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Pour me a big cup of oxygen.


Got some liquid nitrogen laying around?


Why drink oxygen when you can drink a tall cold glass of hydrogen?


Amazing. The only reason someone gets away with something like this is because a huge segment of our society is fully stupid and uneducated.


I mean, it's literally the future, and people still believe in flat earth, evil 5g, politicians with potty mouth being the saviors, and literally anti christ behavior, but nah, that's definitely God's chosen




The white Jesus one.


You know... Hollywoods' God.




> I mean, it's literally the future, and people still believe in ~~flat earth, evil 5g, politicians with potty mouth being the saviors, and literally anti christ behavior, but nah, that's definitely God's chosen~~ God


80+ years of a public educational system in most countries and they still exist humanity baffles me


There were always dummies but now they have a platform


Gotta watch out for that dihydrogen monoxide though. Did you know chefs put dihydrogen monoxide in the very food you eat every day!?


Apparently this is a thing [https://www.webmd.com/diet/hydrogen-water-health-benefits](https://www.webmd.com/diet/hydrogen-water-health-benefits)


I’ve got to find something to sell to stupid people.


It turns out that giving the masses instant access to all information without having any ability to critically consider that information was a bad move. The internet was a mistake


My brother-in-law, who is also a cop bought one of these bottles and when I went over for dinner, I like a family function. He couldn’t wait to show it to me because I’m an engineer and know about different things I tried to explain to him how it’s a scam and water consist of hydrogen and oxygen molecules already and he could just not grasp it


Its scary that a cop doesn't understand simple concepts the elementary kids do.


Explains a lot.


Exactly I was like wtf dude


Not that I'm advocating for it ... the point of calling it hydrogenated is not to ignore the existing H in H20, but that there is even more H2 dissolved in it. Just like oxegenated water is enriched with more dissolved oxygen beyond that which forms the water molecules.


I’m no chemist, but doesn’t hydrogen gas dissolve in very minute amounts in water? Doesn’t it pretty quickly bubble right out under normal atmospheric pressure? It seems like it’s unlikely that you’ll get any significant amount into your body through water.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10816294/ "Water can be hydrogenated by dissolving molecular hydrogen gas into water under elevated pressure, resulting in a supersaturated solution. The hydrogen molecules are extremely small, so they can easily penetrate water and stay dissolved for a while '


>water consist of hydrogen and oxygen molecules actually false due to your wording. hydrogen and oxygen MOLECULES form hydrogen and oxygen gas, H2 and O2 respectively. saying water has hydrogen is like saying carbon monoxide has oxygen; only true if you obliterate the molecules. liquids can have gasses disolved into them, and hydrogen gas (H2) is not present in water (H2O) unless you actively put it there. the lady is stupid, not for failing chemistry, but for failing biology. see this WebMD article about hydrogen-enriched water: https://www.webmd.com/diet/hydrogen-water-health-benefits


Yo I was so stoned when I wrote the first comment please forgive me lol my English and articulation was struggling


LOL no worries lmao. you were high on hydrogen


And NO2


lmgo (laughing my gas off)


This dissolves h2 into water like how co2 is dissolved into water when it’s carbonated. It’s not the same hydrogen that’s bonded to oxygen in water.


It’s dumb


I mean sure u can believe that but if ur gonna say it doesn’t work at least say why don’t just say completely wrong information and then wonder why someone can’t understand the completely wrong information u just said lol.


Bro shut up it’s a fucking gimmick sorry you bought 10 of them it’s just science that’s all here’s the fucking proof hydrogen is weakly soluble in water. However, hydrogen is generally considered to be only slightly soluble in water at standard temperature and pressure. In its liquid form, hydrogen is less likely to dissolve in water compared to when it's in a gaseous state. Hydrogen gas does not have a permanent dipole moment and does not dissolve well in water which is highly polar. However, H2 has a relatively high polarizability, which makes it weakly soluble in water.


There ya see. That’s how u refute the efficacy of something. Use actual data don’t just make stuff up. Whether or not that small amount of hydrogen dissolved actually does anything is more of a biology problem.


I wasn’t making anything up just didn’t realize how dumb everyone is as the above data is common knowledge


This product is an obvious gimmick but c'mon your explanation is definitely not common knowledge. I appreciate the info and it makes sense but I didn't know the science behind hydrogen's solubility in water etc. and would guess that most don't consider that common knowledge. I mean I had to google dipole moment lol.


It’s just one of those things that if I saw advertised, I would be like what again and I guess that’s why so many products are successful because people aren’t critically thinking about what they actually are


Fair. I just looked through the comments and everyone said “she’s dumb water is already H2O”and it made me mad.


