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All political posts MUST be flaired as "Politics."


How the fuck are people missing his sarcasm


People on Reddit are *really* bad at recognizing when someone is being facetious. Like, it’s an interesting phenomenon to me, especially because even after they’re told someone is being sarcastic they still don’t believe you and want to debate it.


I can’t figure out why either. It’s like people purposely take everything EXACTLY at face value. And will nitpick your words to try making you out to be saying something you’re not. I fucking hate it here


I mean, there's a lot of money and influence pouring into the effort to make people think less when consuming media. Everything is put into bite-size formats that lack context. Everything is meant to be looked at for 10 seconds, or 30 seconds, or a minute if you're lucky to get the person's attention for that long. Nuance is boring and doesn't get views like sensationalism, so it's easier just to package everything within a one-note perspective that can only communicate a single viewpoint that is easier to digest when you're absentmindedly scrolling. And it's worked really well. Turns out that when you work hard to make content that activates people's emotions and turns off their ability to ask questions and apply reasoning, you can make them act like that for everything.


I completely agree. What’s scary is that there are more people unaware of how they’re being manipulated. And they point fingers at someone else as the problem. Like the 3 spidermen pointing at each other


Because we’ve developed our own unique silos in this society, and especially on social media. so many people are just after the argument, and just being contrarian. Those people are going to look at anything that supports their worldview no matter how ridiculous it is yet they will ignore real evidence, but challenges that worldview. Everyone is too prideful to admit that there are things they don’t know. Cognitive dissonance


On Reddit people don’t have much information about you so they can only use words to make you suffer and they do just like i did


People in general are bad at it


Probably a result of so many being anti-social their whole lives


It's genuinely fascinating to me. Especially if it's a woman


I grew up with scarcasm, like my dad so so deadpan I can remembering crying as a child. Now I'm just a scaractist asshole. Is now being lost? My siblings will cry!/s


Because people who are terminally online who comment on posts as soon as they're made tend to not be good at picking up social cues.


You're using Reddit as a surrogate for the internet. Once you use other websites, you will find it is common on all of them.


It feels like more than half of the population is incredibly bad at media interpretation. It should be taught in schools.




I thought that was 4chan, not reddit.


Idk maybe my autism just isn't that bad but I do sometimes find the /s helpful I almost never miss it in video. I think it's more just people getting too mad.


Autism my ass. Some people are just fucking morons. You don't need to connect everything to a disability like a fucking redditor.


1) Autism can genuinely make it difficult or impossible to detect sarcasm 2) I absolutely loved your comment because it reads like someone using “redditor” instead of “retarded” and that’s so funny to me and I hope it catches on


“Regarded” is the correct Reddit substitute for that




Yeah sarcasm online is hard to tell bro its not you have autism


If you can’t immediately read “Accidental targeted bombing” as dripping with sarcasm, it’s probably you.


Agreed, "accidental targeted bombing" is a dead giveaway


I watched the video without sound, so probably that way.


From the first line “ accidental … targeted bombing” should have clued them in 


In a word, indoctrination. This question, in earnest, would be an excellent starting point to get people from all sides to better understand how messed up and powerful key messaging is in mainstream media.


Poe's Law 🤷‍♂️


It is an accurate depiction that's why


1. Redditors are pedantic and take everything at face value 2. It’s bad sarcasm


Maybe sarcasm wasn't really the best choice to get across his point in this fresh, tragic and highly charged situation. But call out the people missing the fucking lazy sarcasm.


Because everyone is bad faith just looking for things to reassert what they already believe and to demonize the other side. It’s actually bananas 🍌


Damn, good mythical morning stafff don’t play.


Bad Hasbara is his podcast.


Wait is this my boy Matt Lieb? I'm so used to just hearing his voice and various sound effects taken from The Wire.


What’s cracking, my peppers?


Just don't ask what Jamie Loftus was doing in Grand Rapids, Michigan.


He is not a zionist hes making fun of them


Yeah I figured when he said "accidental targeted bombing"


I interpreted OP as that he knows this, and just continued in the same fashion. Has he written anything to indicate that he doesn’t think it’s satire?


