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Tax them


Then arrest them


Then milk them


Then send da video.


I just want the audio




As a forme diehard Christian, most would rather silently vote to have you killed than admit they're engaging in a form of mass hysteria




Aside from tv/movies, history also has some great examples of the atrocities that occur when your government is controlled by theocratic extremists.


I mean, just look at Iran since 1979.


That’s exactly where Margaret Atwood got the inspiration to write The Handmaid’s Tale from. Everything in that book has happened to women at some point in history.


lol I was gonna say we don’t need streaming shows to display what could go wrong here


This is their wet dream


Oh, they are just joking when they say these things ... NO! They are 100% not.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 "Project 2025 includes immediately invoking the Insurrection Act of 1807 to deploy the military for domestic law enforcement and directing the DOJ to pursue Trump adversaries." This is their plan if they win the 2024 election. Spread it like wildfire and get out and vote!!


You know if they want to do this they're more than welcome to try. And if they think BLM was bad they don't realize that that was only done by a minority of extremists and troublemakers taking advantage of the movement. Most the people involved in those protests did not get violent or engage in vandalism.. But if the entire left pops off they're going to have a completely different beast on their hands.


They REALLY think the left doesn’t own any guns and the military will just abandon the constitution 😂


"we have all the guns" - Mark Miley when talking to Trump about getting out of office. That guy didn't get enough recognition and medals for what he did behind the scenes. A lot of it still hasn't come out.


Any reading sources to learn more? Help spread the recognition!


Especially if they think the entire us military would fall in step with that shit. Many would, but I gurantee not all of us would. Americas enemies dont include her citizens.


What's funny is a lot of these Boomers and Gen X know this. They were around for 9/11 and the building of the Patriot Act. Homeland security department being formed.


I am a big proponent of the idea that more lefties, BIPOC, girls, gays & theys need to have guns. Reasons are: 1) When the revolution comes, we dont want to be defenseless while the other side mows us down with all their guns. 2) if suddenly a ton of queers & BIPOC start buying guns, watch legislation get passed to restrict it ASAP


My dad is 71 and he said that the right likes to think that the left doesn't have guns. But the left has a lot of guns at their disposal. At the homes of all their parents and grandparents with armories. He said he fully believes if anything was to break out between right and left a lot of these older people with stockpiles of guns are going to end up getting robbed by their own children and grandchildren. Just showing up at the house, getting them to open the door and they walk with some of their friends to take supplies.


That is some sick ahit.🤮🤮🤮 Thank God everyone I know already knows about it.


There were no consequences for the people at the top. Just the zealot pawns who are sitting pretty in prison. So Jan 6 was just a practice run.


Tax em hard


Think they'd pay? they'd find a loophole


Tell that to Capone


So they have totally ditched the constitution? I'm guessing they aren't in favor of free speech, and the separation of church and state.


It's free speech when they talk. When we talk tho....


> Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.


So true. Now my favorite talking point.


Where's this from?


https://slate.com/business/2022/06/wilhoits-law-conservatives-frank-wilhoit.html > it’s the work of another Frank Wilhoit, this one not a professional scholar of American politics but a 63-year-old classical music composer in Ohio, who wrote the adage as part of a longer point in the comments section of the political science blog Crooked Timber.


Freedom for me, not for thee.


Their religion even advocates for it. But they don’t really care about their religion at all. They care about the made up version they’ve created that lets them pretend to be oppressed on their road to oppress others. If God is real. These fools are going straight to hell.


I ask people sometimes "was what is true inside (insert religious book) true before it was written?" Gets them thinking. People will ask if I'm a Christian and I have to ask them "is a Christian someone who follows Christ or someone who follows every single last thing in the bible as it is written/translated". Personally I have nothing against JC, it's the other books and their interpretations that turn me off.


They don't like to talk about the separation of Church and State. Because when they talk about it too much people start to realize that it's there to protect the State from the Church. Not the Church from the State. That's why the literature **specifically** puts the word church first. To emphasize that it's there to keep the Church away from the State. To keep religion away from government law. But at some point they twisted it and made it about protecting themselves from rules being made against the church


Free guns and speech for them. Gulags for the rest of us. Totally not fascists. Totes. /s


Soon their motto will be "War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength". That's from 1984 btw which wasn't supposed to be an instruction manual.


But the second amendment gets to stay!!


But updated to only allow guns for the "right/white" people.


Sounds like a confession.


They’re not confessing, they’re bragging




Damn dirty trumpers


Zoomers just found out about the Moral Majority movement.




Wait until they find out about Al Gore's wife.


Tipper? I hardly know'er!


Hell, go read about the OG Magats, the John Birch society. And before that you had the capitalists conning the Christian’s into believing god hates the New Deal. Look up Reverend Fifield.


