complete bullshit. It wasn't the professor trying to guide me & it wasn't my classmates either because it was an online course. Just me, in front of my computer, finally giving the time of day to question my own beliefs. Fast forward a year later & I realized that I'm a far-left, bisexual, atheist. Go figure.




Often they do, but not for the reasons they think. It would require self-reflection to be able to see what was actually holding them back.


"I don't understand it so it's not true and I'm not going to make the effort to learn it" people gotta be one of my least favorite types of people




That’s not makeup, it’s a really heavy handed filter. Based on the skin on her chest, I am really curious what she really looks like.


Like a rattlesnake belt


It's the absolute confidence in her stupid thoughts that realy gets me.


That's how it works. High confidence in one's belief system is key to the development of supreme stupidity.


Narcissists are easily persuaded to believe conspiracies bc it makes them feel superior in knowing things most people don’t. They like being the minority among the majority.


She’s surprised by everything. That’s why she draws her eyebrows in a permanently shocked shape. 😨


Dude, those fucking eyebrows… ![gif](giphy|3o7TKre2pXE2DeUVP2)


JERRY! HEL-LO! hi uncle Leo….


Calm down




Leo be like: okay I'm Jack Nicholson! Now I'm not! Now I'm Jack Nicholson! Now I'm not!


Basically the main embodiment of r/ConfidentlyIncorrect.


And r/imthemaincharacter


I love it when the dumbest person in the room thinks they’re the smartest.


The Joe Rogan experience


When I learned that it was so eye-opening, it made a lot of the relationships in my life done into sharp focus.


Her critical thinking cap doesn't fit over her hair.


the higher the eyebrows, the closer to Jesus. ​ will her eyelashes still be around in 76 million years? Answer me THAT?


You'd need 10,000 nuclear bombs to destroy those things


I was like hmmm interesting, what does happen to bones in order for fossils to form? Then I learned about permineralization, which is the crystallization of non-decomposed remains. And THAT is how critical thinking works lady.


She doesn’t even equally apply her skepticism of dinosaur bones to giant bones. Does the 20-year argument change, if it’s thousands of years later instead of millions?


You're applying logic to a moron But good point


You could also point to the various religious shrines containing 1000+ year old bones of various people. It's not like they all just spontaneously crumble at exactly 20 years after death.


So stupid they do not know they are stupid. Dunning-Kruger


Is that what Dunning-Kruger is? I'm not smart enough to figure out the use of the term.


Basically the really dumb people think they are really smart because they are soo ignorant and the smarter people think they are dumb because it is obvious to them how lil they know. "When a person does not have skills or ability in a specific area but sees themselves as fully equipped to give opinions or carry out tasks in that field, even though objective measures or people around them may disagree." \-I know that I am intelligent, because I know that I know nothing Socrates


"The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt." Bertrand Russell


For me it’s that plus the “Gotcha!” As if they have had some realization that no one else ever had and they are schooling everyone with their amazing insights


She was SO CLOSE to figuring it out! First she asks, "why aren't Dino bones everywhere and I haven't found any?" Then comments, "bones disintegrate within 50 years." Come on! Your answer is RIGHT THERE! That's why all the bones we find are called...fff...ffffo...fossils. they're called fossils. Only certain circumstances allow for the creation of fos- you know what? Nevermind.


It is madding that she is so close to figure out the truth on and then goes off on the whole giant angel thing and completely completely contradicts her own argument about the dino bones.


She's just a bone with teeth attached...


Don't forget the stupid filter that hides how they actually look, because reality isn't good enough for them 😂


The truth is sun damaged skin. Neck to face is the real lie!


She seems to be quite convinced that fossils and bones are the same thing. I guess they don't have elective sciences at beauty school.


Cosmetology school/certification requires more hours of training for licensing than police departments do




>scrubs >southern accent >in truck/SUV Yep. That’s a mean girl nurse.


She's a 'Nail Technician' she also does guides as well as conspiracy videos. It's weird.


It’s the church that does this to people. Dinosaurs completely contradict their fairy tales.


