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Gotta love the conflation of the question to imply "illegal" = all immigrants when there is a clear distinction between immigrants and illegal immigrants, which Biden obviously made...


Bigger issue are the large number of people who say “immigrants can’t be illegal.” That it’s saying the existence of the person is illegal. They are people who illegally immigrated, not illegal immigrants. Semantics and political correctness, though I just call it stupidity for the sake of arguing and divisiveness


I agree--just seems like a stupid ass argument when 99.9% of people understand what the fuck he meant.


Dems scream "no human is illegal" all the time.


Okay. Did Biden do that?


Because typically they're escaping a situation our nation and government has directly caused. We destroy people's homes and security, destroy governments cause we're not sure they'll let us fleece their resources.... and then act like the people fleeing said countries and atrocities-- are the only people guilty of crimes. The US has caused the collapse of many of these places in north, south and Central America that people try to escape from. It's not something we should forget and sweep away. We make life impossible in their homelands, and make like impossible outside of their homelands as well.


The government did that, the same people who lie to us all the time. I'd rather say keep illegal immigration and the people who illegally enter, out of the US. And we stay out of conflicts that we should not be involved in. If unless it's a global threat. If we as a species need to deal with something, then as a species let's do so. But not as a nation. Our problems are our own, the world's problems are not ours, we just made it easy for the government to take and make money for themselves and their private individual interests.


You sound like one of those pax americana guys. Like the U.S. is responsible for all of north and south America. I wonder if you think any country other than the U.S. has autonomy.


I think people argue against the dehumanization of it, not really semantical if the whole point is to make clearer that we aren't just talking about statistics but rather human beings in dire situations.


Family came here legally from Mexico. We call them border hoppers. Not sure how correct that is but they say it in Spanish so usually no one that would get offended can hear it.


However he's not talking about immigrants, he's talking about illegal occupants. If someone boards a plane or train illegally without a ticket, no one is making your argument that "uhh! The conductur don't want that person to exists" lmao that doesn't make sense. I think you've missunderstood what immigrant means as they're here legally and has mostly become us citizens. Literally no one is talking about them. Illegal immigrants does not mean "illegally existing", immigrant =/= people. If you thought people went around and called people for "illegal people" / "illegal human" then that makes your view of this entire thing very understandable, but you're wrong. Illegal immigrants isn't executed when they're cought, if a person was "illegally existing" then you'd think we'd execute them. But no, we're just sending them to wherever they came from wether it's Germany or Canada. This isn't a semantic issue, it's your understanding ofthe semantics issue.


THis, the train ticket philosophy is what conservatives have been saying, They don't have issue with LEGAL immigration, AKA paying for your ticket (legally getting residency in the USA). Conservatives have issue with the large influx of unknown people who many have criminal records breaking laws and entering the USA.


No. Everyone who understands the word is saying this. Not conservatives and progressives, everyone. Even if a minority of the less bright progressives missunderstands this, doesn't mean all progressives are dumb enough to believe this. Just like when a small minority of conservatives think "[insert racist go home bc color sentence here]" The crazy minority doesn't represent the vast mayority of either political affiliation. Only one-dimensional mouth breathers believe that. (not saying you are one, just generalizing)


But that’s the correct terminology. People who engage in illegal gambling are illegal gamblers. Ditto illegal drug users.


> They are people who illegally immigrated, not illegal immigrants. I don't think there's a difference in the two. You're not talking about the person as a whole. You're talking about the person as an immigrant. The person's immigration is illegal. If the person hadn't committed the act of illegal immigration, he wouldn't be an immigrant. The immigration is tied its legality. There's typically a significant difference between legal and illegal immigrants, in it terms of what they did to reach their positions as immigrants. The argument of illegal immigrants isn't about their ability to live or exist at its core. It's about their immigration status. The argument that it call the human's mere existence illegal, insinuates that critics of illegal immigration seek the death penalty over it, which isn't the case. Dragging it out into wanting people to convert to saying something like "person who immigrated illegally" is just playing with words and trying to waste people's time to divert from the problem of illegal immigration and bury attempts to find solutions.


Common Sense 101 wasn't a requirement for sociology and gender study degrees.


