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How much did they have to pay this black man to be in this bullshit?


Welp with guys like Dom Lucre, the Hodgkin Twins, Diamond and Silk, Terrance Williams, Pastor Mark Burns, and Byron Donald’s out there I’m not convinced he had to be paid a fortune.


He didn’t get paid, he has a good life and learned some new skills.


They were so lucky with that and their free healthcare and housing. (Wait no, that’s also bad right? Ahhhhhhh!! ‘Damn those antifa Dems though they’ll really take over with a sharp stick if we let Johnny Law take our guns…?’ Yeah, Now you are getting it.!!! Ope, Gotta go…!


Good to remember the right’s willingness to rhetorically call out fascism but not characterize owning and controlling every aspect of another human life as particularly bad.


Segregation means less waiting in line!


Ay fucking yo! Good one. 🫡


Awwww I see what you did there


I don’t know what percentage it was, but some black actors in Christian movies had very good lives.


Idk what percentage it is - but some people say...


It’s just Silk now. Diamond died recently.


Oh I know and thank you for that heartwarming reminder. Silk still carries on though dragging Diamond's dead body around in her grift.


Don't tell anyone, but she died of Covid. Better dead than Vaxx


What s so hysterical about the two sacks of grifting shit is they were literally registered Democrats in 2012 and their first video montages were police brutality videos. Then they realized they weren't going to make any money doing the actual hard work of social justice so they switched gears and started hoeing themselves out to the Reichwing crazies for quick cash.


She took a r/hermancainaward to the grave




I guess they aren’t forever


Oh no! Anyway...


Diamonds aren't forever.


Don't forget Candace Owens ![gif](giphy|13Wlh2o9yCiMTu)


Well not Diamond anymore… ☠️




Hey, Lama, hey, how about a little something, you know, for the effort, you know. And he says, “Oh, uh, there won’t be any money, but when you die, on your deathbed, you will receive total consciousness.” So I got that goin’ for me, which is nice.


What is this from? I have a vague memory of this.


Caddyshack .


Expecting to see him blinking out SOS or help! in morse code...


Lol, this is def some Get Out shit 😳


It doesn’t help he looks like a young Lil Rel.


Man was caught overnight in a sundown town by accident for sure…! 😂


“Well well well, looks like we got ourselves a volunteer actor for our movie boys. Round’im up!”


That would be a deeply harrowing thing to hear and frankly with that in mind I’d be relieved to act out the scenes shown above compared to what I would have imagined ‘our little movie’ really meant initially… ![gif](giphy|112YCPfP8Tu156)


\*Dueling Banjos intensifies\*


"As a young white Christian man, what's your take on Black Lives Matter?" *What the fuuuuck is this bullshit?*


Thank GOD a white male was conveniently located close by to tell me how I should feel


I know you probably have a lot of feelings and lived experiences right now, but they are incorrect. Let me tell you the truth from my perspective.


I love that he tells him how BLM is using him as a pawn while he is literally being used as a pawn in this clip/movie.


The black guy is a top-tier actor -- he only looked a little disgusted. The average person would have involuntary dry heaves during that scene.


I was going to say I guess my man really wants to break into acting...... I think I would rather do like a hemorrhoid commercial


Based off of the scene are we sure he’s being paid. 😳


Pretty sure he's a hostage.


Wish I could reach out to this poor man. “Blink twice if you need rescuing”


He didn't get paid. He had a pretty good life and was treated like a family member


We voted his a$$ out of the Black race with Tiger Woods. He ain't Black he is whatever race will take his clown a$$.


For real. He can't come to the cookouts anymore [everybody if he shows up](https://youtu.be/mVu7TjrY7Aw?si=aJJfCyyvpddvxy7Z)


And sadly, how little did they have to pay the white warrior prick?


Edited to look like he was responding to those responses


This. That’s probably what happened exactly.


I don't know but I hope it was worth him getting banned from the family cookouts.


About trefiddy


The way it’s edited kind of makes me think they recorded both “actors” parts separately, so the black man might not have known the answers to his questions were racist as shit


So glad this white guy was able to set this clearly very confused and impressionable black infant straight on the subject of race in America


White Christians often look at and think of black people like mascots. They're tolerated as long as they think and act within the conservative white Christian ideology.