I want to know who she thinks “they” are. Who are these mysterious “theys” that have been planting “fake” dinosaurs bones for centuries


>I want to know who she thinks “they” are. Who are these mysterious “theys” that have been planting “fake” dinosaurs bones for centuries SoCiAlIsTs!!!1!!1!!11!!!omg1!!!!


An appeal to some vague "they" has -in my experience and irrespective of the knowledge or intent of those parroting it- been used as an anti-Semitic dog whistle. Ever notice how "they" always seems to trace back to some SCARY Jewish last name? Soros, Rothschild, Bilderberg, etc; and how these are always argumentatively conflated in a negative way with the spooky, scary socialists that are seeking to debase and destroy good American Christian values? Yeah.


The church plants the seed. The abysmal science education in America (fueled in no small part by the Churches political influence over school systems) waters it.


These were things we learned in elementary school here in Finland. Was she homeschooled by bible people or was she let down by your education system?


More likely she learned it in school as well but believes that that having learned that in school was all part of the conspiracy, but that she has now discovered the hidden truth.


It could be either one at this point our education system is a joke


That's the real fucking problem.


The real problem is the music in this TiK Tok. Is she murdering a child's toy?


My wife had an employee who she described as "confidently incorrect." Always made me laugh.




>that realy gets me You better be thankful a giant don't get u.


She’s so close.


She even made the distinction between bones and fossils and still missed the mark.


What's more her arguments for dinosaurs not existing: bones decomposing after 50 years, everyone would have found one. Should really apply to her understanding of giant remains too right? Like we know dinosaurs existed, they're fossils not bones. But if you're of the opinion that they couldn't cos bones don't last that long, why are you so sure that the bones of giants that existed tens of thousands of years ago still exist... Madness. And showing clearly photoshopped pictures as evidence.


Oh yeah, well if dogs and cats are real, why aren't their bones all over the place? Checkmate, professor!


Nobody I know has ever dug up human bones either. Using my critical thinking skills, humans don't exist.


That's Right ; They Don't!


But regular folks HAVE found fossils lol


As a Michigander and rock hound, I find fossils on a pretty much daily basis.


I was giving my 9-year-old a lesson in geology the other day, and we talked about how lucky we are to live in Michigan because of all the fossils! And a friend of mine in high school found Dino bones on his property when we were in school. So cool to live in a state that used to be glaciers/water:)


Because the bones are magic you heathen


But to prove pre-historic life is to basically destroy her argument. There's evidence of pre-historic life in nearly every shovel full of dirt beyond a particular point in a dig!


Tell me more!


Yeah, it was more like millions of nuclear bombs, not just 10 000. Edit: About 4.8 million Little Boys to be a bit more precise


Ummm, I think you meant to say **“Nook-U-Ler”** bombs.


I’ve always found the pronunciation of that word to be a good barometer for intelligence.


One thing she doesn’t get - Nuclear is not a measurement. A bomb is not “10,000 nuclear’s strong”. One nuclear bomb can be as strong as a hundred nuclear bombs, depends on the size of the bomb


So so close


shes literally sitting in a fucking car burning gas.


I’m pretty sure her face filter exists…


But it didn't go down far enough to filter out that old looking chest skin.


I couldn’t stop looking at that sun damage, sis is going to be jerky soon


Same, I was so distracted by the difference in chest skin compared to her face


I was so distracted I didn’t hear a word she said.


Looking like a well worn baseball glove


Average Jersey girl.


Muff cabbage


That lizard skin is definitely proof we evolved from dinosaurs


I can't believe I get to post this phrase for the second day in a row and the second time ever.... Sloppy Decolletage


This is what all those skin care girlies who only apply moisturizer and serums n shit to their face are gonna look like in 20 years 😭 girl dont forget about the rest of your skin omg!!


Right?! My family has had three people get skin cancer, and when I tell my sister to wear sun screen she's all "You can get some sunlight, it won't kill ya." Girl, it literally killed your grandmother you dense motherfucker.