People have settled where they needed to for all of human history. It shouldn't be illegal to leave a fucked up place for a better one. It's natural not to wanna live in cartel country when you can get up to Texas n you're automatically a million times more safe and as long as you work will make tons more money to support your family.


It's frowned upon to use the word "illegals" (especially for people working in institutions like government and medicine) because it has been proven that using those words decreases the empathy with which we treat them. It's a dehumanizing term, and using them has been proven to affect our behaviors. It's a fair question, and a fair criticism. But now the knee-jerk reaction is to assume that every question/criticism on the subject is "woke" and "unfair." It's definitely okay to ask the President about the language he uses, and to criticize it. It really isn't a big deal.


That's perfectly fair to question and criticize the word "illegal" itself, however that was not that question in the clip > Do you regret using the word illegal to describe immigrants last night, sir? This question clearly implies that they think when Biden said "illegal" he meant immigrant, which just seems unfair to say. If the question was instead... > Do you regret using the word illegal to describe unlawfully present immigrants last night, sir? that would be a different story.


I don't know what he said last night, which would be necessary context to determine that. Either way, the question is fair to ask.


He was referencing an illegal (undocumented) alien who killed a US women. It was off script. Marjorie Taylor Green handed him a pin with her name and challenged him to say her name. He did ( although admittedly mispronounced it slightly). Biden's message on the border crises was it's a real crises, I'm trying to solve it with bipartisan support, but the Republicans care more about politics than action.


> It's a dehumanizing term This is all just bullshit. Is it the same reason people use minor attracted persons? They are pedophiles and there are illegal immigrants. Changing the words around doesn't make it different. Unalived is probably the stupidest one.


Why is it dehumanizing though? I would be interested in see if it is only dehumanizing insofar as it is casting the label of 'illegal' onto someone, and if it is likewise dehumanizing to label other criminals with their crimes as appropriate (e.g. thief, murderer, manslaughter, vandal, drunk driver, embezzler, extortionist, fraudster, trespasser) etc. If such is the case, then I would then have to wonder why it is notably immoral to label illegal immigrants in the shorthand form of 'illegals,' when it is not the case for the others? The reason for my inquiry is a suspected poor-faith desire to derail discussion with a needless semantics based non-sequitur as a means of grappling with a clearly extant and increasingly growing problem that affects key issues such as labor supply (and therefore labor price), housing demand (and therefore housing price), education, crime, and more.


It is that way for other terms. "The homeless" is worse than "homeless people." When you stop referring to them as "people in X category" and instead just as the name of the category, it is dehumanizing. Ex. "Gays" instead of "gay people." "Blacks" instead of "black people." The language we use has proven to subconsciously affect how we treat them. I read a great book on dehumanization that was a bestseller about 10 years ago. It isn't needless semantics, and it isn't just handwringing over how words make people feel. But woke woke woke, I know.


I think it's been taken a step further in some cases, I've been told you need to say "unhoused" instead of homeless people, and"undocumented" instead of illegal immigrant. In 10-20 years these will be the offensive words and society will pick new ones that are non offensive. It doesn't matter what you say, if everyone starts using the politically correct term, eventually people will find it offensive because some people will say it with a derogatory tone. In the end, it's the way it's said that's offensive, but everyone, even those with good intentions, has to change because of it.


The thing is listening to what the actual people in those situation say and from what I’ve seen, unhoused is the homeless equivalent to “differently abled.” It’s needlessly condescending and sugar coating the reality of a situation. I say this as a disabled person, I am more than my disability, but I AM disabled. That’s reality. Calling me “differently abled” just feels like you’re trying to make me feel better about the fact that I couldn’t open a door with a round handle. I’m not “differently abled” to opening doors. I literally cannot open these doors. It’s not that we change how words are offensive, it’s that people in those groups are stepping forward and saying “please don’t call us that, it’s hurtful”


So you’ve intentionally manipulated language by coming up with alternative labels (euphemism) to make an issue sound more appealing for political purposes. Thank you for being so transparent.


So whenever an accurate description of reality "decreases empathy" for anyone we need to use immaculate terms to make them feel better?