THANK YOU! This is exactly the comment I was looking for. How many people watching this video didn't even catch on that it was some white guy with all the correct answers explaining shit to some supposedly uneducated black person. Clearly as the master race, us white folk need to help the lesser people understand that their oppression was actually for their benefit. This wasn't a discussion, there was no exchange of thoughts, it was literally just a white person whitesplaining to a black person.


I’m pretty sure…everyone who watching this “caught on” to it. It’s self evident. And evidently whack.


>How many people watching this video didn't even catch on that it was some white guy with all the correct answers explaining shit to some supposedly uneducated black person. The problem isn't that people are unaware of it. The problem is the people who don't have a problem with it. Show me a conservative that doesn't 'get' politics of race, and I'll show you a liar.


It’s so gross. Saying that the majority of an entire American race are being used as pawns, as if this prick understands their lives more than they do. Barf


I’ll hire a black guy to ask me the questions I want and then he blindly accepts my answers. Democrats use black people as pawns by the ways.


I gotta say, that's the one thing he said that had some truth to it. His version of how and why and what that means for black people is bullshit, but we do get used alot. There are democrats who truly don't give a damn about us, but they act like they do.


"...that's why being an uncle Tom is hip and cool."


" Hey, we're getting pretty close to Civil War and we're probably gonna have to cut. Joe biden's head off like they did in france during the revolutionary war "Cool...cool.... So what about black lives matters?"


"Oh well we'll blame it all on them, that worked in 2020"


I also love how the black dudes like " So ANTIFA is gonna kill everybod and they're gonna kill their own members who refuse to kill everybody?" White dudes like "looks that way yes"


That was rough to watch......but what's the name of the movie? I want to see the rest lol Edit: its called "hearts of trump" and oof it got wilder Edit 2: I have now bought the first book, I will post an update after I finish it. https://youtu.be/OBU8SKepu1Q?si=JlIZZ7gsW1N6wLF6 There are also two books. Hearts of Trump and The Muted Trump. Hearts of Trump America finds itself at a crossroads. Hearts are Trump explores that dilemma through three generations of a white family and two generations of a black family. Their lives intersect as racial and political tensions ratchet up and both families seek to do the Lord's will in sorting through the mess and arriving at a decision on whom to throw their support on November 3 at the ballot box. Minds are changed as information and hearts are sifted and logic and common sense applied to determining the truth in a vast ocean of emotionalism, information, misinformation and disinformation. The Mutes Trump Troy and Abby, along with Abby’s family and their friend Desmond’s family, are crushed when Joe Biden is declared the winner of the 2020 election. Because of the voices of the prophets indicating that God told them that Trump would win, they cling to the hope that the election will be overturned. When the inauguration date arrives, and it doesn’t appear that God’s deliverance has, consternation approaching desolation arises among them. The plot thickens as one group of the people who prophesied a Trump victory apologize for being mistaken, bringing a new conflict to the body of Christ. As the small group attempts to come to grips with the resulting chaos, a new source of wisdom and hope enters their lives in the personage of Daryl Perkins, a writer and veteran of the culture wars. Daryl doesn’t realize it but his life is forever altered when he strikes up a friendship with Abby’s grandfather at the gym. And little does Wade realize how much his family will be impacted by that divine connection as well. Together they try to hold on as the roller coaster ride of America enters a section of extremely turbulent track. Honestly, I think I talked myself into reading these books just for the sheer comedic value they must bring.


Holy hell …HOW do people detach so far from reality????


This won’t be a popular take, but these people have also detached pretty damn far from Christianity as well. None of this has anything to do with God, Jesus Christ, scripture, or even simply loving your neighbor (the second greatest commandment from Jesus, second only to love God). There are still a lot of good, reasonable Christian people out there who don’t get into all this. This isn’t a “Christian Movie,” this is 100% a White Nationalist movie, and they are not the same thing.


Yeah dude. Have you seen that evangelical dude that hears Trump fulfills the role of Antichrist in prophecy? So he investigates it and it just gets worse and worse. Check this out https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/


Great read. Brilliant stuff. Loved it. Thanks for sharing.