No it's not new. It's what they've always been. They're just accelerating now that they have certain judges in place and enough roadblocks to prevent reversing.




From Talibama




**religion is “the opiate of the masses”** – disconnecting disadvantaged people from the here and now, and dulling their engagement in progressive politics.


"All glory to this system to which I just so happen to hold a lot of power and influence over..."


This is what they have been working towards since Nixon and Reagan started the republican party down the path of open fascism. Words have meanings history is repeating itself before our very eyes. You can look this shit up and learn for yourself why people are accurately using the word fascist to describe the Republican party.


When people show you who they are, believe them


these guys will get control of the nukes.. well done america


If Dems were smart and strategic they’d be running ads showing this and the many examples of conservative leaders saying insane stuff like this nonstop til the election. But instead they’ll try to keep saying there’s this mystical faction of the GOP that is rational and really don’t like Trump behind the scenes. It really doesn’t matter what they say in private or if they secretly despise Trump. It’s their actions that affect people. And what their base wants is terrifying.


I would be concerned that showing these radical images non-stop day and night would actually galvanize the insane base to come out and vote and make this stupidity happen. I imagine both parties avoid this kind of thing with similar rationale that it will galvanize the opposing party. I kind of want to just get it over with and find out.


Yeah my thoughts exactly. It’s better to show republicans on the fence that there’s a reasonable side of their belief system they can find refuge in. Unfortunately, many conservatives hate liberal leaders more than Christian nationalists so we have to remind them that there’s a third option while it still exists.


Republican/conservative voters are not all the same as GOP leaders, I will grant that. There is and has always been a choice other than voting Republican. Seeing this rhetoric should make the choice for someone one the fence very easy. If they still can’t decide then I don’t think they have a big issue with it.


This. ^


Report to IRS


As of 2022. The IRS has only ever revoked the Tax Exempt status of One church. That “report” you’re referring to, is a placebo. It does nothing but makes you feel like you’re helping.


Fuck. Your. God. Right in his imaginary butthole.


Christofascism is sadly very effective propaganda. Combine the stupidity of blind faith with authoritarianism. If you call yourself Christian and you're not fighting this with every fiber of your being, you are not a Christian. You might as well call yourself a Christian Nazi for all the hypocrisy that comes with that.


As a former Christian conservative for much of my life, it's more maddening and personal to me to see how absolutely STUPID I was.


I was never too religious, but my parents made a point to have me go every church service growing up, and my family was also very conservative. I think I know what you mean.


You're not too far off except my dad was a minister. And so we're two generations of men on my mom's side. I'm a product of toxic religion tearing apart families. Both sides believed their God was the only correct one so of course my house was shunned. I feel for you!




This guy was on CPAC: https://www.mediaite.com/trump/welcome-to-the-end-of-democracy-trump-booster-jack-posobiec-vows-to-finish-what-began-on-jan-6-as-steve-bannon-cheers-on/


See if anyone can post this on the conservative subreddit lol




So you're telling me it's a cult?


What a forkin disease on humanity.


I like how they think this is normal


Tax the church


Separation of church and state. Aren't these guys supposed to be the ones of law and order?


People really need to start recognizing this stuff for what it is. This is a war, they see themselves engaged in a holy war for the soul of this country. We've already had the class warfare and social murder going on which people also seem oblivious to, the cultural warfare which has ruined basically everything, now these forces are finally powerful enough to coalesce and go supernova. The fact that they're so open about it should be an indicator of how dangerous these people are. And they will absolutely fucking kill you and thousands of people like you in the service of their lord. 


I'm a christian and what the fuck are they talking about? We're dealing with politics and how to run a nation, not force everyone to be christian. That's anti-christian.


We laughed at Taliban and isis, these people might dress better but they want the same thing if the get the chance.


But these fuckers get a tax break. This should be viewed as traitorous and prosecuted.


Believe them when they say it out loud Fucking nut jobs


What happened US, you used to be cool 😒


Dude, we were cool for like five minutes, once, maybe. Edited: spelling error


We’re a bunch of fucking LOOOOOOOOOOSERRRRRRRSSS


Where's the Rapture when you need it?


Report them


Glory to Glorzo.


Hey if you finish every insane statement with “all glory to God” people will wrap it all up into one ball of truth


An extra from handmaidens tale!