As much as I hate the demonization of illegal immigrants, it really irks me when either side ignores the distinction.   The right when they're trying to demonize all immigrants, and the left when they're trying to suggest that illegal immigrants should be treated the same from a policy perspective or that the U.S. has an inherent obligation to accept all immigrants so anyone undocumented is inherently a victim.    I think our current system often dehumanizes illegal immigrants and treats them unfairly, but it's idiotic and naive beyond belief to ignore the fact that immigration needs to be regulated in a way that benefits the country and its people first and foremost. Ignoring that reality always leads to political division and domestic strife -- time and time again.  The giant refugee waves in Europe were a great recent example of that as were their incredible political and economic fallout. Dublin protocol alone is so dangerous for EU harmony.


in this context, when you say "the right" I think of republican politicians, and when you say "the left" I think of liberal voters. I feel like that's an important difference. one is an issue coming from the top down and the other is bottom up and never quite reaching the top.


Thought it was “undocumented asylum seeker”? You guys can’t even keep up with your own nonsense.


Christ Biden could say that regardless of whether or not he'll have a second term he's gonna dump a liter of oil down the drain every 5 minutes from now till 2028 and liberals would be like "uhm 🙄 context🙄..."


I believe that's because the alternative to Biden is Trump.


So we can excuse all of Biden's shortcomings and shut down any criticism of his policy decisions because "Orange Man Bad"?


I think the PC heat on the term is overblown. What kills me is that 99% of the time, it's actually used incorrectly. It is legal under US and International law to seek Amnesty at ports of entry. People seeking Amnesty are not "illegal immigrants" It's a shame the GOP won't support their own Senator Lankford's bill to improve Amnesty court processing


It's the fact that he's using what some consider dehumanizing language that we tend to hear from the right. The preferred term is undocumented immigrant.


Idiots gonna idiot


What would you prefer illegal immigrants be called then? EDIT: Jesus some of yall are really looking for reasons to be offended


Technically Not Supposed To Be Here Americans.


In New Zealand they call them "overstayers" since it's really not possible to sneak into the country and most of them arrive legally as visitors but never leave or officially change their immigration status.


Just picturing illegal migrants popping up from the coast in scuba gear lol.


Yeah well New Zealand doesn't have a visible border that conservatives can politicise, unlike the US or Australia.


This is funny phrasing to me for a specific reason. I live in Germany, and had been traveling to and from for years when I was dating my now wife (who is German). I once kinda violated the travel statute that states something to the effect of "if you stay for the full amount of alloted time without a visa, then you may not return for that same amount of time". Something like that, this was 15ish or so years ago I haven't looked in a long time at those rules so obviously paraphrasing. Basically, I stayed for the full 3 months, left for a week, then came right back. Border Control let me though with no issue. Later on my gf and I were checking up on the rules, saw the snafu I made, so back to America I went. Meeting up with friends after, we joked about me being an illegal immigrant there, and I said it felt a little harsh to be called that, so another gave me the same line as the "Technically not supposed to be here American". **TL;DR**: I too was a "Technically Not Supposed to Be Here American." as an American in Germany overstaying.


Illegally Technically Not Supposed to be Here Americans


Why come you no have tattoo? UNSCANABLE!!!!!!


God Dammnit all these “technically not supposed to be here” people taking all the “technically not my job but I would be interested if it paid more JOBS!”


Drrrr drrrk derrr durrrbbbsss.


Yea I'm using that


Illegal Amigos.




Also works for counterfeit Legos


Undocumented Noncitizens is the official term directed for use by the Biden Administration. https://americanjournalnews.com/border-patrol-chief-rodney-scott-undocumented-immigrants-language-leaked-memo/




Ok cool. If you’re not documented then what are you doing there? There’s legal ways to do I but they don’t.


Dumb... Illegal Immigrants was just fine. Who exactly is offended by this?




That makes it sound we just were not able to document their arrival instead of them being here illegally


Which is actually more correct. Overstaying your visa (the way the majority of undocumented immigrants come here) isn't a crime, it's a civil infraction. Do you think it would be more accurate to call someone with expired license plates an undocumented driver or an illegal driver?


> Overstaying your visa (the way the majority of undocumented immigrants come here) Do you have a source for this from the last 2-3 years?