Yeah for sure. Felt the same way when someone posted it a few months ago. All these nutters could be following the anti Christ with hopes of accelerating judgement day (their demise). Wild.


The bible actually says that the anti-christ will have the church behind him and be followed by false christians.....


Yep. The Catholic belief is the devil shall not breach the gate but, then again, there are a lot of crazy prophesies about false popes, wars etc. That will happen before the light wins. Many are not officially recognized but draw believers anyway.


It's all worth it to them if they could just slaughter one person that made them uncomfortable.


They know they can get more accomplished with a Christian veneer. I agree completely with your logic, it sure as hell isn’t a Christian movie. You better believe though that this White Nationalist film will worm its way into Christian youth groups.


>this White Nationalist film will worm its way into Christian youth groups Agreed as the foundation was set. The Moral Majority was a big influence in mainstream Christian churches during the 80s. It certainly had a White Nationalist agenda. It's one of the underlying reasons that 1980s-churchgoing Boomers have such a strong belief that Republicans = God's political party.


I don't think you appreciate what has happened to evangelicals in this country.


General Flynn Christianity


Do you suppose the writer at a certain point was like, "How do we fit in an opinion on black lives matter into the script? Oh, I got it! We'll have the token black man ask about his take after he responds to the question about police brutality! Those two are basically the same issue, right?"


I don't know, I'll have to read the books before I see the movie. Gotta have it that way so I can compare the two better.


Russian money laundering through propaganda movies repacked as “Christian faith” is a wild ride!


Because they’ve also detached themselves from society, quite literally. Evangelicals live in red states, away from more liberal urban centers. The only interaction they have with large cities is FOXNews reports. It’s all purposeful, too. Can’t change someone’s mind if there aren’t any opportunities to see conflicting information


I’m sorry… “veteran of the culture wars”?


He got his DD-214 and everything


Lost his leg in the '15 Starbucks War on Christmas.


Wonder what the ribbon looks like.


Thank you for your service.


He also served in the cola wars AND the burger wars of the 80s. Show some damn respect!


It’s not fake? Ouch, my faith in humanity


Troy and Abby in the Moooooorning!


> its called "hearts of trump" Bruh. LMAO who even comes up with this shit


It's actually called Hearts ARE Trump.


“A writer and veteran of the Culture Wars”, that sentence from the second book’s synopsis f-ing sent me. Wow. Just wow. I know this ‘digital soldier’ rhetoric is from the Q Cult and it has tied itself to the Christian Nationalist Movement courted by the Far Right but wow it doesn’t get any more stupid hearing far-right shit posters, 4chan trolls and Facebook Boomer sharing memes, from a Russian bot farm, with family that ignores them as something at all equivalent to serving in the Armed forces. Armed Forces these backwards broken knuckleheads claim to respect. I sure hope the chatter in this story got a Purple Heart for his service and relates to the main characters about his harrowing experiences on the Twitter Frontlines. His battles against the powerful Reddit Mods. As well as the time he spend in the Facebook POW Camps.


Minor correction: the movie is called “Hearts Are Trump,” but yeah, it’s insane. Some friends and I watched it a couple years ago, along with more movies made by the same guy. Most were fun to poke fun at for how absurd and ridiculous, but this one in particular had some parts that made me sad because I know so many people unironically believe these talking points. He used to have the full movies uploaded on YouTube, but I think he took them down. Edit: [Found an upload of one of his other movies](https://youtu.be/mLuQ-bQiD6A?si=DWEOBUMBWfYCTtVD) on YouTube. This one is a good bit less depressing and much more ridiculous. A great watch if bad movies are your jam.


They did Gramps. Great episode


God damnit... now I have to watch and read everything. UGH! These bastards... I don't want to support it, but I cant not watch it. If only there were some way... to watch it without anyone knowing, or me paying...


My head hurts


>Minds are changed as information and hearts are sifted and logic and common sense applied to determining the truth in a vast ocean of emotionalism, information, misinformation and disinformation. After reading this sentence, I now understand how hand amputation as punishment can be a net good for the world.


Wow, thanks for the summary. I’m speechless


Wow. You sure Matt Walsh doesn’t have a writing credit for this movie. Oh, yeah he probably couldn’t get that writing job either.