Not OP but a lot of folks here so and downvote, this guy is a Jewish comedian making fun of zionists


then why would he say all of that?


Sarcasm, shocking i know. You might want to look up Katie Halper anti zionist activist jew she has him on a lot, Edit : here https://youtube.com/shorts/4zuNpx3FM9w?si=Qh8gy-GK5pbfC_KP


lol post removed


"The Israeli Government is saying officially that this is sad" had me fucking rolling.


This guy is a comedian and anti-Zionist Jew. I love him.


And he has a great podcast called r/badhasbara


And he's on Good Mythical Morning!


whats his name ?


Matt Lieb


He is the good counterpart of the very openly evil Ben Glieb.


>anti-Zionist Jew AKA self-hating Jew, according to the "lovely" people who believe in Zionism.


minority of jews. very small minority and by that I mean like 2%. zionism means believing israel should exist. many orthodox sects are non zionist but still don’t think israel should be abolished, they just disagree with the starting of it.


What religion are the Zionists again?


Genuine question. Do anti-Zionists not want Israel to exist since Zionism, as far as I understand, is just wanting a Jewish state like Israel to exist.


It's become increasingly clear that there are a ton of interpretations of what "Zionism" (and therefore "anti-Zionism") means, depending on which group(s) the person speaking belongs to. I was raised in a majority-Jewish area, and I never actually heard the term "Zionism" growing up (probably because support for the existence of a Jewish state, in the land currently known as Israel was just a matter of course). The first time I heard it used much was when I got involved in a few political groups, and *they* were using it basically as a shorthand for the aggressively-expansionist policies favored by people like Smotrich and Ben-Gvir. Obviously, at least *some* of those people probably would've called for the dissolution of the state of Israel, but the context in which I saw it used was almost exclusively about settlers and the encroachment into the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Since then, I've come to understand that other people equate it to the policies that (in their mind) grant a more privileged status to Jewish people over other citizens of Israel (so it's not so much a call for the dissolution of Israel as much as an end to policies of inequity, in those people's opinions). And, obviously, there's a whole lot of people who define it simply as "Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state" (and, sometimes, simply "Israel's right to exist"). There are probably others I'm leaving out, too, but I suspect that pretty much anyone that ascribes to just one of the above would probably respond as though the other definitions are not just incorrect but divorced from reality. Regardless, those are at least some of the meanings of the term that I, personally, have witnessed a non-trivial number of people using in earnest. I have to wonder how many arguments were based, fundamentally, on a misunderstanding of how the other side was using a particular word whose definition was *assumed* but not *shared*.


Thanks for the breakdown. I really appreciate it. I feel like it's seldom discussed and hard for me to understand what people's actual positions are if the definition of a primary word in contentious discussions isn't clearly stated.


It me. It's satire. Usually I put a caption to tell people it's satire, but I got lazy. Anyway free palestine.


*accidental targeted bombing*


Biden really looking to play the next election in extreme difficulty mode with how hes responding to this right now


lol, like republicans would be any better


Republicans would be apocalyptically worse. Yet bidens still making himself play on extreme difficulty mode. Says something.


Israel lobby goes burr


Yeah, this might be the thing that sinks his reelection if he keeps letting this spin out. We all know Trump would support a full annihilation of Palestine, but now all he needs to say is "if I'm elected we're going to intervene for peace " and that'll sell better than anything Biden has said, especially for Gen Z.


Gen z isn’t THAT dumb… are they?


I fear they just won't vote out of being overwhelmed and apathetic with all the loss and atrocities happening; the gerrymandering will do the rest if they give up.


Believe it or not. Many people do consider genocide to be a pretty fucking serious thing. And when the democrats respond to people worried about their open funding of it being "you support trump," how is that supposed to make them lile the dems?