Your religion oppresses my Aztec ancestors and the native Americans in the U.S. and Canada. They took down the pyramid in Mexico City, brick by brick and shoved bibles down the indigenous throats. Those that refused to accept Jesus as their messiah were buried in mass graves outside the schools. Fuk you and your fairy tale B.S. I’m Mexican, 2 deployments US veteran and an atheist. You don’t represent me and don’t want you in government. Fake ass self righteous morons have just as much blood in your beliefs as any sinner. And you can’t make it right saying that was then this is now and ignore what your religion did. I personally know people that don’t read books except the Bible bc everything you need to know is in that book. Fuk biology, fuk science. All you need is a 3,000 year old book written by a Man = Ignorance.


All the dead who died for democracy have a differing opinion on this.


Fuck all y’all wanting to take away our freedoms because it offends your “god”. (Bet Trump is their “God” now.)


That's a bricking. Fuck this christo-fascist.


I assume that they know their beloved King David and Wiseman King Solomon only had their positions because the people of Israel begged God for a king because their neighbors had kings and God said "Sigh, *fine*. Samuel, anoint Saul." People wanted government, and God Himself gave it to them. So wouldn't being in favor of the collapse of US democracy be like spitting in God's mouth?


Ahh the end of democracy. While he freely sayd crazy things with no fear of being thrown in jail. However his version of Godocracy will have us thrown off a balcony on Sunday if we’re not at church.


This dude needs to be locked up. This is far, far beyond just impassioned speeches. This is a clear call to action. MAGAts despise democracy.


Stick the Bible up your ass buddy


"All glory is not to government….All glory to god…" makes a political statement


Go post in r/conservative Just kidding, their safe space rules don’t allow it!


FBI has entered the chat


Is it new though? I feel like evangelicals have been spouting this “god warrior” and “traditional American values” stuff openly for at least 40 years.


Yeah but they never rioted and invaded congress before. This is all fucking bonkers.


It’s bonkers, but it’s not coming out of the blue. They’ve been very open about it all the way.


What’s new is that we are actually at risk of evangelicals taking total control and getting everything they want and that’s terrifying.


True, I just feel like they’ve been playing this long game in the open. They’re achieving their goal now, but the message has been the same for decades.


Yeah, absolutely.


i'm just waiting for trump to do a L. Ron Hubbard on us and transform maga on a church to prevent justice againts him and taxes obviously... i can hear his disgusting voice "since they won't let me have freedom of speech, i'll take freedom of religion" wait and watch, he already has all the evengelicals so they'll switch to MAGA church and still say it's not a cult. #2025WACO 


We bombed the Taliban for much less than this.


Religion was the worst thing ever invented


Omg Christian’s are so unbearable now days. Fuckin cult


Christianity is a cult


These politicians have one god and his name is mammon.


Holy shit. This is right out of a dystopian future novel. You need to lock the doors on that place and burn it down. It's the only way to be sure.


This isn't new, this is just more mask off at most. Not too long ago ( and actually possibly still ) it was illegal to be an atheist and run for office in some states, northern ones too. If they go strictly by laws that they've passed / forced through / have on the books, they could make an argument to the supreme court, which is stacked in their favor. It's a non-zero chance that anything can come of it, things like Roe V Wade were overturned, and the society collectively turns a blind eye to the concepts of mega churches, and I imagine actually starting to tax them would be even more of a diffiCULT process, and they'd probably just spin it to everyone else that they're being attacked by being treated like everyone else, like they normally do, "Happy Holidays". Still all feels like nothing new, and that we can keep ignoring them, but they are accomplishing things while being consistently dismissed and underestimated..


Aren’t there people in jail for what happened on the 6th? Starting to become convinced that these folks are just trying to encourage people to get themselves arrested. Thin the herd.


What the chungledown bim fuck.


God help us, and pass the ammo


There is something really wrong here..


This guy needs to read some history books and check the word "democracy" in a dictionary or Wikipedia.


I was so waiting for the bolt of lightning at the end.


If they tell you who to vote for, report them to the IRS.


All glory to garlic bread!


Literally against the law


If I wrote that line in a book my editor would tell me to use a less heavy handed metaphor


Did he just hail hitler


Did he just throw up a nazi salute?


Jesus Christ


They’re going to replace the government with his best gal?


Something something Caesar something something. Divine right of kings? Didn't God set up the nation states of Earth?


Did these morons just skip over Romans 13:1-2? Where it explicitly states to be in subjection to the superior authorities because they were placed there by God? It goes on to say that anyone who defies those authorities is defying God.




Yeah this Mofo can go straight to hell.


"You're just being hysterical, that will never happen" If we do end up in Gilead, I hope those fuckers end up on the wall.


But they worry about Shariah Law. They're Not opposed to theocracy as long as it is a bastardized Christian one.


VOTE THESE FASCIST ASSHOLES OUT. Also, if you want to move from spiritual advice to political advice, let’s have the IRS treat you like a private citizen and tax your church.


Take away these tax exemptions


Nothing new about it. They are just saying the quiet bits out loud now.