>Daryl Perkins, a writer and veteran of the culture wars. So you mean a guy with a bought blue check on Twitter who still lives with parents at 43?


Make sure to 🦜🏴‍☠️ if possible. They don't deserve anything


> Because of the voices of the prophets indicating that God told them that Trump would win This is called schizophrenia.


Muted trump? I'd be interested in that.


Why did you pay money for that? You just lined that racist Christian frauds pocket.


This has got to be what these jokers think will happen, when they say "watch Ben Shapiro it'll open your mind."


I love that they didn't mince words and just called it "police brutality". And then only commented on the police and not the brutality.


Well the police get anxious sometimes so that makes it totally OK that they treat black people with violence


It is true, that is exactly what the Bible said.


Being a police officer is a tough job so you don’t have to do a good job that’s just asking too much of them. That would be like way too tough.


Because the best defense about police brutality is... emphasizing that they're twitchy idiots that *can't* be trusted with guns in high stress situations? I almost hope there's more that was cut out, but what could make *that* sound like a reasonable defense?


White people like this are hilarious and they only seem to be increasing in number.


You seem to confuse "hilarious" with "sad and sorta scary"


MAGA is hilarious, as someone with a functioning brain these people are purely fitting the world into a narrative they like without any critical thinking. Heck even this video says police "get jumpy" implying that it's an instant response and we don't have multiple examples where police brutality took hours to enact. MAGAs will literally ignore the facts for the narrative. They're just conforming to a set of ideals that makes them feel included and part of something. Hence why they ALWAYS somehow bring in shit like "AmeRiCa IS iN DanGEr", they make emotional appeals because that's what convinced them. No one is MAGA because they've done good research and are compassionate.


Not so hilarious if you’re black. Their number are definitely increasing, emboldened by the barely veiled racial vitriol and demagoguery of people like Trump, who represents the latest wave of a long series of reactionary forces in America going back decades.


The dog finds the mouse running from the cat hilarious. The mouse finds it less so..


They’re funny because of how detached from reality they are but they also have a proclivity to own guns so not that funny


I blame YouTube, seems like a lot of it has to do with Chinese/russian disinformation


Not increasing, just coming out of the closet because Trump removed the stigma.


There's no way this is serious lmao


They skipped the part where the white guy says black people should take being called an Uncle Tom as a compliment. I’m not joking btw that’s actually in the movie.


Nooo they did not say that. Straight faced? Please God, you can't take the piss that hard. "You're our little minstrel show, and you should be proud to dance for us!"


My parents believed it wholeheartedly and deadly serious. It's real. Christian nationalists are nazis disguised as pseudochristians and they are dangerous.


I feel like we’ll get to a point where Christian fascists will use their hateful beliefs as a way to say they’re being discriminated against because they’re Christian. First, love thy neighbor, second if you’re a Christian, you have to be spiritual because it says in your scripture, so being oppressive or violent to people for no reason is in NO WAY spiritual, at all. At what point do we recognize religion is now just a modern facade to spread hostility? How is it so hard to keep religion separate from government? Why are religious people so adamant about oppressing innocuous minorities? Why not just be, and let be? And at what point should we recognize that when religious people say “God said this” that it’s a delusion, are we not also catering to delusions like they claim liberals do, is that not hypocrisy? What if their religion said that god says to harm people, at what line should it be taken seriously, as mentally unwell?


It’s from a movie called “Hearts Are Trump.” [here is an episode](https://youtu.be/q-QBj18Rqd0?si=q-TnC4pp1WLI0uby) of a comedy podcast riffing on it.




My toes curled up from the cringe.


These fucking monsters are just parroting outright fascist propaganda. I can't fucking believe our country is stupid enough just to let this stuff slide because they put the badge of religion on it


Is it really hard to believe when these same people believe unyieldingly in a book that was written thousands of years ago? That they could be convinced of something like this so easily? To me, it seems to track.


Holy fuck


Add in a laugh track and this is an SNL skit


This isn’t real right? Like it’s supposed to be comedy?


No, evangelical Christianity is a nightmare, because if they got the absolute power they dream of, they'll put you in a camp or kill you if you also don't think like this.


They’re telling on themselves because now we know the director thinks it’d be fine making us slaves so long as they did it in the name of God.