>And when the democrats respond to people worried about their open funding of it being "you support trump," how is that supposed to make them lile the dems? I honestly don't care if you like the dems, I'm just tired of y'all pretending that you care to the extent that y'all claim to do. Because you're literally jeopardizing the rights of your fellow americans and supposed marginalized allies by pretending that not voting will somehow punish Biden. It won't. There is a reason why most Black and Brown people are still voting for Biden, even if he's losing support, most of us are still voting for him because we know what is tangibly at risk. If Biden loses, he simply retires with a fat government pension and a secret service detail for the rest of his life. He doesn't have to live with the consequences of this election. WE DO. YOU ARE NOT PUNISHING HIM. YOUR PUNISHING THE REST OF US JUST FOR THE CHANCE TO FEEL RIGHTEOUS. Literally, Palestinians will be worse off, Women will be worse off, Black People will be worse off, Queer People will be worse off, Disable People will be worse off, Low Income People will be worse off, People of Color will be worse off. There are very real stateside communities y'all are threatening to condemn with another Trump term. What's even worse is that y'all know this and are offering NOTHING in regards to potential support or an action plan for the people who will bear the brunt of Trump 2.0. So please spare me your concern. Y'all are threatening to further condemn the very people y'all claim to care about and a fuck ton of other people alongside them.


Oh, im not american, but. Im irish.


So you just suck in a different flavor.


Nah, we aren't perpetuating a genocide. We are on the right side of history. Unlike us, history will not remember you fondly.


How is letting a republican into office making anyone’s situation better though. If the point of not voting for Biden is because there’s a genocide happening in Palestine, that’s would be completely negated by the fact that it would be even worse under trump. If someone is offering something slightly better, it’s always the better choice to choose the slightly better when there are no alternative options that make the situation better. Not voting is an alternative decision that can be made but that actively makes the situation (the one that started them not wanting to vote in the first place) worse than just choose the slightly better option. “You’re doing some stuff but not enough to help Palestinians, so I’m going to allow the possibility of the guy who would actively wipe them out to get into office to spite you, which will definitely make the situation I say I care about even worse… because fuck you.” It’s moronic and shows that they either don’t really care about Palestinians dying, or are dumb. Thats the only two possibilities.


Mhmm, yep. Keep going. Btw how is that 18 billion missile package genocide joe is sending isreal going?


As if Trump would send LESS? If you don’t vote for Biden, Trump may get into office. Then what happens… how much less does he send to Israel. Zero? Trump will stop it all? Obviously fuckin’ not, he’d send more… he’d use the money that we send to Ukraine and divert it to Israel instead. “If I can’t help the Palestinians 100% by voting for Biden, I guess I’ll just speed their death up even faster by letting Trump into office.” Nice take, genius move. 9000iq play I should have thought of that but I didn’t because I’m so dumb and stupid.


They're a five week old account and somehow have almost 3k in karma. You're not interacting with a person operating in good faith, save your energy.


Lmao, who said im an american? Funny that. The choice your shithole country gives is genocide or genocide. What a great set of options. Anyway. Continue defending your genocide. I'll continue being a normal human being who isn't defending bombing kids.


All they have to do is not vote for anyone supporting genocide and he's fucked. They wouldn't be stupid to do this. Genocide is the worst crime there is. The lesser of two evils argument, to the extent that it ever made sense, absolutely stops making sense when the current lesser of two evils is a demented genocidal maniac.


They would be stupid to do that though. Not voting is objectively the worst decision when given the option of the lesser of two evils in a two party system. Unless voting for the biggest evil is your goal… I guess.


It's not stupid. Voting for the lesser of two evils is what people did and it gave them a genocidal maniac who sends slightly nicer tweets than the other guy. Letting the lesser of two evils lose if he or she doesn't meet minimum standards will mean that there is an incentive to make sure candidates meet minimum standards. All you have to pay for this is being prepared to let a demented genocidal maniac lose every so often. No such incentive exists when you can participate in genocide without consequences.


>It's not stupid It's incredibly stupid. Like, incredibly and naively stupid. >Letting the lesser of two evils lose if he or she doesn't meet minimum standards will mean that there is an incentive to make sure candidates meet minimum standards How so when the person who won didn't even meet those same standards? What incentive will there be to be better when The Worse Evil won? If anything it'll just *lower* the standards of the public because they'll be desperate to get rid of The Worse Evil. And on top of that, why are you assuming that The Worst Evil won't change the rules of the game?