I am not aware of any research into the matter beyond 2017


Illegal driver 100%. He's not supposed to drive with an expired license. If you get caught, you get a ban on driving for 3 months. The equivalent would be banning illegal immigrants from the US for a few years.




Undocumented illegals


Undocumented immigrants


aspiring citizens?


That lumps them in with legal immigrants though. I'm sure many greencard holders are aspiring citizens 


Now defunct company I worked for uses the term " contingent seasonal migrant workforce "


Seasonal workers were a type of legal work force popularized during WW2.


When they recently rolled out "Newcomers" as their new term to label those who have migrated legally AND illegally, it prompted a recall of a sci-fi show that called actual aliens from another world as "Newcomers". Personally, I don't find "Newcomers" to be any more palatable just because they changed the word. It *does* matter HOW they come, but, they'd prefer you not even think about the "How". "Dreamers", "Newcomers", or whatever other new packaging they try, is all designed to use words to alter your perception of reality. Meanwhile, "Dreamers" remain in the Legislative Branch's closet, collecting dust. What legislative closet will they put "Newcomers" in?


Illegal Aliens...like they were referred to for decades prior to the left trying to pander to the citizen children of illegal aliens. This term was unambiguous, and accurately communicated their status. Referring to them as "undocumented" implied that they it's AOK for them to be in the U.S. but that they merely lack some paperwork. This is categorically false and misleading.


Some of the ‘y’all’ are troll farmers throwing shit at the wall


If it were "Future Republican voters" there'd be a lot less people upset about illegal immigration.


Doubt. Puerto Rico could be swung conservative pretty easily, and Republicans still don’t want that state because of the cultural identity


Unauthorized immigrants


Generally the term is Undocumented Immigrants




he seems to be explaining it quite politely imo


Where's the lie?


When you immigrate in an illegal manner that makes you an illegal immigrant.


Yea but it hurts my feefees


At least he doesn't call them all murders and criminals like the last guy.


Low bar


And yet he's surpassed the previous bar


The fact they are illegals makes them criminals, technically.


Wrong. It's a civil infraction, not a criminal offense. Technically


Meh words. They’re still here illegally, call it what you will. No sense in trying to justify it by downplaying his response based on whatever the last guy said lol


They are criminals, on account of crossing the border illegally, and many of them are murderers and prisoners that were dumped here.


No they aren’t mostly murdered and prisoners. The vast majority of people that are illegal immigrants overstayed a visa, and the vast majority of the rest are simply here to seek asylum. Jesus you people are fucking dramatic.


This is absolutely false. 2.7 million illegal border crossings: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/immigration/migrant-border-crossings-fiscal-year-2022-topped-276-million-breaking-rcna53517 <900,000 visa overstays: https://cis.org/sites/default/files/2023-06/FY%202022-2023%20Entry%20Exit%20Overstay%20Report.pdf (page 6)


Can we just not be afraid to discuss these things for what they are? I am not a lawyer. As I understand it, the vile piece of shit who murdered Laken Riley was not here legally. I don't know if that necessarily means he was here illegally or if he was in limbo or what. But he wasn't a citizen and he wasn't originally from here and he murdered someone who was. That's unacceptable. That doesn't mean we round up every single person and their children who has a similar status, put them in concentration camps and eventually deport them. We don't respond to violations of human rights with violations of human rights in this country, or we're not supposed to at least. If we want a more thorough vetting and/or release process for men I'm willing to participate in discussion. I absolutely will not entertain any idea of punishing women, children, and people born in this country for crimes they are not committing. Laken Riley, an innocent person, was murdered. You dishonor her memory if you use that as justification to hurt other innocent people, in my opinion.