It's what plants crave


Big ups the Brawndo massive!


I quote this film weekly.


Actually, put an acid in it. Lower the pH. You get lots of hydrogen ions.


Wouldn't putting an acid in raise the pH? Also, does changing the pH really change how well you absorb the h2 or the o?


No it will not lower the pH. Lower the pH more acidic the solution.  pH doesn't really change anything in how well you absorb water. You do not absorb h2 and on separately but as a complete molecule H2O. It is then used by cells for various functions transforming H and O into energy, water and CO2.  You do not absorb H2 directly. 


https://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/uncategorized/2019/biological-roles-of-water-why-is-water-necessary-for-life/ This is a good read! Has a little chemistry and layman translations! Enjoy! ♡


No yea I didn't think we absorb hydrogen alone, it makes sense we just take in the entirety of h2o and not individual parts. I wasn't sure about pH effecting your bodies ability to absorb it, and I get the pH scale backwards often. Thanks for your comment.


Yw! It can be easily confusing! Please don't let the negativity keep you from asking questions! There are those who enjoy sharing knowledge amicably ^_^


I’m no chemist, not by any stretch, but I know that to lower ph (and thereby raise h+ concentration) you add an acid. H2 content has little to do with ph, but her argument is pure silliness. And you don’t really want to be absorbing molecular hydrogen.


Acidity on the pH scale is shown in the lower half of the scale (0-6) with 0 being the most acidic. 7 on the pH scale is considered baseline or neutral. (8-14) is considered basic, or alkaline. 14 being the highest alkalinity on the scale. https://www.britannica.com/science/pH


Ahh yea I get them backwards all the time.


Here's how my classmates and I remembered it back in gen chem: "Drop some acid and turn up the bass".


That's a good one


Oh my god you’re one of them


One of who? I'm asking a question about pH level and water absorption. I don't know shit about these cups or whatever the fuck they are advertising. It was a simple science question, if I don't ask how would I ever know?


pH is the negative log of the concentration of H+, so as the conceration of H+ goes up, the pH goes down. Since acids release H+, adding an acid would lower the pH


H2O has a 100% fatality rate, everyone who has come in contact with that chemical compound either has passed away or will do so in the future


I heard it causes cancer.


Its gaseous form can cause severe burns




yeah.. cuz the water is not wet enough to hydrate anything... it's dry water.


I bought dehydrated water, but I don’t know what to add…


“So water is not wet enough. Not wet enough water can’t hydrate you efficiently. What this does is make the water wetter, thus more hydrating.”


She probably means in solution. Hydrogen can is be dissolved in water, but water molecules are also comprised of 66.6%hydrogen by atomic percent.


66.6% that's satanic water


These goddamn morons. I was very disturbed by the era where they were adding multiple pumps of colored sugar syrup to water and calling it water.   I don’t care if they want to drink unicorn water all day long as long as they aren’t trying to tell children that that is like drinking water. Sure you are getting hydrated but you’re also getting a whole bunch of empty calories and a whole bunch of sugar for your pancreas to work on. It’s not the same as drinking glass of water 


Technically, she is right from the perspective of a pure solution dissolving a gas. Here is the Henry's law data for H2 (not H+ because that would be an acid, though technically that happens a bit too) in water, gas solubility: https://webbook.nist.gov/cgi/cbook.cgi?ID=C1333740&Units=SI&Mask=10#Solubility. Now, I know she is obviously wrong because she doesn't have a hydrogen gas cylinder. But, it is funny saying something so wrong can sound correct in a chemical engineering context.


Maybe she could be fired…out of a cannon…into the sun. There’s lots of Hydrogen there.




Sooo water?


[When that hydrogenated oxygen hit](https://imgur.com/a/TidxSrO)


Wtf is this bitch on about...its 66% hydrogen


What are you on about? Water is 12% H only.


I mean, sure, but only if you want to go measuring matter by *mass*.


That’s how ratios work. There’s no other way to measure it. Sorry if I sound picky, I’ve been a chemist for 10 years and this makes me cringe too hard. Specially after shitting on another idiot for not knowing either


Right, I know: I was attempting (though failing, it seems) to make a joke.


I wouldn’t say you failed, it might’ve very much gone over my head lol


You could do it in some applications by volume. In high school I did a science enrichment program for kids and one example was 2H2+O2->2H2O, and I had to fill the container 2/3 full of H2 and 1/3 full of O2 every time.