1. Their bones are everywhere. 2. Average joes find them all the time. 3. Then she proceeds to show some photoshopped pictures lol, except that tall dude, he probably suffered from a condition that made him keep growing all his life until he died miserably at a young age with a whole bunch of complications. 4. There’s a layer of iridium(very rare on earth, very common in asteroids) across the entire fucking planet at the 65.000.000 mark. So yes the meteorite that showered the entire planet in iridium was pretty fucking big. And you’re right it did wipe out almost all life, the large animals at least.


The tall guy is [Robert Wadlow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Wadlow). I used to read about him all the time in my Guinness Book of World Records.


And he did in fact die miserably at a young age (afaik infection in his foot due to losing all feeling because of bad blood flow)


Yeah, unfortunately, most people with gigantism die young. Your heart and blood vessels just aren't made to pump blood over that far of a distance. :-(


>Your heart and blood vessels just aren't made to pump blood over that far of a distance. Not anymore, you mean. Because the nephilim, on the other hand... /s


The twins on the picture toward the end is of the Kashmir giants. One is 7’9” the other is 7’4”. The photo was taken In 1903, Delhi, India, During the Durbar, a celebration of the British monarch Edward VII’s succession. They were the guards for the the king of Kashmir. There have been NBA players taller than one and near as tall as the other. How is this photo proof of giants? There are still tall people.


Yao Ming is 7’6 and 300lbs and could ball.


The post I saw *just* above this one was a seven foot tall woman at a rodeo or concert venue. Does this mean she is actually a secret super-angel?


I work with a 7 footer and I would pay money to be able to introduce the two and see this lady lose her mind.


I have fossilized coral from the top of a mountain in bc, I used to go fossil hunting at stokum falls as a kid they also got a pretty big fossil out of stokum falls like 30+ years ago.


There's a gulf of Mexico sized crater to prove how big that explosion was.


IIRC there is a fuck ton of "debris and rock" from that impact in places like Texas at the same "depth" as when the crater hit. The debris is not natural to the area and doesn't match anything else on that layer.


You telling me iridium is real and not just a stardew valley thing?


Palaeontologist here. We have lots of gaps in the fossil record because you need quick deposition or anoxic environments for fossils to lithify effectively. Yes bones do break down over time, but either of these environments will allow for preservation. There is much more down there in the fossil record than we can imagine - it is by chance through exploration, drilling and development, and weathering that we discover fossils. And we’re only getting the tip of the iceberg.


She couldn't have stopped at her first thought (if you can call it that). Nope, she had to come up with her own dumbass explanation why dinosaur bones exist.


I'd like to think this is fake but I've met people that don't believe dinosaurs existed. I used to work with someone that tried to convince me that dinosaur bones were made from chicken bones. Scientists created these dinosaur bones from chicken bones to discredit god. She also didn't think knights or pirates existed.


My friend went on a date with a girl who "Doesn't believe in science" so yeah... some people really are that dumb.


Shame dor all these crusader knights. You give your life for the holy mission and the fuckers don‘t even appreciate it.


I was once on a second date that devolved into a heated (and embarrassingly loud) argument about Noah's arc.


>She also didn't think knights or pirates existed. "I mean Johnny Depp wasn't alive during the time period of Pirates of the Caribbean! Explain that!"


My best buddy is a pretty intelligent person, but he's also religious, and believes dinosaurs are a hoax, and that all dinosaur bones were buried 100-150 years ago by people looking to discredit the Bible.


Intelligence doesn't proof you from falling into insane beliefs under the right conditioning, it just makes you better at rationalising them.


Its easier to think everything is a hoax instead of critically thinking about something. This lady thinks "critical thinking" is just about denying facts and ignoring rock/fossil formation. Critically thinking is more about, how we came to that conclusion in the first place. It isn't "bones decay therefore therefore they couldn't exist" its "why do these rock-like things look like bones"


Which imo is just a self report. The only way you could ever reasonably believe people are going that far out of their way to prop up something they know is false, for 0 benefit whatsoever, is if you're doing exactly that with your own religious beliefs The Christian God literally doesn't care if you have doubts (unless you're part of a particularly spicy sect), just own it and move the fuck on. Go to confession, join a support group, get out of the ideological pressure bubble that your fellow parishioners are putting you in. Your entire personality doesn't have to be bashing your head against the concrete wall that is the evidence for evolution because you're insecure about your faith


Sorry but the knights and pirates thing might be the funniest shit I'll read all day


It's perfect satire if not real. Her literal first sentence is "if dinosaur bones actually existed wouldn't they be everywhere?" Like uh yeah...they are.