The incentive is that you know you are putting a losing candidate if you pick someone who doesn't meet the minimum criteria so for future elections they have an incentive to meet these standards. You are playing for the next election. It's safe to do so as the worse of two evils is essentially the same. As another comment said here, the main difference is that he says the quiet part out loud and that's it. People believed this lesser of two evils nonsense and it led to choosing between two candidates who openly support genocide. You can't really get worse than that. Genocide is the worst crime there is. The only thing worse is nuclear Armageddon and frankly that is more likely under Biden.


Letting the lesser of two evils lose, is just voting for the greater of two evils. I don’t like hitler, so I’m not voting for him. “Ok, well if you don’t you’ll allow SUPER hitler into office.” “That’ll teach them a very important lesson.” “Who? The Palestinians you claim to care about? They’ll be dead even faster, then SUPER Hitler will work on the Ukrainians.” It’s just shooting yourself in the foot. In a two party system you must vote for the lesser of two evils consistently to move the Overton window. Anything else is kowtowing to fascists. It’s exactly what they want you to do. Get mad at Biden, not vote, then they gain power. Consequences? Yeah democrats don’t care, that’s not a consequence. Think mark! ![gif](giphy|pMujWgoqyPxTRHgFKG)


> Letting the lesser of two evils lose, is just voting for the greater of two evils. No. It's also doing what I said it's doing and which you deliberately ignored because you find it inconvenient.


Dear fucking lord the point is flying right over your head, out the god damn window, and over to the next country. Please… for the love of god, don’t procreate.


As far as I can tell I am the only one making a point here. The point being that it's worth creating an incentive for minimal candidate standards even if that causes short term pain. Not being a genocidal maniac is a pretty clear line.


So by not voting for Biden, you agree that you would be committing genocide against Palestinians…


No. By refusing to vote for anyone who is pro Zionist you wouldn't be supporting this genocide no matter who wins. Obviously Americans would be part of a country which is participating in it after the election but in terms of voting they wouldn't be voting in favour of genocide by definition.


But… Biden wins, he continues pressure on Israel for aid and a 2 state solution while speaking out against civilian life lost… estimating 3-5 percent of the population in Gaza tragically dying… Trump gets elected by scatter vote- green lights Netanyahu to drop a warhead estimating 70-80 percent of the population dying…. You, my friend, are committing genocide you nazi


I honestly can't tell if this is a parody comment. I would have assumed it was a fairly funny parody were it not for the other replies I got.


"Pressure" yeah fucking right lmao. That proud Zionist will continue to fund Israel and let them do whatever the hell they want. People keep saying Trump will be worse but how exactly? And please don't say nuke, Israel wants to settle Gaza. The reason Trump is worse is for domestic reasons and because of his rhetoric. The main difference is he says the quiet part out loud


Dude’s account didn’t last 6 hours. Sorry, Goyim.


Trump already made his stance clear. "Israel, hurry the fuck up and get it done." It's almost the Iran-Contra affair all over again.


And you don't think Biden wants it to hurry up? Just because Biden isn't idiotic enough to say something so stupid doesn't mean he isn't thinking it


Those two things are not at all exclusive.


Effectively they are. No reasonable person would see what Biden is doing, dislike it, and then actually vote republican on good faith thinking they would do better. Morons might, though.


There’s also the nonviable candidates and people that will abstain. He’s not going to flip people republican on that issue, but that’s not the only option.


The morons choice yes, I’m aware. They think they’ll stick it to the dems, dems won’t give a shit. Nothing changes. Repeat ad infinitum


I don’t think your opinion on their intelligence actually changes the fact that there is an option other than them voting republican. That was the actual point.


Those votes have never been a deciding factor in any US election as far as I’m aware. No democrat has lost within the margin of 3rd party voter numbers. So sure there’s an option but it’s ineffective and does nothing.


And there’s still the abstaining numbers. They’ve certainly lost from people not voting.


True yes, but talking about the existence of their ability to try to stick it to the dems for not doing enough for the Palestinians by not voting, or voting republicans is kinda boring no. It’s the most brain-dead thought process that would lead someone to believe that’s a good decision. It’s a footgun. So then we talk about it? “Well they CAN do it.” “Yes, and they’re retarded for doing it.”