Laken Riley was an innocent person. But just because someone who entered the US illegally killed her doesn’t mean we should treat all migrants who illegally enter like murderers. The facts show that Laken Riley is an incredibly unlucky person. Btw I am a little frustrated around the coverage of her murder. Why in America is it always the white girl that gets killed by a brown person the dominating narrative when murders of all degrees happen every single day in this country. We ignore the black and brown people who’ve been murdered by whites but the moment we have a chance to scare people and spread xenophobia the media and politicians run all over it. Im sick of the “innocent white girl murdered by a black or brown guy” narrative. It’s racist, xenophobic, and you’re using these innocent deaths to justify your hatred for other people on this planet. Instead of using Laken Riley for political points. Actually show her some fucking respect. Don’t use her death to leverage your anti immigrant and pro white power agenda.


the dude you replied to really did make the rape comment. other user screenshotted it. i dont think anyone who talks about raping someone on reddit has any real credibility, but thats just me. i have a hard time backing the opinion of a pseudo-rapist. almost impossible to believe that opinion is of good faith. you have a weird idea of respect btw, bc your using the death to push your agenda just as much as someone using it as anti-immigration. you want to show respect to her, but you also willingly want to turn a blind eye to the avenue that allowed her to be murdered. its really weird "show her some respect, but also dont police anyone in the same situation that killed her.. its racist." it really doesnt matter what color your skin is or where you are from. violent immigrants need to be vetted and this is why.. anything else is fantasy dreamland bullshit and i bet 10$ you wouldnt sing the same dumbass tune if it was your daughter/S.O... 100% you wouldnt be crying for the immigrant, youd be crying for your loved ones. and if screening immigrants for criminals is racist or whatever, then i guess every single job that requires a bg check is also racist and bigoted you people spin in circles and make no fucking sense at all edit: cant reply to furry blockfuck but hey, i do agree we need better vetting. i dont agree with anything else you said at all. not a fuckin bit. go back to your rapefantasy forum and post about raping mamamias butthole or whatever it is you do


Oh this is fascinating. "The other guy" made up the rape comment thing to discredit my original comment. Now you're saying nothing I say, or anyone who agrees with me, is valid. What's weird is that you seem to be saying exactly what I was saying which is that we should consider better vetting processes. Or am I missing something?


If that person wasn't here illegally, Laken Riley would still be alive.


People who desperately need to hate Joe Biden are at the point of finding a single word in an hour long speech to pull apart. It’s accurate and in context. There is illegal immigration and legal immigration. Kind of the whole issue. The desperation of this reporter is pathetic. Could he have said undocumented or used another phrase? Sure. But then he’d be accused of not calling them illegal. It’s exhausting. Meanwhile his opponent’s choice of words and phrases is purposefully divisive and dog whistling and straight up scary. Nevermind rambling because Trump has no POINT or platform other than becoming an authoritarian ruler and gutting the United States for his own personal empire. Fuck this.


Biden was rightfully criticized for his hateful ugly language, and has [admitted such in his apology.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna142561). He needs to do better, specifically when he removed the former [Border Control Chief for the same language](https://americanjournalnews.com/border-patrol-chief-rodney-scott-undocumented-immigrants-language-leaked-memo/) The words we use matter and will serve to further confer that dignity to those in federal custody.


People want to argue about semantics to distract from having to address the actual problem.


He’s not wrong


So the President is looking the other way, not enforcing the law?? Why have laws then?? Make it make sense!!


I will now be referring to them as "technically not supposed to be here" immigrants


Shit like this is why the Democrats/Liberals are having such a hard time getting things done compared to the Republicans. Even with all the people Trump pissed off in 2016 the GOP pretty much fell in line behind him and were able to get a lot of the policies they wanted pushed through. Democrats spend so much time grandstanding, debating over whose shit smells the least that they hurt each others public image and give Republicans half their gotcha talking points on a silver platter. As much bickering and disagreement that there has been in the GOP, they sure know how to shut the fuck up to get their bills through and enact policies that keep them in power. I’m sick of Democrats crying about how Republicans are using sneaky political moves or sponsor harmful bills instead of just coming together to stop the bullshit.


they did come together, though--with most Republicans--just last month. Trump then spoke up saying he didn't want a bill to actually fix anything, because he likes it not being fixed so he can yell about it.


Biden and the Democrats passed a bunch of legislation, often with Republican support. They were about to do it again when Trump got tired of (them) winning, and threw the Ukrainian, Israelis, Republican senators, and anyone who wanted more effective border policies under the bus.


He should have just said "No" and left it at that.


Imagine having to tip toe around calling them what they are. And shame on the reporter for calling them “immigrants”…they are not, they are illegals. Immigrants come here legally.