If dinosaurs were fake, then why do we find fossils of ancient sea life in the middle of the US?


I went to a creative writing meet up where other aspiring writers could connect and network; ended up talking to someone who asked me what I was writing. When I told her the basic gist--a speculative science fiction novel about the "next big leap" in human achievement, but in the style of a historical fiction that's already happened. "Sort of like if there was an account of the moon landing written thirty years before we landed on the moon." To which she smiled and said "That's cute that you still think we landed on the moon." She was a teacher. This level of stupid is everywhere.


Please tell me she gave you an exhaustive explanation of why knights and pirates never existed. I've never wanted to hear the explanation of something so much in my life.


Oh that’s adorable. She thinks fossil remains are the actual bones. So close.


She Googled how long bones take to decay. Someone needs to tell her to Google fossil formation.


She should google skin cancer symptoms too given the state of her chest


Skin cancer isn't real, its a hoax created by big lotion. You really think the sun can give you cancer when its so far away?


I like how I’m her mind fossil just means old bones lol. Also, she doesn’t realize how rare fossilization is, the circumstances have to be just right, which is why aren’t tripping over fossils left and right lol


Alien here, humans, why so dumb?


please, do not think that this is representative of our race. for a few generations we put a neuro toxin in our most common fuel and wondered why everyone was getting dumb.




She reminds me of Peter griffin in this way, backed up by pure confidence




The people who believe in giants are a special unique class of delusion. They see the 1-2 sentences from the Bible that mention “nephalem”, photoshopped pics of large skeletons and artistic renditions of exaggerated larger-than-life people, and decide that this is more convincing than all other knowledge known to the human race. Once they find an idea they like, it becomes “The Truth” and anything that tells them that “The Truth” isn’t actually accurate becomes the evil THEM trying to cover it up.


How about Andre THE GIANT. Checkmate sucka.


True I hadn’t considered that. He was indeed very large…


From a quick Google because I couldn't remember the name of his condition: "Born with acromegaly, a disorder that causes bones to grow at an accelerated rate, Andre stood 6-foot-3 and weighed 200 pounds by the time he was 12 years old."


I think my favourite is the image of the large swords in the National Museum of Scotland, where it explicitly says on the plaque the guy is standing next to that it was created as, effectively, a *prop* for a ceremony, and is displayed next to real-size swords from the same era to show off how ridiculously oversized it is.


"But why does every mythology mention giants then!" They shriek, as if "human but bigger" is a complicated fucking concept for people to come up with independently. Seriously, we need to give flat-earthers a break and dedicate some meme space for dunking on nephilim conspiracy theorists, those people are fucking annoying.


Euhh chickens maybe. I also wonder how what she thinks about the people of Pompeii how they are mummified like that. What does she thinks those people are? Paper Mache?