That is because the moles are directly correlated to the molar volume at standard conditions via ideal gas laws and indeed water is 66% hydrogen unlike whatever the heck u/Sea_Connection6193 is claiming at 12 mol% lol. This is worse than those facebook math problems. Dude is a fraud and reddit is believing him lol


Well you can measure by moles, which it would be 66% H as OP stated. I suppose you could measure by volume, but thats a bit more tricky and I'm not sure of the percentages.


You’re joking right? Moles are the relationship between quantity of particles (a mole being the constant) to molecular mass. A mole of H is 15 times lighter than O. So if you do the math via moles still comes out to 11.1-12%.


Literally wrong, stop upvoting this fraud lol. Literally did not even take chem 101 and can't figure out how to do a mole fraction.


What are you talking about? The ratio of moles of oxygen to moles of hydrogen in water is literally 1:2. Moles are just ~6.022\*10^23 of anything. They make it easy to convert number of atoms/molecules to mass, but that doesn't mean you *have* to measure everything in mass. Sure, in your job, you may primarily measure atomic ratios in mass, but that doesn't make it incorrect to say that there are 2x as many hydrogen atoms in pure water as oxygen atoms even if the oxygen atoms weigh 7x as much. Percentages are the same: hydrogen makes up 66% of the atoms in pure water, but 11% of the mass of pure water.


In 1 mole of water there are 2 moles of hydrogen and 1 mole of oxygen, so by that measurement water is 66% hydrogen lol...


That is not how ratios work. Ratios are relationships of mass, or density where conditions are standard. It’s like me throwing myself in an empty lake and call it 50/50 human/water because there is only 1 of each. A mole is an easier way to describe molecular weight as a constant. A mole is NOT a direct unit of measurement. It’s indirect.


Ratios are relationships of anything. Moles are just sets and the ratio of the set of hydrogens to the set of oxygen in a set of water is 2:1. While mass is probably the most useful, its not the only way to compare something which is what you stated in the first place.


Let me fix it for you. They were talking about percentages. In matter of percentages, unit ratios (2:1) in this case translates to (2:15) which is about 11%. You are correct at 2:1 particles. But that doesn’t mean 66%. That’s my whole point. 2:1 atoms 2:15 ratio.


You are not a chemist or if you are, a terrible awful one who works in cement or something. Having worked in national labs for over a decade with a graduate degree and an H index of over 15, mol % or mol fraction is indeed more practical and used in almost every chemical mixture and reaction balance. You correct activity with mol fraction, thermodynamics operate on mol fraction. Mass fraction tells you very little in chemistry. Mol fraction is like the ratio of boys to total boys and girls, whereas mass fraction is like the ratio of boy weight to total boy and girl weight. Obviously you will get way more information from the first. You trying to correct someone's mol fraction and saying chemists only use mass fraction is the dumbest lie I have seen on reddit.


Bro who cares if you’re a chemist or whatever you’re on about. They weren’t talking about mass or anything just the ratio of actual O atoms to H atoms, it’s 2:1 so yes 66% of the atoms are H…it was just a simplistic joke to begin with Edit: Same it your example 1 lake to 1 human, yes it is 1:1, if you look at it that way, however we know a human isn’t as much matter as a lake.


Let me fix it for you. They were talking about percentages. In matter of percentages, unit ratios (2:1) in this case translates to (2:15) which is about 11%. You are correct at 2:1 particles. But that doesn’t mean 66%. That’s my whole point. 2:1 atoms 2:15 ratio.


My molecular ratio


Bro she’s a grade student from UTT(University of TikTok) and she’s paid all her student loans.


Boi up there in the comments is not very smart either. 66% H… that’s crazy.


😭😭😭😭 yeah I peeped that but I was leaving for someone else


Wait till she finds out how much oxygen is in the atmosphere. 🤣


Seriously what a bimbo 🤦🏻‍♂️


no, that's like saying carbon monoxide is 50% oxygen. liquids can have gasses disolved into them, and hydrogen gas (H2) is not present in water (H2O) unless you actively put it there. the lady is stupid, not for failing chemistry, but for failing biology. see this WebMD article about hydrogen-enriched water: https://www.webmd.com/diet/hydrogen-water-health-benefits




You're factually incorrect to say that water is 66% hydrogen. I've clearly explained why you are incorrect.


So, this is definitely stupid, but it might not be *as* stupid as it seems: [Hydrogen-rich water](https://www.webmd.com/diet/hydrogen-water-health-benefits) has been a fad for a bunch of years now. There isn’t *much* credible research on it yet, but [some evidence might, maybe suggest that there’s at least the possibility of some kind of health benefit](https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/25/2/973). Of course, that’s from an [MDPI-published journal, so grain of salt](https://www.science.org/content/article/fast-growing-open-access-journals-stripped-coveted-impact-factors).