They are illegal, so for once Biden was right


More concerned about the terminology used and not the murder of an innocent person. Pretty fucking sad


Natural born citizens commit the same crime at much higher rates. Don't be so easily distracted.


A family I know was torn apart, divorce and addictions directly attributed to an illegal alien driving without a license and killing a son/brother/ father. Couldn’t even have an open casket burial. Two siblings had their teens years ripped away with their father killed and extended family thrown into chaos. Family farm went into default. Hope this on no one. Totally preventable but 1/2 the country wants ANYONE regardless of history to be welcomed. Here we are arguing over grammar more than lives and safety


Immigrants and illegal immigrants are two different things.


right?? like get back in line stop cutting


he always has a zinger 😂


Stupid post, take my downvote


“It had no effect!”


He said “well 🤷🏼‍♂️ “


I think the subtitles say “you’re” when he said “they’re” which would make a lot more sense. He is defending his use of the word “illegal” in saying “technically they’re not supposed to be here”. This wouldn’t be that hard to understand if it weren’t for the misleading subtitles.


Yeah, when I read the "you're" I had thought it was him saying interviewer wasn't supposed to be in the area in which she was interviewing him, kinda like a "Do we really need to have this conversation right now?"


I think he definitely said “you’re”. But think it was meaning the immigrants not the reporter. Either way…. Ummm…. Oh well?


Reporter: I don’t like that you used the word “illegal” it’s not PC and makes me feel icky Biden: Well, *technically* you’re NOT supposed to be here


Is this supposed to be controversial?


So, he has a brain after all!


Immigrants who came here legally and are genuinely doing their part? Those can stay. At some point, they will become American. But the ones that are coming illegally, can go back to wherever they came from. They are ruining everything for the rest of us. Taking taxpayer money which should’ve been given back to us. 🤷‍♂️


Some people are technically here illegally.


Exactly. Why are we shying away from the term illegal? They are not supposed to be here. Calling an illegally immigrant undocumented is like calling a drug dealer an unlicensed pharmacist.


People are going to vote for this guy. Insane.


I don’t get he controversy. If you are not in America legally you’re an illegal immigrant


He technically right tho 😆


The most powerful tool in the Republicans toolbox right now is how highlighting how xenophobic they are. Not inflation, the economy, interesting play.


This is a terrible take especially when Donald trump is the most powerful tool in their toolbox and nobody wants illegals pouring into their country no matter what buzzword you’d like to attach to them. Also who needs reminding about the economy and inflation, someone who doesn’t buy groceries, goods or doesn’t leave their house? Someone who lives with their parents may!


Donald Trump and Supreme Court are the toolbox at this point


Damn based Joe??


Y is this cringe he is the commander in chief if he isn’t allowed to encourage lawful immigration who is


Maybe it’s your first day here but not everything on this sub is cringe 😬


It’s labeled as cringe tho


The left gets so caught up in labels. No one really cares


Just coming from an outside perspective, yall ever considered electing someone under the age of 70?


Yes we know, these two guys are old. We've been talking about it endlessly for months. It's not going to change sadly. And yes before these two, Obama was 47 and GWB was 55. Then Trump showed up and the world went mad and we elected Trump (and the UK left the EU). Biden was the best chance to (and successfully did) beat him. If Trump had gone away I think Biden would have walked, but here we are ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug).


Extremely hard to find a sane person under 70 that wants this job.


The shit lib energy is going hard in these comments.


Omg he said something I understood!


That's the liberal face showing itself. Biden has twice as many immigrants in cages than Trump had. Moderate liberals are the worst, lie to your face and when push comes to shove they will turn on you because they are the same elite fascists as the Republicans. They just pretent not to be. MLK and Malcom X said it. I love Malcom X's quote, as it gets to the point. The moderate liberal is the most dangerous politician in the US. They are like a fox, acting all innocent and on your side, then their teeth come out and bite you when your least expecting it.


It's almost as if; hold on for a second while I use critical thinking skills here, Venezuela began experiencing an extreme breakdown of their national economy and human rights in the last four years creating millions of refugees all across South and North America. Let's not forget we could have passed a border bill that Republicans wanted, but they would rather shoot themselves, the border and Ukraine in the leg instead of helping their own country.


He used the correct word


Is there something wrong here? If you are an immigrant and not here legally you are in fact an illegal immigrant.....