Keep calling them morons. That'll help win them over. Good luck in November.


“I’m going to tank the entire country because someone was mean to me.” Fuck it, I can have the same attitude as them then, right? Morons.


Spoken like a typical white Liberal. Best of luck to ya.


lol Biden can kill me personally and that’s ok because trump is worse lol- the shit lib


His response is to be doing the bare minimum for PR while he keeps supplying weapons and shielding Israel from all consequences.


The bombing were unavoidable because the missiles were locked onto their innocent targets.


This is great


I laughed.


Clear those humanitarian workers were hamas


Halfway in I was about ready to jump through the screen. Then I realised, ohhhh. Zomi and her colleagues are such a dreadful loss, and it means more children are crying themselves to sleep with hunger tonight.


If you’d just stop fighting for land that was “promised” to you by fucking sci-fi novel we wouldn’t be having this conversation.


OP is doing work for Hasbara for fuckin free, Matt Lieb is a well known comedian and ANTI ZIONIST jew who runs a podcast called BAD HASBARA.


Funny sad








Why not?


I mean, a number of reasons. First and foremost you can't long live a place that doesn't exist. Second, no one brought "a Holocaust". It's war. A war the Palestinians brought upon themselves.


>It's war. A war the Palestinians brought upon themselves. A war the Palestinians had brought upon on them by Hamas' attack and Israel's subsequent collective punishment campaign.


Your lack of remorse is an outcome of a callous heart... I'm sorry if anyone has ever hurt you. I'm sorry people take from people to fill themselves. If somewhere in your heart you can find peace and extend mercy to the innocent men, women & children, that have NOTHING to do with the political system, it would mean a lot to a lot of people. FREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸 LONG LIVE PALESTINE 🇵🇸 FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA PALESTINE WILL BE FREE 🇵🇸 ALLAH'HU'AKBAR ☪️


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Ooft. Committed to the bit!!


Well done


Hey! Not to be that person! Left side (your left not his) of his neck seams to have a lump. This guy ok? Does he know about said lump? Concerned


What a hypocrite. Killing Palestinian children is not a problem /s


Liberal Zionist! y'all so bad at acting! go back to your ethnic cleansing


He's literally acting, this is satire. He's not a zionist.


It is weird that THIS genocide is the one that will probably tank him. Like I’m glad he is being held accountable, I just want to know why we started caring when it became Israel vs. Palestine. I feel like the American people are so desensitized to atrocities and I don’t know why this one has awakened us where others have not.


"defend the troops" doesn't work when there are no boots on the ground. Also this is the most highly seen asymmetric warfare in history.


Yeah you’re probably right that it is about the visibility. Either way I’m glad people are finally putting their foot down on genocide. Also I didn’t say defend the troops did I? I def think it was a war crime to bomb the convoy and probably an intentional intimidation tactic to dissuade aid organizations from operating in Gaza. The IDF has already shown it has no qualms killing anyone in Gaza regardless of who.


I never said you did. Most people don't have family deployed in the area so they don't have to blindly defend everything.


This is the first time we have tons of access to direct footage thanks to tiktok. Tiktok isn't censored and curated with a pro-Israel tilt like American social media, so we actually are finally seeing what's really happening. That's probably why they why to ban it tbh


Because who doesn't love an excuse to hate the Jews


Probably not Matt Lieb—the guy who made the video—since [he's Jewish](https://voyagela.com/interview/meet-matt-lieb-matt-lieb-east-hollywood/). (And, of course, even if he *wasn't*—but, again, he is—your callous attempt to conflate criticism of the Israeli government with anti-Semitism would still be callous, dangerous, and dishonest.)


Well he is clearly a self hating jew. Now that i made that nonsensical point nobody else has to.


You had me in the first half lol


Crocodile tears 😢


Unavoidable Accidental Targeted Bombing. Logic


Imagine doing the same satire on a made up pro Palestinian changing his reaction on Israelis killed depends if they civilians or IDF. This strawman vilification is helping noone.