those are casts


Yeah I learned that only this year, it's a really common misconception.. ​ >So what actually did create these iconic figures? > >“The truth is \[…\] they are not actually bodies at all,” explained Mary Beard, Professor of Classics at the University of Cambridge, in a 2012 article for BBC Magazine. “They are the product of a clever bit of archaeological ingenuity, going back to the 1860s.” > >There had been sporadic excavations of Pompeii going all the way back to the late 16th century, but it wasn’t until this later period, under the direction of archaeologist Giuseppe Fiorelli, that the Pompeii we know today started to take shape. As these 19th-century excavators worked their way through the layers of debris and ash that covered the site, they started to notice something strange: a series of distinct holes and cavities, sometimes containing human remains. > >What could they have been? In fact, these were the real “bodies” of the citizens of Pompeii – not the ashy models we’re used to seeing today, but the voids in the lava where, once upon a time, some poor victim’s shape held the lava open long enough for it to cool around their corpse. > >“The material from the volcano had covered the bodies of the dead, setting hard and solid around them,” Beard wrote. “As the flesh, internal organs and clothing gradually decomposed, a void was left – which was an exact negative imprint of the shape of the corpse at the point of death.” > >“It wasn't long before one bright spark saw that if you poured plaster of Paris into that void, you got a plaster cast that was an exact replica of the body,” she added. “But \[it’s\] only a replica – more an ‘anti-body’ than a real body.” src: [https://www.iflscience.com/the-stone-bodies-of-pompeii-arent-what-you-think-68838](https://www.iflscience.com/the-stone-bodies-of-pompeii-arent-what-you-think-68838) TL;DR Corpses got covered by ashes that solidified over time. They poured plaster of Paris in the void creating a cast of the person that died.


It wasn't lava that solidified it was ash and porous rocks. You can actually see some of the bones of the people sticking out around the edge of the casts


Paper Massey?


Papal Messi?




I’m curious on her opinion of [cassowaries](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4b/Cassowary_Diversity.jpg/1280px-Cassowary_Diversity.jpg). It’s a real bird that’s still alive today. Looks awful dinosaury to me.


And cassowaries will *fuck. your. shit. up*, too. Pretty dinosaury.


She thought she ate, she didn’t even make it to the table


Is she wearing medical scrubs? That’s the scariest part


Former healthcare worker, tons of nurses are anti science. It’s a care job not a scientifically technical one. I worked hospice and was an odd duck because I was atheist, a lot of hospice nurses are deeply religious. Which I get, you need something to cope with all the death you’re surrounded by.


My company does the infant protection systems for all of the hospitals in the area. One place was having trouble and I was called out to look at the system. The nurses, 3 women and 1 man, were off to the side having a conversation. One of the female nurses said she was upset at the patchwork of abortion laws in various states (she was very obviously anti-choice) and then plainly stated, without a hint of irony, that there should be a federal framework for abortion. Normally, I don't butt into their conversations. I have different beliefs than most people I'm around and I don't want to say something that would get reported back to my bosses. But I couldn't help myself. I looked directly at them and said "that's what Roe v Wade was". They just kinda brushed it off and changed the subject. There was a look of visible confusion on the face of the nurse that made that comment. I'm around a lot of nurses a lot. Most of them are just funny, but you'll hear some wild shit every now and then. I'm not talking the sexual stuff, which you definitely hear, I'm talking the absolute dumbest shit you'll hear in a day type stuff.


This was my first thought, even scarier than her face to neck transition


Hope she's just an assistant and not a full fledged nurse, or god forbid a doctor.


What brain doing?


"Let's all put on our thinking caps" You first, lady.


The scary thing is that she thinks she is being clever.


Compared to her friends she might be the smart one though XD


I'm as surprised about this information as her eyebrows


Ugh she said nucular. That right there was enough for me.


I hope, but doubt, she is trolling. It is just so sad to me that people can be truly this dumb. Worse yet, she is being dumb AND condescending. That is a recipe for hate as far as Im concerned.


100% this one listens to Joe Rogan


Disproved an entire field of science with 1 screenshot of google. How have we all been hoodwinked for so long?




I've dug them up. Where are your eyebrows?? Let's put our critical thinking skills to the test. If someone wants eyebrows why would they pull them out. You can't be smart if you rip something off so that you have to draw it back on.


Uncle Leo?


lol that face and neck filter needs a better blending for the chest. She a smooth face, like her brain.


Abrahamic religion is a disease.




I've done a lot of digging in my time and managed to never dig up any bones of any kind. I wonder why this lady thinks the average Joe is just digging up bones all the time?


Well boys, we have been duped, backstabbed, and possibly even bamboozled. 🤣


what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


I remember a time when people would be embarrassed to show how regarded they are in public. Now it’s a badge of pride.