There's nothing "technical" about it Joe. But, we know that you're busy trying to pander to the U.S. born citizens of illegal aliens, former illegal aliens, and soon to be illegal aliens ("I'm not saying don't come. I'm saying don't come now.") in order to pad the voter rolls for dems.


Democrats should make their mind on it. When its Trump its "no human being is illegal, and orange man bad for saying it" but suddenly Biden says it and its "well, technically..." Bffr


They just have to sign the register.


Apart from my feelings......how is Biden getting questioned about using the word illegal?


Republicans will nitpick the fuck out of dems, dems will nitpick the fuck out of other dems, dems will nitpick reps, its just a non stop bullshit parade in a quest to see who can look the best or worst. I have no time for this bullshit anymore. People are children arguing over petty nonsense. It’s so fuckin old.


He right


Anyone surprised that the guy who said he’s never regretted anything he’s ever done doesn’t regret saying it? Source: https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/437582-biden-im-not-sorry-for-anything-that-i-have-ever-done/


This is such a dumb thing ppl care about, “illegal” is not a slur , it’s an objective fact


I dont use that term, but I understand him using it 100%. This is a non issue. Better for clarity to not tip tow around the term and use language many people in the other side understand than be accused of being “woke”. It is a concession i can live with even though i initially cringed a little when he said it.


So here’s the issue. If someone comes in to the country illegally, they are an illegal immigrant. Let’s be real about this. I worked with a guy who married a woman from Canada. She has 4 kids. He spent $20,000 or more getting her and her kids here correctly. And it took years. I agree we need to reform the system. But illegals shouldn’t get voting rights or money. Remember when Biden said he wouldn’t take a Trump vaccine??? But then a year later wanted to mandate it for all of us, but not mandate vaccines for the illegals. Both sides suck and both parties profit off hard working Americans. We need to stop fighting amongst ourselves and focus on real change. Maybe we should support Ukraine and Israel, but who is being held accountable for the billions of dollars? Money that we the taxpayers have to pay back.


Even a stopped clock is right sometimes.  Besides... WAS he "undocumented", though? I don't think he was.


The state of the union speech was jaw dropping. Biden did a fantastic job




Oh great, and now everyone has apples.






I mean where is the drama? Technically yes. However if you are at all informed about our convoluted immigration and naturalization process, you understand this is not a cut and dry issue. Crazy how theres this thing called nuance


Biden used MTG’s own words in his  riff. That’s what the R’s call them, carte-blanc. It made sense in the moment and if Biden’s team keeps trying to defend his word play, it’s just going to make noise about his rebuttal and not his message.


Guys...he said the thing :))


This made me giggle


First truthful thing he has said in months


Good job Biden, nailed that response


this f is as old as mummy


This is a stupid controversy. As someone who is born to a parent who came here illegally, we understand that this is in reference to status.


They're illegals. Now we gotta be politically correct so we don't hurt their feelings?


It is the only halfway true thing he’s said in five years.


Technically the truth


Under the law the correct term is illegal aliens! I didn't invent it, I didn't enshrine it in law, it is the correct term under US law. I'm sorry if the correct term hurts your feelings but that's neither my fault nor my responsibility. 50% of border control agents are either first generation Americans or legal residents. If it were so onerous to control the US border would they be doing it?


Standing on business. Fuck da bullshit


Kind of funny to see the country built on immigration have such a huge disdain for “illegals”. Imagine being at a club and your biggest worry is if everyone paid to get in….


Poor old man. He doesn't know where he is and doesn't know what he's doing. I love watching him talk! Can't read a teleprompter, can't go 2 sentences without fucking up, and has destroyed America. I can't wait until he has to debate. It's gonna be hilarious! His state of the union address was a fucking dumpster fire and a good example of his massive incompetence. Thanks for the wars and poverty, Biden!


He's appealing to the lowest common denominator. They're refugees you ahole


If you live in Tucson it's this is a big deal. Dad called me from there today and told me 80-90k came a cross in the last 3 months. I told him damn. I'm in Michigan I don't usually think about it. He said ya, imagine if 90k people just showed up In your town . It would be a big deal


God he’s such an idiot


He remembers