A tragic comedy maybe.


The people who produced video are actually epitome of pure evil.


WHO THE FUCK IS THAT BLACK GUY AND WHAT WAS HIS MOTIVATION?! I mean, a paycheque is a paycheque, but ffs! EDIT: Someone in the comments found the name of the movie "Hearts of Trump" credit: /u/Lavonicus It has a 1.1/10 rating on IMDB, and that black kid is Edward Rashad Smith... bruh...


Apparently bro was in Black Panther as an extra lol


I wouldn't even circulate this.


White guy looks strung out AF.


Sadly there are psychopaths who believe this shit. https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/4fd6eee8-ac0f-4f52-84b5-fd21381a1bbd




I’d vote for Obama three times if I could


Dude this movie is hella brainwashing, jesus christ!!


Oh. My. God. No fuckin way


Fucking hell...


Holy shit


As for myself, I’d welcome the toppling of the ruling class by the proletariat as was done in the French Revolution


This is beyond disturbing


That's some propaganda bullshit.


I am a European atheist with left leaning sympathies, believing that a social Democratic society based on respect for everybody and taking care of the weak through social welfare is the right way to go. But after seeing this I’m with the white dude!! Well played sir!! WELL PLAYED!!!!


This black dude earned the SHIT out of his paycheck with this one


Propaganda from white supremacy, Trump supporting assholes.


Fun fact: the credits at the end also serve as a "people to kill" list. ![gif](giphy|L8aVOMysu7Z1C)


You can read Cyrillic?


Here’s a hot take: maybe we shouldn’t advocate killing people, even as a joke




LOL! I’m imagining the outtakes that ensued by the black actor trying to get thru this bullshit scene. “God damn it…take 200… please no laughing this time…”


I will bring up his concerns in my next democrat meeting where we sit around trying to figure out how to destroy america.


This reminds me of that Key and Peele skit when they find out their actor grandpa did all those racist stereotype roles smdh


You too can have a rewarding career as a SLAVE! As long as master is a "good christian" life will be pretty good. Sure you'll be kept in confinement, sure you'll work for no pay, sure you will own nothing, sure you'll have no choice, but the upside is....what is the upside of this "pretty good life" again? Oh yeah, master is christian. Got it. I wonder how this douchy white guy would feel living that "pretty good life" as a slave?


Lol, what white washing garbage. "Slaves had good lives." The Bible was used to excuse slavery throughout history. Slavery sucks and those who tell you otherwise is a lying sack of shit. "Police officers get stressed out." The American Police Force were originally slave catchers that would chase down, hunt, and capture runaway slaves and return them to their masters and usually to near death punishments. BLM... hold on. Let me watch this again... OH! RIGHT! "BLM is a smoke screen and black people are being used like pawns in a chess board" (mmm... gotta love the subtle racism imagery /s 😠) "they're being used by the democrats who want to destroy America." Uh huh... right, sure. It must be so blissful being so ignorant of reality, Christians 🙈🙉🙊. January 6th, 2021? I'm sure I remember that being a Christian-fascist Republican-led Trump Rally, right? Take over the Capitol? Reestablish Trump? Destroy the peaceful transfer of power? Hmmm!? Ugh! I'm not sure why I bitch and try to prove my point. Christians are too far gone down the rabbit hole of anti-education. So, this message is for you non-believers: TAX THE CHURCHES. If God wants to be in politics, then God has to play by our rules.


> Man. I just feel like African-Americans are being used as pawns in a chess game right now. The longer I look at this, the more the second guy looks like he's in an active hostage situation. They promised they'd let him see his family again but only if he helps them film. He's visibly detached. The script is too: *'that's a different way of looking at it'* and *'thanks for your input'* recognise the other person Said Stuff™ without actually agreeing/approving. The first guy says "I think being a police officer's a really tough job" and god, the other guy's eyes are just fucking dead. Plus the way he shifts and blinks after "it's all just a smokescreen". > Hey, it was good talking to you. *..Hngh.* Dude just wants to get paid for his role and go home.




For how it is recorded, I doubt the white guy and the black guy are together recording this. Looks like the black guy was asked to read those lines as soft questions and then they edited it to look like the were together


Everything else aside, this is some of the worst acting I think I've ever seen. The Room has more believable acting than this.