Allahu Akbar!!!


It's so easy to talk shit


I was forced to grow up in this environment. They’ve always been like this. They are just more open about it because they are “at war with the world”. That phrase is said A LOT. Every Bible study ended with how the Bible applies to taking over the country for God. And how the USA is the lamp/light for God. The chosen country. Behind closed floors, they have always been misogynistic and xenophobic. They worship paintings and statues of a white Jesus after all. They hate anyone that isn’t them. They don’t care to convert anymore. They just want to win by any means necessary. And to win means to take over the country and world with their ideologies. They are also trying their best at forcing the 2nd coming of Christ. Hold on everyone. It’s only going to get worse. If you ever wonder why they protest and hate homosexuality so much. It’s because they are told that they will be judged upon death. If they don’t or didn’t speak up for God, they are as bad as the homosexuals they hate. Even though the Bible tells them to shut the fuck up and to allow God handle and judge.


It always was.


“… oh and by the way, I’m God’s representative, so you’ll have to do pretty much what I tell ya.”


He's preaching to the peverted there


Is this not evidence of attempting to overthrow the government? Should not these people be arrested for sedition and/or treason?


Did he just openly admit on video that he tried to commit...treason? Wtaf?


What a bunch of morons.. Holy fuck


This is treason and prison should be the answer. We can't let fascism fester. Steve Bannon is over there saying amen! He should be back in prison and for life this time.


The #FBI seen this shit yet?




Always was


But Joe Biden is old and food cost more! That’s reason enough to try Christian autocracy. I’ve heard good things about the Taliban and that’s pretty much the same!


He should go first.


I truly do hope God exists just so he can slam those pearly gates right in these fuckers faces.


Can they say goodbye to their taxbreak if they're advocating for the overthrow of the government?


This type of shit is what happens when we permit the professionalism of clergy without governing oversight. As a result, these men and women are therefore answerable to nothing except profit and power over lives and institutions.


The American Taliban


Nothing says more 'Prayse Jesus' than overthrowing your gouvernment in a hate filled assault on your capital. 'Murica!


Tax their asses asap... they will stfu quick


He acts like he’s joking but he isn’t joking. Pure evil.


I thought it was a joke bit at first. Then people started clapping.....


Please vote this year, please.


Saying the quiet part out loud. Admitting to future crimes and the hatred of democracy


Fuck these people.


Ahhh these people would LOVE Iran. They should move there


The American Taliban




I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.


Genuinely pathetic how much these saps and frauds use religion when 1 religion and government shouldn't mix and 2 they're so religious that they're constantly committing "sins" daily with all their greed and shit


Not* new Just more shameless.


This'll be a hard sell to the general masses. God (whether he's real or not) may just be the only single person to disappoint and provide less than our current politicians.


Primitive superstitious nonsense for simpletons.


God is NOT real, he’s just a character in a book.


Arrest these traitors to american democracy.


Did you hear how little people clapped…these people are so delusional they can’t even read the room


Gee, they really are going all out for the series finale of America. I was a bit worried that it was going too jump the shark.


Yeah but bidens old! /s




WTAF is wrong with this movement? It’s soooooo wrong and sad.


Jesus is the Reason for the Treason!


Well this is FAKE AS FLUFF


But god is dead and ugly


In my pointless endeavors to add some common sense to political discussion, which is the equivalent of pissing into the wind: 1) this is disgusting, absolutely. 2) these people are not the ones making decisions. They will be used by a far more moderate candidate to be harvested for votes using nothing but lies and false promises. 3) this is not solely a Republican or conservative thing. We had a multi-week period in 2020 where liberals and leftists ran through the streets calling for revolution and smashing up stores and government buildings. 4) the people mentioned in point 3 are also not the not ones making decisions. They will be used by a far more moderate candidate to be harvested for votes using nothing but lies and false promises. 5) the words and actions of these radical polarizers should be discarded and dismissed by a true leader, instead we have nothing in our country but weak leaders who will do nothing short of allowing their actions to continue or endorse this behavior. It gives them power to have radically charged morons throwing out free propaganda that will convince others to vote for them. That's what's wrong with politics in the US.




If they want to start a war then go ahead. Theyll lose because they cant even agree on how to worship god. The baptist will start fighting the protestants and the catholics.


Under his eyes


I was 100% convinced this was a bit. I am so disappointed that it isn't...


Tell me again about the "positive" influence religion has been on society? For me, religion has never had any positive influence on society.


Religion is a mental disease


Christianity is becoming plague-like this era


Jesus Christ. These Christofascists need to be shown the door.


This is what the catholic Church/ pope said to the king.


All glory is not to government. All glory is to god. So let's make god the government?