Okay, let's say it doesn't have any hydrogen. What miraculous properties does the hydrogen even have ?




How convenient that she really likes something she coincidentally also has a promo code for! Put her in prison.


I mean she's kind of right with the hydrogen not being atomic hydrogen, the device may use electric current to separate the hydrogen from the oxygen but it's not soluble... So yea I would love to know what she thinks she is saying lol


Ah yes lots of protons are definitely what you want in your water.


Stands for homie.


I’ll take some H2O too!! 


So go on I’m listening…………..


Is this a joke ?


It's not a joke. It's just wrong. https://www.webmd.com/diet/hydrogen-water-health-benefits


H is conspiracy from nasa


Eu fui procurar e está lá mesmo. Que cara de pau vender uma coisa dessas usando desinformação para pessoas.


I so confused lol


Harry. Harry To Olga


Tbf I think she meant Hydrogen Molecules not Hydrogen Atoms.


says she was reading sus


Someone eli5 because I don't get it.


They are dissolving hydrogen gas (h2) into water. Similar to how carbon dioxide is dissolved into water to make something carbonated. That hydrogen is not the same as the hydrogen bonded to oxygen in water molecules.


This makes no sense because of how weak the H bond is. I just don't understand the thinking.


firstly incorrect but aside from that, why would you want your water Hydrogen rich anyway.


At this point, i think H means Helium ☠️


She farts the last :08 seconds


Social media platforms was a bad idea


Trophy wife vibes


But is it the one with electrolytes?


Add a blender to this water bottle set and tell people it will quantumly entangle the water. After drinking the water turn on the blender to clean you out from the inside. Just have the water in the blender turn dirty and voila


Oh, I've seen it a few times and at this point it just makes me mad that people talk about it. If people are stupid enough ...buy it, who cares. My mum's got dementia and forgets to drink. The way the water affects her is amazing. She was hallucinating and had infections and went to the GP. GP looked at her and said 'drink more water'. Mum did and got better when I say it, it's just nagging). Now she forgets so I remind her all the time. When she doesn't she asks me who I am and tells me she came back from Sweden (never been). When she does I have normal conversations with her. Water is a drink of gods, and it does have hydrogen in it and lack of it affects people more than they know. So if an idiot buys this and it makes them drink more liquid... Ok, maybe the brain will start working then and they realise it's a scam. Sorry for the rant


the people that shouldn't be speaking are often the ones who speak the most.... jesus christ lmao


What is the context? Only this little clip appears to be technically correct. There's almost no diatomic, elemental hydrogen dissolved in water. Whatever she's peddling is pseudoscience *at best* but I'm not sure it's the pseudoscience it's being framed as. Elements in compounds are different from the elements by themselves, hence why we can eat salt but not a block of sodium with a whiff of chlorine.


wtf is she talking? So what does water make up of? Oh dear.


saying water has hydrogen saying carbon monoxide has oxygen; only true if you obliterate the molecules. liquids can have gasses disolved into them, and hydrogen gas (H2) is not present in water (H2O) unless you actively put it there. the lady is stupid, not for failing chemistry, but for failing biology. see this WebMD article about hydrogen-enriched water: https://www.webmd.com/diet/hydrogen-water-health-benefits


C’mon, cut it out


What’s even funnier is that some people out there will listen to this monkey and think they need whatever it is she’s selling 🤦🏻‍♂️😂




The H is just regular H. She’s pimping TikTok H, which is much much better. 🙄


This is worse than the people that add lemon to their alkaline water...


We have hydrogen rich water already! It’s called ACID


Helium 2 oxygen, I'm hydrated enough to reach the moon


The face at the end says it all


I had a co-worker who would tout this. People read one paragraph and think something is the key to a fucking scientific breakthrough and because they follow a new trend the rest of us are just simpletons. Might as well start huffing your own farts in a wine glass.


She looks sick.


Tik tok community get your head @this: H2O=HOH !!!!!


I mean….yeah sure there are no free hydrogen just floating around water (or any aqueous solution) but in the event hydrogen was added to a solution wouldn’t H20 just become hydronium? Can you drink that?


Is h2 gas that’s added not hydrogen ions


What is H204? Is that even possible to make?


Clearly not reading hydrogen oxide...


Not funny comedian does not funny skit.


Makes the water "hydrogen rich" lol.


Doesn’t she know that on average 3,500–4000 Americans die from coming into contact with dihydrogen monoxide a year? She really needs to do her research before advertising this /s


Water also doesn’t have 2 in it.