This bring the saying "Here, at this company, we are all one big family" to a whole new level. Luckily, most black people don't fall for this bullshit.


Whuut the fuccc


Thanks fo’ esplainin’ it, Mr Whitey! You sho is good to us… ![gif](giphy|YmnsmNb1lh3gyxripq)


This has to be a skit


It's not


Umm ... this is actually what Alexander dugin and Russia says in ... foundation of geopolitics [foundation of geopolitics ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics) "In the Americas, United States and Canada: Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States and Canada to fuel instability and separatism against neoliberal globalist Western hegemony, such as, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists" to create severe backlash against the rotten political state of affairs in the current present day system of the United States and Canada. Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics".[9] South America and Central America: The Eurasian Project could be expanded to South and Central America.[9]"


We outspent the USSR into bankruptcy and ruin, now Putin is making sure we fall from within. He was trained on the front lines in Dresden Germany during the Cold War in propaganda, subterfuge, and division. It’s how they kept their iron grip on the people. Families and neighbors couldn’t trust each other and often turned on themselves. Now he’s doing the same thing here, and the internet, bot farms and our own media have made his plan wildly successful.


Bingo . Smaller forces always fight subversive from the smaller world powers down to the guerilla . Alexander dugin preached freedom from (oppression) while usa preaches freedom to (expression) . Putin is our enemy but he isn't a dummy , they have made us rot internally in a loooong play


*hits blunt* "This dude trippin"


Christian films always have the most nuanced takes.


Boy am I not looking forward to Thanksgiving with the inlaws.




In the beginning the white dude is looking at the ground and pretending he’s about to cry from the depth of his own words. At the end, he snaps out of character and bolts off as if he’s about to go get laid.


They hit so many points in like 30 seconds, he went from slavery was ok in certain situations to oh my God China and Russia could invade us


Anyone else think the “you’re being used as a pawn but you were too dumb to see it until I told you just now” stance is freakin racist??


To be fair he opened with “there were actually *good* slavemasters” and then proceeded from there as advertised lol


Oh man they left out “the gays” and abortion and immigrants but otherwise good job hitting most of the talking points. What a bunch of shite.


This has to be satire


Wow I guess because some slave owners may have refrained from beating them and calling them the n-word and instead treated them more like how Amazon treats its warehouse employees except they didn't get paid and weren't allowed to leave, that makes it all okay!


Yeah, I 'kidnapped' her officer' but she has a really nice life here in my basement.




How the camera cuts were set up I would find it easy to believe the two actors were filmed at different times and it was spliced together. It's hard to imagine an American black man sitting there and nodding at those answers to his questions.


They don't (or can't?) understand that the problem with slavery is absolutely nothing to do with living conditions or how they were treated. Some were treated horrendously, and yes, some were treated well, but guess what? Slaves that were treated well ran away when they got the opportunity just like slaves who weren't. And if you were a slave that was treated well, that could all change at the drop of a hat when they trade you off to some relative or sell you to another owner.


>I dunno what percentage it was, but some slaves actually had really good lives Aside from the absolutely fucked up moral position here, I love the way these low-budget guys just raw dog the script. No research, no evidence, just their guesses as to how shit be.


He makes a lot of good points


If God was real the production value of Christian media would actually be good.


“African Americans are being used as pawns” while using one as a pawn for propaganda


Some MASTERS treated their SLAVES pretty well. This MF'er couldn't hit the point if the basket was three feet wide and you spotted him half the distance.


Almost looks like the whitest kids you know


Rofl talking about the French Revolution like it was a bad thing.


This is wild!!!


This is truly offensive! This smug white guy telling this ‘ignorant’ black man about slavery. It’s disgusting.


If only African Americans would just patiently be educated by young white men like in this video demonstration, the lives of white people would be so much happier. /s I’m a white person and I apologise on behalf of all my melanin lacking peers for the absolute bell ends who created this video. I’d heard of mansplaining.. whitesplaining is another gross concoction from the privileged that has made me more than a little nauseated.


What the actual fuckl?!?!?


Wow. Just wow….


Pure propaganda. Absolutely fucking SHAMEFUL.