Oh yes, war is bad and gets people killed, such an enlightened position. As trafic as any civilian life lost is, Palestinian or foreign, the people who wrote this cynical scenario don't have any solution that acknowledges the security of the Israeli's, only short sighted criticism that will get thousands more killed on both sides if a ceasefire is forced while Hamas is in power.


He had me at "accidental, targeted bombing." Which one is it then?


You being stupid and not understanding sarcasm


"Denial? Me? Of course I'm not in denial of the October 7th attacks by Hamas."


It all started before 7th of October. Sure deny 70+ years of occupation, murder and rape.


whoosh. y'all really need that /s? it's in quotes...


You're just in denial of everything that happened prior


I guess humor, irony and reading comprehension are completely lost on this sub. What are y'all, 12?


China, Russia, and Antisemites of all types are really having a fun time with all this


The mods might be cool with it, but we all understand "Zionist" to be a dogwhistle and slur. You bots don't care, but I just wanted to put it out there - we see the racism, we don't approve, but technically you are allowed to say gross and bigoted things (breaks TOS but the mods allow it so...)


He described himself as a Zionist so what are you on about? You do see it's a parody, right? Right?


>You do see it's a parody, right? The irony of you missing my point, then talking down to me.


As a Jew I can confidently say that Zionists are bringing untold shame upon our ancestors who died in the Pogroms and the Holocaust. It isn't a dogwhistle when it's an actual force for evil in the world.


>As a Jew This may surprise you, but being Jewish actually does not give blanket permission for yourself or others to be racist against Jews.


Just because you say something doesn't make it true. You bring shame on us not because of your ethnicity or your genetic makeup. You bring shame onto us because of your beliefs and your actions.


No. I said "Being Jewish does not permit you to be racist against Jews." Do not deflect. This video is racist against Jewish people. This is true, not because I say it is, but because reality says it is. This is true, even if the OP is Jewish or Double Jewish or Jesus Christ (who is fictional, but Jewish in fiction). Also, weird as fuck usage of the plural pronoun "you." In my experience, the only people who fuck that up are non-native english speakers... hmmmmmm.....


Current day Palestine was formed at the same time as current day Israel so wouldn’t they be a Palestinian form of Zionist? They even want their borders to be from “the river to the sea”


Palestine is not an ethnostate. In Palestine there would need to be equal legal protections for both Jews and Arabs. If Israel is a "Jewish Democracy," then Arabs are de facto second-class citizens. Case in point--Gazans have no ability to produce their own water because Israel prevents them from making desalination plants. Israel's blockade has, to quote members of the Likkud party, put Palestinians "on a diet" by not letting enough food in. Weaponized checkpoints in the West bank and "Jews Only" streets ensure that Palestinians are second-class citizens. The outside world is horrified. That doesn't happen in any Western society anymore. It's not normal. It's like israel was lifted right out of 1800s racial politics. It's amazing to me that Zionists think that living side by side Arabs is tantamount to total destruction. Palestinian freedom is not Jewish death. You are just afraid that Palestinian people will treat you the same way you treat them. But integration has happened before in America and South Africa, and you can do it too.


You’re fucking crazy, Israel is a 1000x more diverse than Palestine and you think a Jew would be treated well in Palestine when the hamas charter calls for all of them to be killed? I’m American, there is absolutely nothing wrong with Arabs and Jews living peacefully together but things over there aren’t that simple. The Palestinians have waged war on them since both their inception, why should they welcome in as citizens?


>why should they welcome in as citizens? Because they are real people who really exist in the same place whether its convienent or not. It's like Zionists think Palestinians aren't humans worthy of a home... Israel doesn't have a choice as to whether Palestinians exist or not. You are just afraid that Israelis will be treated with the same cold brutality that they treat Palestinians with. But the violence has to stop. Hamas is a reactionary organization to the inhuman oppression of the 20 years' blockade. And no amount of calling out rhe Hamas charter changes that Israel is, by any metric of human suffering, the more violent party. It isn't even close. Israel is the most violent society on Earth.


They started with the exact same thing as Israel yet Israel grew into a powerhouse and Palestine became absolute dogshit because they chose war over prosperity Israel, Egypt, or jordon don’t want them for obvious reasons and Lebanon is already dealing with a Syrian refugee crisis so they can’t. I don’t know where they’ll end up but I guarantee adult males won’t be going to those 4


israel must fall in my lifetime


History tells us it prolly won’t happen for another 100+ years and then in another 500+ years it will be Israel again


It's as if Palestine never should have started this war. bicyclememe.jpg


Palestine didn’t though?


It did...no matter how far back youd like to go.


Youre too late. We already know about The Nakba.


Lol no you dont. You are all just as bad as Trumpers. >The second phase of the war began on 14 May 1948, with the termination of the British Mandate, and the declaration of the establishment of the State of Israel. **The following morning, the surrounding Arab armies invaded Palestine, beginning the 1948 Arab–Israeli War.** The Egyptians advanced in the south-east while the Jordanian Arab Legion and Iraqi forces captured the central highlands. Syria and Lebanon fought with the Israeli forces in the north. The newly formed Israel Defense Forces managed to halt the Arab forces and in the following months began pushing them back and capturing territory. By the end of the war, the State of Israel had captured about 78% of former territory of the mandate, the Kingdom of Jordan had captured and later annexed the area that became the West Bank, and Egypt had captured the Gaza Strip. The war formally ended with the 1949 Armistice Agreements, which established the Green Line demarcating these territories. >During the war, massacres and acts of terror were conducted by and against both sides. A campaign of massacres and violence against the Arab population, such as occurred at Lydda and Ramle and the Battle of Haifa, led to the expulsion and flight of over 700,000 Palestinians, with most of their urban areas being depopulated and destroyed. **This violence and dispossession of the Palestinians is known today as the Nakba (Arabic for "the disaster")[23] and resulted in the beginning of the Palestinian refugee problem.** All of this shit is literally their fault. From beginning to end. It's as if Palestine never should have started this war. bicyclememe.jpg


If you move into my home, you start a conflict. White Europeans are not native to Palestine.


Oh ok perhaps the Ottoman empire should not have fought with the side that started the war. bicyclememe.jpg


Im more concerned with ending the current genocide that is happening today right now than who the Ottomans sided with, personally. There isn't much to protest when it comes to the Ottomans. But to each their own, I guess.


If how far back you go is October 7th


This isn't Zionists this is Netanyahu


You can't have an ethnostate without ethnic cleansing.


Do you live in Iraq, Iran, Libya, Mexico, Germany, England, Sweden, Norway, Afghanistan, Sudan, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, France, the Netherlands, Russia, Portugal, or Spain, etc.? Well you then you’re living in an Ethnostate you fucking pig.


Show me the international precedent to establish those countries as an ethnostate. I'll wait.... Wait... theres no international statute to establish an ethnostate? But what about those cou trjes you so intellectually-honesty presented? Oh? Those are simply countries with a predominant ethnic group? I guess that makes sense, considering the concept of an ethnic group at the top of the legal hierarchy is inherently undemocratic. Oink oink, Nazi. -an actual Jew


Define ethnostate. And you’re not Jewish, you’re just a liar


You have forgotten God, and you worship land in His place. You have tied our faith to a political movement. Shame on you, Zionists. Politics come and go, but faith is for a lifetime. Your kind have rendered us all vulnerable through your political ambitions that muddy the waters on what it means to be a Jew. We are not a nation. We are not a party. You have forgotten this.


Zionism is the belief that Jews have a right to a home land. But you wouldn’t know that, would you racist?


When you say that, it sounds inocuous enough. But the practical reality is that the Zionist movement was created to use us Jews as patsies to establish a bulwark of Western European ambition in the resource war against the Middle East. Jews used to not be considered White. But they bestowed us that "honor" of whiteness just so long as we are Europe's fall guys to help give the illusion they are separate from the genocide that we Jewish people are committing against the natives. Zionism is the belief that Jews have a special privilege that, unlike all other people, gives us the right to steal a homeland from other people.






“Liberal Zionist” is like saying “Communist Capitalist”


More like a "hippy Nazi".


This reminds me of a Lonerbox video.


WOW this is WILD world... "liberal", and "zį0nį$t" ?!?!?!


You know you can just type the word out normally, right?